1 1 ' " . i"" Prince Rupert Daily News ..Wednesday, May, 12t 1954 Commission To Increase Diesel Power Rotary Speech' Contest Winners Start Citizenship Adventure Trip to Ottawa Three northern P C , in p., ... . WIVU WW Q t . . . - ;ii riiiice lienrTo . i ..... I J, "A, I 1 I I Plans for inr.rpusi WMiiiMii -mm ,, .( it (! jjhIi'IikJ ir M-uuoi students leave this Unadlan citianship just foui we-k crs from Br -,n h for Ottawa where, alon, with hey won fn P V?"'h aga A erade 12 slu"cn-students Rotnrv throughout Canada ! conLuta theifl ,Spcak;n I he a"iv Smithers in 1317. . they wn: be guests of ti. ot- 8 m ttlelr home towns. city of seven diesel-electric generating stations. Including plants at Terrace, Burns Lake, Hazel-ton, Houston and Queen Char-been announced by he B.C. Power Commission. J lie Dlantg rMnin'iiHj.j tawa uptary Club f. y 17.20 ' llx n"iary "Adventure ln ' Georgina Mitehon t, . 1 Citizenship" project will 5e the Eupert'vern De w er" 4 m ETT Jf 0" t0Ur f thp "d James CruicS'or h" LZ COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a jowl economical ear try ur A-30 AUSTIN. A complete ear with a low nri. r pacity to meet the growing pow- " ' iff I -J I Ley... Prince Rupert Little Theatre's "PRESENT LAUGHTER" starring .Ian Dobbie MAY 17 and 18 : the prime minister, cabinet min-i isters, opposition leaders and i members of all parties in the i house. Other increases will be attained at Qliesni.l onrf urilli readers lilOW MEIN L -3:30 a.m. Lake and a new diewl plant will! fitnri As usts of Rotary, they will Order of Tea, May 13, the Eastern Masonic Kail. uc cunsiructea at McBride Expansion planned at the northwest B.C. plants Is as v.v. paiiiauit-jiL ' Duuaiivv? uuuuiir-.s ana una . at lnav "At (It) ! " ansm. ana attend i many special dinners and other b.u.N. Smoigasbord Thurs- functions. dav. Mav ii o ;. ,. . " . i H95, that includes foam rubber seatg- lpth ..nu..i... GAVLE LEEM.VN (as nnh, ... . ndi r i'l;inp !") directional sienals and heater- J snarp. oeorgina Mitche 16-yeor-old a . nance A"dltorlum- Program and daughter of Mr. and Mrs Geo? Z Sn$n?"e WelCOm, Ad-Milche. 333 Fifth Avenue Cart, mission $1.75. MlTiiwnn tho mn)nrt . . Tickers $1.00 and $1.25 Now On Sale At COLLUSSI S MUSIC STORE CIVIC CENTRE . VAN MEER STUDIO ueirpmer unit. i'iu meeting April 7, defeating the , Houston-100 kw. Buda unit to be transferred from Whatshan SO kw. unit to be removed Net' addition 70 kw. to bring capacity , to 260 kw. . Queen Charlotte City loo kw unit to be transierred from Na-kusp, 372 kw. unit to be removed. Net addition, 62i2 kw to tring capacity to 312 "i kw. Terrace Powerhouse to be ex-1 pandect and 1,000 kw. unit to be' other semi - finalist Patricia who become 7 "le.many young ladies entaneled with (played bv Ian rth, , , ln , in" fa'"U8 artor Gary Ewendlne r Xr J, the hilarious British compdv- P""t fMr Jaycees Plan Paint-Uolob Lemmon. McRAE BROS. I AUTO SERVICE The Smithers winner, Ve-n j ' Detwiller, Is the 18-year-old s- n of Swiss immigrants in the Bulk- j ley Valley, who achieved his! Legion Ladies Auxiliary Victoria Dance, May 21, Legion Auditorium. Music by Jake s Rhythm Kings. Refreshments sold. Admission $1.00. . ujjj, Old Fashioned "Bring the Missus Night" Canadian Legion Friday, May 14, 8 p.m. Lots of entertainment. Admission .free. lllli auaea, two 150 kw. units recently removed for use at McBride Not addition 700 LONDON CPBritish Railways reports 44 persons were convict- I ed in 1953 of improperly pulling I communicatiLii cords and stop- 1 ping trains. Most con 1 .,.1 reason I was intoxicatiot. At Rupert Museum Tuesday Museum V"' Job' wh,ch of Northern B r v-, comprise wa, made a list m-hlf t " "k" 0f ,he ink'rior of the n or the P-, , . p ,t rt nf 't b!" "B. wi'h the work partv ' Chamber ofcommerSf lZJl ; c;p:ifily t0 2.200 kw. Burns Lake 1,136 kw. opposed-piston Fairbanks-Morse unit to be added, two 100 kw. units to be removed for service elsewhere Powerhouse to be altered to accommodate new unit. Net ad- Attention all members Fishermen's Local, U.F.A.W.U. By decision of the local, all members are required to clear with the union before leaving for the grounds. The Metropole Hall will be open from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day until May 15. Boat delegates may ,.ar the members of their crew. (U) ' . ur.iju pians lor a caravan trin t.. ih i,.. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Pl.cnc Green 960 WITH SENSATION ALV"rV C3 ,,,'' t0 h"' capacity to 2,138 kw. Hdi.i.iU)n-Poweri,ou:ie to be altered and 150 kw. unit to be kidded to bring capacity to 450 kw. ... if ' V ' tl ; i convention in Penticlon May 27-29. Local delegates will travel by car, picking up delegates from Terrace. Smithers and Prince Georae for the trip south. Official dlc:)alf. fr.m d-i '- ' - -'- '-I V. - MUSIC and DRAMA FESTIVAL I Windshields, Thursday, May 13 Paint Pitied pudding WfTH MIL-f ffe ! i' VwwirT IT - ! J , ,-. . . " J ! '.Near Smithers Special to The Dally New. SMITHERS. ...VKf.l,. . Kupcrt are Roy Brown, Fre l Aston and Jerry Woodside CI hers making the trip prn Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simpson, Jav Burns, Mel BurrLson. Bruce Mills and ivlrs. Woodsuie. Some members also planned to attend a district Jaycce meeting at Terrace Suncay at which resolutions to be .submitted at trie Penticton conclave will be dis-cu-sed. Smithers and Terrace tcprcs-r-tivc, ais0 will attend. TenU - p-ar.s ;or effective snerrh ..ia-es Irr hlh school students were Ji.scu.ssed. Jaycees who received insti iic'ion in public speaking at w. C. Hankinson's classes are prepared to hoW ciasoci lor students next fall. No cooking! No standing over a hot stove! No messy pot to wash! And you serve puddings richer in flavor, creamier in texture, than anyyoH've ever tasted! Get more praise for less work. Treat your family to ROYAL INSTANT Puddings today chocolate. i ling of windshields and car paint has suddenly MORNING Civic Centre, 9:15 a.m. CH'.HAL SPEAKING, Grades 3 .and 4, 5 and 6 EL A.-UTION Grades 4, 5, 7 and 8. DRAMA King Edward Elementary School. AFTERNOON Capitol Theatre, 1:30 p.m. Violin Solo, Gr. 5, 7. 8. and open BOYS' CHOIR JUNIOR CHORUS VOCAL SOLO, Girls 17-19 PIANOFORTE (Bachi under U, 12 14 16 ' 18 SONATINA under 13, 15, 17. EVENING Civic Centre, 7:30 p m DANCING Ballet, Scotch. . . DRAMA -Booth Memorial High School. f'iMiMlM I'mgrum f,,r A,,iu ;rl. ' "wrl luk and liiimii Frtitai AsHtH-laliou Quick farrfiins area 55 mMr ict i o NEW l: .DINGS ) Ire Cafe! ii ifcamer Rupert CCUVER filiate l'iu( - Jntirscfay I I p.m. fCHIKAN f Miilnii-lil f mil Service JOD of here this week. It is the first instance In this V butterscotch, vanilla ..rru or pnting which aroused i su"h " attention on the const; i lust month. Dr. A. S. Arneil of Telkwa, who reported the pitting on three vehicles, removed several fiirn MISS N7I. I,. DAM out. standing eastern educationalist, arrived by plane today to address a combined meeting of women's clubs on "Three It's For Women." Attending tiie meeting tonight at 8 in the Civic Centre Common Lounge will be the Business and Professional Women's Club, Sor-optimist Club and Credit Women's Breakfast Club. Miss Dane also wiil speak tomorrow morning to senior high school students on 'Opportunities in the Business World." " t- . ,.;f.r .4. r I- v, , -.'' 1 1 i , 1 .1 " ' - ..' t ' " . 4 5-i " 1 '"rv '! --i" 1 ' ' ' s' ' -i . ... .- , t :! ' "i r-; ,j v.. i ' '. t- Th.s Week- Open V-ni..,. W'll he held at i frr HupiH C.inen.l j ILxni'tH !., ,..,t, t marfc n. pital Day. The public is in-v lei to lir 1h" btiildinf. The Order of the lioval Pur-)'e - ill held ,t h:iraar Silurihiy aftrrnoon al (he i:ik-s Home. of foey, brittle material from the cars for the acid test but found n. .reaction,., a peiger counter ii being obtained to check for radioactivity. Hush Camie first noticed pit- ting on his delivery truck Frl- ! day. W. M. Greene of Mcidow- ! brooke Farm was next to f,n-l the mysterious marks and W i Paddon. storekeeper at Quick, was the third to report. ' i . . ' "'. - :' ;: 5 :: .' ' m". ' . .w,Vv,w,v w. ) i' i i f For New Construction and Repair Work SEE to make a dream come true? Then Rupert Boys jGraduating Three Prince Rupert students I have bren successful In term end examinations at the llnivera tv GREER & BRIDDEN THIS IS FOR YOU I LIMITED ,i Pknnn OOO - ... 11 01 British Columbia, all winning 1 ' I "i ) ' ' I What it P.S.P.T The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA'S ! 1 " ' 13 1st Ave. W. 1 i j " . - ff: ICS ' ' 1 zr 1 ; 1 flu ill- Honors. George E. Forman and Allnn G. Forman, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Forman, 1730 Atlin Avenu", ; and John S. Antrobus, son of , 1 'the Rev. and Mrs. Fred Antrn rks, 230 Fifth Avenue East, wen iiu lutied in the lLst. Gcoig,-. Forman is graduating ( in electrical engineerln'T withj second class honors and h s J brother Allan also won second' class honors in chemistry, graduating as bachelor of arts. Also w.nninu honors ln bache I'.S.I'. 18 I lie Hank of Nov. SootiVn excluiv VlVr-jful ""'I'"! 'Wr-m. It offer, you , choice of71,s.v1 pvife to be re.rl.rd , 50 My n.on.hlv pmm And, , swn k you .jrn up, your saving, g, iT, insured at no cost to you. . . How do you get In on It? Pick your savinp, pnal. Fill in an a,,,,lieaii f,wm m.r nearest bran. l. of The uU of .W. S,i. r,nhl A n rf ,IPr(.. Youvc IallT,...,j on lllt. roa r,m.pl.e ylH. saving go.1-,,1,,,, i.rrst.,, life insuran.c on .hr- goa ,ha. prolyl, your loved our" Hero or tho five tovingi goals and tho 50 monthly payments. SavgsGool Monthly Payment, 100 9 250 5 'o00 v. ...... ; 20 Are you eligible? lor of art studies was Joh.i Antrobus. .. . vi ... I LIMES ' j r f TO TV- . plus LIFE INSURANCE! at no cost to you Atk for our free descriptive booklet or write to your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia . if you rr under 16 n.l over 6 and in pm.1 health 7r. H;ff "1 yr rhihlren ran n participate in ...rW,plan5-0c of .he finest c,,,r, .e ., "m youngster, to Rave! ' 0 j What about payments ? Kasv ! V.,u make (he... in..,,il,lv i,', or'l,v mail. And your payments earn inter.!. Medical examination t , An. Voti just have trt let us kmm y,M, Ve i., ?,hJ health. Who pays the insurance premiums t The Itauk of IViov. Stia. Con you cancel the contract t f ierlah.lv ! ,,, ,illlr. j,,., ,a,.L , ', (f hnf .j in. plus iiitemii, u,jlw vh ,Q 1V(.r ip () , services. Your partner in hoping Canada grow. rV-frigk rT.r peoPle AND than - . rv 9,n ALASKA 1 '!:!;:;;::!;:; ft 13 I BURNETTS WHITE satn GIN A NEW SAVINGS INCENTIVE PLAN AVAILABLE ONLY AT. WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY .'ONE 266" 1 1 Qf Uptown Office BURNETTS LONDON Qfj iiii " i -a iiMir Mnnn. . 1 1 " I-::: r : E 1, 4 j , : " ""u man to Know. , .;vmjwiiaHll in icrrace te is K. C. 5andover-Sly. j 11110. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. J