f Frince Rupert Doily News Friday, March 28. 1952 Business & P$ Easter Cards (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death NotlceB. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. BLACKWOOD on d3nclge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD i' V 4U r4iiSt-vj-f Any Old Suit in a Urainstorm Bidding Pays Off Hig for Miss Brash This Time Miss Lucy Brash's fantastically optimistic bidding hands tie-r; opponents some big penalties. On. the other hand, there, are times when they think they have her and they don't. Like in today's hand, for North dealer Both sides vulnerable Mirth (Mr. Miizzj) S A Q 10 8 H 10 2 D J 7 C J 10 8 3 2 West f-H"! (Mr. ( Uaniiou ) (Mr. .tlti-l) S K J 9 7 S 6 H 9 8 4 H -K 5 3 D K Q 9 D 8 6 5 3 C A K Q C 8 7 5 Soul ll ( li- Uracil) S 5 4 3 2 H A Q J 7 6 D A 10 4 2 C None example Mr. Champion was licking his chops from the moment Miss Brash opened the bidding with one spade. He never dreamed his poor opponents would end up in a spade contract and especially at the level of four. Of course you and I wouldn't consider opening the South hand with a spade. But to Miss Brash, any old suit is biddable as long as it has at least four, cards. LAUGHS . Mr. Champion laughed aloud when Miss Brash redoubled. He whispered something to the as-! sembled kibitzers about women has: HOME GENERAL' Building n ROOFS. OIL; PBrncirtki cam run.. 1345 PIGUOTT PEACE Box 1011 Station B Agent; Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, DC CHIROPRACTOR Hrs : 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lamei Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prlnee Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE&C0. ACCOUNTAN rs & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn 8o!es Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STVDIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Pbone Green 389 Prli',e Rupert RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) FRIDAY p.m. 5:20 International Commentary 5:30 The Lone Ranger 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 The Friend In Need (No. 3 6:35 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smiley Burnette Sluw 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Musical Prouram 8:00 Whatcha Know. Joe? 8:30 Vancouver Theatre ; 1 9.00 ChucKwagon 9:30 Canadian Short Stories ' 9:45 Festival Summer 10:09 CBC News 10:10 CBC News ; 10:15 Nesbitt Reporting I 10:30 Design for Listening j :00 Weather Report and Sign-off ! SATURDAY i AM 7:00 Musical Clock ; 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good j 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert j 9:00 BBC News and Commentary i 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club i 9:45 Songs of the West 9:59 Time Signal J 10:00 To Be Announced 10:15 CBC News i 10:25 Weather Forecast 10:30 Musical Program ; :00 Saturday Date :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period j :33 Recorded Interlude :45 Scandinavian Melodies PM. 1J:00 Mid-day Melodies ' 15 Program Resume - a 12:30 Musical Program i 1 :00 Platter Parade 2:00 Ballet Club ' 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 1 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3:30 N11C Svmphocy Orrli. " 1 Gran J pa T)opS ! ; : BaL Sitter ! MONTREAL (CP) Fred Harding, one of the oldest babysitters in this city at "70, can change a diaper, prepare a formula, feed a baby, mind four children and it's no "bother at ' all." He took over his wife's clien-1 tele a few years ago when she was bedridden, and Mrs. Hard- ing has been trying to get her job back ever since - without success. ; Mr. Harding holds the same ; formula for ruling children as Hollywood's Mr. B e 1 v e d e r e J Clifton Webb. j "Children aren't hard to han-j die, you just have to know when to be firm with them," he says. And parents say that he seems to know just when to rule with an iron hand and when to play. "He's taking all my business bridge players. "They don't seem to get the essential feel of the cards," he said pompously. It was fortunate for Mr. Champion that he got his laugh in at this particular time. He had no chance later. He took exactly one trick on the hand. His opening lead was the king of clubs. Miss Brash ruffed, led spade and showed no surprise when dummy's eight spot held. She returned the 10 of hearts and let it ride. She took another heart finesse, then cashed the ace, felling Mr. Abel's king. SWEATS When a fourth heart was led, Mr. Champion had begun to sweat. He ruffed with the nine of spades and was over-ruffed by dummy's 10. Miss Brash en-! tered her hand by ruffing a club H. G. V i REAL ESTA Phone 96 1 Train For the Eist- Daily ext From tht Ea- For a wide selection of first quality EASTER CARDS order early from Dibb Printing Co. Pi DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW. SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PLUMBING , and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith S. Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 . WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS BOUGHT And SOLD New and Rebuilt Generator 6 12 - 32 volts I Box 1307 ph. Blue 391 (.lOKf.i: DAWKS AUCTIONEER i Phone Green 810 and Red 12 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING . EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUrPLIE3 ?hone Green 136 Box 478 For the MEAL that ll BEST .OF FOOD ANNOUNCEMENTS Lutheran Tea, March 29. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale, April 3., Catholic card party, April 3. , Rotary Rummage and Auction 1 Sale, April 5. ' Conrad Street School. Pur-1 ' ent-Teacher White Elephant Sale, Conrad School, April 5. j Canadian Legion card party.' April 9. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 9. Job's Daughter Easter tea, April 10. 1 ' Queen Mary Chapter daffodil tea, April 14, Canadian Legion. I ! Women of the Moose Spring Bazaar and Tea, April 17. i . : . Cathedral Soring Bazaar, Api-U St. Peter's Spring bazaar, April 24. Girl Guide tea and yale, Anglican Cathedral Hall. Saturday, .April 26. United Church W. A. Sprint Bazaar May 1. L.O.B.A. Spring sale, Lome- cooking, etc., May 3. Sonja's Tea, May 10. Presbyterian Missicmry Tea May 14. Eastern Star tea, Masonic Temple, May 15. Cathedral tea and run. mage sale, May 31. BIRTH NO I K E i JOHNSTON To Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johnston, 512 West Eighth, at Prince Rupert General Hospital, Saturday, March 22. a daughter, Lynda Jane. (Up) H'NKRAL NOTICE SMITH In the city Tuesday, March 2ft. 1952 F.lsio Mnrv 73 1 years, 1132 2nd Ave. West, 'be-1 loved mother of Floyd. Carl and Walter Smith. Requiem mass j will be sung by Rev. Father F. J. Raynor at Church of Annun-' ciation. 9 a.m. Saturday, March ! 29. Interment to follow in Fair-, view Cemetery where prayers! will be said by Rev. Father 6. P. ; Mohan. B. C. Undertakers in ! rharee of arrangements. Friends' kindly assemble for prayers at ' Grenville Court Chapel at 8:30 Friday evening. (75c) i PERSONAL AVOID the rush, get your Easter Perm now. Large stock to choose from. Phone 855. Jerry's nuauiy uion, unuer new man- ap,ement. (tfi OODLES of Poodles for Easter. .Terry's Beauty Salon, Phone 855 (80c) PRINCE RUPERT Football Association annual general meeting 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Leeion auditorium. (76c) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, p.nv size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. itfl .JfOR Hertz U-Drive, Phone Bus fitotnal. 530. - (76p) DRESSMA KINO and Alternations. Phone Red 767. (75p) HELP WANTED MALE . .... ... . , M. w u 1 1 IllllJIltU IIIUJ1 I to work in sawmill. Write t Group Mills, Oona River, B C. 1 (8'2pi I WANTED Reliable man as Rawleigh Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a good Rawleigh Business where the Products .have been sold fort necessary. Write Rawiemhs i Dept. WG-C-166-163, Winni- MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Man for 5 hours weekly. Labor at your own time. East end. Phone Green 419 (76p) VACANCY exists as Customs Of" ficer Grade 2. Prince Rupert. Apply in person to Collector of Customs. (76p) FOR SALE FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rufrs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Third Ave. (tf) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equinment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Dirt for rrarden or fill, $1.00 per yard delivered. Phone 6. (75c) FOR SALE Hotpoint apartment range, .good condition. Blue 296. (76p) FOR SALE -Boat stove 22"x26". Like new. Phone Black Ofifl. (76p) FOR SALE English nram $25 00, go-cart $1000. 1136 2nd Ave. . West. (Up) FOR SALE FOR SALE Commode chair, child's crib, full size bed. baby buggy, cheap. Phone Green 937. 76pl FOR SALE Heavy built Inglis Sterling" washing machine, built-in pump. Like new. Phone Black 269. (76p) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE '51 Austin sedan. Excellent condition. Only 1700 miles. Owne leaving town. Call 212, 9 to 6 p.m. itf) FOR SALE 19j0 Austin sedan. $500 down, full price $1,000. Phone Black 548, ask for Jim. (77p FOR SALE 1950 Oldsmobile Hydramatic, in first class con-i dition. Complete with radio, custom heater and many other 11 extras. Phone Red 622. 77pi FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Blue 433. (76c) FOR RENT Room and board for respectable young man. Phone Blue 639. (76p) , FOR RENT ' Light housekeeping room. No drinkers. 221 5th East. ' 1 76c) FOP RENT General Electric floor polishers, $1 per day. I hone Blue 992. Pacific Electric. 11 (tf) 11 WANTED TO RENT 11 11 WANTED TO RENT By B. C. Forest Service employee, unfurnished 12 house. Phone Red 588. (776) YOUNG married couple with 8-weeks-old baby require 1 or 2 furnished rooms, light housekeeping. Reward. Box 340 Daily News. dtp l SINGLE woman, employed, de sires room and board in private home, quiet surroundings. Box 338 Daily News. T WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no children. Quiet, close-in surround ings desired. Green 84. (tf-nc) WANTED Single housekeeping room by gentleman. Mechanic. Close in. Box 335, Di.ily News. (76pi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET ftPr hU conner. ifl,H X', Honest erartins;. Prompt payment made. 'Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Van- j couver, B. C. Phone PAclfiel 0357. (tf) i CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, battei ies and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. Citv. (tf) WANTED Rprironm suite reas- onable price. Box 337 Daily News. (77p WANTED TO BUY Used bedroom and chesterfield suites in good condition. Box 339 Daily News. (76p) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 bedroom- house, close in. Furnished or unfurnished. Harbor view. Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. (tfc) FOR SALE Nice home in dandy location.'Wartime four, lovely condition, has upstairs and back porch. Seventh Ave. East, near McBride. Exclusive with I T. Norton Youngs. Real Estate i and insurance. Phones 951 or : 648. (77c) i Wartime four, fully furnished. Fridge, washing machine, elec tric range, oil heater, chesterfield suite, all like new. Patent roof, fully insulated. Interior and exterior newly painted. Oarage, price $5,000. Some terms. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Black 197 evenings (ltc) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) CARTAGE AND CONTRACTING KAIEN TRANSFER General contracting, lots cleared, stumps pulled, rock, garden dirt, general hauling. Phone Black 503. (84p) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 27.) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR. CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE. Notice is hereby Riven tht on the 22nd day of April next, the under-stoned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 1074, Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known as Commercial Hotel, situate at BOl First Avenue West, in the city of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 13 and 14. Block 9. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Relstration District. In the Province of British Columbia, from Harold Wlllard Hel- Kerson to William Harvey Murray, of 605 Eighth Avenue East. Prince Eu-KTt. British Columbia, the transferee. Dated at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 24tft day of March. 1952. WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY. Applicant and Transferee .(100c) FOR TAKE OCT OKftEUS FHOSI BROADWAY C The bidding North East South West Pass Pass IS (!) Pass 3 S Pass H Pass 4 3 . Pass Pass " Dbl Pass Pass Redbl. All pass everything in dummy was good. Therefore, he led ' the nice of diamonds. Miss Brash won with the 10 and cashed the ace. Dummy's ace of trumps won the last trick. Miss Brash broke in on Mr. Champion's tirade against "crazy bidding" to ask sweetly whether the extra tricks were worth 400 or. 800 points each. VANCOl'VER and VICTOMA SUNDAY ss. Chilcotin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Coquitlam 12 noon ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday. Coquitlam. 11 p.m. I OK NORTH H t. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March 28 ss. Chilcct.u midnight FOR KOl'TII Ql'EKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 1 and 18 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arjent Third Aver.ue Phone 568 r jooaucar l 'The Greatest Name in Rubber" Hose Belting Matting Tires Tubes Ratteries Airfoam Products Wholesale Only NORTHERN TIRE : & RUBBER CO. "IZ 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 1481 Phone Green 9!)2 WHY WALK? Ir's Cheaper to Ride! CLEANING IP THE LOT These are not new but are in good running order 1948 Monarch 'Sedan New marroon paint job. Only : $1365 1947 Willys Station Wagon Nice utility and family car $1375.00 1940 Ford Sedan Doesn't look so good but runs like a clock . i $575.00 1937 Ford Sedan Economical transportation $299.00 TRUCK BARGAIN 1948 Chev Pick-up Al mptor, good rubber. Very useful truck 1195.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" . Phone 93 BLONDIF from me," says his wife, "and ; SPARTA, Ont. Seven hundred I when mothers call to make ap- j sap pails have been set up in pointments I can hear the kidslw. B. Roberts sugar bush, but yelling 'we want Harding.' " -maple sap is running verv slowly. The 70-year-old sitter is call- i Warmer weather is needed. RE-ROOF Ni VOI R ROOF may not last through m' Wc will give free estimates on M-Ml ASPHALT r CKDAB SHINS" Daily excff Shipl Jloviii!. C''' Comp'f f cient Servif Canadian 1 for Oxygen welding sup, LINDSAY & STOW Cor. 2fi Est. 191 35 Lodies GREER & BRIDDEL Phone 909 215 First Avenue ff. I and led her last heart. In exasperation, Mr. Champion rulfed again and again was over-ruffed by dummy. An- other club was ruffed in the closed hand, getting everybody down to four cards. Mr. Champion had-the king of spades and his original three diamonds. Dummy had the ace of spades, the jack of diamonds and two clubs, both high. WHO'S CRAZY? Miss Brash had her original Therefore, he led the nine of diamonds and inr .Champion won with the queen. He couldn't return the king of spades as Maple Sap Runs Slow There is only a dribble from the trees so far this season. The ideal maple syrup weather calls for warm days and frosLs at night but not too heavy frosts and not too chilly daylight hours. ; . Quiz Answers ANSWERS: 5. Pacific, in 1951 $40 million compared with $32 million. 3. Sixty-four years. 2. This year, $95 per capita. 4. Machinery, excluding farm im- nlements. 1. Textiles sptrW were making their own clothing 300 years ago. The Fiji Islands in the South Pacific number more than 200, with a total area of, over 7,000 square miles. 0 "g?-6,s W Thii idvcrtiitmtM it cm pufcl.ihcd ot diipliytd by tfcf LMf Cttrtral BmhI at by th Government tt 8.ii Cflumbit, Pl, WELDING Government Certified Operators Hign Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phone Green 884 HINESE V- DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phon 133 ed "grampa" and "gramps" and just plain Harding by. his 75 "customers." I.AMI KDGISTKY ACT RE: Certificate of Title No. 34(3-I to Lote' Eighteen (IS and Nineteen (.10). Block Ten H0)r Vth lag? of Stewart. Map 818. -J WHEREAS satlstactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Oliver Smltn has been filed in this office, notice is herenv mwn t hat t .h.ii at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. issue a provisional Certificate or Title in lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objec tion be made to me in writing dated at the Land Reeistrv Office, Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of ' March. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (M14,21.28.A4.11 IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OP EDWARD CARSON WALLACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Edward Carson Wallace, carrying on I business as "Wallace's Pharmacy," made an assignment on the 26th day of March, 1952; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 10th day of April, 1952 at 2:00 o'clock p m. at the office of Andrew Thompson, the Official Receiver, at the Court House, In the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 2fith day of March. 1952 GEORGE L, ROR.IE Trustee, Box 130. Prince ' Rupert. B C. ltc RE THE "Mi:CIIA! "H l.ll.V ACT" TAKE NOTICE that RONALD JAMES WILSON, of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, having owed Wil-1 liam R. Thain, heretofore carrying on ! business under the name of "BIU'3 i Motor Service." the sum of 113.na; for a period of over three months tor i labour and materials bestowed on a i 1935 Chevrolet Car. Model 10!9, Her- ' lal Number 6109910484, 1950 Licence Number 52108. the said William R Thain will ofler the said car for sale i at the premises of Heppner Motors 404 McBride Street. Prince Rupert B.C.. on Friday. April 18th, 1952, at 10:00 o'clock am. unless tho snld Ronald James Wilson shall sooner pay to the said William R. Thain the said sum of 113 89 and the costs of advertising this notice. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this I4th day of March. 1952. "W. R. THAIN" the 220 Sixth St 1 rU'Cl No Triangle in This Household I I . , 'I l'l I Pl IT HFIJ IM '"nI I WELL.GIVE IT BACK-) JJ WAIT A 1 PI DMT rV TO 'f MINMTC-- M1NMTF-- ( A cdami: ..CMCl , I OCX J f,XrrO r-l ' -Jri SlAPt A HOLE XLEMME Sr THE LIVING '' LOOK NICE ON T , no 4:llIJLjfSLTJ C K'OOM WALL J liijlllH1' QTnTmJ DAGWOOD, ) r ISMT THIS j4 17(1 A ppettv fv;i7 '?) GIRL ON THE ) Jt. - . magazine rteKl COVER? SHE 1 HAS SUCH K UVElEVESj am, . w mm W iilV-J ll 1. (75c) i