1 lVlV'J'"ViVw:'''.'..". .Suhtccl te Chaste) Monday, March . I9n3 ?T5MAN5 114, . k - T'fJ- Frogmanf Misses Boat BLACKWOOD on r pHONl! 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER PEADUNE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 tM. DAY PREVIOUS by EASLEY BLACKWOOD You May Have To Sacrifice SEATTLE (AP)-rA Wiscoruln dairy hand who aaid he was anmoua to fiKht In Korea, donned a "frogman" outfit and swagi out Into Elliot Bay here searching for a Korea-bound transport he could board. But Francle A. Wanner, 23 of Milwaukee, wa foreed from ihe bay after 45 minutes by the coldness of the water and leaH in his uit. As he climbed out at the port of embarkation he wa spotted by a civilian guard and turned over to police. StU'U man" he "'' telted later" "i ve tried to re-eniist in the VZi'J, 7 fk4m - I thought that if I -could eet on I a troopship I could mix with the! other men and get to the front- Extra Trick In timing the play of a times necessary to give up extra trick-In toda-v's deal- Mr- Masters -got the king ot clubs opening and he won with the ace. There was only one card in his hand which 'was the correct lead . , . at. trick two. VV nich WOllld you have iel ? The general situation lllus-1 III NirS I'LICMINAI.K Save Money On Your Advertising 10 DISCOUNT On All CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISING PAID IN ADVANCE. 1 ! THE DAILY NEWS ACT NOW! Expert many magazine prices io advance Henri UK- i refundable I fur publication Il.sl All ttlltucrlntinnit must be In mail by March 12 j HiKkv act today amji Sines in Korea and convince theltrated in this hand occurs fairly army that I can be a good sol-i frequently - and therefore it flier." might be helpful to follow thej He said he had served In both' reasoning of a player like Mr.; the army and navy and received Masttl"s- j discharges for reasons he said he One line of play was to go j brought on himself. (Over to dummy with a heart to: HU "Frogman" outfit .' bouirht lhe .kin5 and return the jack of; RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Klloeycles fOTTDAT 4 jl The Pobble Prom Pluto 4:45 CBC Newa. Wrather Heport 4 56 Block Wuotatlliua Int. Commentary )& Rawhide 6 ao Now I Auk You 'IM iiper ttermao. 6 4a ftmn-y BurnfitUt ftnoW 7 00 (BC Wewa 7 IV-CBC Krwi Roundup 7 :3 Recital I do Red croaa 8ho S.15 tm; BympLuuy Orrh. :00 National harm H.i'llo F'TUrn t an Hfrn i Ji. lit u! 10 :00 CBC Mm llclll .'BC Rewa 10 I Provincial Affairs CC.P 11 (in Mumc till MidulKht 12 00 Uln fHt Anu tl. r AM. 7 00 B C, PlRlw-rmen'a Itroadraat 7 15 Mimical ;iik 7:to-cnc- Neva: Wi-ailier Report 7 JlV Musical (.'lock 00- B(J Ncm t lO-Hnt'l Bill Oood a 16 Morning Hung 8 ao Miirruni: Ijvoilona t 46 Little Corxrrt 8 00 fiBC Hea and Commentary 8.15 Mualcal Varieties a t i lute blfmnl 0:00 Mornlni: Vlalt io i 'Kiurr the Purple Bn:'1 j m - nT.,. uj.i,'. 10 4ft MuMcal Kllrnen '""- KintltrBurten or the Air II l.'i H'junaou lime u o- Weather lfort 11 l Musaiic Ivrijsl . -O Jr llit.. 11:45 h'-aiidiimvlun Ut:l)0 PM 11 00 MUl-dnt Melodle I 13 16-4 BJ: Ni wm a-i--,.!rm Re-nm. j 13 10 B c l-arm ISluudca-it ! a AS- P.-c. Int. I 00 -1 he I .ncrrt Hour t 00 -Be (k-ruol Bruadcatt 2'-iii Prehemtna. . . . 3 45 Women In Hard Hutc S 00 Rrardu lor YuU Model Train Help WINNIPEO (CP)-A fine model railroad system In the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Lytic Is doing 1U bit for relief of flood victims In Europe. Persons who tome to see it In operation do nated more than $50 in one ' wwk. from war aurplua ...--I... stores here. . , police said, consisted of water-1 jMbt. rubber flippers" on his lub and tnc are of diamond, ' leca. a bathing face cap, mw;The ,05jn hf,art ,n tne .h: .and a sweat shirt. He hadfcand could discarded on; smeared two pounds of lard over, dummy's diamonds. hli client and arms. But blowing this same line.; He had Inflated a rubber inner suppose Mr. Meek had the kini; to Good Timing hand properly, it is some the chance of making an South dealer Both sides valnrafc'c 'rth (Mr llianipli.ii) 6 J 10 5 Si A K 4 d q i io 4 a c s tt f:.-ii Olr. Meek) ( Vlr. Ahel) S K 7 4 S 8 2 H Q .1 10 3 H 7 4 D 7 5 D A 8 C K 4 J ! C 10 Mil w.iit h (Mr. MMeri.) fi A H 0 6 & D K 2 C A 7 The blddmi;: g111 West North PS48 2 4 2 s Pnsa 33 Pasa 4 s All pass . W ltl. .t objlire in mind -,d don .0l sPas ."r "eek wo , th. , , r t. 1 icu a "" ""T lea.a .neart- But now masters naa time to pics up the remaining trump, knock .out the ace of diamonds and enter dummy with the second heart honor to reach the good .diamonds anH park his logins leart. ELLIS Am Prince Rupert to KETCHIKAN tube which he pushed in from, of; him and on it floated a duffle bag, with provisions for 24 to 48 hours and dry clothing and , .u.r. 1 1 i A hooke aald he planned to use to board a hip. a trench knife and a bo-o knife. He loSC hls ! .flashlight when It sank. HAVE. TRU-VALUE MAIL FOR REST Sleeping room. Ap-ORDi-.R l pt a Box tn. ; P'y 1W0 th West. (58pl "But my pant began to leak,")ln winnlng only nlne trlcks on he t.d officers. 'My legs got , ,he hand He was onIy s!1)jhtiv numb anI knew I would have to, more interested In taking 11 get out or ine waUr." i tricks.-His prime interest was in Police held him without; making sure he took 10. rnnce Itujiert. B t. Mtpi THE ELECTRICIAN D Guvalt 1 niiv4 I It t tl It HI -o.urs !4'i 6th Ave West j Phone Red 165. i))2l i i.'JF.W and Shvc Week. Simplicity putternt and m wins notions lit TIIK VARIITV liTliBl' SPORTS ROUND-UP Hy T.AYLE TALBOT 'I l61lt" r- .( mi t'l.iAl. .-.l.tciiiitery Co 1.1m- lt (i, ii' triliutori fur: Mining, flaw-null. U'.'i'in! nnd Con-tr;tctnrs' FniiiMii nt Inrjiur-I. -h mv.lcd tlranviile :,I.hk1, Vancouver 1. BC. (tfl AOrVTTi fr Canadian I.lijuid Air Co. Ltd . fur oxvi'rn, sccty-l ne and till welding supplies. UlKlxtiv's C:irt;tre Ac Ktoraue tv Ltd phone fit. (c) MAOAZIVKS, rsoveltlej, Eddie's Ne .- Ft nd Id DIGEST hJzktrp BROILED PISH IS A STREAMSIDE TREAT . 5 L 3 -7 W'RE BIS TROUT OB NON-FATTV FISH THAT APE CU6AMEO, 6 AIT JC fir-tKj c beUl HALVES OP A SHORT tOS. LEAN THEE ' AGAINST A FALLEN ICi OR Ror.K" Build fire cloc enough to COOK BUT MOT BURN FISH. YOU CAN CONTINUE TO FISH WHILE IT COOKS. FISH APE USuAU-y DONE WHEN THE FIRE BURNS DOWN. IMPALE OR WIRE SfltALL FISH ONTO GREEN STICKS STUCK in GROONO. ' i The Suez canal .stretching :03 'miles from the MetJiterranean to ' the Red sea w;.- opened in li 9. m ,1- 1 dining: pleasure in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS - Commodore Cafe PHONE 266 IS with connscf ions to professional ' JOHN H. BUL GER 'Ir N ' s - !- - OploMrtrisi 'lhirc? Avenue t John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, p.C. CHIROPRACTOR i Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 2" Besner Binck ' Phone B'.ue 442 ! H. G. HtLGERSON - LIMITED '. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 By CHIC YOUNG " Tl'CCAV A : IT....: IliVUUil. VI U.. 1 14 V 1 of 31, Bobby Feller , has . : J i 'iiuiigs 0 u iitLic tajiier a ne son of pitching for Cleveland Indians The old Van Meter. Ia. Pro,1 has quit running acrosa the out- field for hours on end and he Is NEARLY evryhod uses H9. FOR BALK FOB. SALE Wine bcd-cheater-i Ili ld. Red 183. flap i FOR SALE One lighting plant, 3 000 watts. One year old. Apply George Brown, Skidegaw. i62p , i rOR BALE Norge electric stove and Hot point refrigerator. '"th practically new. Phone i 261. 5n j FOR SALE Parrot. A good home wanted. What offer-? i C I rei n !H8 . I5U W'ANTI'll CASH FOR fierap: enpK-r. brass. batter)e. r.uiiatorii. Phone 543 CUI1 631 C!M Ave West (cl WANTKD Boat, 14 ft. to 18 ft. Write Box 630. Dally News. f8pi FiK KF.NT FOR RUNT Two lurnbhed rooms, reasonable. 407 7thi Ave. West. I58p) ' bcm , .1 ' r.iv nr..i rumiswa llKni j houackeepinij room. 1531 8ee- ; ond OverkxiK, (ilipi i . I FOR RKNT One lnre light housekeeping: room, furnished Kulte 2. Levin Apts. (ltpl KINOEK !:EWINO CENTRE rent! nortaole machines. Pbonel I til. ROOM for Rent 722 Thompson St. (62) FOR RFNT -Blue - Room. close In. 602. I58t ROOM FOR RENT Red 471 (59) FOR RENT Two room apartment. Men only. 743 9th We.tt (39pl WWTFD TO REST lr-' 1 J tr-rii i louse. Eltm 331. )58pl WANTED TO RENT Three- or four-room house or suite. partly furnished. Box 626. ! I)nily News. t62pl WANTED TO RENT Small hm.J house nr or niilot quiet anarlmnnl apartment V by i rouple Permanent residents Box 6.8. Dally News. (57p) .....,V.. A MTrrt Trt DI VT IT. ... i.ix-ri)m house immediately, -. vimy News. toiipM work wAvrrn VOfJNG MAN with high school education reouires termanent entpliiVment Immediately. Box 624. Dally News I57p REAL ESTATE PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. Real Estate and Insurance Now located at 345 THIRD AVE. W. (Next to Style Barber Shop) PHONE 301 Are You Fully Covered Against, Fire? (c) FOR SALE ijlew !ngl bedwoai house, lanfe cabinet kirehen. comfortable livingroom, modern bathroom. Storage basement. Fibreglaxs insulation throughout. Hardwood floors. Duraid roof. Two lots. Priced for quick sale. 324 Sherbrooke. (62p) FOR SALE 1'- lots on Ambrose Ave. Cleared, harbor view Phone Red 198. 57p) FOR SALE Exchange Block, corner Third Ave. and Sixth St., 50 x 100. Business block ground floor, six apartments upstairs, also large basement. New automatic oil furnace. Immediate possession. Full price $35,000; $15 000 down, terms on balance. W. Ourvlch, phone 281, Royal Hotel. (6flp) Prince Rupert Realty Offers for Sale Wartime four on First Overlook. This desirable home has a full concrete basement with central heating. Included In price is oil range ond heater. Lovely view of the harbor. Five-room house on 7th fast. 2 blocks from McBrlde St., situated on a 3-lot corner, all cleared and In garden. See P. H. Ltnzey, Phone 301. (57) FOR SALE Handyman's special, nearly finished house. Move In and finish it. $1,000 cash will handle. T. Norton Youngs, Real Estate- and Insurance. Phones 451 nnd 647. (57) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax apeeinllst R O. Furk. Stone Bulldinir. Fed 593. (lOml BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Batterv Shop, 234 East 3rd Ave. Prions Blurt Yit. Repairs, reehanrlng and rtthulld Ing. Work guaranted. (c) ('la' ,ifu'd Katt'H U.c 4 I' ill. "'I I"1 u, ,,.,!!. -ation. 3 nil's I""'' P'r ., minimum 'Marge 40 f-n-s: Cards l, 1-1 link. Ixaih Notices. Marriage nnd Announcements, ,;.,, .,y (limbic price. Jt : amis ,j a ii'T-l re.ipuiiM- i i i ,,.,ili'-'i ails Inserted ! ! . V ,.i.U: r !!! notification i-.s :u'! f.rr,,!-. I rc'Clvi'U Ulllllll s ,,f !ni mvrtion. ,HTM SOI ICR IS Al Prim e Rupert. i'inrf.'V. March 8. rM. f iv'p w& three years, (ijueliiir "f Mr unit p ni"H Futs'-rul serv-.,.,1,.,,). 2 pm. B.C k, , , in riuti-t of r-.,.!.- ttp) III VI II M1 1( t J ;m I-otlie Brinim j a:,v M.irrh 3, 1953, , riLl:)""'' tit icjV'H wife A lJ.irkir. of 3463 . n v.iii' ..ir. cr BC, in 1 .''arvivid also by j da.iKl.ter Cora Eve-r' parent-. Mr and Mr, id. fn-jr Mt-rs. Mrs O. n Prince Rupert. B C. i fr.iii;! Mratin. Tunl GmI'uii rirsun. a!! In wr F s n r.i! service held , a! 2 ) n; in Simons and Fi :ai cliKtT l. ISroad-' M .pi- St . R-v D .1 .'Li ; itmu Interment In i '.,.!). Mountain View v VjtK'iuvf r. dtp) WMH N I'M I NTS i r .r-' ') .!ti( March 4 1 M . i Tr.nl Concert, j .v M.f h II. ' ll'X.I te; nnd j !'-. M..r.h 12. i p.irty. March I i rt. IliHith March 13 ..iid I'rof. -r lona! I .' IHHI.il c:ird 'it In.iuii Hill, ' n i t f rt tc:i ill P T card prirty. j ! n A iiii:iry Spring fiaip, ' "hibtli'tn. Ilii-h Sihool m. March afler-ri rt i vi Hint'. 1 P-TA W-.it(. Kj-I" 'i.e. M.in li L'H i 'mit'liters Easier tea Apr U 2. Centre Hoi.liV how. Tll-l..y and Wedncs- ill 8 ;ittd 8. itti' Cathedrai bazaar t. Aptil 9 U-r-un spring sale t Miry Ch:.iter dllffodll Opting Il.i:iar, lurple .spnnjj bazaar nt '" ;)n! 23. Oukk' Atxociation tea. SSffi-t fvlnw,!. May 2. 1- 6az4iar. M ay e. iy Church 7. VV A. Spring j n Auxiliary Tm anrt " May 13. ti si:,r tea. May 14. ,lr 'I. Moose Temple. May 20. Ul. June 4. 'f-Rsonal' r f'nir rl issifted ad in this H the economical six rate, la WorHu r... a a,. " '"" toil- tl Z s' r'"isecutlve dnvs :4 rrirmiH,r ad-just rail Oailv k SS l'I RS0NA.s nea !l!8 or Black 715 (57p) oil heat- e.i, "'""'I Work. Ph,,n. -iii i n .l ... ln... ""u oin West. I (c) '"D El, eclrlp.,l ,....,. red. r,,w'ind and (tfl Life L :lff" 01 fnada. ""nee counsel. 171) TliOl, '"ii.ii: v"1 CLEANER f,ir Part. 1 IIOIIB 111,,. nHltaJh,rvi,. (C) L' K, umoenng up rm lamous ngni his nth one-hitter during the erm by easy stages. The former ;carnpaign an all.time hign terror of the exhibition circuit some of the zip has gone from Is pointing himself for the sta-t h-, fast ball, but his curve of the real race, and there is!and s!lder stlll are terrors. I strong feeling in the Indian! , " n-' 1ot camp that Bob la going to make P?"? t 1 a fine comeback afW his dis-l p01 . ,bf . , . . when I came up, Feller said. appointing a 8-13 ii record of iast , . , ' r u 1 had They re wrong. a real fpaaes wr a iinesse. ii Mr. Aoei B ui i ef spades. He would win with that card, cash a club and lead a second round of hearts, i knocking out dummy's la.t hparf strtrtrur Tn this o'ica thai defenders would have a heart l" up while they still had the ace of, diamonds and ir. .Masters wouia rje aown one. He was not at all interested Smythe Keeps I Shuttle Crown TORONTO ? Don Smythe of Toronto, Canada's top shuttle player, won the Canadian men's sinoles crown Raturdav for the thirrt ennprntive vpnr hv defeats , ' -' , ''rig Cord Simpson ot Montreal a, the Dominion badminton eha mninnsihins here. : t Marge Marv Shell Shell won won the women's singles title for the first time by vanquishing Vancouver's Lois Reid. winner of the award In 195C. 11-4, 11-3. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 177 BEST OF FOStew-Fl NEST OF CC"" -ets and FOR TAKE Ol for Phone 2u"eplace Broadway Lrfi !. I V I 1 inCWl II 65 - Tali lioKl.iam H aal vllia4 k tm Llaa Caanl laanl at kv Aa 0 tMm Croatia, . " WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED - COMFORT- SAFETY SEE TOIR LOCAL TR AVEL AGENT ' igood curve fum the start. "Along about here a man who though it got better later on. has thrown as many baseball as ( t mjgnt I have doesn t feel as fresh and know tnat m n m6 res od the next day as he used;the , ,t k , , s taw Winnlngest ! the slider. I got more strikes pitcher r said. wltn it lhan wjth eaher thff He hiu to begin to conserve curve or fast baU. It broke only himself a little. But I feel I've ! a very little, but I threw it very got several more good years to j fast and wasn't afraid to go for charge for questioning and mill tary authorities also talked with him. V, ..: 1 1 V dttdllltTU LUC JI1IC dl'.C , . , decided Its time he takes e im prtrpartra 1 lur nis loin ea - (Iagt afion was not M 8S it looks on paper. He chalked up j tne corners wltn It on any pitch." .STOCKS JohnMon Co. 1.14. )m . TORONTO Athona Aumaque ,. Beveourt Buffalo Canadian Con. Smelters .29. 50 Donalda F.ldona Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hairlcana Heva Gold 08 Duvex 49 Juliet Quebec .30 Uttle Long Lac .70 Lynx .12", Madsen Red Lake .. 1.55 McKenzle Red Lake .33 Moneta 49 NegiA ?.... 20 Noranda 77.00 Louvicourt 18'4 Pickle Crow 1.43 Petrol Oil It Gas 53 Sherrit Gordon 5.15 Steep Rock 8 20 Silver Miller 90 Sweet Oras 63 Golden Manitou ?.80 BLONDIE ELMEP. VrVMAT AQB VOL) DOING SO I FPOM HOME i ARE ' LOST j ii Bus uiess Cf DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business.- forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Givi as your mailing list We do the rest. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofir.g 215-lst eve. W. ..Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less . Phone Blue 939 j PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 989 LOST M HH .VB FOCND Child's Cf'M tricycle, tti'ti g;h hast. Phone Green 236. (57 HHP WANT!'.!) MALE WANTED A man to start his own btislnevs. Almott no money required Si-wing machine ex-rx-nence helpful but not pswnMai. Reply to Box Daily News. 65l WANTFD-18 miners. SI 55; one electrician, $1 63: one auto-mechanlc, $1 ;5: two hltst hole diamond drillers, tl 55; six iindergrmind laborers. $1 35; for Tul.sequnh Mine Apply Consolidated Mining & Knelling Co. office, Wallace It'iildlng. (fill "help want I Zl f m VLt. .. , , , . ..... , 4i-.-:j WAITFf.,S3 W.lllled Tor lli-ri"" Cafe, Smithers, B C. (621 ( KS lR SALE FOR RALE Privately owned 1!II8 Nash sednn equipped with overdrive. Bodv and motor excentionul. Rensonablv nriced Terms available. May be sec n at Rupert Motor (57p) FOR RALE "MOBRO" trnller-halibutter. 44" X 12'2", two venrs old. Powered with Onrd- ner dlesel. 48 HP. His 17 skates of halibut pesr, Ekolile sunder, direction finder, rudlo telephone. Apply 407 E. 4th Ave. Vancouver, nc t62i FYiR RALE '51 Chev sedan, radio, heater, pink slio and licence, a real trood buv nt Itt.OOn. Applv C. R. Jetter. Sourdough Buy. I57p) BOATS FR FALR FOr'rALE 18 ft" boat." new. "52 Gray engine. Very reasonable. Write Mis. M. O. Lee. Terrice. BC. (62p FOr'salE 34""tt7" UollcrTA-I condition. Phone Blue 054 PO. Box 501. (62p) FOR SALE FOR SALE While Fawcett oil burner. S7500: fl-piece walnut diningroom suite. SfiOOO. B"(h In good condition. Phone TMiip 734. (5Rp) FOR RALE Wick burner oil ranees eomnlrtp with coll nnd fittings, $2500. Phone Blue 242. 1 57 1 FOOTHILLS (wntlrssl ennl Phone (151. rhilpott, Fvltt Co. Lid. (c) FOR RALE 3 II P. Waener eleetric motor, sinele pIvtKe, 110 or ?20 volts. $50 00. P.O. Box 225. (67) I g. me nun ofi great. - Actually, Feller's performance TODAY'S jaa)( raurtrov A, II, VANCOUVER American Standard . .20 Bralorne 470 B. R. X .03 Cariboo Quarts 1.30 Congress .08 Cronin Bablne . .14 Giant Msiscot .se Indian .101, Pioneer 1.J5 Privateer cs Reeves McDonald 260 Rheep Creek 80 Silbak Premier .20 Vananda Spud Valley 04 i Silver Standard 1.25 Dorreen 29 Oils Aiwlo Canadian 6 80 A. P. Con 35 Calmont I.S5 Central Leduc $75 Home Oil 10.15 Mercury .20 Okalta 185 Pacific Pete 11.50 Royal Canadian .18 More than 60 per cent ot the world's telephones are in North America. TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Long Distance CRATINO and PACKINO Furniture Movers FITRNITURE STORAGH Household Effect Moved-to or from 'any point in B 0. Phone 95G First Ave. and MeBrld e) Not Financially Distressed VOUB HOUSE IS FOUB etOCkS THAT WAV. . THEN TU(?N RltMT AT THE MONUMENT 7 ,K THEN LEFT THRtE STREETS Ol HE'LL NEVER GET 1 llT WA9 ON GOVERNMENT T - ( HOME BV HIMSELF) TIME. SO I HAD TO tJ- ILL HAVE TO -r-- ., PUT SOME. ' H PV, TAKE HIM ,V .SSA STAMPS I Lo 0m Jmfi Yai fiL ' i ) ' r-'-il h t aML