1 kows PRO' Tf WEAP IT 113 Quota 1K4 Tmii'l VI:;;?.:a. b. c. '5500 S,,h II. 4,iarH i :)fi 19.7 feet .t.lS 5 0 feet PROUDLY Local Headquarters N.B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Phone 210 . P.O. Box 333 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' PIUNCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS n pa n n mm km InliM VOL. XLHI, No. 53 """ ' " , , IL j n , - " " " ; iZSASd-. y-f i Com 1 I., Jt .. Reforms Introduced For Kenya S. AIR FORCE'S new supersonic delta-wing Interceptor, the F-102, as It literally ,,ff the nil strip at Edward Air Force Base, California, during ita flight test new jet plane Is designed to do Us job In any kind of weather. Fatal Drinking Party Described For Court A Crown" witness testified in police court here this morning that he was "concerned" over an injury suffered by a woman attending a party in his home last Feb. 12 but did-not seek medical aid. The woman, Violet Sampare. - . , . : died in hospital Feb. 18 and ! , was, j? senou(s- , Charles Robinson, 31-year-old i Wilson said he went to sleep aft" e woman was brought , in native fisherman, was charged i State Banks Plan Teenage Boy Shot to Death In Girl's Home NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) Britain today introduced top-level reforms in the colonial gov- Jed by 171-21 Vote Parliament does of Mr. Thatcher, who left the t ownership of chamber immediately before the with murder six days later after ! 0,,7 r . p i a coroner's Jury named him re SHAWINIGAN FALLS, Que. (f jines Buurasisa, is, was shot ; el'nment of strife-torn o'clock, at which time Robinson said he was going home to put on a fire. "I waited for him to come back. I figured she needed to go to the . SSSSU"' r to death Tuesday night In the sponsible for causing her death. He appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance today for preliminary hearing. tiered banns, voic, was noica Dy UDerai mem sweetheart' 1 Kenya, bringing non- to brine the bers w,tn the chant: "We want j home of his teen-age The girl's mother was hit in the; whites into the EOVem- ownershlo . mawner. Crown witness Lloyd E. Wilson. ; aid himself because cieeiaieo m ui "."""7-" : - -- r--v !mmt f ti. r:-.,. t-lrna 37, miner and fisherman, wasj tne Din lor aecenniat revision of out .was not senousiv nurt. v,iv- - 1.t ih T was waiting for Chuck." : i laa. : , . . . . the only one called to testify be-1 Colonial Secretary Oliver ,.ri,t those in lne Bal,K ACl DC st l asme w I Police said todny they are ' mtnalHnr rltl)liv numnrjhin nf u. .i.k. 1 i n ! I.VI i Iin nnnnnnppri t h mnvp iCCF eroUD OD- "'iiMuun wnnuuv tnarge 10-year- -' , 'ion uliieed be- u v 1 v " . unci m.vui ucraiu auci, io, wnom mcy iv fore the hearing was adjourned j CONCERNED ABOUT BRUISE to next Tuesday. j He told tne pr0Secutor that he He told of drinking beer in a ; sUEgested to Robinson twice downtown beer parlor with Rob- ' after his return about 5 a.m. inson, Violet Sampare, and ; that Violet Sampare eo to hos- i,v (TF leader mo"on was aeieaiea, tne legls-. described as Bourassa s rival f0rw,"l:" "' wiacspreaa env- - . la firm rfvftvH fnnH raortinn I ji, , i 4 lpi.sm in Rritain nnrl KpnVQ nf Evelyn Wesley, his common-law pital or a doctor and later under wife, on the afternoon of Feb. 12. fc-evise the Bank approval in principle, and was re-, Lcfebvre, 17. They said Abel the old colonial set-up. The rc- ferred to the Commons banking j walked into the municipal police. forms ca 11 for: 1. p .Th, : committee for detailed study. I station 15 minutes after the1 A council of ministers of L ''tnw. rr-nirpi ; Mr- Coldwell's motion was op-! shooting . two A.sians. one African and 13 Enni -Va. e6u- Pl by spokesmen for the Pro- Municipal officers quoted Col-1 "TT Th?,C0Un: 1 . re not ta the Srive Conservative and Social j otte as saying she stopped seeing! e a" ?,v'sor Mdy' lU or,k S.r Evel- tc e Tte me absence absence dlscussed Cr'dlt parties, by Llljerals but was not AW better" "because I like Ollles 'yn c'oily Barto- ,wilh also powor member. ' 1 A A "war pnnnril tn nnrsiip cross-examination by Gerry Pet-tenuzzo said he was "concerned before Charlie went home because I noticed the bruise was swelling up." Wilson said Robinson lifted Violet Sampare onto his shoulder to take her away and as far as he knew, they did not go to i Robinson's home in a taxi. BOUGHT WINE At approximately 4 o'clock that day, he told Crown Prosecutor T. W. Brown, QC", they decided to go to his Eighth Avenue NOT DI'.BATE SOCIALISM They said she told them Bour- wllh ..thc utmost vigor" the war ircrdft However, Finance Minister!"6 as b. B'r " . ' against the anti-while Mau home and Chuck brought a gallon of wine." swered a knock on the door of Mau tribal guerrillas. Abbott. In placing the lcgtsla- her home. Her mother, Mrs. . tion before the House, said pub- Posts The four drank the wine and He said he did not visit Rob-about the time it was finished inson during the npvt. t.n rinvs Be0 heard thc "hotj AFRICANS OBJECT lie ownership of banks Is "not , vrci Illogical" for those who believe!;"1 to the door and pushed; Representative, of Kenya's nor see Violet Sampare alive Evelyn Wesley passed out" and Violet Sampare said she was " " hi tun rTV nlillfwnitlMf K,it wivhc iihu i ucuiuum. i """" 5.500.000 Afr cans oh eeteri to nliiiinli rebel,. ,, ' ' . hit the older woman. again. (At the coroner's Inquest last 'going up town or home, I don t i having only one minister in the know which it was." PAt SHOWS HIS BEST toothpaste grin in order to display the new set of teeth he recently sprouted. About two years ago Pal, who Is now 18 years old, lost his choppers, and not having the benefit of a false set he was strictly a milk-and-Boup tomcat. Last month his owner. Mrs. Charles Dobbyn of Kalamazoo, Mich., noticed that Pal had started to grow a new set of teeth. "Very unusual," say the veterinarians. Maybe it was the milk that did it. Children Faint in Brisbane In Stampede to See Queen I Feb. 20, evidence dlscJosed that engage In a debate on socialism, j coiette rciaiea mai sne dtokc new advisory cabinet, Lyttclton rv.nu ciAmt ion I ft window and called to neighbors1 j said hut. rrnrr-ipntativps nf t.he -China for the She went to the front door and near as i know mS 2r . and ground EBinton, described the CCF piu-' for hplP. then saw the man who colony's 154.000 Asians and 42,- -ill from thc standing In the doorway when day. Feb, 15,)... . nosal a- Uw -"siren song of lnla lnc snooiing ... xun aittiiB .. .inc i ouu wnnc seiners, m general socialism." It was the surest wnyt street. '1 expressed satlsfaetlow. ink" n;;tlt Ton- by Charlie she wis pushed Robinson." f At the conclusion ' of testi- mnni, h Vw... .In .... nln... pi'-my "to destroy confidence abroad In ! Police said a statement made i -The reform will give colored f Is wi re killed ; the Canadian economy." by Abel, along with a gun and persons government portfolios ?.U"n?lSf' ? ! erat the re ut of Mr Petten- she "wound up down against ai f eround sorties "There is not enough wisdom ammunition, were turnea over m Britusn tast Arncan ana uzzo to allow him more time to .-tni Frf.,h.hPi,i , in anv Eovernmcnt to operate a w tjueoee provincial ponce woo central Airican terrnories ior '"8 """"i obtain wltnessp? wllnesses- steps" and suffered a bruise toi0laln BRISBANE, Australia f : where the Queen was Inspecting are fimdurtlnff the inverftieation : the tirsf. limp In hlsttirv. One! Thai Uilimui ' "'"""i'J' lu cimntry. country. , her eye. The CCF members who, at suburban Shawlnigan FallslA;;iun will be a minister of ' Mothers, aided by police, had to , a guard of honor. I n t.nr. iVr.iw. .UiU works, and another will be i;ufu ? u,uu. Police and army officers joined earrieu supported such monopoly were : !re vne snooting w-eui- minister of works, and another- ren oeu g trampiea as sev- mPtm,' k . aj ; bombing at- "lone-haired theorists who know ! red ... . ... ... i ... Aral innncann npnn p rncnpn mm ' w.w. Wv. will be a minister without port- j eral thousand people rushed into (i points of Tuan little about the operation of the i An Inquest was scheduled for n" banking system." ..today. the exhibition grounds here to rmi.DKFN FAINT folio. Thc African will be min see the Queen. ister for community Dozens of children fainted 'u .u.'lxter before the of Queen i . iv. and j . eyes hour before thc Queen the,..,. ..u Widow Facing Murder Trial Takes Own Life HOLLYWOOD I A beautiful blonde widow scheduled for trial next month in one of Alaska's Railway Slip Completed; CAN BE ABOLISHED i 111 lne SUCW' UD n.,1,. m Mnlmh r. A, (n HELPED BACK IN HOUSE Robinson went to her aid and called Wilson to help carry her back into the house. "That would be around 7 o'clock. It was Just starting to get dark." Wilson said that from the time she was brought In and put on the bed he did not hear her speak. "I thought maybe she passed out from drinking, but it may have been from the bruise." He said he was concerned about the bruise, but did not . . ! , 6 : tropical heat. , ,,, j. , Thp t-pfnrmc at 11 p-n imn pf- arrive. ct Awaits 20-Car Barges Iee.t immediately, Lyttleton told j The huge crowd had been wait- i The Qu('en nersU aPPeared reportcrjt, and will be regarded ng for hours in stifling heat, i flushed from the heat as she as "experimental" until new j Finally they stampeded. jrodc through the city, but was elections a year or more from; ,..... I composed at both the children's rfTheTreen iZt I Prim" 'action by PoL and ' - PaHiamentary lunch- amount of work ready has tested It several times, vnpli ted on the j The apron over which the National Rail-j railway cars will pass is made ,V slip, built of four steel trirdcrs each wciuh- rock fill from the shore to the slip, which Is cipablc of accommodating a 240-foot long, 44-foot wide barge. . No decision has been made as workable. Britain reserves the j ambulance officials prevented a j eon- right to throw it out. the needs of-lng 31 tons. Counterweight on tragedy. They moved in at the gates as the crowd surged past to the future of thc temporary I'l' H d $45 000,-! each side of two towers, which most sensational murder cases committed suicide Tuesday in a Hollywood hotel. Police said Mrs. Diane Wells, 31, succumbed to an overdose of sleeping pills. She' and Negro jazz drummer Johnny Warren, 33, were indicted by a grand jury In Fairbanks 'in the fatal shoottnic of her hus !p & Paper ; house thc machinery, each weigh slip. '; During development of the MOPPET GETS TO HUG QUEEN BEFORE POLICE INTERFERE WEATHER and nelPfl mothers snatch their ,. j children out of danger, forecast; ... The children had been given North coast region-Variable j 60 tons. They are made of steel 1 Mipervl.sp( con-! rails and concrete and were put pulp mill near Ketchikan, thousands thousands of or tons tons or of material material and ana heavy neavy macnincry machinery was was de '"if appruarh from ; together on thc CN dock and couc;incss today with scattered ance at the fair grounds was "if slip-Bill Van: "'led Into place by the derrick e-snow showers along the main livered Hvcrcd by by barge barge from trom here. nerc. aiajKhv ,inlv frum.l from the drvdock. ' I n.,H -... Overcast this even- band, wealthy Cecil Wens, last Oct. 17. especially put on for them. Some 10,000 had parts In a school display planned for the royal couple. After the Queen and the duke 111 mooring wings ' The towers on either -Ide of i I1 slupment was made about; mR wjth occa,sionai nght rain or Uhp slip are 40 feet high and mW-Januury a week before the snow tonlgilt. cloudy with a few ortth,. ,;,.,., ,. 'were eiwled at the end of the I barge was driven on the rocks ; sl,0WPrs Thursday. A little Warren said he and Mrs. Wells had a love affair, but she denied BRISBANE, Australia I Reuters) Four-year-old Narelle Dick of Brisbane walked uninvited up the steps of the royul dais at the school children's display here today and threw her arms around Queen Elizabeth's neck to hug her. The Queen had time only to give Narelle a'startled but warm smile before chief inspector T. J. Clark of Scotland Yard whisked the girl away and returned her to her mother. north of Ketchikan during ! m i 1 d e r. Winds occasionally 9")U is awaiting ; B50-foot rockfill approach over it and maintained she was innocent of the shooting. which engines will push ears storm. j southeasterly 20 In exposed areas j had arrived, the crowds broke Ills not known when the new, tonight and westerly 20 in gen-, through hHrrionrles aunm and d'l.Skalteliol, inc-' to the barges. h ih.. .ii ....... b (u rr ! 2U-enr barge will go ruo service, erai lonioi row. wjiugiu mm , . ,,, ., ' Wm?ni from the mai, line of the CNR "Hbough the Ketchikan plant Is , high Thursday at Port Hardy, 1" Appointed to op--and branches Into three tracks ,' expected to go into production ;sandsptt ana Mince nupert, as jand 42. sometime in April. J.iafhmory und al-jns it approaches the slip. The n Is tmimers ! und a series of dolphins on the ' shore side continue another 200 i leet. j 1 The slip, running almost parallel to the shoreline, faces ul- I Impressive Welcome Given St. Laurent by Japanese most due north and 23 feet above ; Longshoreman J: F. Black Dies , John Francis Black, for many years a longshoreman In Prince Rupert and well-known along the waterfront as "Blaekic," died yesterday in Prince Rupert hospital after a lengthy illness. Born In Manitoba in 1894, he had been on the west coast for many years, working as a miner in the Alice Arm area prior to coming to Prince Rupert. A veteran of the First World War, he served with the United States army in the latter years of the war. In Prince Rupert he was a member of Local 505, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. There are no known survivors. extreme low tido. At an extreme ! TOKYO (f The prime min-', chief court chamberlain. Yusu- liigh tide, the apron and part j islcl.s 0 Canada and Japan 1 masa Matsudalra, to welcome the of the track would be below srionK hands today as the former (Canadian party, and Foreign water. . rnrmv nower rolled out the red Minister Katsuo Okazakl and rf might jey Bay l'UXn ol("'mers of Wage of , Hartley '" 'Ir" ov"niglu. im,Son. 64, sislpr J" land well-known si'. aWrtct. died ; hd been ill for b . v. - ..4,.it nnnnlian nlhar pahlnpt. mlnlutprjS nrprp rnmrrt'D mi tvrin carpel ior uic rnuuus uiuauwu v..., . . COUNTER HA LAM ED i. . .. ,j v th, ,i,n hand Th. t.v,- mbM , Itauer vmu nuiicu ucit . " ,rrv, . official stoP of m round- ASSAILS STAND rBn . 'r J .u I the-world RoodwlU tour, tun . p I b .-"S 'Mil I'yyV' ( .'a -V: tyi He . I "2 5 6 I . V . v. ' 8 9 id n i3 1 - . : , IS 16 17 IB 19 ?0 A l J V ' TfV'. ii! fir :n inllllll A .i.rll ' " .4. ,. . ...l. m -m r ' In . Seoul a South Korean Z," - iwv "n.u . Prime Minister St. Laurent clasped hands warmly with Ja newspaper said today Prime Minister St. Laurent Is one of a group "becoming tools and dupes" of the Communists. a,:,'' med suddenly S. It believed f'1 news of m. pan's Shigeru Yosbida and otner dignitaries as he thrived for a three-day state visit 50-FOOT CARPET The Nipponese welcome was Impressive, and the red carpet The two were The English-language dally Korean Republic assailed the Canadian leader for saying here Monday that he believes the OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i"-0- and close eight-foot tide variation between 19 and 27 feet. Work on the slip began last September and Dominion Bridge Company, which constructed the apron, and Western Construction Company, which erected the machinery on the towers, completed their Jobs two weeks ago. Skecna River Plledrlvlng Company is completing the framing job. The CNR's bridge and build was literal a 50-foot plush affair 111'., allies should be realistic about s w-aeceased by recognizing Communist China. "In thc prime minister's defi rolled up to the RCAF C-5 transport after it taxied to a stop at Haneda airport. The Canadian leader was the first guest to be met by a Jap ' survived by , Brand-f Wt'st coast. 1 wlclower, is sur. nition, It would be 'realistic' to accept disease and murder and t 'augnters, MrS. ing department made the towers London Results of the soccer games played today In the United Kingdom: Scottish League , Division A Dundee 1, Airdrieonlans 0. Scottish League ' Division B Dunferline A 0, Ayr U 0 (tie). brlgandry just because we have them with us," the paper said. It added that "the St. Laur anese prime minister since the war. Last fall Vice-President Richard Nixon of the United and drove piling for the sub structure of the towers. 'states, the other post-war state k w. . e Rupert F Wesley of Port ,ine8n, Leonard. ' fn be held THEY LIVE A LONG TIME in the Hawkins family of Patchogue, Long Island. Mr. Oeorgi-anna Hawkins (centre) celebrated her 106th birthday on February 28. Her younger son, Ralph, 71 (left), points to the date on the calendar while son Eugene, 85, looks on. Added together, their ages, total 262 years. . : .... 1 ent's of this world actually are embracing the faceless creed of communism by unwittingly advocating a policy of appeasement." BIG ROCK FILL 1 guest, was met at the airport by An estimated 19,000 cubic the deputy premier. yards of rock were used in the Emperor Hlrohito sent his 1