national sonK.s, notably the im. BLftl ous song of the French revolu- 'U nh, DYju I! tj... ...1 r i !UD(air,trf a Prince Rupert Daily News As I See it THE SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN, I knew them off by heart even then. "It's the soldiers of the Queen, my lads, who've been my lads. nun. dui inn i near uerrnans p.,m , "ft . J. if;; N' sing -DeuTsniand Uber AUes" or vZi ls "The Watch On Tno Rhin- r ' xmt 16. .Friday, March 28. 1952 Th: Cm1 Reflects and Reminisces who've seen my lads, In the fight a tingling feeling in the snine ' instit fit for England's glory, lads, when ",A'- "v w him: uiiil on mi An iruiepciKlenv daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of ! Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. i Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: what must it do to the Germans' ! edufativna The old Czarist Russian na- V tional anthem hi.d .Itanic power i KriTt r' CL Intore, n ii mcia.'inaiiv iowas a n.w' we havj to show them what we mean. And when we say we've always won. and when they ask us how It's done, we'll proudly point to every one of England's soldiers of the Queen." i You Just could not get peoplt? to sing those blatently jingo words now, unless they did it as PbLji moving song than anv ...... i i . . , n 111 IS tl ii t L . Ry carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year -"""Tv"' $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. itt'-5Sfe" f-. . Published every afternoon except Sunday by ; Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Authorized as second clu&s mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. asiociaiea wnn tne Red revolu-'n0vBi . o!-' tion which chased out the Czars vvLl m "' In our Canadian evangelical D churches they used to use the music from tle C?ar's anthem o FOX E- the words of a fine hymn.. 1 Charle., n C Governor . V Pots of shamrock were seen in the House of Commons on , St. Patrick's Day and, generally speaking, the austere chamber was not above committing quite a few "shc-nanegaiis." Woll. , the Prime Minister's mother was Irish although it must be admitted that St. Laurent does not sound like Erin's Isle. That New Anthem a joke. Proper Business RECENTLY in ihis column I re- of the I ? C" ir ferrcd to a pamphlet called ' breeder ' s' NEW CLERK OF PRIVY COUNCIL-J. W. Pickersgill, 46, special assistant to Prime Minister St. Laurent, has been named Clerk of the- Privy Council and Secretary of the Cabinet. His appointment to the $15.000-a-year post is ef- PLENTY ALREADY! Canada has enough problems without presuming to assist South Africa in helping solve troubles of her own. It's there they belong exclusively and not THE Conservative Lon-! some wit wants to know why i ; don Spectator is an ex-! am so excited over a standard! ' , version of "O Ctmada." He says I cellent weekly. But Surely; it does not make any difference; it made a mistake when i wnat u,he vensnare. 'Tl l? i . ay because most people just it picked the following as sing O Canada, O Canada, Q .;, jn Via i Canada over and over and over the winner in . the. prize 8guin ri(,lu ,roui,h m wnole contest for a substitute sn- fifth ium verse Jn -.1 God vjuu ocivu Save I "e ear 1 wt'm on a coast t0 :coaiJt lecture tour for tne Cana. the Queen ; j dian Club and so had a chance ...... , , . i to compare live way Uiey ting Not for these isles alone , j ) Canada," right across the Endures thine anclentJhro.M.!counl of' cou8e the French The verse goes on to say that; In lands across the sea. proud- vilafitv atK, d wnat tn nations brave and free acclaim .. ; u 10l Our Queen. 1 But she is our Canadian Quean " SS SH'Sl;' too; and we Canadians would ,,? i t !. J in Canada on me otner siae oi f ective June 1. A native of j For the Eastelol the world. Some misguided individuals have been wonderine if Johannesburg would not like to hear a few suggestions from Ottawa. Winnipeg, in 1945 he became special assistant to Prime Minister Mackenzie King and stayed on when Mr. St. Laurent became Prime Minister in 1948. "CP PHOTO i the exchange rates are favorable or WHETHER whether they are not, the government services should do business 'like other people have to do in the matter of handling United States money. In fact, such places as the Post Office (and the liquor store) should set the example in good business methods and service. It is pretty ridiculous that the Post Office, as it is doing, should just not accept American money because there is a discount against it at the bank and, if the clerks take it, they have to pay the discount themselves. Naturally, if that is the best the Post Office authorities can do, the money has to be turned down with all the inconvenience and ill feeling that may be entailed.. Men's Suits, Todcc When he says your face looks familiar, that's what he's trying to be! ; Gabardines, Furnish feel pretty silly singing "not for r' ".Tw? ""1".' . iuc f-.'" L L",,5 r. Ithe song as anything but a dirge I INK DKI !S WIIKT8 pluin shades Windsor collar. Ver.y Special ' Prll'es :t.5 Builder of Alcan Highway, General O'Connor Passes The moving of business prem- I ises from Third Avenue to Third Street was accomplished this ! week the first time such an ' operation has been seen in years. 1 :;rrhoj :.;dS o ' mirawa; ' iTh('y re w,in?rg rd anno. In most other places they droned it out like a dead march. NOW THAT we have a queen : again I realize how old I am, BUT don't feei s0 ashamed of nnH nlsn how fnr thp unrlH hac j. . f There will be a lot of American money offered ' Anolher buildi"g on Third Ave- ti i -.jv , nue, some years ago, attempted SAN DIEGO (API Funeral! Drliror)iu. p,icrai " viuiuumns "tw- Knowing aj ttZf 6? ' mov? ln th KIGHT dlrectlon ln Canada" when I go down to The James A. a O Oconnor o nnor 66 w wno ho , a haf centur y. I started to schooL S aleii For there vou soon find . supervised construction of the ,902i C0UDle of years after,; , LeiJi. .1. a forward movement all on its own, but received no encouragement. It's still on the same site MI X S Pi'BK tt(IL SH'F.ATKRS-Pull. overs, oine in fancy colors. Bargain at , M'M MLN S, VOl'N; MKK'K IMtLSS SLAt'KS Latest styles and colors Perfect fit DiN.OO to $12.5,1 MKN'S GiliAliDJNK COATS - Fully ' lined, -holly wood styles, nt-w shades. Very Special ; :; C ; f 21.5(i ML.N'S immH fciOX -Large varuty to choose from .- to $1.25 MEN'S HOKK klllHTS Prhr.ini, when it was erected '43 years . Alaska Military highway was,Queen victoria died. ly know 4he Spangled Banner" aE- , held at San Diego Friday. j But ag thp older nlembers of ;rJght thr0UBh either. I- General O'Connor died of a , the family all sang the words of 1 I get a lift out 'of many good EACH WAS A HIT I heart attack Sunday at his Los' - - - Angeles Jiome. a i me rota vmice nere mis year, particularly ty tne thousands of tourists, and the government should at least arrange to accept that money, even if it does involve a charge being made. It should be easy enough to make the arrangement. It's just poor business if the Post Office is going to say unceremoniously to its American patrons: Take your money away! We do not want it!" The Post Office did not say that when American money was at a premium and we do not remember the premium being allowed either. The whole thing may not seem too important but the principle is wrong. : Another song writer, . whose simple melodies had a virtue that gave" power, has passed away. He was Percy Wenrich, 72, of New York. His songs? One , can mention a few. "Put On - Your Old Grey Bonnet." Do we 'ever hear it hummed today? Hardly. Or "When You Wore a Tulip and I Wure a Big Red Rose." For Your Easter Parade at Home EASTER CARDS A EASTEK EGGS A CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES A EASTER WRAPPED UOXED CHOCOLATES As head of the northwest service command from 1942;to 1944, O'Connor supervised construction of the highway from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Fairbanks. He also served as chief engineer in the China-Burma-India theater and headed a team which built the famed Lido road from Burmato China after the Japanese took control of the Burma road. He retired In 1946. cloth, plain httd., real quality. I Extra Special S:.75 I MLN'S OXI OROS Suitable for semi- ',' dress, lots of wear, all sizes. t Special .-,.!),-, " MKN'S SIIOWI Rf'ROOF II ,TS - Sand color .styi.'. Very Soecial Canadian casualties in Korea ; total 713 with 131 dead and 517 wounded. There's nothing cold I about that. CANDY EGGS IN CELLO BAGS IBM BOYS CLOTH Conquer Cancer Here QRINCE RUPERT'S annual Conquer Cancer Cam-r paign will be held soon. Canadians who enlist in the campaign against cancer will, this year, have the satisfaction of knowing that they are part of a truly international HISTORIC PORT , , . Digby In Nova Scotia was named in honor of the' admiral who commanded the British convoy that brought Loyalist refu--gees to the port in 1785. The SPCA of Victoria feel in- j dignant. It seems an old lady , with enough .money to keep ! more than a hundred cats as , pets died recently, with instruc- BOVS' PL'LLOVB TI RS - All weight. Less It. price i uons to destroy all the toms i tabbies. There must have' crusade. The International-Union Against Cancer, j and been BOYS' SWEAT SH'l a poor shot somewhere fort Fancy de.sisns , Special the casualty list included j wounded. Hence, SPCA wrath, , j which was to be expected. A 1 j cat is a useful and harmless j BOYS' WINllBKnU Y iitue creature, and even a nun- I dred can be distributed among I homes or aboard ships to ad- j vantage, no matter how their original owner felt concerning their fate. Wool, also cotw ish, suitable It lound. A Rf'Hi B ' BOYS' PANTS -dress. Gabartm fit. Lo's of Wfa: Prices K"'1 How Travel can dive a you Gentleman: Any man a girl : hasn't been out with yet. j t ranKJin Jones in Post. H.ANNKLETTK MIKETS Size 54" X 80". Own): sorted colors. Real Special PAIR ALL WOOL BLANKETS Grey. Good quality. Speciar PAIR BE SURE YOU ARE IN Next To lUyal Hotel ' yprkwg under the auspices of the . World Health Organization of the United Nations as coordinator o 55 countries, have now united their technical and voluntary resources against the disease. 2! The aims of the Society are three-fold. They are: education, research and welfare. Z. The Society's educational program is directed toward acquainting people with the need for early diagnosis and adequate treatment ; and toward dispelling the sense of fear which has existed for too Igng a period of time. t As far as research is concerned, much emphasis can be put upon this aspect of the Society's endeavors. Cancer continues to baffle our doctors .and scientists. We must encourage them to pursue their investigations aimed toward the ultimate eradica Wpn of one of the worst human scourges of all time. E In the field of welfare the British Columbia Division helps needy cancer sufferers with costs of transportation to and from a treatment centre with Wmg home care; with drugs; and with housekeeper service in the home. The Society does not pay for diagnosis or treatment but its welfare program ensures that a cancer sufferer need not delay treatment because of inability to meet these additional and related costs. 2, Prince Rupert will come more fully under the Uneer Society's benefactions with the first travel-. lung clinic due to visit here next week Tf, 7f jT; " -v a; '3 L J " 1 i I -- -i ! AWIIEN only i I i jl WILL do y ! I sfr 1 A NEW WASHER TI1K Model I" t t L P Check thrw g Automat P1' f Porcelain '" Lifciiro' " Quiet - LuvdH' !" "I f ' i 1 - I Year S"'" Canadian National now offers ' an attractive Gift Certificate covering Tniin Travel anywhere i I RUPERT ; ,1 & & ELECTS 'y j LARGEST THEATRE The largest indoor theatre in ; the world, Radio City Music Hal! at New York seats 6,200 people "t Quick Canadian Quiz j L What is Canada's oldest man f ... to any rail destination , . , for any amount you wish . , , obtainable at all Canadian National Ticket Offices. It would be hard to conceive of a more welcome gift . . , t or one that would he appreciated or remembered longer,' Any Ciutnli,iu National Th lcl Agtiil will glatlly give' yon imliculurs. OUT ALL YEAR Western chipmunks are active even during the coldest weather, unlike eastern chipmunks which hibernate in the depth of winter. USED CARS FOR SI I VI 1041 Inlern.ilili: paiif! 1919 Ail-''" V7. : uf acturlng industry? 2. In the United Kingdom, so-. cial welfare and social security .. spending amounts to $44 per '-capita annually. What is it in Canada? 3 Victoria reigned for how ,'' many years? 4. What was our principal im-;,port commodity last year? 5. In dollar value which is great-er, our Atlantic or Pacific . fisheries catch? I Answers on Page Four) 1948 Ford PllfI 1941 Ford Sedan 1947 Austin Sd and CAGES g S('l,n 1941 Morns For information, call or write WM. CRL'ICKSIIANK, C A.PI., C.N.K., HOIST, SKIPS I AERIAL TRAMWAYS irwi Tmt.iiIb' ' 3rd Ave., West .honc 2(i(, L ioi !.-ard Sedan 1 ,JiM 1948 Thin"' . INDIAN STEEP The cayuse originally meant an-Indian pony, the name denv-ing from an Indian trihe in the western states. PIONEER FRIEI5T Joseph Denis, born at Three Rivers, Que., in 1657, was the first native-born Canadian to enter the priestly order of the il fol I Superior Auto Seti CANADIAN NATIONAL THf ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES WESTERN BRIDGE Limited phone STEEL FABRICATORS LTD. j Np This idvertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Gcvcinntm of British Columbia. Third Avenue West VANCOUVER, B. C.