. , I (I!M l. PWMi.m Cheque books were first is- I4 SlJ Variety of Contestants and Test Pieces Highlight Opening Day of Festival owv w in -tiusiiors in hanks in 17dl. tSJ "sarin,,.??!: (Continued from Page 1) rrmce Rupert Hnii 4Uimfnrte (tinder i:l) Wintry m, W. Wind Huth Tel'-rd. 84: Doreen Al- vl Sinner. 88. BO bert 81 Marlene ererl' i.,,. J, Mar-I Adult I'hnrt-ll holr Bt. Andrews garet Johnaen. l; UmJnr Love. 81. Ormnvlllo Church Choir. 4. m; Bt. ...uor.. Prueur H Leona Hitch. HI: I bartholomew Church Choir. Alyaimh Tl l:sl)Y VI TI IINOOS Junior I lioriin - Booth Memorial Mixed Choir. 86 and 84. Pianoforte Duet (under ID Ruth Telford and Doreen Alnerl. 8:1 Pianoforte Duel (tinder -Call Wrtse aj.d Joanne Proeter. H4 i Ciall Welse. 81; Marilyn Anderson. 82: j 83. 83. i Kurth complimented them on I (heir interpretation of the Ne-I gro spiritual, "Let My People iGo." noting that they h"d with beautiful tone and a plaintive 'sensitive meloay. avoided the ! usual tricks for effect. However, 'their "Going Home" needed mure Michael Wayman. 81 f d both choirs good and strevd their "rapt devotional" quality. In "Brother James Air ' the Greenville choir established a good rhythm but became a little too steady and syllabic. MY DAbrti AreuniHtri moo on-m ohooh r.t, HA: ca-ey Wliaon. 82, 84 ( horal Urn lei v-Rotiii y Mixitl Choriui. 87, 84. Plaiiof.ole (under 111 Mamie An- j field. 85: Margaret Taylor. 84; Nlta , Weiae. 82; Oeorue Junes. 8:1: NlcKy I Pianoforte Huet (under D) Sylvia Helland and Pamy Lemon. 82 Pianoforte Hurt (under IK) (leor- ilina Mitchell and Roy Sieber B7 by a vocal duet. The adjudicator thought these performances of great value to the contestants. Working together, they gave a much more expressive, artistic and detailed performance. Ten contestants played in Pianoforte Solo (under 131. The test piece "Wintry Wind" requires imagination and a great deal of speed while playing. Puch a piece strengthens the fingers. j In Pianoforte (under 141 the ! test piece was "Giants." The r .TO ME HE LOOKS so u,.... m lituci Their second selection, ' What i warmth of tone and depth of Are These" was better, quiet and j feeling and the sopranos were a cievotional, with excellent bass little edgy. work. Tuesday afternoon, in the Ca- The Aiyan.sh choir used a ! pitol Theatre, selections in quieter approach in "Brother j pianoforte held sway with a few James Air" but the sopranos j variations. Raabe. 81: Michael Wayman. Hi: Char-a-ne liallniKer. 80. Piauolorle (under IS) Kutli Telford, B;l; Nlclty RaalK-, 82; Thomas Ltndsiruin. 81. TIK.sllW MlillT llaiid Aiyansh Silver llarni.jua Band. 89 . 88. .tillilt len (ocal wdo) Abel Rush. 87. 76: Mary Bird. 88. ...u ,,b i-wvjKi so GOOD Poppa is hep, he bought a an i Parker's. Momma doesn't loll H she helped pa pick it 0 t lL Pianoforte (Chopin seetioii-auder Mi) Robert Melvln. 82; Elizabeth Jojies. 81. Pianoforte (tiioidii Ktlon-oen) , Rosaline Thain. 84; Mia Nora j Thompson. 82: Olsa Zabudnev. HI I Violin Duet (under ID Alan Laird ', and Alleyn Ritchie. 83 ViM-lli Duel ( Vdull open) Georttlnn Mitchell and Margaret Watts H4 ami i 83. could have been brighter and The audience was treated to a more contrast was needed. Of ; Junior mixed chorus by Grade j tread of giants should be the good in one of PARKER'S A-1 lufui and many others to choo tlAL Violin ((uartet -Peter flaclsei. boo Anderson, Alan SieBer. DoiiulU Lewis. mind: imaginative thing in the their second selection, "Oh Sac- ; 7 of the Booth Memorial Mi",h - "Will, I', re- while pi lying th's piece. red Head" he said, the choice of School. Mr. Kurth was well '47 CHEV.ci M,,tn ' V setting was poor. ; pleased with selections from this quires a good firm tone. The adjudicator's only seem-, lovely choir. They an? with a The last selection on the pro-ingly unpopular decision was in : nice tone, phrasei were w 11 , pram I anuforte ( under 1 5 .test '51 FORD SEDAN 2 tone All accessories Really a Beauty $1650 A Buy for , ' ' blended and curved, their words niece "Cottontails." reouires the accordion class. A prankish full of meaning' and cel. r event sneed and firrrme younester. Ca.sey Wilson, won an ovation from the crowd, but top Then came a series (, f i m-t s. Need a Furrier's Specialized Care f' s marks went to his competitor. Sandra Gi.skc. AGU E TIXIINKU E The adjudicator said du-ts are an excellent study. They teach co-operation as the contestants BE SURE TO ATTEND THEP AND DRAMA FESTIVAL-MAY y KKSI ITS ti i:miv iohim. Singing tilline nr Action Song Ouinul at. School. 85. -hiniur linril (Ortule 31 Biml'Ml St. School. 84 mill 85; Conrad St. t-ihr.ol. 8:i ami 84. j have to listen to each other and Mr. Kurth praised Sandra for shape their part to blend with her musicianship, with agile RESTYLING GLAZING '50 PLYMOf Good Cimdiiw REPAIRING CLEANING '51 PREFECT SEDAN Like new condition. A BarKttln Special $675 Vou Can't ft, tl Phone 974 FREE PICK UP YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEAl- technique in her Sousa march and for her expressive legato in a Brahms Hungarian Dance. Casey Wilson's "Ciriberibin" showed a rhythmic charm in the melody but he had changed the tempo to .suit himself. His march was played with nimble fingers and a smooth flowing trio. final class was for Choral Societies, with the Rotary Mixed Chorus the only entry. Mr. BOB PARKER I BILL SCUBY - FURS that of the other person, so that the whole appears as a unit. This was achieved by Georeina Mitchell and liny Seiher in Pianoforte Duet T under 13'. They received the high niaik oi 87 fur their performance. I.XACTING PIEC T.S Next was the Chopin Section. These beautiful pieces are exacting and demanding. There was an opportunity here to sh nv insight in expression and technique, said Mr. Kurth. Then a violin duet added variety to the program, follow.;! f -till Salrt ( irailt :!) Ernest Knmpf. 8"; l.v.lxTt Green. 81. Mnlln M.lii (o-:iili :t) -Hob Antlr-r-mui. 82: Marie Rulscluif. 81. nttin Koln f;railr I ) Sena Pav- hl.is. H2: Donald Lewi:;. 83; Jium-a ' J'iBiin 85; Alan Sieber. 85 riaimlnrti' Solo I mlfr l Lomsp More. 80 and H; Kenneth TWfurtl. B' antl 8;!. i'i;tiHli-rle Solo (milr K) Nmiey M' vv. HI; Gloria Clusi. H5. Kim-n t'li'iiuui. 84: M;iun-en Lyons, 8:2; Carol Kc l ey. 81; Marv nrelmcr. 8:1; Kon-ra " Hi THIi.i J. 82. I'ianoforlr Solo (t mlcr (lLoulse l:owcn. 81: Daniel Gillis. 82; Lorraine .Jehueseu. 85; Kennelli Parsonii. 83; .''.itricla fr'ielfl. n:. Klalue Danlel.s, 84: Harry Kmit.son. 81. 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But how that pause with Coca-Cola helps when you turn back to work . . . refreshed and ready to go. Yes, sir ... a handy cooler full of. i: I j.f Iff iCertttu luwu wtufrawl at mnufoMd art "Aantfarrf" n torn mitarta, epfiflfial of txtra eoM m ofVri.) Ntfc-. YOUR FORD DEALER INVITES YOU TO ice-cold Coke makes any place a belter place to work. 7 PRINCE RUPERT B.C. Aufhcriied bottler of 0a-Caes under tonlrocl with Coca-Cola Lid. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Rupert, B.C. Phone 132 "Coke" Is a rrRirtPred trutln-mark. Prince