PIONEER COIXEOE Columbian College at Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 28, 1952 6 i r- ! i V.N. Civil Assistance Command in Korea i tomiiiioiui, organ as an faciiues the newyvarsNo.lmakprof' CIVIC CENTRE Terrace Likes Darkie Show t'nited Church Y-KUes Enterta.n Acccplcaulc And Make $100 , TERRACE- OdclfeUowa' Hall here was packed last Friday evening when the Jmtcd Church Y-fcttes presented their "Dark Town Follies." Featuring popular Stephen Foster music, the program, was presented almost entirely In darkface with darkie AN OB mm m Fish Board Okays Pact I JUNEAU (API The Alaska' fisheries board has approved the , American - Canadian - Japanese fisheries agreement at its an-1 nual meeting here. j In an official statement, the group said it could see no reason j to change its eariier approval of ( the agreement Members said that opposition comes only from those who are not fully informed and from those who refuse to face the fact that Japan is once j more a sovereign nation with all j the rights of other nations to J freedom of the seas. j However, the board urged the inclusion of an Alaskan on the : board governing the international fishing agreement. And it recommended that species of fish other than salmon, halibut Saturday, March 29 In The Auditorium N3 AfAMOUt flATUi THIATRI Cortoon Showi7 TODAY to SATURDAY Soturd oy Mofi... . I" ' dialect. . ! Mrs. . H. Smith was mistress of j ceremonies and welcomed the: audience. Choruses 'were presented by, the Y-EUes and the program; included solos by G. McPhersonij Jia.oucs by Mrs. A. J. McColl and Mrs. J. McLcotl", solo by Mrs.; Lloyd Johnsloru: tableau I D lazing guns of the lawt: FOUR DUKE'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 12 p.m. Non-members 75c Members 50c i In order to avoid epidemics and to protect the civil population of Korea against disease, the U.N. Civil Assistance Command has established mobile dispensaries to travel between remote villages bringing medical relief to the people. Here are several village boys admiring the United Nations flag in the front of an I'NCACK truck operating in the province ol Chung Cluing Nam Do (Tacjou). m and herring be included under the protective measures. by Mrs. L. Meiccr, solo by Mrs.: Mel Peek-Vout; skit, written by ! Mrs. Bud McColl and Harry Sea-! i man, by Y-EUe cast; iliaioguv' ' ! by Mrs. W. Webb and Mrs. Mar-; tin; tableau by Mrs. W. Rude,: Mrs. K. Wold, Mrs. J. Campbell,' j Mrs. O. Farkvam and Merry Mc-' 'Co; solo -by Mrs. Rod Lcniion j Try a DAILY NEWS classified Looks Like HAVDEH fftfl TICKER z- n fci' RUSH ' A Wallace's NEW Millinery Department i 2 Fine Concert By Orchestra Terrace Musical Group Acquits Itself frith Satisfaction to Audience I inside Job ! Farrington "Cigarette Case" Proceeds in Cotinty Court . . .V. m . OUU 10VE THE WAY dhiivrvt'ruT.ii 1 with tableau by Mis. R. Spark.; j tableau by Mrs. J. Campbell and I Mrs. O. Farkham; play by Mis.; Herb Larson, Mrs. H. Smith. : Mrs. L. Orr, Mrs. Fred Klrby, ; Mrs. J. McLcod, Mrs. W. Rude, Mrs. K. Wold and Mrs. A. J. Mc-: Coll. j In charge of the pro'dudion ! were Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. A. J. Mc- : Coll and Mrs. R. Farkvam. Mrs ; D. Parmenter was pianist and in j charge of make-up were Mrs. H J ' Hart and Mrs. L. Mercer. Pre.Mtliiv' ai me uoor were Mrs I W. A. Bu.h and Mrs. Fred Thomas. .- Proceeds, of $100 are goin;.; to the United Church Sunday' School. " wthlk,lJriNH:i urn i -A TODAY and SATURDAY TERRACE A well attciulcd and enjoyed concert was prt-: I sented by the Civic Centre Orch. 1 estra on Sunday afternoon, local ; talent being favorably demon-t a ted to the satisfaction of the audience or iocai music lovers. C. J. Norrington was master ol ceremonies. i Under the direction of Frank i Oavan, the orchestra offered a ' diversified program Including "Viscount Nelson" march; "An TOTl Evenings 7-9 p.m MATIXKE SATIIIDAY ! p.m. .1 Fivmi'K pi.vifb A former wholesale warchouso receiver told county court Judga W. O. Fulton yesterday afternoon it was "practically lm- : possible" for anyone but ware-home employees to remove : goods such as cigarettes from the premises. Lionel Dixon, called as witness by the crown in the Farrington "cigarette case" told the court all cigarettes at the Kelly-Douglas Co. Ltd. warehouse were kept in a "bonded or strong room" under lock and key. If cigarettes were stolen he thought it likely such an act would have been done by employees. Frederick Farrington Is on speedy trial on a charge of r- ! taining 23.300 stolen cigarettes, property of Kelly-Douglaj. Crown evidence alleges accus-! ed was "making a deal" to sell the cigarettes to a former city gel's Serenade" selection; "Mik- ado." "Pirates of Penzance" and overture; "Serenade ' by Drigo, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st Tki rnr nl.'ni J 14 : : I r I. ..v vw.i juiiuui tu miiiinq gng amciilfll "Gondoliers" selections; "Moon-; lieht Madonna." "Blue Danube" ' Walts; "Colonel Bogey" march; "Flower Sofig"; "Tannhauser" Company of Canada Ltd. EXPLORATION DEPT. wil' be located in new offices above Wallace's Dept. Store r.nlruncc oil I u Hon St. off 3rd Ave. and "Semper Fldclis" march. ! Guest soloist was Aileen Sea-jton who. accompanied by Allan iDubeau, sang Ncvin's "Rosary," I "Pale Moorf ' ana 'A Little Coon's , Prayer." ; The orchestra consisted of j Piano Miss E. Head, A. Dubeau, i Violins P. van Heek. G. Grant, ;Mr. Sunberg, A. Haaland; Cello 'P. van Stolk; Clarinets J. :Schultzik. R. McColl, L. Vallee; Trumpets Mr. Nixon, P. Koch; Flutes Mr. Havelaar. R. Koch; ! Euphonium a. West; Saxa- phones Mrs. Seaton. J. DcKer- MANAGER TESTIFIES Key witness C. W. N. Parker, manager of the local wholesalers, took the stand for an hour and a half. He told Crown Prescu-tor T. W. Brown. QC. that .he cafe owner November 23, when ; , he (Farrington) was apprehend-' cd by an RCMP corporal and 1 constable. A truck which figur-, ed In the "deal" belonged to 1 Dixon, who testified accused had Special! Special! wnoierale value of the cigarette)! waj $42004 and t,)-at he had lound a lil.c nmourit of clg-n; cttes piiis one carton missing from stocks November 23. Parker said he had taken stock after information received from pdli.".r. To persistent cross-examina EXTRA SPECIAL lommeaux. M. Peeke-Voute; Bass S. Lang; Drums R. Adams. In charge at the door were O. A. Kaulbeck and Geoff Lambly. i ' , 11 wy Vvn h s'u'h'cilily t'Top Your AV'r Spring IJuir-Do tion of defence counsel, Parker) LA-Z-Y BOY ANCIENT LAND Iran, one of the oldest countries in the world, was called the "land of the Persians and Medts" in the Bible. CHAIRS and STOO , admitted he could not swear j definitely that the cases of cigar-, cttes in the courtroom were i those which had been missing j November 23. : Parker also agreed it ctfuld I havr; been possible the cigaret'.es were sold "by word of mouth" I ! but such procedure "is stricllv ! And for your happy new-season selection we've a beautifully complete orroy of crisp new straws and felts dressed up in the flowers and gay finery of Springtime. Come see! I r wa COVERED IN TAPESTRY Grey, Red and Green asked him for permission to uis I the truck November 22. Dixon was at that time ena-i ployed as receiver of tne warehouse but had not returned to his job after November 23 "because I wanted to wait until all this was cleared up." "By all this, you mean the Far-, rington case?" asked Crown i Prosecutor T. .W. Brown, KC. ' "Yes." In cross-exam 1 n a t i o n, De-: fence Counsel Doug Hogarth : asked Dixon why he quit. He i gave a similar answer but added j that the manager, of Kclly-I Douglas had seen him the fol- lowing day to say he (Dixon) I was not under suspicion in connection with the missing cigar-: cttes. Under further cross-examin-i ation, Dixon replied he thought i It "likely" that, if cigarettes i were stolen from the warehouse, j it must have been done by em-I ployees. STEAMER Prince Rupert 109.50. . , against regulations." He refor- red to Mr. Hogarth's suggestion I that the cigarettes could have ; been sold without proper involc-I ing, therefore 'cave no rjcord of . such a sale. j A former prorrletur of a city cafe appeared as second witness, j shortly before noon adjourn-i ment. Jack Clough said he first A. AAacKenzie Furniture! ULLAGES PT. STORE u yuftftiT I'M Buy-For Over "A Good Place To 327 3rd Avenue SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Intermediate I'orU Each Thursdoy il 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN UIUNK.SDAY MIDNIOin Comfort and Service met accused in the middle of September, at another city cafe. "Accused told me, when he learned 1 was a partner In the ! j "You didn't take cigarettes, ! did you?" asked Mr. Hogarth. I "No, I didn't." Dixon said that when he re- ceived valuable merchandise, .such' as cigarettes, from cartage trucks, he signed the bill of lad- ing. Then the merchandise was I loaded on to an elevator and For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT . OFFICE Three Sisters, he had merchan- j j dise for sale cheap could sell to ! me cheaper than wholesale. He j offered me cigarettes, coffee, lob- ! i slor and chocolates." ! j Mr. Hogarth's objection to this ! j Information as Irrelevant was I over-ruled by Judge Fulton. i Case continues this afternoon I Canad( ia s X PRINCE RUPERT, PC. i delivered to a sccond-storev -v 1 4-ith one more crown witness I Most Distinguished Clothes iwuus ruoin, wnere u was "s m. 1 cd in" again. to be called, said Mr. Brown. M Hogarth told Judge Fulton he "might or might not" ask ac-1 cused to take the stand. I ' lll by "Cood whisky has no substitutes" t t unan i The strong room "or bonded j room" was always locked, said ! Dixon. He did not have a key, he said, nor had he a key to the warehouse. Witness said orders about signirj for and acounling f(,r every piece of valuable merchandise were "very strict" especially after a case of cic-nrcUcs had been found missing e.irlier, "about a month hc-forc." In previous evidence, C. N. Parker, Kelly-Douglas" manager, also testified a case of cigarettes had' been missing in October. No trace of It had ever beqn found, he said. , RCMP Corporal Anderson and Constable Martin both testified they had received telephone calls from cafe owner Jack Clough afternoon of November 23, with information which led them to iiui mm - ? v I il If l v TAILORED-TO-MEASURE New Spring Samples Just Arrived r r . lii-U Tliin liii'-,- fully a"cc "7 V M , lm Buy a suit that is fastidiously tailored for perfect fit. Single and double breasted models. SEE TIP TOP TAILORS P. CRAVETTO 206 4th Street Phone 418 me Three Sisters cafe. There they had seen Farrington and Clough enter the rear of tho cafe with two cases of cigarettes which the police had seized. Farrington was apprehended, following questioning. ' A panel-delivery truck had been parked near the cafe, from 1 which, Clough testified, Farring- ton had handed him a case of is I lie ilrliglit of all ViH';'.idlC ii hlllUUtl liirllow drink. I!r wise ask for Wisor's UitLuxc! WISER S DISTILLER V" LIMITED . .. , j ... fi.nayw"' .c.wi-o imu uanen another. Police witnesses said It was the same truck later claimed by Dixon as his own. This advertisement u not publisliea u. " Control Board, or by the Government This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.