trrniA AfllfOrtlCllin r Thursday, March 19. 1953 ALL RACES INCLUDED in ' CORONATION CONTIHGEm SINOAI'OHE iHeuti-rsi-Every rare nf.M . vV.Jii . J Noted on Aussie Radio The National Sdci.Hv for Pre-: Br.sides improving snU of Cruelty to Children I ture. lime corrects acidity and as established at New York in! supplies calcium and ma?nes-1875. lum. . . ' v V 1 tliTfV i SYDNEY, Aii-sir Au-siralia CP Aus-; sons. ii.-UUVi liiir Fust armed furces i-imtit.,..,,. . ..' ' i'- ... . i .. .., t ,it IlltCnswilft I ) I l It; : ,1 i i . o . n n " " , . " trie c, was announceu here. cntirt-d "the la k of port Hoaui a .government watchdog f N"1 ....... r 1a ivriuiramK' 1: V 111 IUC H The 400-member contlriKent will include Mai BrlUins, Fijians. Africans and Gurk'h. '"' of !. indiaiiii, lans, CV1T .11(1 . v.r rl V- nliloiMtlli nn-i It'IHI'il'j mi t V 1 advertising. Uta'.e. frequeni.y new i'iea . I , . .v.. k,...isiutc.vs. a by a compel it.'r. i.x.ui. ): " i 11,., mum' milz w sions. ti e ex-1 aid there have been frequent ci- uplamtt thai advertising me C (IS RIVC- ! thods on radio are mmi'ier oi 1 " lls""1 n a a source of a Ue , and if nor .yv pn-s ti,.ill..r" sesJuliS. in jf.ituin to listeners, I lose : abt.ilv the board wimi thu.-.s had c ur. t oll, d could reduce com men ial radio's value as un ad . orca.sH'ii to qiii ..iion VtitisiiiR medium. There had also ix-.-n o.n- plulni.s that too tii.oiy I itlou '1 lie report noted that some st a I. on licences had been re- peach Shortelce pgYALClTY J I CANNED F 0 0 0 S jj nev.rd stibjwt to limitation on;1 " ' ; :!.(' Seiutth and number of od-1 ."astuiK. j trttwrniiU j The AW -say, U'.'t '' 'hiru The repirt .aid that in the1 program is ne.ev.iy heeaurf y.-ar ending June 19i2. adver- riiiring fedetal parUament f-'s-1 ti eis paid aoout 3.0,0(I0 W-jdonji oiH' of Its two networks ha j """ itit-W'S. irom wh! (jroadeast prm-eeouw .''i l, PtlVVED CAREIW ' IHX U SK KIi:Si M I KE I)KTKCTI:1 m some animals tlic I l.'ihbndpe ana, all dos were ordered tied up. It may hav ben ! mv'.VHii tut Dusty registered strong disapproval of the ruling ,hu l- ki p him at rope's end. Edison to be Remembered At Vienna Celebrations .iter for; the Mawt'ns iuit? u M.LBi y. ..I.. . , ... t-sisimn AnslraUan hud los-s-!)-f oi ( about 2.SiiOO()0 radio sets, or different tastes wi'h ,tilv nearly one to every three per- a.'leinattve net"ik A i PLAN YOURS HOW AHD RIGHT HIU IN... PRINCE RUPERT you can find out what ' vn -VNA. Ont. tCPv -The greaM tenary. It was named by Um n-.;ur. Thoma.-! Alva Edison, i Edison who preferred VK-nnit to and h:s uranataiher Sam will "be Shrewsbury, the nrtsinal nana renn tlu.s sunftner when j Celebrations will w wSU. p.oU-: rcsi ;-itts ob-eive the town's ccn- j aMy in Augusti an0 or.e of lu' -- I features may be a parade ulon ' P GOlrIG TO f 5'-" : fc' ! V.'anl a good job walls and ceilings j thai will keep their beauty through J ' the years? SlPfK KfM-TONf it rich of velvet; tough as rutier; as easy to clean ec your plaslK shower curtains. 16 smart, new. reod-to-use shodss; or internui for an almost endfou range of colors. PA HIT A ROOM? IT WILL PAY YOU TO 'the route Sum and bar-f o'.-M Tom walked on line summer' clays. ! Three cousins. Mrs . J. P. ; Coombe, Mrs. E E. Jarksori a iiii . ; Clara Eiison. say that H 1 hnm.u Edison' father, John Kdison. j had new taken part m the Mac-l kenzie Rebellion, tiie Inventor Vil: isn uno iy iiJMf KINO'S I'l-ATE ' unurr e 90J 73 in pay , . . speoalaed horj tt oining . . . permanent empioyiao) ... pc-ftvion. for everything you o $ know (lbout Havy lifs, cmtc3 fmHt Trjrrjr, alert. TlMf:. 21J. Pist. I'l mi. mr w ! I if r niisht huve been burn a Canadian. John Edison fled !! the border and Tom wa.i bom at Milan. Ohio, hi 1847 As a youth, Tom spent nianyi sunMivers m Vienna with his grandfather and his cousin teil or his learnine to swim in a local creek. A .shed on his pra; .1-fathrrt property became ono of Tom's first laboratories, ami- he carried out some of his fir .1 I Noval Recruiting Officer HMCS CHATHAM Phone: 526 V n experiments then-, i Sam Edison, who dit'd at 103. set out to change th nani ol 'the place from Shrewsbury to Vienna. There Is apparently no I explanation for his chocMar.g the Want to keep down your casts? coat covers Biost surface wo'psper, pomt, wood, plaster. Whof s more, you don't hove to bjy- any prtmr or under cooler. And wilti duruWe SUP KEvl fONf . your original pamt inv-ifment toils and lasts. Want to save time and trouble? SUffU KEM TOUE goes on qu.cH and imoalljy, without a trace of strife or hp, with brujt or Holler-K outer. And of court" you viokl the fuss of applying a pnmvr or undercook. (live your rooms colorful WiillK nnd ci-iliajiis you'll to live with. Auk ' yurd. i.t. rf..rSt l'l llt KKM-TONK! You'iJ be glad you bought the betfl ...f HAllL5-nJ: t r J t ; ,; " ' ' ' - - , !'' ' i -j 4 ' Z . ., . 1 . , - J ! " k . .1 .... 1 .-. 1 . 1 . ' name Vrenna, but what v;,... tiers have called his "iron wiil" Iff 0T ScagranvsSttrc J won the day. Vienna, centre of a tohaei-o production aiea alviut 20 miles Nl-S-53 east of St. Thomas, oii.;i have w.. .ri .m.n i nnl nublished or diiplcyd by i fh. liquor Control Board or by the Government of Biitoh Colombia. lfti t Continued on iw it'. eiwi'r. S - . . . . :'-'-'' - f . r - ' -! m a jr. r m i ta i ntn .w0:.vT - , ' j I ' MU Si What a happy bargain! And what a happy surprise is in store for you when you try Kellogg s new Sugar Frosted Flakes! tof.nd big, crispy flakes of corn When you open the box you're going with a lavish sugar frosting. Eat 'em out of the box or out of the bowl-you'll find their flavor out of this world! Because we don't want anybody to miss this trial, we're offering two boxes for only 5 ft more than the cost of one. Happy thought: make a note to get yours now. Supplies are limited. I J f' ' 1 ...,. j - Special Bargain-Limited Time Only Loot- for the fwo boxe. banded together ft lh1 ' of your grocer 't: