Pi ii ice Rupert Daily News Wcduesday, May 12, 1954 Rainiers Overcome Beaven n , By The As.vjeltd Pr-s I lament Seattle weathered 4-hit pitch- the l" MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS 4jy I h Aswx iuti'ci Pri'ss B..u ou.. Tun Marino fterH.i Klt barrage Tuesday ingot to edge ! decision ' it', Portland 5-4 in their first 19541 tu , ' Pacific Coast League encounter, m til . 17 lltlto tk. NATIONAL i.t.Mil K AB R H Pet Muslul. Bt Louis 8 23 34 JHJ 1 m, .filer New York B4 15 32 3H1 a sixth place tie with Portland,! "I. d"0 Oau 10 sanie , behind out of first i WEST'S JUNIOR CUP HOPES DWINDLE AS TEEPEES WIN TORONTO (P Western Memorial Cup hopes dwindled today as the east rested with considerable confidence after taking a two-game lead in the be.st-of-seven series for the ' Canadian Junior hockey championship. St. Catharines TeePees last night defeated Edmonton Oil Kings 5-3 in a fast-skating, hard-checking game. But Tuesday night's story was a different one from Sunday, when TeePees walloped the Kings 8-2 in easy fashion. Coach Ken McAuley of Edmonton was more convinced that his team will not fold in the minimum of games. "The boys played a lot better," he said, "and they can pipy better than that." snuier. Brooklyn 87 is 33 37 three games place, onlv a h..i. "un HoU. J0U nnH crnvp them n 1-0 pdup n th , Suuer. CMICBKU ... id o i Braves Win Over Dodgers But Lose Big Argument I By BEN PHLEGAR bounced off a railing atop the Ataocwiea pres. epulis wntcr , centrefield fence and fell back t The Brooklyn Dodger ball park, on the field. I graveyard of many National Umpire Bill Engelln ruled it Ueacue pennant hopes last sea- a double. Umpire Bill Stewart sou. Is proving surprisingly called it a home run and waved friendly to Charlie Grimm's Mil- Mathews in. The Dodgers waukee Braves. I screamed. The four umpires 29 J58; .... ... ".Uaks. .lurkHon. Chicago 81 18 I arvuil Kniiic nciiira ai, ocm.uie. ttun Moon, St Ixiuls. 26 Runs batted In Muslal. 28 Inning Ray Orteie ' ...Fm" Singleton to , In the first four-bagger R w iJ HltJ jauionsKi. oi m-ui. i" unloaded uuumucu a loui-uttKer for lor c, w u hits 1J'i lnt ind rii.iihleH Snider 10. if.-.' V - , - Ji ;r. ii - Triple.- My New York S. ' , A, j, , Qn the U'Bson, Vi. Home runs Sauer. cnleatto. Mua- ..... .1,1 f tnriiinatl and Muslal. 10. i Rockv Krslllch slaDDed B hnm. - Stolen basea Bruion. Milwaukee. 6 ef for portland in the second i1nv lAf 'it . I JrTtT Bm' with none on. Fletcher Robbe '9nSWlthV J They won six of 11 games huddled. The Braves screamed " o. i - 1 snrkprt anotner witn Walt. Jnrf- 1 UitONT a " StrlKeoiUS nnuuift, oi ",uia. " " - ' J r there last year. Their 1954 edi .kh i.i..tr. im;ii un u.wc in tur tiitru ana j, zj-noimrf AB R H Spokane, Vancouver Replace f i i . i -7$ Joe Rossi, the Port catcher, Tulane Univprsiw knocked one In the same in- been ,tarrt . . Cleveland Oetrolt Tuttl. ; ! oiodi 33 ning. na'Jts of the Bit iw 8K 18 33 8 24 62 S 21 80 11 20 ii 10 18 man. Boston 331 In Hollywood. Bobby Bragan's touch Frank ri2i. .. Boone. Detroit tloa is trying to do the job even better. Milwaukee Invaded .Brooklyn last night for the first time this season and walked off with a 2-0 triumph. However, they lost one of the most, prolonged arguments of the season. A seventh-inning drive by Eddie Mathews iii . . .. .: . ,.j : . . ...i.. -, Jenst-n. Boston aiars numoiea ine power-iaaen "'bi. Minoso, Chicatio and Avlla. q0s .3 Bulls 18. But in the end Mathews was sent back to second. Despite the ruling, the drive scored Danny O'Connell from first base with Milwaukee's second run. Elsewhere in the National League New York Giants defeated Cincinnati 5-4 and Philadelphia Phils edged Chicago Cubs 8-7 in 10 innings. The St Louis-Pirates game at Pittsburg was rained out. In the American League, Joe Coleman of Baltimore allowed his former Philadelphia team Uci rt ninon fitrnroH aa a ncn ru. butted In-Roaen, Cleveland c()nlpn'tl,,r ran 8ap. Try Daily V f KC' ,cv CJqvs 22 salem, victoria as Leasers By The Canttclmn Press 'four-master given up by Dober-I Spokane and Vancouver clob- nlc in 10'3 innings. j bered lower bracket opponents A ninth-inning rally good for Tuesday night and wound up five runs kept Vancouver In the j tied in first place in the Western win column. 'Ten men batted for International Baseball League, the Capilanos in the big inning Spokane handed Trl-City its before Charley Klein, who re- 11th loss in 14 starts, 9-6, and lieved Charley Oubre, managed Vancouver upended Wenatchee to retire the side. i 11in TVit Ittff tliAm lrnnttH tri..n Dill n,...!.... STARTING TOMORROW KKALIZ1.G that rookies comprise the life-blood of baseball, the Cleveland Indians leav rc stone unturned in the quest for new talent. Actually, this determined rookie is the son of Indians catcher, Jim Hegan. The papoose's name is Pat, and he's taking a few practice swings at mam-,i u Municipal Stadium In Cleveland. Last Night's Fights By The Associated Prea Hits Avlla. 33 troubles Oroth. Chicago and Mc-DookhIU. New York 7 i Triples Mtnoao. Cllleako 4 Home runs Berra. New York and Sivers. WaslllnKton 5. Stolen bases Jensen. 3 Pitching Gromek Detroit, 6.0 1 000 Strikeout Turley. Baltimore and Pierce. Cil'lcano. 42 mates only two hits, both singles, SPOKANE, Wash. Henry VV-3An,le IFSVJISa in first place, half a game In Yakima's John Carmichael hook- BEAT THE DEVIL" MFER JONES - HUMPHREY B0CART AiliW-d Short Suh)rls: "AIN'T IT AGlllIAVATIN " "l.l'RK OK TIIK rntr TIC.KU Tnoi'BI.K" ETlO. " ' ' H d Cleveland CW!ft"e ' ed up In a tight pitching duel at !Z " !env ohariprl RrUtnn 2-1 and The Salem Senators , and v. Vic- Yakima, allowing only three V. Vb ""r wVnnV5 WmBtobe!t trolt 5-3 toria wh had been vir- hits apiece. The Bears got theirs p"kus 148T WnnPiPeg , 10 y I Theo ant beat Frid Bacze- My tied for the lead prior to in the first inning, and aided by WINDSOR wskifor the first time in his ! Tuesday 'nights game, both lost a pair of walks and a fielding ,-;T. ?rT n -AmeGronik j ,7 1 rarwr The Cincinnati left- Salem bowing to Lewiston 6-5 error, convenea them into the aChSS) "and" h .gffi & New ' and Victoria dropping a tough winning tallies. Carmichaels MIAMI BEACHFla Bob Sat- Yorkers five times running. one at Yakima. 3-0 Sg Bo ttier had five stukeouU but but Edmonton and behind were tertield. 181' .,. Chicago, knocked1 .After falling to runs Calgary out Julio Mederos, 197. Cuba In the eighth because of poor idle. issued eight passes, j 2 ! defensive play, the Phils rallied. Spokane scored seven runs in! A walk and two hits In the V's Defeat Wolves 6-5 To Keep in Cup Series L.nst Times Tuilay: 'ACCORDING TO MRS. HOYLE" and PENTICTON. B.C. A switch then came Defclice's major and 1 ' tn lO tie lie the U1C '.UD5 ,uns in in tne me eienin t'Slllll ana llliu : me uic liioi- nrsi iiiuiiiK innine at i aciiiii'u, ivennewicn : :iii..... mum ......... uuiuic umutui .us..v ui ... .... uic I nvmnu tv. I rv hot -..j.. a m nnr In HnrPCK. 1J1CK War- TENNESEE CHAMP" pointed won in tne 10th as -Oel Ennis and coasted home with its eighth winning run as Lewiston handed pttictor Kilburn and Falrbum wick. Wales ou hein var der V s kept their Zee 112i : He Kao31-. "singled home Richie Ashburn. win In 13 contests. Charley Rud- Salem its first home loss of the . A a".Cud 1. m Cup "o- hopesahve .Uve with with V-5 scored to make the regulation CALGARY nARv Johnny Salkeld, .n.k,irt ' A double by Yog. Berra with dock and John Bosom carried on . Catcher Ed Oaray. who 5.5 . TOTE,' two on and two out 'drove home "ie Dig sucks lor me moians. nun .miiiru.Mii jh m6.o wolves ' The teams played It close to SHOW TIMES: Tennessee 7 - 9:30 Mrs. Ilorle 8:30 p.m. 142'V, Calgary .outpointed Emil Barao, 14134, San Francisco (101. A KAMOI S PLAYtKSTHUld Wolves lead the best-of -seven the vest in the overtime period, .-cries 3-2 with the sixth game the break coming w ith only 15 set for Kelowna, B.C., Thursday. ; seconds to go as Conway launch-Sudbury only had to hold Pen- ed a rush and fed Grant War- the runs the Yankees needed to ' "uaaocn nomerea in me secona oy jue oacne auu i iuii, vainer-beat Cleveland for the first time I and Bossom circled the bases in on. Salem manager Harvey this season Indians had won i the eighth. Tri-City used four Storey homered with a man three in a row. (pitchers trying to halt the In- aboard in the fifth Inning. ph ir,.'...' fnnrrh ! dians. Bossom's homer was off Wenatchee reported the sien- ! - 1 tieton within the margin or wick, warwicn uuueu y..mc 'RIDERS TO THE STARS I nnmo fxrninst. intxp inanrt Jess uooemic, me mira in- me of southpaw hurler Larry , ,h oU fnr ls milltM tn win Al Millar to th? riht on a Last Times Today 7 - 8:35 scored the winning run for the city hurlcr- u was thefifh Rfhardson. a former ChicaBo ; the Rame "and cup that goes swerving attack, backhanded to "CAPTIVE CITY" wnue jjuj mmuA oauy. mt.imiu- ,0 tho toD seninr amateur hockey Mclntyre ana tne game was over White Sox against Boston after son, said to have received $40,000 ADVENTURE AND ROMANCE IN THE JUNGLES Of CEYIONI club in Canada. as Mclntyre zeroea in on inree Plaving-coach Grant Warwick U-?t of vacant net. from the Sox after starring in his TTr AWT crican Legion baseball, signed team's maP"ed. victory , tth when er" he rverted Tomorrow Sees Final Games In Mixed Loop with the Chiefs after drawing an outright release from the he tripled In the seventh. Detroit used four hits, including a homer by Frank House, to score three . runs in the first four innings against the Senators, but Bob Porterfield slammed the door as he finished with 5'n hitless innings. Porterfield homered in the ninth after breaking run in the eighth. to defence, where he and Kevin i Crusher i Conway played nearly II1AWLI 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 V III1 I .1 ardson' had been playing for thf, en"re. ga Harrison opened the scoring Tri-City on option from Chicago The final leaeue camcs in the TGCKNlCOLORj ktarrinf at 2:30 of the first and within 10 seconds Grant Warwick tied It up. Wolves went ahead when King connected at 6:03 to end the first-period scoring. Wolves opened fas:- an 1 first again in the second when Flynn SEEING , , ENJOYING v While East This Summer II v ELIZABETH Mixed Five-Pin Bowling League ' will be rolled off tomorrow night T T I with Fashion Footwear trying to clTaC6 I uKGS overcome a two-point deficit and i take over top spot from Shen- "T f J 1 ton's In A League and Harold's I 1 WITl ' Dill shooting to come three points : Stamp, Aces : Resume Tonight DANA MOT : - k' ft nincr III W I tipped in Mauno Kauppi's cross PETER HMCH irom oenina lop place Lrany nuthit and outolaved. the on a relay from Tatter MtClel-lan. Then came Mclntyre's goa. to make it 3-2. The Beautiful ! ' ' rV V"S it I IB I m ... XI HE Sudbury took two early goals v-iisaiy oiam- ews m B J.eague. i Commercials dropped . both ends poders and Quebec Aces meet to- La6t Tnursfjav Shenton s took of a double-header in their first ni"hr m the fifth same t'1" 'our off to points Headpinners away-series of the 1954 Prince best-of-nine scries for the Edin- take over flrst prace from Fash. Rupert senior Baseball league c III I . ".J - J. In the second period, one by Wallace's Tomiuk and the other by Hcale i i iir -'.m . I A 1 , . I ourzn iropny. una me com -si, lon Footwear who dropped four with Terrace Sunday by scpres wnlv Wolves ahead hParl s 2 and to looks both clubs. put as a bU one lor mn to Fowlie & Ruttle. of 4-2 and 6-3 . 5jand 'i I. Girls' Department' 0-. iiS. ftH'.'i oLwiiijru.T.N, eniuvim a j-i The DaUy News gextette took In the opener, a nine-inning edge in games, cou d move wih- ,hr(.e from 0old .. , polnrs Hlgh affai., commercials were outhit unoerwear "t one same oi me nuveiwuic whlle Harold's took four from 7-4. Gordie Cameron pitched a with a victory tonight Pajamas -..i Chats to narrow the margin be- good game for the hotelmen and Kp tween the two too teams by one was resDonslble for the Prince Sixth game will be played Dresses Blouses S Skirts Socks . Coats Jeans Thursday nl-.ht . wi'h the seventn point. . , ) '' t Rupert squad bren kin'' into the , . Lawrence l-f l Jkf 5 to 8 days. " VVsSW ; LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT irC I Crawford Moore STARTS THURSDAY . -.-a' t I Added: fADITO Overalls Rainwear contest, if necessary, at Edmon- . ( pinyoff for, the league will be scoring column. He puled out a ton Saturday night. i rolled off starting May 19, with circuit blast with on'! c.i. Aces, after dropping the open- teams tied for sixth place bowl- i Larry Matthews was the big er by an 8-1 count showed prom- ing three games, total pins this gun for the Terrace team, chalk-ie of making a real fi?hl of it Friday. ! ing up a triple. Cameron went n-hen tliev took the ncconrl jam'! ' . At present Shamrocks hold , the distance fot ' Commercials 2-1 to tie the series 1-1. Then in iast playoff berth In A League, ' and Matthews stayed in all the the third game, they were edged but hold only a two-point lead j way for Terrace. 6-5 in a contest that could have over Whalen's Lucky Six and Matthews also sparked the I WALLACE'S! : DEPT. STORE": . r-T r Thu dvertnrment n not pubhsfeo iravei nqentiei cartoon 3 I rJcws rM;w8 a famous Ptaytrsthor. 215 Second St. Phone 620 - aone einier way, ana nroppea HI-.Ts-.kP'-s. M'xups hn'd sixth . second eame when he picked of f or dispUyed by trie Liquor Control Bord or by the Government Britiik Colurnbi the fourth 7-4 Monday night. spot in B League, leading Bob ; a long fly ball by Cliff Dahl Parker Limited by only one j that could have gone for four point. j bases with a neat back-handed In A League. Fowlie and Rut- i catch. Terrace outhit Commer-tle's Sadie Downing took double j clals 8-6. Maurice Scott opened honors last week, rolling 308 for! for Prince Rupert and was re-high single and 694 for high j placed by Cameron after four , three. Art Olson of Shenton's innings. For Terrace, Victor and Jack Sedgewick of Whalen's j Wlljeto was taken out in favor tied for men's high single with j of Ross Millanders after three 298. while Don Hartwig of Shen- i innings, ton's took high three honors i -with v.w.-.w.-.wmw. . .w. . 750. Shenton's captured CO OP MEMBERSHIP MEETING Wednesday, May 12, 7:30 p.m. Civic Centre For all members of the PRINCE RUPERT , FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION savtooooini(C)W . ; lor team hleh single and high three with 1300 and 3785 points. In B League. Marie Richards A Uolnla lrii, a vi-il lit iliitanl rrl,ilu- , , . m r li.ij. lli.il i- uli.il Mill uoiilil rujiiv iiioI "if Miu onlv hail the iiiotie)". Or erli;iis you are liHikitiu iiln nil to miiiiii hini; il-i' en 1 1 ii I . liulcvcr oiir n.il inav lie. vour plan -lunil'l inrlinln ti tling up u siri:ial-iiii'nii' bjvinp- an imiil ill (he litnal I!. ink . . . lion. of Harold's took high single with 263 and Joan Parks of Bob Parker Limited took high three with 1954 Frigidaire Refrigerators - CAHA! THE ROYAL BANK r' t 111 ISC', 649. Hleh man was Don Haw-ryluk of Esquire Men's Wear who rolled 283. Men's high three was taken with 622 ooints rolled by Bill Hardy of Hill's Shoe Store. Harold's 1300 points took team high single and their 3413 took the high three honors. Results: A Division Fowlie and Ruttle 4, Fashion Footwear 0; Shenton's 4, Headpinners 0; Canada Life 4, Northern Glass 0 (default); Shamrocks 3, Orphans 1; "-J -i. ITCister Xemon Kart first imported and blended the RUIR which is today a Hi-Jackers 3. Windy "6" 1; Whalen's Lucky Six, 2, Pushovers 2. B Division Mixups 4, Hams 0 (default); Bob Parker Ltd. 4, High Green 0; Harold's 4, Chats 0; Hill's Shoe Store 4, Thorn Sheet Metal 0; Eby ii Sons 3, Esquire Men's Wear 1; Dally household word British Guiono's finest 0EME8ARA RUM aotured ond bottled ' in England. AS LOW AS J269'5 7 Mitilels to (.'licitse from TltAltli-INS Al ( LI'TI II 1 Terms as low as $26.95 dmvn $14.50 m"'i'iy "The Store that Service Built" McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 36 News 3, High Gold 1. Standings A Division Shenton's 54, Fashion Footwear 52, Fowlie & Ruttle 49. Pushovers 47. Headpinners 47, Shamrocks 46, Whalen's Luckv Six 44. Hl-Jackers "4, Canada Life 37, Orphans 30, Windy "6" 28, Northern Glass 25. B Division Daily News 65, Harold's 62. Esquire Men's Wear 50. Eby & Sons 47, Hill's Shoe Store 45, Mixups 39, Bob Parker Ltd. 38. Chats 36. Thorn Sheet Metal 35, High Gold 35, High Mare GOOD RUM hr y mntf. it. Prince Rupert Branch J. E. Taylor, Manager 1 his dvcniKmeot tf not published or displayed by the Liquor Conuol SotM or by '! OveraiDent oi Pritiih Columbia I Oreen 2U, Ham 2l. I i nn