i ( It Wednesday, May 13, iBsi Use TO: Buy -Sell -Rent Trade or Hire WANT ADS Queen Charlotte Airlines - Porritt Asked Duke to Games VANCOUVER (CP) British Empire Games officials said today the announcement that the Duke of Edinburgh hopes to attend the games here In July, 1954 was a The r v Phone MISS WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS QUEBEC PLAYER PONDERS LENGTH OF PRO CONTRACT MONTREAL ff Jean (OrosBill) Beliveau, rated Canada's top pro-hockey prospect, Is pondering how long a contract he should seek If he decides to Join Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League. Beliveau, 21-year-old star forward with Quebec Aces of the Quebec Senior Hockey League conferred with Frank Selke, genera' manager of Canadiens, amid reports that the Aces are prepared to pay him $100,000 over the next five years to remain in Quebec. WANTLO Bt'SINESS PERSONALS WANTED TOP MARKE1 , NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors for: Mining, bawmhl, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries Invited. Ornnvllle Island. Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) PRICES PAID (or scrap Iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron A Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAclfic 6357. . CASH FOR Scrap; copiier, brn.'s, batteries, radiator i. Phone 543 Call 030 6th Ae. West ";l BLACKWOOD on A GOING CONCERN GOVERNMENT DEVOTED TO FREE ENTERPRISE . . . Vote Libera Thrifty Clcrtne M.icNobb . Wat careful with his cash H followed fh clnnifitd A hublt moil vnrotlil SITl'ATION WANTKI (Ortclge Classified Ilates time 4:0 p.m. day pre- .. ... nii'luYation. ',. 3 rents per word per itimi; m till 111 ulll ui.r, ;..,,. 50 rents; Cards T,r;nks, Death Notices. Notices, Marriage and ,,;,.,. I Announcements, ',, display loulle price. Mil Keiumw w1. n,,t accept responsl-,,. , i ads Inserted ri;v i uiluVr wriina i, n unless noimi-iiiKii ...r.-- i received within ( ;irt insfcrtljn. "ivSOt N ICMENTS Auxiliary Tea and ,n show, May 13. ,rn Klur tea, May i;i,rl iT'Kiun final card May 13. r iuslmrd, program and M,,y 14, S.O.N. Hall. HEAR NANCY HODGES "C" GRADE Industrial First Aid man wants work. Phone' Red BI8. '1'3P reaL kstatk By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Vote BRUCE BROWN t J. ; t ' ' , Hi. "-V iii a. . I v-; t.. J) - FORSAlE FOR BALE 7" saw bench complete with motor; 2 child's sleighs, as new. One door, one window, and cupboard doors etc. Owner leaving city. Apply Black 790. (113) FOR SALE Four-room house, full cement basement, oil range, heater in basement. 136 8th West, Red 319. 114i 115c Mr. Meek, A Expects The Mr. Meek makes more plays with. By nature he FOR SALE Five-room . nouse AGENTS tjr Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage at Storage Ltd. Phone 60. , td FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite, double bed chesterfield, dining table and hannen and he is therefore more alert than others to the need for precautionary measures. Mr. WORLD'S FINEST CLF.ANKR ELECTKOLUX. Phone Blue B70 for iarls Sales Service. (C) stools, bookcase, three small tables, Axminster carpet, and general household effects. Quick sale. Owner going to U.S. Box 678, Daily News. (1171 FOR KENT Champion even accuses him of being disappointed when .finesses work for him and suits break out NEARLY everybody uses H9. r: CFPK' zz: ACCOUNTANTS FOR RENT Newly-built two- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist, s. g. runt, Stone Fulldltiv. K"d 593. (20m) HAl'lEHl 6KKVICE RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East 3rd Ave. I'hone U'.jc K'o. k-PHHi, reohargirc nr rbuild-lni. V'trit euarcruo. ic BOA IS FOR SALE FOR SALE Trolling boat "Active." See owner McLean's Floats, Seal Cove. 113p) CAKS FOR SALE IMA nm. I TOMORROW (ltc)' 1 ,. Vh.uvic for 300 Club V.iy 15. at the Armories HO to 9.30. iM)iiif cooking sale at ,n fc Anderson's. May 18. "(.n of the Moose Spring r, May 21, Moose Temple. r. sur-ng "!. May 20. home cooking sale, , n;oirlilc::: Variety Show, v ,M,.y 2i, Capitol The- -hvWrkm missionary tea, 28 iiiii.i 'i : '.' sale, Anglican .Kiwi, May 30. ,:hir;m Cliurrh tea May 30. tjj tea. J 'ins 4. -:tl Church W.A. Spring June 11. tholic - Wom.utt League ' x - 4 7 ,1 ; - ' .'V fc v. p M,. . i" f. i :; ;-"! RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc.. with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Kitimat end Kcmano Schedule trips to: - Tuesdays and Fridays Stewort ond Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Charter Service r Contract Flying Ajrcnts: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones i'.G ami 620 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Sfeamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOP. VANCOUVER ind Intermediate PorL Each Thursdcy at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations write or Pi-.'.e Rupe t, B.C. 11 GIOUGK DAWKS AUCTIONEER ' Phone IV.ack MB and Red 1".7 pijcrAonat JOHN H. BULGER Ojiiometriif 'Ihird Avenue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes. D.C. CHIROPRACTOxt Hrs. 10:30-12;30; .2:00-5:00 s 21 2'3 Besner Block ? 'Phone Blue 442. . H. G. HELGERSON . LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenuij Black 899 Scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 "crowning achievement for the games. It is understood the invitation was tendered through Sir Hugh Porritt, chairman of the B. E. Games Federation in London. In former years Cornwall In England supplied half the world's copper and all of Britain's tin. n r1 r1 n i! jr 1 I t LiqM Cubrf IW4 W O " DINING PLEASURE' in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe (Business & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Montnly Bulletins any. :ind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv ) us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East Dally except Sunday. 8 p.m. From the East Daily except Monday 9:50 pc FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less ' Phone Blue 939 CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe Safety Artist, i Worst Wins safety plays than anyone expects the very worst 1 South dealer Both sides vulnerable N.irlll (Mlw Brush) S J 5 H 9 3 D A K J 7 , C K J 8 5 Kolllll (Mr. Meek) S A 9 7 4 3 3 H K Q J . D 4 3 C A 6 West F.ast (Mr. Aliel) (Mr. rhnnipiiin) S K Q 10 8 8 None H 10 6 4 H A 8 7 6 2 D 10 B 8 D Q 8 5 2 O 10 7 2 C Q 9 4 3 The bidding: South West North East 1 8 Pass 2 D 3. S Pass 4 8 All Pass be willing to lose two tricks to avoid the chance of losing three. At trick three he led a low spade from his hand toward the jack. From here on the defense had no chance to beat the contract. Mr. Abel went in with the queen, the five was played from the board and Mr. Champion showed out. Mr. Meek won the ciuo return with the ace - and led another low spade. Mr. Abel could do no better than win with the Iking. He returned another club ' which dummy's king won. The tack or spades was cashed ana Mr. Meek then re-entered his hand by ruffing a club to lay down the ace of trumps and spread the rest-of his cards. Today's Stocks (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. l.til.) VANCOUVER American Standard .... .16 Braloine 4.30 B, R. X 03 Cariboo Quartz (asked) 1.15 Congress 07 Cronin Babine lO'i Giant Mascot .39 ftn'difcli ' ...; 06 Vi Pend Oreille .-. 4.00 Pioneer 192 Premier Border 05'2 Privateer .03 'i Reeves McDonald 1.90 Sheep Creek 61 Silbak Premier 11 Taku River (asked) 07 Vanancia 02 Vj Spud Valley 03 Vi' Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years Send $2.98 or COD, Fernlnr, 772 King West. Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) MUST SELL 1950 Ford 4 door. Excellent condition. Best offer Owner leaving for US A. 527 8th West upstairs. (116p) FOR SALE Dismantling '38 Chev. Parts for sale. Call 1334 6th East after 5 p.m. U14p) FOR SLE SALE Two chesterfield suites. 1 Lazy-boy and stool, coffee table, kitchen set, bedroom chair, vanity table and 2 chests of drawers. Call Green 565. (U2) Foothills (sootiess) coal. !uiiu!i n, June 11, at the - A I I MrrnfflTV. ton i,l 4th An'rt. West. ''riaii Ladies' Aid tea i he Man.M", June 18. IIIKTII NOTICE WIS - Born to Mr. and Mrs. S Davis i nee Lucille Stef- h'none oai. riiupun, tvin Co. Ltd favorably. j Anyway, he brought home his spade contract in today's by a cozy play in the trump suit. The ten of hearts wis opened and Mr. Champion won with the ace and returned the suit, putting Mr. Meek in with king. Mr. Meek started worrying immediately. He had an urge to bang down the ace and another trump so the opponents couldn't ruff anything. He overcame this temptation, however, in the face what he considered to be a greater danger a bad .break the trump suit itself. In the usual safety play of a trump suit you give up one trick you might have won to avoid or reduce your chance of losing two. Mr. Meek decided the only way he could go set was to find all four outstanding trumps in one opponent's hand. If Mr. Champion had the lone king or queen, the play of the ace of spades first would hold the .trump losers to one. But he forgot about that en- licing possibility., lie decided to CSuMecl to Change) ADTO ntAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles WEDNESDAY 5:00- -Music From the Films 5:25 International Commentary 6:30 UN Today 5:45 CBC News, leather Report 6:55 Have You Heard? 6:00 Neighborly News 6:15 Supper berenaOe 6:40 Social Credit Talk 6:45 Smilev Burnett Show 7:00 CBC News 7:15 cue News Roundup 7:30 Vancouver String Orch. 8:00 Sir John A. MucDonald Pt. 10:00 CBC Kews 10:10--CUC News 10:15 The Lively Arts 10:30 Elizabethan Music 11:00 Weather Report 11:03 Music Till Midnight 12:00 SlKIl-olf THURSDAY C AM ' . ' 7:00 TI C Fishermen's- Broadcast ' 7:15 Musical clock ' i. 7:30 CBC News: Weather Report 7:35 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 3:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:59 Time Signal KKCKH-Morning Visit 10:15 "Riders of the Purple Sage" 10:30 B.C. Liberal Talk 10:35 Recorded Interlude 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11 :00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11 :25 B C. Social Credit Talk 1 1 :3(l Weat her Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Roc. Int. 11:45 Scandinavian Mclodica . P M. 12:00 Mid-Dav Melodies 12:15 CHO News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 ;00 Afternoon Concert 1 :45 Today's Guest 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 3:15 Records for You 3:45 Hit Parade May 10. 1953 at Lourdes gALERug, 9 x 12, French h. Campbell River, a -iini oil wnol. like new. nicr. Maruynn nriene, i . p,,. n,.,. oo j it., now. uomg wuu. .ny. i . and four lots, tine iocauon, a n.nllr fi-nm Hfhoi'f Apply or write to w. s. sineer! he Masset, B.C. -121p)ito uudingonnJw"er at" cor-! ner of 8th Ave. and Bacon St $200 each. R. E. MORTIMER 353 Third Ave. Phone 88 and Blue 326 (115) WHY PAY RENT? four S1250. cash, balance as rent, deal buys this wartime four. Floors newly sanded. Patent roof. Price only $3300.00. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. the Real Estate and Insurance Phone 342, Black 197 evenings (112) HOUSE FOR SALE Four rooms and bath. Near school. Phone Black 687 before 8 p.m. (117p) of FOR SALE Four-room Wartime. Partly furnished. Good in location. Reasonable for cash. Terms if desired. Red 137 after 5:30 p.m. U17p) FOR SALE Two Industrial lots, 48 and 49, Block 17. Section 1. next to Imperial Machine Works. Apply Standard Machine Shop. (It) LEGAL NOTICE RE ESTATE OP EtIOKNIO AT,FS- ,wM . nn up. oetto. deceased. take notice that as Admin i trator, duly appointed Dy tne t;oirt. of the estat of Eugenlo (Alessandro) Magffetto, otherwise known as Alex MeEuetto. who died at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 15th day March. 1953. I require all credit-ers and others havinR claims against the-said estate to send the same to me. properly verilled. at the address mentioned below on or before the 30th day of June, 1953, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of hich I shall then have been nou- ;f,,d Ad further take notice that all persons indebted to said estate are r(.quired to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 12th day of May. 1953. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. (M13.14.20.21p) 1N nE -mechanic s lien act- take notice that Joshua McKay. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. having owed Rutiert Motors Ltd of Prince uiert. P.C. the sum of 404 78 for a period over three months for labour and. imaterlulR bcnt.ov.ed on n i48 uooi-e four door sedan, 1951 Licence no 52719. Engine No. D25C303OC. Serial No. 9723465. registered in the name of Helen Alberta HaudenBchlld. of 610 Seventh Avenue West. Prince Rupert. B.C.. Hie said Rupert Motors Ltd. wilt ofTer the said vehicle for sale at Its premises on Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert. B.C.. on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 1953. at 10 o'clock a m . unless the Baid sum of 404 76 nnd the cost of advertising this notice shall sooner be paid to the said Rupert Motors Ltd. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 5th day nf May. 1953. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. By "John 8. Lindsay" Director. (118c) TAXIS and TKANSKMIS CI1Y TRANSr-ER Long Distance CRATING and PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects- Moved to or from any point in B.C. Phone 950 f1r3t Ave. and McBrlde LOST and FOl'ND LOST Nurse's gold graduation pin between Hospital and Angus Apts. "I. Cavanagh" on back of Din. Reward. Phone Blue 989 or contact Hospital. (113p) The coffee bean, now mainly produced in South and Central America, originally was native to Arabia. H v. . - room suite. Possession June 1. Apply 1440 8th East, (tf-nc) FOR RENT Two rooms with board for two men. Blue 626. (113p) dlNOEH BEWINtt CENTRE tent portable machines. Phone B64. (c) FOR RENT Lovely furnished ! apartment with harbor view, installed refrigeration and electric, stove. May be procured by quiet, suitable couple iifc at June 1. Tenant will dispose of complete household furnishings at reasonable cash price, thus assuring purchaser of uttractive and considerable saving. Present occupant leaving citv. Apnly Mr. Cook. Suite 103. Elizabeth Apts. (113p) FOR RENT Three-room suite, furnished. 616 6th West. (112) - FOR RENT Two-room apartment. Private entrance. Men only. 734 9th Ave. West. (114p) IN FOR RENT Sleeping room. Blue 433 or 1141 Beach Place. (1151 FOR RENT Rooms. Green 906. (112) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Blue 602. (112) of FOR RENT Three-room apartment with bath. 533 8th Ave. West. Phone Green 932. (113p) FOR RENT Two-room apartment. Private entrance. Men only. 743 9th Ave. West. (116p) FOR RENT Room and board for working men in private I home. Phone Red 140. ( 114) j , FUK Ki.N i tsoara ana room , for young man. Call Blue 639. in) FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. 701 5th West. (116) FOR RENT Coiner store, Al der Block, Third Avenue and j Sixth Street: Oil-O-Matic hoti water heating: owner will decorate to suit tenant. Also i f-n stores nil ' Sixth Street, i I.0,., ir.PS... ! J::o. w IT:." c-V Vine Wunt. i j. ( iir, , . . ' ""Realty, 345 Third Ave. (ID WANTED TO RENT WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom house. Phone Blue 602. (tfnc) WANTED TO RENT Small house or suite suitanie ior couple with two small children. Phone Green 486. (117) WANTED By June 1. Business man wants board ana room, walking distance Post Office. Phone C.N. Telegraphs. (112) HELP WANTED MALfc YOUNG MAN interested in responsible position concerning promotional and circulation activities of daily newspaper. Salary and commission offered. Phone 748. (tf-nc) WANTED Driver. Young man v preferred. Northland Dairy. , (116) ATTENTION ALL SALESMEN IN PRINCE RUPERT AND VICINITY New lighting discovery Amaz- ncr miarantees. lerniit sav ings for offices, stores, factories, institutions, etc. Assured repeats exclusive territories. No special training necessary Sure-fire sales presentations spll 4 out of 5 calls. Im mediate earnings hundreds of dollars a week every week, non-seasonal! No investment. Complete sales kit, full instructions and plenty of samples and demonstrators absolutely free. Write today: Hi-Test Corporation, Hamilton, Ont. (112) (115p) i FOR SALE Will sacrifice com plete bottling machinery now producing bU cases per nour. Will sell as a unit or In part. Terms to reliable parties. Ap-Dlv Box 700, Prince George. (113) FOR SALE Two fine Hollywood style beds, kitchen table and rhalrs, homemade 10-Inch table saw. 1384 6th East. (114p) You'll Save At Simpsons-Sears 3-pc. Plastic Vanity Suite. Reg. $54.40 Now $44.00 1 "Sunshine" Convertible Carriage Maroon Reg. $49.95 Now $44.95 I'lltSONAL 'IIFIiS. remember to brlnp hi kiddles to the Kinsmen rts Day, Acronolis Hill y 18, 1pm. (113) )VIN(TAI, affairs are your irs. Join Social Credit to-y (114) L' ran ro far with govern-fiit but you can go forever a Liberal Government. .1' Bruce Brown on June 9. -. . -, : (list i. look after child for "fkms mother daily, 1 to 3 "S old, Ilnx 078, Dully News. (112pl information regarding wrcuhiiuts of William A. pilkp. Jf anvonp bnnw nf ;,m Wildly Inform E. T. Leake, "stloi'k, Alberta Rp fnt.hpi"n Mate. .117) fIU NOT be responsible for V dibt.s Inrurred In my unless contracted bv it,, I- -Robert Augler, 839 m.ipi " " SINl:ss PERSONALS 'BlNoTttutamntlri 0ll npat. SllWI liuilnl n.,..b. TSV.nn. J?- Call m oth West. Le- S,oveH,eS. Eddle'8 (c) ";FfiriD Electrical Works. Mo- 5Rhl sold- rewound and Paired. (tfl f,La ,roin on your govern-nt. j,,in S()(,ul Crpdlt t0. . L (114) i tZ'r lhfi economical six av word for 3 ccn irrt f oays cost S1-35: 19 cost i I SLX consocutive days tj'ni - And remember you 148 18 r ,?e ymir Just call 4lly News ( tf-nc) at rl ot. Plane crash for sale St Studio, 218 4th 7 (114p) fcrServlce-Llght'De: K. 4 nolle K ItrV lt)7 Unni 1 , rii...... Bn Cfnills Sliver Standard 90 Western Uranium 2.15 Sll-Van .40 Dorreen .29 Estella .. .4(1 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.20 A. P. Consol. : 33 Calmont 1.30 Home Oil 8.10 Mercury 16 Okalta '.. 2i25 Roval Canadian .13 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws 4 Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone !)0!) I For Outside Orders PhoBv 433 BLONDIE Subscriber in o Fix By CHIC YOUNG ' tj viiu'iit p - Reg. $21.95 each Now $19.75 2 Shotguns; 410 gauge Reij. $49.95 each Now $44.95 1 "Lady Arvin" Chrome Set Reg. $204.80 NOW $184.00 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Vanity and Bench Set Reg. $80.00 Now $56.15 Simpsons-Sears 312 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert Phone 460 wsd oat v. Maxwell washing DID VDU REPORT 1 7fc'- I fc-r: - iTHERES YOUR I?1- ' ; VlN M " ' 1 machine, like new, $05. Phone Ulno QS4 (114' - " "M- WlUIJf l h The City s 'uaiirgest no k Want