m . 1 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 28, 1952 Golden Bears Beat Varsity piers btorm to victory j)ver Meteors; Head East DON'T FORGET... The Civic Centre Teen Club Dance this Friday, March 28, in the auditorium at your Civic Centre. Tinre 9 till 1:00, doors close at 10:30. Price, Civic Centre members 25c; non-members 50c. Refreshments. 4iJU r. COME ON OUT AND'HAVE SOME FUN All school teachers are cordially invited 1 DAILY NEWS S P 1 T S . . ! i .4 VANCOUVER (P Playing throughout the second half with fourteen men. University of California Golden Bears beat University of British Columbia Thunderhirds 11 to 3 in the third game otworld cup English rugby competition Thursday before a crowd of 2500 persons. The victory gave the Golden .... ,rl T ) Vnl lMll'CJ IiJl,m move into tne western Meteors Go-o to ton V,.ic-Wjt ri'ill fitr.il unrnint; f,iKi! Bearg a 2 to 1 lead in games and ; ! a five-pnl.it advantage on thres j i matchfli. i r 'Cnil' lilt II St Utmivs- H'UJJ t"l A,wurl. luaiil- j toba champions. Fourth adit final game will be ! played here Saturday. Biggest Shuttle Tourney ! L Made for' V Spiel; Saturday Opens Sunday at 'Centre' jff"f" Victory gave Eilers the best-of-three western semi-final two games to one. Eilers now meet Winnipeg Varsity Gratis in a bestrof-five series. Sparkling Reid Mitchell again led Ui Vancouver attack with 15 points but it was an all-out team effort that sent Eilers into the finals. Norm Walt scored 13, John Forsyth 11 and Nev Munro 10. Bub Fii kcll iguin wis the W it. r,lin Club bonsplfl immi: Civic Centre badminton tournament opens full i . 7 X EDMONTON. Edmonton Pats L swing Sunday afternoon with 59 entries, x a record j m defeated Trail smoke Eaters last j I'rinco Rupert badminton history. Included in the might by a score of 5 to 2 in the ( , opener of the British Columbia-1 1 n 1 1 1 1 . the .i"t m,jennint!s vs Web- i s r li gun in scoring, hooping 19 points f . i ... i-i- i i& tnree-aay piayaowns win oe zz mixea iouDies, is Alberta Allan cup semi-finals. is vs Bkalimerua. . ladies' doubles', 12 men's doubles and 13 men's singles Opening time is 1:30 p.m., but! " " gasman 111 SWkiiw; McKcnzle vs BIG LEAGUERS BANNED LOS ANGELES. Representa-1 players are expected to be on hand at least 15 minutes earlier. M'wre; Mc- .Shier vs DUl Vancouver nciu ms closer than on previous nights when he sank 29 and 31 points. Billy Price was second high for Edmonton with 14, and Bob Burtwell hit the hoop for 10. Lineup: Vancouver Munro 10, Lawn 4, Moses 2, Wotherspoon 4. Lizee 4, Forsyth 11, Watt 13, Mitchell 15, Bissett 2. "total 65. Edmonton Clark 4, Pearce 2, Price 14, Burtwell 10, Kruger 1, tives of six major league clubs agreed to go along wit,h the Pacific Coast League ban against big league teams playing each other In Coast League parks next year. n . It - JLjr . vs C. Warskett and E. Simpson: J Bcrnholf end J. Delaney vs E. Jack and D. Graham; At. Hansen and D. Balugno vs M. Tough and A. Turcot! e o. Vlereck and R. Tough vs P. Chorbonneau and J.- 8tirn; C. Wrlhl and D. Bown vs D. Rowse and E. iMaln; R. Williamson and H- Lepage s S. Vlckerman and 8. Ferguson. 2:;i ii.ii. B. Williamson vs R. TouKh: K. Poulson vs J. Georgeson: H. LePure vs G. Vlereck; J. Sum vs C Wright: G. Poffenroth vs D. Bown; L. McKay and F. Cross vs winner Sckey Scores 1 ut Seagram i'S"83"to ; W4 ' l2 test. ;st. Water, V. Competitions will be classed into three' flights, entries dropping from the first to the third through eliminations. Following are the opening draws: SUNDAY DRAW I:JU B.m. H lillverstdes and 8 Ferguson vs Mr. and Mrs. R. Tough; Mclva Hanson and J. Slim vs H. the water llj, (Quarter I inal winner Paulsen and Charbonneau draw; R. t'hain and C. Forbes vs Oil 1, BU-llsaiU"" - be.st-oI-Hvc ; Montcricf, Pie Ml 19, Bakken 2, Martin, Leah. Total 52. loon Don Scott TRACK STAR winner Blum and Holkestad draw.- j :l;:i o.ui.t-H. Holkestad and A. I Hickey vs R. Paulsen and G. PoHen- j rcth; D Bjuliod and J. Qeorgeson j vs winner Vuireck and Charbonneau t Wrieht and Bowse draw; D. Carr-1 Langley and C and D. Bown Wright; D. Bflla?no Thain and Warskett draw; B. Hickey s P BriBRS and , H and B. Mac-Donald vs winner Hansen plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" Seagrams 5uvt McEwen of Ottawa, track captain of the University of Michigan, breaks the tape a winner in the two-mile race Lepage; P. Partridge and P. Char- and Tough draw. & Game Council Sees . against classy International Harris and J. McDonald vs winner Williamson aud Vickerman draw; D. White and P. Brlggs vs winner Vier-cck and jUuigley draw; D. Pauling and J. Crus vs winner Jtornhoff ani Bonneau vs p. Graham and R. Poul-, :J ,,.,.!. Buleer and G. Poffen-sen; A Turcotte and E Blaiu vs E. , rotn vs j Cross nnd D Mr and Simpson and H. Holkestad; P. Cross Mrs. A Hickey vs winner Ferguson and J, Fowle vs E. Jack and H Mor-1 BnU Tough draw; D. Whit and 8 gan: C. Warskett and B. Williamson Vickerman vs winner Stirn and vs P. Paulding and D. Radford. ... . , , , Wr'Eht "raw; Mr a,,d Mrs J Mae" ,,.i...-M Vlereck and F. Part- i ridgc vs G Bcauchemin and H Donald vs winner Rowse and LePage field at the Canadian Legion's sixt h annual indoor open track meet at Montreal. v (CP PHOTO) tory in Conservation i Jack draw. I 4. 4 'JO 6 and 5:30 p m. draws will be m.ula feuudny from winners of This advertisement is not published or displcyed by tht liqoc ' Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Lanijley; R. Tlmln and V. Manajlovlch draw; Mr. and Mrs. O. Vlereck vs 1 previous g.unos. Eiiis is the final oi a iwa-aiuue jk-h- uy suuc itiju-oin- jnd director Jams mclx'oo, cxpiuuuiiK me wum ui a. v. ,d Game Council. Mr. Mcl-eod urges the supixirt of all .Mwrtsnirn I By JARVIS McLEOD feOl IflC Jil I'UICM, WUUIICO VSIJII DJf tilt 1. V,. on The ALLEYS Benita Windle of A Division Annettes soared to the top of the scoring list In the Ladies' Bowling League Tuesday with a 287 single, while Lois Kcays of Stars, totalled high with 717. In B Division, May Bond of Big Sisters rolled a high single of 287, while Marg Montgomery of Man- ::d Game Council i.-s the increase of the B. 0. Commission's budget. After a long fight, as-e has finally been given that 75 per cent of all received through the Game Department will ltd over to the commission. sons totalled high with 623. I BF.SIXTS A Division Lyons 3, Skecna iny years sportsmen of Gro. 0; Annettes 3, Dibb Print. 0; Rosa Lee 3, McMeekins 0; Stars 2, Savoys .1; Lucky Strikes portant that youth should be trained to handle and appreciate Its great heritage. The men of the council, the president and directors .have given freely of their time, often at considerable expense to themselves, to work with one thought in mind the protection of wild- 2, Cloverleafs 1; Wrathalls 2, G & Anderson 1. B Division Sunrise 3, Big Sisters 0; Rupert Radio 3, Toilers 0; Seventh Ave. Mkt 3, McKays 0; Shcntons 2, Co-op 1; Cook's vince leit mc uame an was under financed, .e Fish and Game Coun-.as demanded that all derived from wildlife be returned to th- .on, for its use only, his money, derived from tourist camp operators, '.rappers, sport hunters . rmen. more should be i sport fish hatcheries. A ;1 . frtn V. life in this province. They nave z. t-prnmercmis i. ,j kept the eounrll free of outside j Taxi 1. influences, political or other-1 STANDINGS wise and therefore ask for the. A Division-Lucky Strikes 12, confidence of all sportsmen. Annettes 9, Lyons 9. Dibb 8, , McMeekins 8, Savoys 7, Wrathalls . .,, hi of this or- nr. To become a part "d will 'St i n DlvUon - cook'. Jowelto. I Sisters 3, 71 Taxi 3. not Prince Rupert? w enforcement officers arch of wildlife propo- i I '.ion f t e r resolution a presented to the rov-: asking for this, but al- ! 'ine the same answer, i ds." : -men .have always felt i is not any point in rais- ; nee fees when all such : went into the fund of; i I revenue. But with the t of more funds for th.' - on. the council re-r- in recommending an in licence fees. The ln- iy ' " 1 1 "C. ! ajf V . 7 J I Menerch fAonttrer 5 'i-xumts law April I, so ogress has been made better conservation. HON uon is another facet of Wis vwrk. uwn 0)K:ratps a film from which, films are . all Rod and Gun nroughout the province. I the local dub showed I mC Spiincjr iiinis at its annual Films, Realm of th- 'Skeena River two of the finest ever It's the most exciting Monarch ever built . . . it's beautiful beyond compare with all-new styling and it's 'way up in power too! Proudly it looks its part . . . and paces its fine-car field ... is the most distinctively new and difjtreitt cttr to bit the Cauaduin road or '52! See this new Munarcli for yourself. Then just drive it ! You'll u n wildlife. A showing NEW 125-HP. V-8 ENGINE New high-corn- - "ranged for -local i i ' ond the very - j $ . .j?! latest in shoes premon dcttgn bocked by Ford's Pt'on, the council is Vn- if sir ' ' ' .Jr- xperienca in building mor V-8 ngin thon all othr msktrt comb in 4, Jiave more conser-'na worked into the ""wulum. Youth or-one 0f .he mo,.e to be . . . . . . mm . If k f : CAH HN K )( ) WrAK i No need to look and look again to see the difference in this new car! Take just one glance at that stunning new hood and grille at that huge, one-piece curved windshieldat the new rear end treatment. Here's advanced design . . . here's new luxury and robm inside as well. Now you can command the most powerful Monarch V-8 ai oi me conn- h is to Preserve wildlife wrutions. It is im. Ms Enter RE FRIGERATGR SPECIALS 9 Semi. ! It's a beauty to look at, a beauty to drive, with its choice of three great drives . . . famous Monarch Automatic Transmission or Overdrive (optional at extra cost) or silky-smooth conventional transmij- Monarch .- sj(ri . "'umamg ., knight 'Tronh BtUdentS' 6 iTOphy rurlin sion as standard equipment. W hicheter you choose. n this 1952 Monarch you II thrill to a rule re- yontl compare as vou -"2? t cu. knight ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 ft. Refrigerator, 9'2 8'2 cu WklW iwtB t;,.i, tv diic hut, copi, tocVir poml moulding,, bumr. OvQ.d. CUHI t.nd ik.rli opl.onol ol nig toll !" ooHill. Monarch Tw"Doar Mm .any tomorrow with frozen food compartment $411.50 tue winner hi" $382.00 a DEMONSTRATION DRIVE ...see vm monarch dear "iwrniw 8'2 cu. ft. Refrigerotor ARRANGE FOR eurlinn, ' '" c,laree of .. "b, savs row wii i.."r'l".,B Northern B. CPo wer Co. L td. pro. "Rciy pe rQiK tZl BeBWes the U' thwe may BOB PARKER LTD. rhcom.'.'e! i,nd a prize Hesner Block Phone 21" Trinre Rupert, B.C. "VUL, Stewart, B.C. Home of Friendly Service Prince RuPert ond Terrace' B- Ford and Monarch Dealers 1 DAILY NRW8 classlfivd