Pr'nce Rupert Daiiy New Tnursday, January 10, 1952 More Join In Prayer LEEDS, Fngland CT Opposing severe sentences on youthful reaoers ! criminals. Magistrate Ralph Cle- -4 I 8TAMFORD, Rutland, England worth said ..j beiieve that If the Art Club meeting resumes Rev. J. E. Harris of Vancouver, t wnen a canaaian DaDy was Viiiel (donees! tri i i firs. or nan ilc c-Larijir Lilian spi-ciai speaner at me Minis- i "" iw. umpiuu, : terial officials made such fuss the atelv treating him leniently, tt Association's week of inter- a gons of Norway weekly whist denominational prayer meetings,! father hardly had a look-in. will encourage him to regain his diive and d-ance beginning 'Fri- last night broadened out his d!s-j Attendants brought boxes of self-respect." day, January 11. (9c I courses on Prayer and prayer-1 flowers, with Stamford's com- life by raising the question of the 1 pliments, and the mayor himself sccpe of prayers. . ipaid a visit on mother and child.1 Head on Id t loija I sif ivii ij MURIEL NARRAWAY Mrs. Oeorge Morgan, as president, heads a new slate of nama:: ,, officers elected by the Sonla .A This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup He asked the congregation to1 WinS Cmclr- l- H- 8Pear' cmeI remember that prayer was two- I administrative officer nf the folr) if it "'as to follow tne pat-! KUAP base at nearby North Luf-. tern of the Lord's Prayer. It I fenham, was the proud father , should contain supplication and but iald tnere were 80 many, adorati -n Then sunnlication ! flowers around he didn't send Ladies' Aid Monday at the home 4. A" I f5 A V should again include confession of Mrs. Waller Ballonger. Other officers are: j Vice-President Mrs Eallcn- ! ger. Secretary Mrs. T. Mulhern . I Treasuier Mrs. A. Lunn ! , tiie spotlight veering to-1 is Hip most ri'U.'ing of the; ,1 i.idios, the suit - voiced j li-burii Duchess of Olou-1 r arr.iiiHcment gather speed uie Kind's recuperation i ,c u'. H.M S. VaiiRimrd, when! (jiict :i and perhaps Princess j ;. ii ! v, ill a-r,ompany him.i and more oificial engage-1 , at well as intercession and peti-I lne o0 wn'en weigneo i lion while adoration should take i Khtly over seven pounds on Mnto consideration God Himself.) arrival Dec. 9, is the first born here to personnel of the RCAF's Th The speaker C..,-, said ..Q,,i Surely it ,t Is i , , :, v,t i.i i, ,,,!, , , j, nj fcL i No. 1 fighter wing stationed j at Publicity Mrs. R. Kebber Sick Committee Mrs, h. Ml mm l WEE. The morllhly raffle was won ! He is able to give good things j that we require! Surely that is ! a poor type of adoration- Even 1 the finima) adores the master lull to Ihe lot ol the Uuile ; "" ' "'"" , "'"-" men is wt-ic ot-i v:u juiiuwiuK cTjnerai j North Lunennam. There are more than 500 airmen at the station, most of them with families. ; Mother of the first Canadian baby is the former Joyce Con- ; stance of Toronto. There are two .other children, Joanne 5 and and Uii -In .ss of Gloucester business. Dmhcss of Kent. us mean. more freedom p i..tT.M Elizabeth and the, gardens make It the who feeds him. We must adore God for what and who lit is in Himself." The speaker assured the con natural out-door Judith, 2'i years. this- . of Edinburgh,, now busily, background for :irii,! lor their spring tour.'amily. usiralia and New Zealand. ! In old tweeds and stout gloves FIRST EABY of 1052 was boinrio Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shore, 309 West Second Avenue, 8 p.m., January 3. Mrs. Shore is seen here holding 8-pound, 2-ounce Theresa Lynn in Prince Rupert General Hospital the day after birth. More than $75 in gifts were given to the first baby by local merchants. gregation that, "if you adore God in this manner, it will do wnat they have 40 say about tne need !or the replenishment of great things for your own soul. man's soul. An attentive and in- It will elevate your own existence, i it will give you a pride in being terened gathering was seen to the Du:hess helps hi the gardens and her sturdy sons do various farm chores. Keen horsemen sen'killv a family couple Duke and Duchess of Olou-,r arc 11! He i'i the limelight ; Ood s own child. i R?v. H. O. Olsen, pastor of St. rr r wr w be busy with note books and pensils taking home thoughts for private study. i cioriiiB the King's absence er since tiipy were old enough i public life, when the Duke j to mount, William and Richard eel, in" for His Majesty, it i: 1 re often seen In Ihe saddle. w:th a minimum of public-' Third daughter of ' the 7th And on all such occasion-!, ; Ea,i of Buwleucli, the Duches; tc Lm.-hess Is jii-escnt, thw 1 spen mu:h of her childhood in eveil. brown-haired i8dv 1 Scotland at Drumlanrtg Castle, cc-lebra'.-'d b"r 5Uth birthda'yj here her favorite hobby was .-turn Day, remains In the i taunting landscapes. She won a Local 1 i n BUILD QUICKLY WITH QUALITY-" Faul's Lutheran Church, led the meeting and re-affirmed the warmth of the welcome of his congregation to all visiting Christians. The Bible portion was read by Pastor L. A. Thorpe, who also led a period of extemporaneous prayer in which members of the d PERSONAL Y&P Don Forward is sailing tonight Norman Christiansen, assistant on the Prince George for a busl- manager of the Canadian Fish much praise from the critics when her work was given a personal showing In a London art nailery and one of her chief Joys is the fa:t that Prince Richard shows an apUtude for the brush. UONSETS ing Co. here, is sailing tonight on j congregation joined. y mid. i-c her marriage in 1935 to quiet, soidieiiy D'lke, the i...- has bi"n as aloof from as In Royal . Mother of two ion-;ir-oId Prince William and ness trip to Vancouver. The world'i most wieful buifd- meeting with prayer and bene- Am diction. The congregation is ' ided Stran Steel Buildings i ',' !! old I'rin-r i'.ishard clear ipant up to 40 and . her Cnqiislx '9 VaL I growing each night as interest mounts in the important matter of Prayer and its place in the . Phnct'nn life Rvnl v . pltrHt I ihj Prince George for a business Mrs. J. T. Kasper is sailing to- trip to Vancouver, night on the Prince George lor a trip to Vancouver. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lynum j arrived In the city on last Mrs. J. Mulder and Miss M. W. might's train from Terrace and Johnsem arrived in the city on wall be sailing tonight on the the Prince George yeusterday ! prince George for Vancouver to from Saskatchewan. They are ; attend a truck loggers' associa-on their way to Klncoiith on the tion convention iitiui.s much of 'hem. multiple Knits. Available now for immediate delivery. e-un n. nil rt. 11, I V 1 AMII.Y PfiYALClTV CANNED FOODS , ere present last night. i In the afternoon at First Pres- i byterian Church a Bible study Writer wife telephone today Keystone Industries Limited 2845 GRANDV'FW HIGHWAY ! class was conducted under the ; Maiis Kiver to take over duties as school teachers. By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Push buit? Vritpr LONDON. (CP) The latest Constable Albert Eyolfson, well j hip of Rev: Dr- E' known former Prince Rupert boy, DEnTfR 3700 VANCOUVER 12. B C. craze for warm nartv wear ' Harold Blancke. president of , now uiih trie Rnvai rnnaHi f.n Wright. Mr. Harris expounded I one hi heme of this WmUy is York House, iii Mi;l. red-brick 31. I'.ii.e . In this curlously-uiil-i i. liioned piece, with-. -.u:'j! H..1 willi most of lis .s !a in:; duelti-y on 1 :-!r-.t. the Dirhess par-rlv lavof.s a comfurtabl;, iiii 1 , iij;staiis si;.Linyr-v in i f the buys and tln-.r v nan 'd terriers are al- glamorous evening sweaters, j Columbia Co., George Mounted Police and stationed at ! antl tauBnt tne Scriptures and quilted ballerina skirts and 'hneide;, vice-president, and Dauphin, Manitoba, arrived homv draipd jersey gowns accentu-' party, following their two-day ; ye.uerday on the Prince George ates the need for a make-up that! visit here, will sail tonight by , 10i a visit with his parents, Mr. carries the look of warmth to: me rTince ueorge lor vancou- and Mrs. R. E. Eyolfson. Con- ver enroute back to New York. the face and neck. With summer tans a thinj of the past, women want a make-up foundation that Rive.s the glow i stable Eyolfson has been at i Daphin for the past year and for two years before was at Edmonton. He will spend ten days here and then visit Vancouver before returning to his post. ' '-ie- ll;r. Ii u.,'p rhe.sterfield, two w.-ed ca-y chair, and daik turn!' mis Is also the. J-lulvi Itrii'tifi ing look of healt hy cheeks whip- .in- roUixaium point of the Ped by frosty air. Prince Rupert E. Brazier, Victoria; Clay, J. L. Stevenson, " l SHOE SALS ' v C.e,i.,ioiially the boys: One answer may be a newi ii;i their model trains, plae- glamor tint by a well-known I ill r.i.U and stations acrucM London - firm. Cyclaxi. Thui Mc-i Lea.j Gin Yee, H. E. Kelly, G. Levas.i I; i"- ;iiie carpet. i comes in four shades ranging j ' :i pt - ble. the Glouceslcrs from cream to bronze velvet and ', o R:irnwi-! Manor. North- Is aDDlied bv ruttinir in. as with' M. W. Marlatt. W. G. Morrison,! R. M. Kincade, Mrs. Mulder,: Bernard Allen, J. Grant and Mr. j and Mrs MiiLShnll. Vnncnnvpr-' 1 t h e 1 r country a cream. I -mi is court, open-a.: An emollient nreDaration. it n. a ' u- is u i i.K P..-.I and beautilu. to eliminates the tendency 0(,0rge Schneider'and Mrs. Har-' I "streak" found in most liquid ;old Blancke. New York: InsDec- BABY'S COLDS, Help Nature To Fi?ht Them Off Mftirl ScKftat dcniwi thre 1 any uch ttiinv cure for c"M inly N;ttiir hrM-ir mn do it. S) when baify'a nittl.-s, or titutfy brfthing warn you of cold's prpwnw? onriHsrttU.' at one with Nature. S that baby t kept warm, grts pk-nlr of -Wp and takt extra care tliat the bowe! are thorimgriiy cleared f harmftl wimtet, To do this without upsetting baby's wihl ayBtra and further weaken ins; it, try Baly's Own Tablet. Mitd. yet art prmittly in gftlinx rid of irriuttinjf mate rial that make baliy retle48 and feverish. t)ne Nova Scoua Mother aays: "My baty of itl months cautrnt a naaty colli su I ti-ifd Hnby'a Own Tablets attd she threw thii eold off quirker than ever bvforw. I crrtaitilr am for baby'a Own Tb)i'U from Tiowon." KllWttve aiii in teeth int; troubles, cii i nation and uthe.r simple baby ills. Get ft packngs today at drufUres. SL'f. loundations. i tor w Olishnlm. J. Roivin nnd The result is what appears tot... ,and Mr. p. Ballard, citv: ! Ijlealth of (thilciren riday and Saturday Are the be a natural skin glow, achiev- j A j Brandstrom, Seattle; D. M ed in a few seconds where pre-; SneUey, Lebanon. Oregon; S. T. viously It took much time anu : Bcrg Sandspit; Miss K. M. Daycare. Women can also, if pre-1 les Xerrace; Mr. ann Mrs. Har-terred. leave the foundation un-old Lynlml, Terrace; S. S. Har-powdcrcd to give the shiny look ; pet Edmonton, that is a fashion fad of the min-: nportant orlty. In keeping with the trend towards greater warmth in the LAST TWO DAYS of Our I;.nr;m Black, medical 'h fiiiiriT, poke to mem-"I V,u Annunciation Home V pally looK is trie practice 01 ' Kchij.iS A.ssoclation irt! wrarinn a choker necklace of fur Daily Dipper January Clearance ! enipimsUjiig the re ; s- Hair accorations of ulk and 'i's of parents and to acticrs : ermine tails eaugh a, jewelled i 'i'aicl to the health oj the! stiive to create the i 'hild. (sume eliect. ' :;f'"VJ11 th,e lT?X pr2"iiW-OR SWEATERS J 11 bung started he said: , tvery cliiid .should have ' ln many casts mis is me.eiy G.E. -'WASHER v ai.d regular visits to the'3" ".sion, auoea w gicaimng and toe earlier the child1 01 brocade or floating the better the health in!tulle and lace- Many women' III.-.- Pre-school and Grade ! however, choose glamor o u s .ildren are -the tirit ron-eni sweaters from a selection that is iie a.-nial ouniimitee with a I belter th'3 'car thjn at 8ny kc ol 3 or $4 a year lor j time since the war. , t child. For parents who British sweaters now on the nut ailord this amount their j home market have stepped right i ii will be taken care ol ; out of the bobby-sox class into i Kfiui fund. j the world of women whose Jew- 'urmng to Ui health of thelelry is valued in the four-figure '1 eillid Dr Hitiek -(iiniinrp.-l Krri,.t,.f Amnim Kurh pxalllDleS Every Pair of WOMEN'S SHOES Going at Reduced Prices Sandals, Pumps, Loafers and Many Others fix What o difference, is riqht! The Daily Dipper is a small tub that fits riqht inside the tub of your G.F. washer which can be used for daily wash and the larqe tub for weekly wash. Uses only a fraction of the soap and hot water. G.E. Washer with Doily Dipper $ (JQ.50 Nor them 8. C Po ver Co. L td. Prince Rupert - Phone 210 Stewart. B.C. is the prinale sweater in DlacK with long sleeves and off-shoulder neckline trimmed by hand-sewn scalloped edging, worn with deep choker necklace and matching bracelet of diamonds. Anvthtne is possible in the "win Body mecliaiiisins to a "r vehicle which takers if e is laek of fuel or mechan-ueiivts. Explaining- that te;icii(.r all(j parellt must, he ' t" "b-erve carelully and ;1' a .iiuipie diagnosis, the Hi oilicer described symp- of "i' and physical -t'i'iieiitv He urged those -"t to report the defective 'til o anv child immorihitpiu latest sweater lines from one-shoulder Grecian effects to daring plunge necklines with jew-' elled bras gleaming under the Wallpaper i&Jh, Boys and: Children's Shoes Big Reductions in Men s Oxfords and ork Shoes proper authorities. In this draped plunge. With strapless sr noo hen th oorv ipb ! cn'-ritr an lihislnn nl warmm MIIS With thp narontc niH is provided by the use of moon I.h"i-s -will assure better and Uu, r children lor this coun- stones and other low-value jewels that give fire and color to embroidered necklines. 'rim See our complete new stock of wallpaper. Lovely designs, excellent B W BUCHANAN'S mm I ii . Bur - w a -5. quality. 5. i m REMEMBER - Saturday Is the Last Day FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. I Last year's stock at PRICE WHITi' SCOTCH WHISKY " Gordon & And Dinilled, Blended and Botll.d In Scotland Sold in 26H 01. bcttle. 7 ;i erson Ltd. Box 638 CHARLIE ROBERTS Phone 357 .'ilBIIIIIIIIIBNIIII'1 Phone 46 'Urol Koard nr h i,. nnn.rannt r Krilish Holumbia. hls a,1vertiscim-iit is not niililkhpri nr ilisnhived hv the Liquor