4 v.. rson, Romulo Front Runners Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 19, 1953 Pace For Trygve Lie's Job Oil Export Permit Draws Criticism of CCF Member OTTAWA (CP) H. W. Hcrridge I ing the budget debate in the tCCF Kootenay Westt says the i Commons, said the committee Trans-Mountain Pipeline Com- j which studied Trans-Mountain's FIBREGLASS BOATS And SKIFFS UNSINKABLE UNBREAKABLE ALSO Fibreglo'ss Gas Tanks; "V" Rollers and It A f i f " j application for a charter had other Marine Products pany lg making a "mockery" of Parliament In gaining a permit AVAILABLE NOW AT to pipe oil Into the United States from Its Edmonton-to-Vancouver line. I Mr. Herridge, speaking dur- been led to txMeve exported oil would be earned by tanker or barge fruj Vancouver, western terminal i.jf th pipeline. Now, lie";,ai1, the Board of Transport Commissioners has THE SPORTS SHOP 822 3rd Ave. W. Phone Blue 69 H - r n UNITED NATIONS. N Y. tCP) Canada's L. B. Pearson and Carlos Romulo, chief Philippine UN delegate, are the front-runners In the hotly-contested race for the $40,0O0-per-year tax-free Job held by Secretary-General Trygve Lie of the United Nations. Romulo has the strong backing of the United 6tates. but neither Pearson nor Romulo were elected last week on-the first ballot taken by the security council. There will be another turn, perhaps today, and the U.8. delegation has let It be known that Romulo will remain Its choice. Pearson appears to be the u.S second choice. The strong American position VBKM 71 Oil Pipeline granted the company a permit . ' to pipe oil south into the U.S from a point outside Vancouver. This was making a "mockery" of Parliament and a "mockery" of the committee which recom-1 mended the company's charter! lie granted. j Mr. Herridge complimented ! Tom Goode L Burnabv-Rich-1 iVi I . . . ft Wtx4- si Report Says u w PockMount Expenditures ..Incurred ..by j mond) for first bringing th-Trans-Mountain Oil Pipe Line matter to the attention of Par-Company In connection with the liament. In a Commons speech v 1 ; construction of the 71tt-mile rnoay ivir. Oooe also protester i I crude oil pipeline between Ed- I the company's action to pip" i monton and Vancouver, amount- ! oil into the U S. and charged j ed to $46,852,339 as of December j the people of British ColumbU! 31, 1952. land Parliament had been "dou- j Robert L. Bridges. Dresident of ! ble-crosscd" by officials of th-s ! for Romulo bids fair to collide with eounllr strong Rturian opposition. Worried delegates are predicting that nothing will be done atithis session of the general assembly to replace Lie. STAV INDEFINITELY If no successor Is agreed upon. Lie will remain here indefinitely. Last Friday the council' took a vote despite a declaration by Valerian Zorln, Soviet Union, that he would veto anyone that day He wanted the election out I Trans-Mountain, made the an- I company. i . GEORGE I.OMlON, Montreal-born ba-ss-barltone of the Metropolitan Opera, has scored a personal triumph in the role of Boris Oodunov. He was called out for 11 curtain calls on the Met's opeiiing-niht revival of Mussorgsky's opera. Critics said he was the "triumph of the evening" Earlier this year London, 31. appeared with the Metropolitan Opera Company as Don Giovanni in the Mozart 0era. "i V Btcu...!tt jnouncement In the company's j annual report. j The main pipeline system, I when completed, will cost approximately $'J2,XX),000. j Since the company was lncor-Iporated March 21, 1951, the com-1 pany has earned no incom,-, the J report indicated. Its expenditures comprised $40,792,680- for lengMieering, surveys, work per if S3 , off for a week, but Henry Cabot upcrb qwlity Chinese Attempt To Crash Line Proves Fatal SEOUL (CP) U.S. infun'.ry wipf-d out a fop ; of more than 350 Chinese Reds attacking Little Gibraltar HUI in western Korea. mikM it th bt buy on the ING A HKM AL after charges or UcIiir "Rus.,ian (spies" irifrlcet mm Alaska Salmon Canners Renew 1952 Contract f In the Hou.se of Commons are Ray Oardner of at.d his wife, Kay. Tom Ooode, the Liberal member jy R.i liniond, made the charges. Gardner, A former ti ;ii f i . ij an official of the Canadian Peace Council. ,crs teeenlly attended a peace rally in Peiping and a .lt-rer.ee In Vienna. An army briefing officer said I Uxlge, U.S. delegate who is master-minding the strategy to get Romulo elected, was reported to have Insisted on a quick vote. Romulo. the first man up. got five votes. Two were opposed and four abstained. Informed sources said France and Russia voted against Romulo. Pearson, the next candidate, received nine votes, Including that of the United States, but the Soviet Union vetoed him. It was reported that Lebanon ab-i stained. This would "be in line formed by contractors, materials supplied and net cast of interest during construction, and S59.G59 for oi sanitation costs. Construction of the pipeline, the report states, has been proceeding according to schedule. Approximately 45 per cent of the job has been completed. Barring unforseen developments, .the pipeline should be completed this August and crude oil should ain's Merchant Fleet Jl5 Communists were killed or wounded in a hand-to-hand battle raging 7'2 hours inside the allied trench network. The Chines attempt to dent the allied line resulted in the heaviest ground fighting in several weeks. In Washington, the navy said it was sending two. new types of jets to Korea, both - swept-wing interceptors and considered a match for the Russian-built MiG-l5s. reach Vancouver during October, l j with strong Arab opposition to mdling Dangerously Low SEATTLE I API Representatives of the Alaska Salmon Industry and Cannery Workers Union. Local 37. have agreed to contract terms for the 1953 season. William Oettings, regional director of the independent International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, said the terms of the new contract are rearson lor nis roie in trie creation of Israel. Pearson. Can ALSO DISTILLERS OP ROCK MOUNT LONDON DRV.GM y AND SOLE AGENTS FOR CATTO'S Cold Label and Extra Special Unions Seek 2-Price Policy . AH- Britain, hirh l half the world rpt t ars its once-IwM fleet is dwtn- Finest Imported Scotch Whiskies The outicKik for vessels flying the Ked Du(ter U 'Krtm." with hin!i taxation, rising wages, shorter working hours and lack of materials all helpmx to un-deniilne the national shinning ALBERTA DISTILLERS. LIMITED 1 CALGARY, CANADA mus!) avtay ada's external affairs minister, is president of the general assembly. The third vote of the day was on the Polish foreign minister, Slani.slaw Skrzeszewskl, nominated by Russia. France Is reported to be opposed to Romulo because of his f.ntl-colonlal views. Here Is a brief run-down of 205,315 Hundred-pound bags ol OTTAWA (CP) Three prairie flour milled from wheat donated farmers' unions have asked the by the Canadian Government federal government for a two- were sent to Greece last year by price policy to support all-out the Canadian Red Cross Society food production for the world's ! Thit idvcttiicmcnt it not published or displtd by th Liquor Control Bord or by uii Government ol British Columbi me same as last year, with no (pay boost. However, the industry agreed to pay the worker jeach S30 60 for health and welfare for 1952 The Wage Stabilization Board, since defunct, refused to art- ; hungry. i Industry, the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom said in its 1952-53 annual report "Unless present taxation policy Is altered, the outlook is grim indeed." the report said, j "Ship must be replaced as they ! grow old and fleets modernized." ations Spain Pool ; the prospects at this moment: They urged divorce of domes- ; tic food prices from lower price ' levels of International trade. ; . prove the S.i0 6o in lust years contract. r. . , . ' Hi' v w ' "',r '--1 ' , r ,- i- '4- H rv . ' - - - -t -k.V r V l jt m. ; " V ' " - ' '', r. . , . ' C - ' . 1 . r - ' i V V t .'':i s , . ', ap .( 'f .1 r - i r ' . - 'a if . - 1 i X A t t 3- ..t , ' -tr' t - . - ". .4- t . . ' " - "'V 1 - v. i. ' ,' 1... t " ' : 1 ;-w . " " ' I Ir. - 4Rt .. " - ' f - , T. ' '4 . ' t tk .; ' . 4 r : '.". J . i f.s v. ' . ) i . t W . . t 1 ' . J Kkraesiewskl Everyone out-j side the Iron Curtain admits the I Polish foreign minister Is per-i manently removed Chris Mensalvas, president of The brief asked domestic iStfM OYXAV Ami despite the-faeV British Local 37, said the terms of the j food prices be based on prices i new contract must be approved! the farmer pays for goods and) by the approximately 3.000 i services and that food surpluses ; members of the union. They j for export be handled separ- l will vote on the broDosals atelv even on a hater hnsis irl P -The ministers of j shipyards now have record ff-an nations have nuuibera of vessels building. mow . ;. j?pf -to antt Spain to their ' this country la falling behind Tlt rimiiiotltitri In t Ha rrla iviarcn 13. necessary. if: on a proposed v Romulo -Likely wlU be put up again at what Lodge considers the right moment. Chances are dim. with the nod depending on the Moscow team. France may not oppose a majority If Moscow does not. Pearson Damaged by Soviet veto but still strongly backed. A veto la not a permanent t ! an agricultural I ' to the Schuman Fly With ELLIS AIR LINES i mint and modernization of Its j merchant fleet. I During 1952. tor Instance, Britain ini-reiued her merchant fleet by 73.000 tons, all In tankers Japan acquired In the same period 605.0(H) tons of new shipping: Germany. 387.000: France, 271.000; Italy. S'27.OO0, and Panama, 131.000 tons. With a proportionately smaller fleet, British shipping execu PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN FROM Only nine hour ami yon're llieri'I 3Ioiulay, WediH'sdiivs am! Fridays J:00 a.m. Direct roiiiiections to EASTLRN CANADA. Al.-o, Fly lo Vuiiroiivrr ly vny of Sandpft. Save lime . . Save money . . Aud enjoy Canadian. Pacific friendly, courteous service aloft. ban. He could be nominated j egain. Madame Vljaya l.akshmi Fan- dit, Indian chief delegate and sister of Prime Minister Nehru some diplomats are betting that the Russians will nominate her a a compromise candidate, j Nasrollah Enlciam, Iran Not j yet a nominee from any coun- j try. Delegates do not give him i much chance at present. I Luis Fadllla Nervo, Mexican j foreign minister A possibility but well in the background. Eric Itoheman, Sweden's cn- i voy to the United States A I dark horse. il and steel, i representative has .vv-ion. making a ""uiitries engaged In ' to draft a plan to .initial frontiers In 'in and marketing of ee of farm produets. i orks as the Schu- mti-mlid to work, is will be niped out ii agriculture will ! produce for a '.irens. French agri-!,r Mid plans thus restrict the initial '1 -lif jiwl to key ai heat, cereals. a:iu vegetables. "' and po.vilily -in m vi nil countries 'ding Mr project tives fear they will get a smaller share of the world's cargoes In . future That would set In motion I a vicious circles of dwindling earnings with owing to lack of With Connections to SEATTLE Coll ot our WHITEH0RSE- Office ANCHORAGE Opposite the and Post Office Other Alaska or Centres Phone 266 cash a further dlmunltion of orders for new ships. Biggest present hold-up, they say. are the hiRh taxes which swallow up the money they want to set aside to buy new vessels at current high rales. Lffeetive March 16lh Servrd br direr ronneet-' mr lifimuMm; Iravinc IViiirr Riirt at 9:00 p.m.. Moiirfsvsi, edneMUvs aud Fridays. The first Rideau canal wms completed In 1826 by Royal Kn-glnecrs under Col. John By. onull your Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific Airlines. 4. i """"" i 2 'n to Spam came made by the Span- t Itself, a French The division was almost unanimous." ''"'lined to say what ' In opposition. "Picsi niccl most of !r aCrd'Hlllim n,ln $6 Million Spent For Uniforms OTTAWA CP The Defence Department has ordered $6,256.-000 worth of battiedress uniforms in the last six weeks. Information tabled In the Commons showed. The orders Included 171.505 battledress tunics and 265.700 pall's of trousers. I'lioiic 793 f 11 . Austria rw-n. d Gteere, Norway, T'llkcy. Kwrrlpn "''herlands, Lux- the softest of Emeralds are to dla- 'ii'-e. West Germany. 1 precious gems, opixislte UMl ImoiKls. the hardest. ou . . . Practise tolerance and patience use intelligence and common sense en)oy working with youngsters Qre enthusiastic and hard-working THEN YOU ARE NEEDED Canadian (Pacific AIRLINES ilN THE TEACHING PROFESSION tish Columbia Teachers' The convenient ikt napkin , , .just right for brvuhfusl, lunch and snack lime Federation Your Local Travel Agent ... CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 1 Wallace Building Phone 620