E, w. , - ' ' ' , t 1 . , . , . I, Si ! - i l' :' I 4 PROVINCIAL LI23AST, 113 lf)3 . ; '"" VICTORIA, 2. C. a 4 f r ITIDES- ' Remember Tonight i March 20. I, standard Time PLEASE KEEP YOUR 4 23 20 9 feet PORCH L55HTS ON. 17 18 171 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 22.59 11.08 8 4 6 4 feet feet Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Canadian Red Cross VOL. XL11, No. IS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1653 PRICE FIVE CENTS ft? 0) n n mfty Cl n. In Tu Mo Aiir. .IF it 2)o Ten Bodies Found Near Burning Plane - 11 WVii By Tlie CmtJln Pre ST. JOHN'S, N fid. Two United States military planes trashed in Newfoundland Weflnesday and the death toll may reach 33. Pr-,- "vrX -- fT' It was announced today the lecond U.S. aircraft a B-29 'ximber had plunged into St. Oeorge's Bay with 10 men iboard while on a routine tlight. Fate of the occupunts vas not known. Meanwhile. searchers looked 'or survivors of the giant bonib-;r whieh crashed on the east 1 ei . tr co:ist of Newfoundland with 23 In Coronation Parade persons aboard. Ten bodu- were found but istfloN or qi n.S ELIZABETH this June wui be the fifth attended by Canada's there was no Immediate trace of the other 13 persons. Workers Reject Proposal By The CunadMO Press VANCOUVER A federal negotiator was told striking west coast grain handlers have voted unanimously to reject his six-point settlement tli-s. .starling with Queen Victoria's In 1R37. This mrliir.sn,, , i .1 I . . ' ' . I . V i I V Ul tlllUI, I J 5 ii! me coronation pi urcuuun i Ring ueorge VI. Heading the troop la S. T Detail of the B-29 cra.h were Wood. not available. Wreckage wa m r ui me kliwi-. who reureo a snort lime ago. At right is Inspector Josephal rei.uy appointed neaa 01 me security bureau of NATO In Paris. THERE IS THE EQUIVALENT of enough power on the floor of this Toronto plant to propel eight liners ol the size of the Queen Mary or 80 locomotives. Each of these 45 Jet engines, part ot a month's output at A. V. Roe Canada, In Toronto's suburban Malton, develop 6500 pounds thrust or better. The Canadian-designed Orenda turbo-jet powers Avro Canada's twin-jet CF-100 fighter and soon will be Installed in the F-86 Sabres. ?nce Meeting of Policemen jails Life in Prison Camp found In the bay on the province's west coast but there was no sign of life. On the other side of the island search parties hunted for the remaining 13 aboard the B-38 which went down north of here while en route from the Azores If) Its base at Rapid City. The 10 bodies were found by woodsmen near the still burning wreckage on a heavily-wooded hilltop. Firms Support Proposal to Bi KV MNWMI been drawn to the mystic, precarious and tumultuous Orient in search of adventure, "and I t least found lots of it," says Taylor. Operators told the negotiator three of six points were acceot- Lumber Assembly Wharf at Kitimat ;in t-ting here of two di-Uftivr In Ul? priumrr-of-wur n li' a happy end-mj !iich had Its In Japanese PoW atockade tor a year. It a the first time they had seen arh other ulnce October. 1943, when Constable Crouch wan repatriated from the camp on a prisoner exrhanRe deal between the Ainerlran and Jap-pnese government Taylor, being British, didn't "But the world fell around our cars, as it did to everyone in A proposal that a lumber! guarantee with the CNR, Third, . the proposal had been expressed" rble provided the employees return to work at once. Copies of letters In which both sides gave answers to his proposals were released by Ber jiri'. annua 110- assembly wharf be built at Kiti it would offer a return cargo for recently by a representative of a ships arriving with alumina. large lumber wholesaler at Port- ShanRhal mat which would stimulate the f;''ry nuir $. f Isi'.i 1 mat rnattonal Ket- Mr. Robinson said interest in ' land, Oregon. movement of lumber from this region by ship is receiving strong nard Wilson, federal Labor Detriment conciliation officer. Student Guilty Of Murdering Ex-City Man ,et in tm the exehge nnd en - rfuiik Taylor. support from interested com duml th lfie of a PoW until Some 200 members of the the Orient when the Japanese launched their attack on Pearl Harbor "It was 4 am. nn December . 1W42 when the Nips ram and hustled us to thi camp This was at P'xilung. near Bhanehal and the two of us were there together for a year," recalled the oaciea as far east as Prince Grand Handlers Union (CIO) from Australia to '(ii ith Alan at; George, Will Robinson, president liiio (he RCMPi ofllilal of the Terrace board of trade, said today. Mr. Robinson, on a visit here with Mrs. Robinson, said repre MILLION DOLLARS ASKED FOR FLOOD RELIEF FUND OTTAWA Oi Prime Minister St. Laurent announced Wednesday the government will ask Parliament to appropriate $1,000,000 as its contribution toward the Canadian National Fund for European Flood Relief. the end of the war In August, 194S. Lcmi than six weeks ugo. he. hi wife and five-year-old daughter left Au.stralia Jor Canada Crouch and Taylor first became acquainted In 1940 while former 42-year-old. 225-pound to face f JA f.-re sentations had been made for many years to obtain this indus .i Philip Crouch. 't ul the Shang- t " P'liire with Tav- on the name Bhanehal force but trial service at Prince Rupert, without success. i'-pmale for a year at different atatiuns Both had ... 1 T- ' . . m. ''i r.;.;':" ..Y t , ' t. 1," . ' -t - y -.., -. I, i; t r fa. fs S . y . fit .... f " , " '"., . , . . , m - r ; ; - r. 1 K r - . i . , f f - ; - t i Si . : R.. t A i i ' -W' 9 ,. V. - i ' - - r ' , "' V ", ,S : i- ft. -: '. T . ,'-' i - ;l " -v ". . f , , r -: ; . . . s - -I - - , '' ' 5- i . '.. i . .-. - i - v j i 4.. ' s ' -.S - - ' I ' " : ",' . ' 'U '''. (f I".. ' - - "For some considerable time, Giant Parade Planned Here substantial amounts of lumber have been shipped rough from various Skeena and Bulkley points for re-manufacture at i EDMONTON ' A six-man '. jury Wednesday found Lorang Sorum guilty of murder In the parking-lot shooting of an Ed-' monton oil company executive. Mr. Justice James Cairns sentenced the 26-year-old former ! University of Alberta student to be hanged June 16. ! It took the Jury an hour and 54 minutes to decide Sorum was sane when he emptied a revolver : at Robert D. Haugcn. 38, in down-' town Edmonton lasfr January 30. ! Sorum shook his head and ! answered "no" when Judge Cairns asked If he had anything to say before sentence. Judge Cairns had taken two hours for went on strike against five Vancouver and New Westminster elevators February 16. Settlement terms proposed by Mr. Wilson were: 1. A wage increase of three cents an hour, retoactive to December I, 1952. 2. Two additional statutory holidays. 3. Increase of five cents an hour in the present graveyard shift differential. 4. Payment of double time for all work done on Sundays. 5. Shift rotation of cleaner-men in one elevator, where such arrangement has not already been made. 6. Incorporation ot acheduleo of job classification in the collective agreement without prejudice to the right of management of each elevator to establish its own system of classification. . To Coincide With Coronation sub-Inspect nr. "Phil and I even carried out an investigation together In the ?amp when one of the prisoners- Russian was found with his throat cut." Taylor, who speaks with a combined Australian and Ene-ll.sh accent, but uses American .slang with familiarity, was a policeman In London when he derided to seek adventure further afield. He served as a de-teetive for 15 years on the International Settlement force be-lore the Japanese came. Recollections of his PoW days at the war-famous Hunghwa points east," Mr. Robinson ex plained. Crowning of the Kinsmen Club "There is a strong possibility )EMHT RED CROSS VKF ON HERE TONIGHT : L Ihi- night members of tvery wrvli e club In the i ;fh.s ui other volunteers will collect annual donations I ! I'row Vuota for the city I $5,500 II '"I'ei t tonight, although the Job s Daughters f t 4 3(i pm lietneen Mi Bride and Hays Cove Bridge, i '-h tu Ninth Avenues In order to finish before dark. I " paliin U being directed by Stan Saviile. branch f 're ho aks that citizens keep their porch light on. May Queen here has been postponed to. coincide with the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth on June 2. , that an assembly wharf at Kitimat would result In a reversal of tills flow. Such reversal would dian Legion, and A. Wallln, Trades St Labor Council. Major W. C. Poulton of the Salvation Army is secretary and City Clerk BUI Long is co-ordina-tor. Mr. Anfield said the committee was open to any suggestions for the celebraUon and urged all result in a stepping up of the The event will be correlated to jurors. He told amount of rough lumber re-manufacUired in this area, with resultant increase in planer plant camp are predominantly of "tcr- ; his charge rlble food and very little- of. them: with a city-sponsored celebration to mark CoronaUon Day, F. E. Anfield, chairman of the coronation committee appointed by facilities. To insure there would be a j groups to present them "as soon as possible so plans may be finalized and proceeded with at an early date." plentiful supply of lumber to be shipped under such a scheme, it i that." A husky man when taken captive "220 pounds or so" he weighed only 115 pounds when released after V-J Day. Then he looked for und found it Job In security work with the Australian consulate in Shang- clies From Hotel P Mow Identified Mayor Harold Whalen, said today. Other plans include a giant parade under direction of Lieut. Cmdr. T. A. Johnstone and RCMP Inspector Taylor. Tito Meets Churchill "It is you mini must deride the question of sanity not the experts. You'll appreciate there la a difference between what the doctors call Insanity and legallnsanity. You are concerned only with legal Insanity." Haugen lived In several west- might be advisable to form a company that would handle the overall arrangements. Mr. Rob OrganlzaUons on the commit f fiv !iodi(is; hiWi-n frnm tho ruin if thpihal. .. . ..... , inais now I napiiein-u m k eru taiiuuian I'tmrrs oeiurc ''W M'ltcl were identified !y a coroner S; to Australia. Afu-r the Commu- coming to Edmonton four years tee are headed by: Joe Scott schools; Mrs. J. Ridsdale. women's groups; W. B. BaUey, Indian participation; Rev. L. O. Sieber and Father Rayner, OMI, minis "ijilit and the fifth was identified this nists took over Shanghai, I nih ago from Prince Rupert. His four grated with the rest." (children range In age from 6 to INJURED LOGGER FLOWN TO CITY A 23-year-old Stewart logger is in Prince Rupert Genenl Hospital in good condition afUr being flown here late yesterd' y In a mercy flight by Central B.C. Airways. He is Gerald Millqulst who suffered a back injury in an accident a few miles out of Stewart. 17. Of police work In China,.Tay- terial; Orme Stuart, Chamber inson said. Stockholders would be the various lumber manufacturers as far east as Prince George, or whatever points were considered within range of the plan. "This company could act as the clearing house for lumber shipped. It could make any arrangements possible with Alcan for the use of, or lease of, wharf faculties, and for the operation of such facilities." Mr. Robinson said Alcan would LONDON President Tito of Yugoslavia discussed with Prime Minister Churchill and other top-ranking British leaders today ways the anti-Soviet Communist stat could ward off possible Russian aggression. Subject of the talks was thought to be Yugsolav air defence against the Russian M1G-15 jet fighter. Not only Russia, but most of lor says It was "often very grim, often very funny to an of Commerce; Bert Jefferies, Junior Chamber; Col. S. D. John victims in Sunday 1 sit rou s blaze ' Uie jurv were: lers, Aire Megetto, 'il-'llk. 4ft utl ston, army reserve; Mrs. J. Mark, P-TA CouncU; Alex Haig, Cana i the satellites surrounding Yugo Narriman, Farouk Decided To Separate Long Time Ago slavia now are armed with the also benefit by the scheme for three main reasons. First, there would be the availability of large stocks of lumber at Kitimat for swift Red jet. the townsite's bulldfng and de velopment Second, it would in crease traffic over the Terrace- inijtun I em was Identified f (jlflri:f Dawes this f hls rofjimnaur. Jim '; unable to up-I ;llfiuiry It was satisfied 1lld Leader SI Today I (:')iniinmut Czc- V '""letl Red p,imp V y today for the ;a6w of thr- coun-f "i-tator. President " C'wh.s filed past Kitimat railway, thus assisUng Alcan to meet its freight Income with evidence presented that, one of the bodies was that of Harrington, a sign painter who came here recently from Eastern Canada. A witness. Fred Taylor, owner of the Ureen Rooms, told Jurors He believed Harrington was n roomer In his place and that he was visiting In the King Oenrge on Saturday night Taylor Identified a broken! toe which corresponded to a cut crease In a boot found nearby Harrington's charred body. The lury also witnessed removal of a key from his burned clothing and later witnessed It being fit-ted to the entrance door of his place in the Green Rooms. Taylor also Identified some clothing worn by the victim as "very similar" to those he had seen Harrington wear. Little, however, Is known here of his background. Harrington arrived about a month ago. Na Irifntlflcatlon papers were discovered by police. Among effects In his room was a sm&ll booklet which indicated sign-painting (Continued on page 51 Hundreds Perish hi Quake ISTANBUL ih A violent earthquuke shook western Turkey Wednesday night and unofficial reports today said from 500 to 1.000 persons perished. President Celal Bayar left Ankara with government officials for the stricken region. The quake apparently centred around Balikesir. Across the Sea of Marmara from Istanbul and near the First World War battlefield of OalUp-oli, police at Balikesir said by telephone there were 38 confirmed dead' In the towns of Oonen, Manyas but there was no contact with the towns of Venic and Cihan, believed even harder hit. Taylor said Australia is ridden by unemployment, low wages and high prices. A single room In Sidney costs $5 a week, no heat, light, bath or other conveniences supplied. Shot's civst $3 a pair and a medium-quality suit of clothes $75 "Industry is getting a lilack eye and economies are tumbling. What's more. Communism is rife . . . Australian cities are ideal breeding places for this social disease." Taylor has experienced the methods of Communists. He was In Shanghai when that city fell to their hands August 14, 1945. "The Reds bled every businessman to his last penny before allowing him to leave." Taylor leaves for Kitimat as soon as transportation Is available. Ho has been assigned to Alcan's security division and hopes to settle there permanently. ' In Rupert, he's guest of Constable and Mrs. Crouch. Weather Forecast North coast region Cloudy with showers today and Friday. A few clear periods overnight decided on tor a long time and Is a personal affair I repeat, a personal affair without any intervention from my mother or the Egyptiun authorities," the statement said. "After long patience, I found that I must separate from my husband ... I have been obltged to leave my son, infant Fuad II whom I adore, making a great sacrifice which I hope God will give me courage to bear. "I hope to return to Egypt as soon as possible to find comfort and tranquility." Her trip home wUl be the first since she went into exile In Italy with Farouk last July. GENEVA (Reuters) Pretty ex -queen Narriman of Egypt said Wednesday she had walk -ed out on Farouk simply because she could not stand him any lunger. The 19-year-old princess angrily denounced her husband's claim in Rome Friday night that her mother and Premier Mohammed Naguib had driven her marriage onto the rocks. Narriman's special statement, Issued through a secretary at her Geneva hotel, followed Naguib's permission for her return to Cairo. "The separation has been Missing CBCA Plane Safe A Central B.C. Airlines plane, reported missing yesterday, is safe near Stewart Pilot Don Mclvor reported to head office In Vancouver Wednesday that he had put his plane down to escape rough weather in the bleak northern mountains. Mclvor and his engineer were the only persons aboard the plane. It was flying Into the remote Leduc glacier area where a rich uranium strike Is rumored. Not much change in tempera ture. Winds southeast 30 today, be J as on public in the Gothic coming southerly 20 late this af ot the presidential ternoon and Increasing again to southeast 30 Friday morning. l!( radio In p (MIA Low tonight and high Friday at Port Hardy. Sandspit and I oi, wno wm re. Prince Rupert, 33 and 45. Tonight is the Night of the Red Gross Drive u KEEP YOUR PORCH LIGHT ON v. - "