Prince Rupert Daily News . Friday, March 28. 1952 -j-er3ona(d 5. S. Lindsay left on today's Forest Bug j Class Here REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS l Cnlnj J-lit tfet for plane for Vancouver enroute to Edmonton where he will be married to Miss Irma Sloan, formerly CPA hostess here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Darling nJ 2)ntma Zreslival reference to insects. Mr. Smith said that insects' rated perhaps as High as; fires in the damage don to trees and the forest wealth. He dis-, cuscsd measures of controlling; insect ravages, describing thj' Insects and telling how to iden-i tify them. He enlightened thci field staff on problems or par-! ticular Interest to this part of the country. The classes here were organized by L. B. Boulten of the Forest Branch office here and R. c. Telford of the Columbia Cellulose Co. i , Mr. Smith left on last night's1 i;.-t t'lnpo itc i'nrpnt?rn hoc Jea Success In spite of the unfavorable weather, the Social Lounge of the Elks' Home was crowded to capacity Thursday when the Ladies of the Royal Purple held their tea. Receiving guests at the door was Honored Royal Lady, Mrs. 8. Anderson. Convener was Mrs. R. Boychuk. The home cooking table, displaying tasty cakes-, and pastries, was managed by Mrs. A. Murray and Mrs. E. Hopkins. The children who attended with their mother were enter tamed with games and toys. Supervising were Mrs. N. Uur-vich and Mrs. J. Pattenuzo. Serving were Mrs. E. Gastal-dlni, Mrs. L. Gerrard, Mrs. V. Pick. In the kitchen were Mrs E. Clapp. Mrs. G. Hull, Mrs. D WAS NOW 9'2 cu. ft. 50 Ib.freezer chest.. 339.00 305.00 8 cu. ft. 52 lb, freezer chest.. 369.95 332.95 7Vz cu. ft.. 20', lb. freezer chest 359.00 323.00 1 Forestry staff of -he British' Columbia Forest Service and the '. Columbia Cellulose Co. have beer. ; back to school for a couple of days with D. H. Smith, forest entomologist for the Dominion' j Science Service In Victoria, a-i-their. teachers. Classes were held' at the common lounge in the Civic Centre and some twenty foresters were brought up to date' by lectures and pictures and wita ;r for the Huh annual music and Drama or-day event which opens here May C. d with 250 entries on hand, said Mrs. MDF president. i Among the entries, which Include participants from Terrace, nee discussions on the problems I of silvaculture with particular train for Terrace to contluet -sim- ! ilar classes there. fa i Ketchikan and the northern In-J dlan village of Alyansh, the , pianoforte class tops the list with 96. There are 23 junior school and chureh choirs and ! two adult choirs; eleven Instru- : erniirw 14 HanHnu on. and child sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria to which city Mr. Darling has been transferred as accountant in the Royal Bank of Canada. Ross Nicholson, after a visit to the city and district ,on B.C. Packers business, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver, accompanied by Douglas Soutar, district manager here. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Long and son,s of Burns Lake are sailing tonight on the Chilcotin for Masset. Taking a . Jeep with them, they will engage in clam digging. Scott MacLaren left by plane today for Vancouver enroute to Port Moody where he will sit as member .tif a board of arbitration between the board of school trustees and the city council. Mr. and Mis. J. D. McRae are returning to the city on the Camcsun tonight from Victoria where Mr. McRae has been attending the se.wion of the Legislature in his capacity as member for Prince Rupert. tile PLUS THIS OUTSTANDING REFRIGERATOR VALUE 8V2 cu. It., 28 lb. free chest ...ONLY 299.00 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED TERMS AVAILABLE AUCTION SALE Household Goods and Furniture Complete SATURDAY, MARCH 29, ot 2:15 p.m. 1 Colored ;,rles and 63 candidates in the idBluus drama department. 7 I Plans havp hpen imtnr on i SARRAWAY j 10 provide two $100 scholarships, writer one each in music and drama, smartest of for outstanding performers. But. To be held in Smith's Warehouse (Opposite Naval Drill Hall) , Corner 1st Avenue and McBride THE ROBERT SIMPSON PACIFIC LTD. 312 Third Ave. W. Phone 460 SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED uean, Mrs. J. Ward. Cashier ; was Mrs.tE. Mclntyre. Miss Doia.d HagiauU won the j drawing with ticket No. 28. i To Visit Sweden For Six Months j i i To pay a six months' visit to Sweden, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson are leaving the cltjH on tomorrow night's train. They will embark from New York on' the Swedish-American liner: Gripsholm. i Among other places they will' visit Mrs. Johnson's home In Koneo. Sweden, whence she came to Prince Rupert three years ago to be married. Mr. Johnson recently relin-i quished his duties here a nr. prs nave leam-the value plac-nerlcan women p rising cost of more of Brlt-ullo is. salaried -, make a br-e-j. smart jacket, and smartly- ill I o. v i objj instill 1 1 i i a 1 IV 1 a i aid will be needed and the Association will welcome any contribution for this purpose. ; If there Is a financial surplus after the festival operating expenses and next year's operating expenses have been accounted for some contribution will be made towards defraying travelling expenses of visiting participants, said Mrs. Becker. For Your GARDEN NEEDS s the nig h -col vivid green or deep cuffs and ostium Just over !. choices. Blous- Robert Armour, who has been relieving here for the pa-st four months as chief engineer at the Columbia Cellulose plant during the Illness of O. R. Morrison, sahed night on trie Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to his home at K.mberley. Former chief engineer for the Coruolid- : ated Mining & Smelting Co. at! Kimberley, Mr. Armour no.v! practises as a consulting engln-' eer. RAKES FORKS HOFS Rotary Hurls Tennis Defi lice manager for Dybhavn & i Hanson which have been taken over by Philip M. Ray. Instructed by the owner, I will sell by auction to the hiRlwst bidder the following articles: Bendix Washer, complete, excellent condition Electric Rerifrerator Westinchouse Radio, Walnut cabini-t Hrrord -Tlayer, Walnut, plays 12 records, KCA Victor Rerord Cabinet, Walnut, containing 10 record books Singer Sewing Machine treadle 3-pc. Chesterfield Suite (new) 2-tone Rose and Grey C Complete Bedroom Suite, Satin-Walnut double bed with spring-filled mattress, highboy, vanity & bench Oil Range, pot burner, cream enamel Enterprise Oil Burner w'th lilower Duo-Therm Vacuum Cleaner Premier Walnut Chest containing complete flatware set 6-pc. Dinette Suite, natural lacquer "i-Ped. ccmplete with spring and mattress. Large Electric Mantel Clock, with chimes 5-Drawer Walnut Chest C Venetian Blinds complete set for Wartime-Four 9 x 12 Ruff, with Cushion; also several throw rugs Coffee Table and End Table Walnut Combination End Table and Magazine Rack, Walnut ' 9 Two 2-burner Electric Plates C Card Tabli and Ironing Board Various Chairs and Tables Drapes, Pillows, Dishes, Tools , Several other articles must also be sold TERMS: CASH or CHEQUES Phones: Blue 120 Blue 901 THOMAS M. CHRISTIE Auctioneer I jrlced at 2 and lavor. 'jncr. th. a'lure How mandarin i spun rayon, ipless black top ;ack quilted skirt. J just under 5 ; be belter fur .lire date' i teen-ager with an change the v by alternating a satin or taf-:le pastel shad-materials Cftot- . Prince Rupert J E. Chose, Burnaby; B. Hansen, ' city; J. M. Edmonds and Mr. and : Mrs, Olson, Terrace;- R. Kealey, : Compiote Selection of small GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER venosio, yuebec. 6 - - m&'i' - tev .1 RCMP patrolling city streets began a crack-down last week on motorists driving too fast through school zones and ntx nr :-iost popular of Gordon & Anderson seven summonses hai been is- '4 . . .! rni.A. . . . . A are pinafore roiind pleating vied lapels. In iark colors and eks. costing less x-j . v l i i i i Phone 46 ucu. vnnca tne cApvut-fa to oe heard early next week In police court. y . I ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS New Courts en Second Avenue to be Opened Soon Another sport ts headed for an appearnce -soon In uptown rYiiue Hupert with opening ol the Kotary tennis court this p.iii'i and the first game played may be a Rotary-Gyro Club challenge. Kulurian.s heard member Bob McKay report Thursday afternoon Llic court would be ready tor hard-.surlacing within a Ica-nays, wcatner pei mining. A Rotary Club project for some time, the court Is located on city park land nearFirst, Second and Third Avenue Intersection. The challenge was suggested by Tony Ciawiey. Others sup-poited It and the Idea will be considered. Harry Black reported the Rotary Sunday concert had been 4uce.ssf ul. The luncheon meeting endorsed recommendations of directors, one of 'which was for the nominating committee to return a list of candidates by April 3 for annual elctlons to be held soon after that date. Visitors and guests were J, C. Chlslett. plant supervisor of Canadian National Telegraphs, of Edmonton, and Thomas Woods. Inspector of C. N. Telcgiapn.,, Smlthers. csnM' 1 iii I. nimri" Announcing Opening at New Location... i are invaluable n of dolman-ai Jumpers. : OITUT " : party In Lon-"iistrict. a smart kingfisher-green 'h low belting on md reefer front, w-necked bouclc matching hvavy Mack. Bought !t article is well !"i-age pocket. :t picture are M and a baby ? of black gros- IN THE 'Arrow dart" A.MKIIH .VN WHITE SIIIIIT ST. II DOM'S DI PT. STORE 9 ay. mm H29 I 1 1 1 IX TMKWC (H.I.AR St7.r.S I 1 1 1 k 14 MVk 11 IS 1 lVi If 17H 1 ("" 7T ) :hf we!l-rire.H limited hanlr rnll pr choice of low 's. So far. spring '! IS heartenlncr IX TBESE LCKVC LENGTHS ire sporting such A Smart New Store in a New Location at 31 THIRD AVENUE WEST Next to George Cook, Jeweller OPENING DAY OFFER nandrjags of tel lcllrmV,n A letter to tne editor dealing the question of daylight aving .has been received at the Dally News office. If the writer of the letter would advise the editor of his identity and sign same. It could be published. Letters to the editor must show their origin. Patent handles. Watts & Nickerson MEN'S CLOTHING - a glossy navy e Plastic handles mer days with Presses, basket-' father sandals IS lour bol ero. they lMynf Britain's :1 l'me, hooped a 1 fashion ANNOUNCING OPENING OF... Choice of one beautiful English Bone Cup and Saucer orl poir Ladies' Nylon Hose with purchase of $6.00 or more of merchandise 1 Jlie Sharon Sit -" iiumDi'rs W design com T ble 10 mt attractive un-;;on-ronted linen at tho waist. xoiowe 1 1 LADIES' WEAR SHORTIE COATS from $15.95 SPECIALIZING IN INFANTS' TO 12-YEAR-OLD'S CLOTHING d Grs Layette """f5' Aid tea and ;kln. 5 Saturday ' 1 75c CHILDREN'S WEAR BOYS' WOOL PLAID JACKETS from $4.95 GIRLS' SILK BLOUSES Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 years $1.99 GIRLS' PICOLET DRESSES Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 - $3.25 CHILDREN'S SOX All sizes Pair 25C 4 pair for 97c 1o be given first baby bom after our opening 9 a.m. SATURDAY ; , J ' , moose NYLON TRICOT BLOUSES Only $2.98 4 LADIES' SUITS from $22.95 LADIES' SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS from $2.95 ' pntc" Hall, Fri- 75c Stree a' Ce bUlld- Baby Photos donated by VAN MEER STUDIO 77c ;:Hutvcs. 1 7 8ea Fish- ticket a.. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL RANGE OF INFANTS' WEAR Vkr We invite you to see our modern store in its new location DOM'S '"dept.; NEW LOCATION NEXT TO GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER f04 lu6 SwP- DON'T FORGET THE OPENING 9 a.m. SATURDAY SECOND STREET NEAR BUS DEPOT (Formerly Johnny's Snack Bar) H7.. P"'aSC rse-'ond ' ltl't Is " u('K't will I 1 II I II I Mtcl