Kay Reflects and Reminisce Prince Rupert Daily News t As I See It Wednesday, March 4, 1953 During times of prosperity, a ership can well Justify a feeling , t ,..ononiists are of opinion of pride. Many may bo com- townsilc. hy that we should sav for a ralnv jmiatively small, but the touch. day But more fool It's always t tyl.s number of cunt-reus , Since the Kir )Z Ati In if pmident dally newspaper devowd to tne upDullcUng at Prino. Hupen mid Nortnern and Central Brltlsn Columbia, Member of Canadian Hreiw Auult Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association Published by '"'he Prince Kuperl Daily News LlmlMd t. . MAOUR. Prwirtent H. O. PERKY. Vlc-Prealdenl possible to borrow an uiiiit-iin. i I , ' ,, j 71 ' " Y"'rw U t: if .slniclloii will enliunce the at- Another of the fellows wlvi wrote the song hits of the first t Prince rJ, Subscription Ratea: By oairler Ir wwr, 2Sc; per month 111 per year, 11000 v mall Pei .iionlh. 16:. uer Vrar. IB 00 PLfm 1 ? utlionrw! u crmd class r.iail t.r tl Port Ofloe -Department. Ottawa, Grent War has Hone fonvir . ... r(T-V trf I 'i : MI LEbTONES j NewTreat f, S " i L Ai fctLKT S oil BIlRhty." It had Uv ! tr..m.t.el,.e.., tll, j fj s EI Kadio .Ih Now A Costly Strike i's j V LcGULCE! 40 Yeort Ago Te4oy The Board of Works, in reply .amc niy;terioiis "Komii inns thai pave powi-r to "Tirtpcrary,' Tack Up Your Tioubli'S" mid airs that take a lonr time to die. to a petition from property - REMAHKaiii'i owners in Section Two, are re RESULTS OBTa";' ported to be in favor of com 1 pleting a temporary hrldtte titer Miir Creek. As. fur back as 1WV) talcs were told of a moimtain'nf Rold neat Ftewarl. and stamncrii ts-fiorn r I as far away as Enpbnd heart, r! R,nrt this way At Prince Rupert thev ., , I would not stray any distance , llVs,ud Inn Uwlay the public will open at Trtne o'clock of 8 30. Yer T4oy ON MONDAY night, ! March 2, I started a regular radio news Juries. I It will mean that In addition to the six columns per week I writ for this .space, I shall he talking on 11 le news for three stints of about fifteen minutes apiece It looks as if there would be jouite a lot to talk abotit this year, with two elections, the Cotd War getting hotter, the Corona- . tion. and, I hope, Lester Pearson's elevation as permanent Secretary-General of UN. j A YOUNG fellow w rote me not ,t t ,i irom tin- oimi I'n but only one called precious. 7 .'-4 Li B K. S.VDW1.1.L, veteran. writer and editor, wun -sir caianaa On a motion by C. H. Orme. seconded hy J Scott, a reilu-tlon was passed by the Board of Trade to request the appointment of a foreign freluht acent nt this port ln view of the development of foreign shipping in Prince Rupert. 20 Yeort Ago Today There are thousands of museums In all parts of the globe, isome Invaluable. It has taken i time, of course. But think of the world today, without any. II would be exactly that, had poo- pie, down throufih the nr.es, remained indifferent. A ta.fc b the Ottawa sculptor Robert Norgate. one of three Canadlnn stulptoi-s chosen to represent Canada at the international sculpture competition to be judged in London In March. "Sir Galahad" Ks one of the works on display at the 8Ist annual exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists which Mr. Sandwell opened at the Art Gallery of Toronto Feb 27. OTTAWA DIARY &2&Z$ D H McDonald, former fire chief and a member of the fire Overall wages in Ontario Increased 150 per rent since 1931, long ago and said he wanted i to be a newspaper columnist j How should ' he go tfbout It? j j Should he go to university or i not and so forth? ! ! I told htm nobody could ad- j i vise him how to become a newspaper columnist, because we are ; department for 23 years, left to ln rl,"'i sfSSPd cn ! reside in Vancouver the the 'he .tie economy economy was was tnt nmng to 10 come, come'or . , ln(.rPaM. THOUSANDS of dollars are being lost daily as I the strike of grain workers continues in Vancouver and New Westminster. Five elevators in the tw o dties have loen idle now for 17 days. Twelve ships are anchored in the harbor, and si ill there are no siins of" a settlement. The tri'ain handlers, mumhfrs of the Grain Klcvator Vorkers' Union (CIO), went on strike Fehniary Ifi to hack up demands for a 121 L-cent increase over their present wag-e of $l.rfl an hour, made after operators had rejected a five-cent boost recommended by a conciliation board. In effect the strike has virtually tied up the majority of export grain shipments out of British Columbia. There are small elevators working in North Vancouver, Victoria and here in Prince Rupert, but they only handle a fraction of the millions of bushels of wheat exported from British Columbia during the crop year. Meanwhile, J. L. Phelps, chairman of the Prairie Interprovincial Farm Union Council, is attempting to get mediation started through the federal Department of Labor. Owners of the idle ships estimate costs at between $1,000 and $1,200 a day. The union claimed last week that the railways Canadian National and Canadian Pacific and the elevator companies are losing $500,01)0 a week by the strike. Seven ships at anchor in Vancouver harbor are costing their owners upwards of $1,000 a day in wages, cost of general upkeep, feeding the complement, heating and other costs. Some ships tied up at docks are paying another $150 a day berthing During the past week In inroiiKnoui ivj was a no-, ao- eroi at the Aftit H n ytm nt f ahy I'leli.jl t,r:. ,., y "?i" h t r-. IfTeH'-tHr. If I ;.,.v, av Irt-aim'-1, ,j I aii.; in re1.; t. tl ai.i.l ,.,:, 1, K Bl'laie h ah'.f . f m twl a .:h fv , v ill r-R. Vf , m . h la hi In. H, t lr' . Sar,t -k voi.a rm course of the bwlRet debate Hr.-ance Minister Abbott and IX- an aggregation ot freaks, flukes that some mea-wre of parent wh,-h of 1600fK) tt yPr rcce.vMon must be anticipated? !mMm tnat a n(.w town like NO Rf t t SSION ;orl!il or Barrie Is sprlnRing up Tk. n.,. , v.. every 30 days. This is Canada's twme are born columnists, some fence Production Minister Hoa Word has been received from Riverside. California, that Mrs Fred Roberce Is now practising law in the state of California 1 0 Years Ago Today Maior-General O R. Peorkes. acquire columns, and some have j nave teamed up to explain an 'columns thrust nnon them. . ., , . . , PP"nt situation arisin out of ! The secret, my friend. Is not . jhow to pet the job but how to: the burtifrt which was catkin; ' "'"rL"? V r.leenturv. oredirted Uurter. Why iwiencf 1, iniiifi itin M niipr , not? answer positively and re-aAsor- 'hold it. And the secret ot tnat ; thonehtfol observers here VC. In speekin to the Prince MHNC. THE WORLD Runcrt Marhlne-Oun Rerlment. no ii;!y in the negative. Mr. Abbott j points out that duritiR the ciir-j oiny suuiiua Miujjir iiuiu juui lj'tle ' WOTTT readers. i Oentlement The Royal Cana-, warned that the people of the rem year aeience expenaiu.res, .. ....... ..., .u.n.ni it. Pacific coast are quite liable to see some tort of Invasion attempt here. , 4. j ine anxiexy an stemmed irom HERE IN Vancouver we have set j the review of economic cendi-the Canadian pace for colnrrm-jtlons mhi, the Finance Mii.is- 'UTtn'etcolmn-l Two facts of key w. .i n by approximately a lnvltpj , Joln ha!f-bil!lon dollars-from ..-; ln, wf)rld Early in life draw a 414.WI0.0ra to $1,94000.000. Mr.i fln M , Ua6e uni a H .we adds that capital cxpendl- trainiriK Youni! fellow, ' you sire during the year upon r, coulcl do a lot worsf. construction, machinery, equip- nuiit, housing, repair and main- Yorn where I'm slUlr.R, toler- list there ever was in these parts niIlran Mwa out in that snr- died before my time here the j vey. The first was that the j late Bob Bouchette. I pasted one j prnty of 1951 had been ;p- NOTICE ter.ance of existins plant, will ,r. , i.t . h.r word for ; 01 1115 niniLMHc uny toiumiiw m my scrap book only yesterda. I " u " "' " m-rra-e ov mrm- unm j.'r- pae. war cans gei inn. It must have been written around totalling close to one and one- 000 from $7.0t0 000 000 to $7.-whw there's a sympathetic half billion dollars and a-lins Mi.OoOO'K) indcrstandlnx of nation for na-out of the stock-piling prof it n These two sunu mean a iiew tion. man for man and creed of the defence authorities. The biuVe in pf nding power of V-M- tor creed King Crosby, second was that the prosp'-ri'.v , noo 000 That will be more than; NOTICE is herebv given that the Annua! Gr Mee'ing of the Prtnce Rupert General H; A"isociotion vviH be held in the Civic 0 Common Lounqe Room, on Thursday, Moitt 1953. of 8K)0 p.m. BUSINESS: To recetve rrrv.h-nt' Report. To receive AdmlnUlralor'n Report. ! 1929, but even now would almost j j bring tears to the eyes ot a j 1 human sone. Yet ft packed a 'punch like a fist-sized atom j ; bomb. j THERE ARE important differ-j ences between writing for I newspapers and talking over the radio. The press effect is. I think. more widespread, lasting and of 1952 was supported by a Kioto , t.now.n to orf-t any sincke.ilt Jt'ST A Bin WORD m retail buying of almost o:te m the tempo of consumer iuy- Numerous are new dwellings billion dollars, resulting jg which may take place as the; cut Fleventh Avenue way Own- xne accumuiaiea Dsrxiog 01 con- vear prosre.sses, sumer wants and needs st,jred ' , ,. . , . up during the months when do- ag ()fflclM and .UniXl; row tn:,t fence department SiW K-pi.in , nn Kjirina,- nf ricnre'ssion hani T receive Aaiiilar's Report and la A 1 deep. Peonl! can read what ts ,was oemg iven priority .ny th. -m.intne month? of 2wX WW for I lit. To consider H&l oteratlng I t, amrtirl Srrtlon Six l wf the br-Uirv production and commodLies. i mx Ana ln the opinion of But at the pre:nt time the pconomipts here tt.r situation P-Defence Department's si n ic-p,.ars to be solidly underwr..Vn piling policy is completed fiv i.ll f.vrn beyond that date. They be- printed whenever they feel like it. They can check and re-read it. It has a more powerful emotional effect. The radio transmits far more : cf the personality of the speaker. Te rtert six members at the fortl ( ft"' prantical purpoif-.. Puniu.f charges. Union spokesmen and agents of the elevator companies say there is "no change" in the strike picture. At this time last week hopes for an early settlement were high. The union accepted the offer of Mr. Phelps to mediate the dispute. But, nothing has happened. The strikebound elevators are: United Grain Growers Ltd., Alberta Wheat Pool, Pacific Elevators and Kerr-Gifford in Vancouver, and Searle Grain in New Westminster. More than 8,000,000 bushels of grain are tied up in the elevators. Victoria Report ...byJ.K. Nesbitt under it in the year ahead w But it Is far more subject to mistake. In the years I did war , be little more than nominal. : lieve that present .supports ill carry through at least to mid-5ummer 1514. Useful Course For Ihe Fines! V apfiilnt an Auitilor. , Those who were nominated for memVrsMp i' Animal Meetine nr elurlWe to vote at this nw!"5 paytnt: any additional fee MemlH rship is ox n la anyone In the rt.mi.inr. ' payment ot $1 00, whi h may lie made at the Hum '.j Drugs. Oiiriloiii Hardware, McKays Grocery at tM Un' offh e, Tlw memliershtp list wiM rl in Office Supplies commentaries for the CBC I have j Similarly, something more In. in heard folks blast me over the j the edfse was taken off the i.u'-telephone only to find they had lic S aprpt1te for rm.samcr go --is tuned in half way through the,jn ,ast yf.ar-s buvine boom. To tiik and .so missed the first half. txpf(.t rrtail Xll,.s t0 hoW t,,,;. f. whk-h vastly changed the total ; lmtPly at thp -j2 ,rmM) w,.u!f1 picture. be unrealistic. 4 4 SEfc CAIOARY CP The ftre department plans special coui-ses to teach babv .-iitters what to dp in ca e of lire Certlfica:es will be pre.w ntiKt to the baby-sttfrs March S!it. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BUT IN the very first radio talk P11'"1 that as Parliament Hill economist-i who t .,o. i io) tiioro O.C. STEVENSON Set- who complete the course which was! made this analysis wa.s -he stresses evacuation of children pathos and a little laugh. I associate editor of the Toronto 1 source from, which supjiort t.-r from burning homes. J Globe at the time, and we were VICTORIA. A session of the is f" Legislature no raisin(5 a f and t0 relieve unem-1 gave : longer the tug round of social events it once was. I Pl0-ved Welsn coal miners ... , , , . . , a little talk and Ceorgic C Cohan. .mijAK tnese nays are economizing in irieir living ami Automatic Washers and Dryer. 1953 M CAMABA a cute looking actress from New York, went on right after me to : sing: "I Can't Give You Any-! partying. 'Cariboo has an anartment look- thing but Love, Baby." Time was when mast MLAs inf? ,nt0 Befleon Hffl Park; A-rri-r.ayed at the Empress Hotel in cutture Minister , Kie.rnan, MLA The saddest talk I ever gavei With Advanced Features Exclusive to Inglis ihe gooclw'.tt tlay.iof Lil)rtilsandifolk chnltwackl has ar'siite over-; was the hicht Franklin Roose-t Cni.vrvatives. CCFers have nev-.looking park sea. provincial, velt died. The best prenaYea talk ; er .stayed at the Empress. This, Setn?tary Wesley Brack, MLA ! was the night of the allied land- , year only four MLAs are there ;for pjelson-Creston is in an v.p-,ing in Normandy. I had carried one Social Crediter, two Ccn-t0wn apartment-hotel Attorney-, that script around for three .wvatives and a Liberal. 'General Bonner, MLA for Coi-I whole months. But during that Other MLAs are at smaller! umbla stays at the Union Club; ! night I made twenty extra com-; Compare ... r :? and cheaper hotels, at motor , Education Minister Tilly Rol-1 rnentatles. The INGLIS Washer- Xj Compare ... The INGLIS Drjs m.U' Al'TOMATir. TiMrt Rf n m tT-ti"1 faster drylni!-lH"' '" fabric. Wintergreen. slenden creeping aromatic plant, Is a common courts, in small apartments, iniston's at the Empress. She lias rooming houses, There aren't any no hesitation in saying she never rich people in the House now, us: wants to keep house again, that far as we know, with the possible she served her time pot-wallop-exeeption of Premier Bennett. hig and making beds, seeing af feature of the northern woods of i r I Canada. who doesna like big parties and; how she brought up three. chil dren and helped with the grand high living. He neither smokes nor drinks, like Bryon Johnson and John Hart before him. This ft utt.ftra.arf children nine, eight of them boys. i with its fiVDS Ml SLR the only automatic to give yu SEVEN RINSL S yrt still uses tess hot water for a normal t-tnad family wash. AGITLOW ACTION. ll.TRA-VI(,LT 8L'N-A-TIZIC, LAMP. I-VEAR WARRANTY ON SEALED MECIItMStt. though on occasion Mr. Harti The Premier gave a dinner for mii.PI-II f lKClUTI" iaks a drink. i MLAs at the Empress, a din;:r W t a""" - ,l i:ms lint ani m)sTIP 1 Most MLA.S nowadays depend tnt dry, pleasing a lot of on their $3 000 a year sessfj-val j people, but causing comment in indemnity to help them make80"1 quarters. But everyone, both ends meet. Indeed, a lot of!ven parched ones, agreed them really need it, according ta11 as a very delightfal dinner WORRIES. OUTSIDE lKESII IAMP SI N-A-TIINT. SAUCE CCF Mr. Squire of port Alberni It ICONOMICAl AND OllltlOUS ON VIOITAtllf apT King and Bennett two of the who complained in the House that MLAi elef!ed la.st June didn't get one cent of t'.ieir mast famous names in Canadian political history. They are bv.-lng money antii they got to Victoria; prpetuated ln the B.C. Legis- NEW LOW PRICES AT la tore. For years here it was for the session. He said condi tions were so tough with some MLAs that they had to borrow W. A. C. Bennett and Tom King of Columbia riding. There used to be wisecracks abont it Ben- and he had to lend one of them. INGUS DELUXE AUTOMATIC (with Suds Miser) . INGLIS AUTOMATIC WASHER (Standard Model) IE WON MUSTAtO SAUCt Drain vegetable cooking liqwd inro pan and airamer down to Vi cp. 1 tvcHpoonc Celman'f Mutlorw 1 Hotpoon Qrmmttmmd mm taotpoen Milt 2 tobicspoom mttfvd morgtfftna, v9totol thorMning or toiod ell 4 tnpoem tamon jvtca Stir Rigredientt into vegetable liquid. Heat and poor over limas, heera, trin(s beans or quickooked cabbage in serving dish. Try it too, with tun. For newly revised recipe Txxik send 10c to Reckitt ft (fllmin Kanaxla) Umired, Station V, $10. Mr. Squire thought there! nett of the Tories, King of the should be advances from timet Liberals, Just like in Ottawa.! to time during the year to tide I Then. I8 ywr, when Tom King over hard-up MLAs." i wonldnt run again, tt seemed ! 379 50 $399.00 $3190 INGtlS DELUXE AUTOMATIC (Non-Suds Miser) big parties m!016 K351! -Bennett partnership- There lire INGLIS AUTOMATIC DRYER cabinet ministers' home "this i in-name-only was to be broken, session for the .simple reason ir" ssomin Mr- Bennett got back that they're small homes, those who have them. The Premier JnqiL Montreal. DEALER SEE THEM AT YOUR EXCLUSIVE But what happened? The Social Credit sweep tamed out another Mr. King Llewellyn Leslie King of Fort George. Mid so Uw BC. Leg Mature, like rtie House ot Commons tor So long-. uiiiiuniLi who is MLA for South Okanagan, and Finance Minister Gunder- nn. MLA for Similkameen. have apartments by the sea in Oak Bay; Lands and Forests Minister Sommers, MLA for Rossland-Trail has a home at the Gorge; Trade and Industry Minister Chctwynd, MLA for phone 644 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Z still nas its Mr. Bennett ah! its Mr. King. But no longer are B.C.'! Bennett and King Con- Oontined on Page 5)