LINDSAY'S Gordon and Anderson Win Basketball Championship Downing CCC in Final CARTAGE AND STORACf lr rMiiWisiip,i l'na MOVING . . . PACKING ... CRiTlkiP Experienced handllnu l.nri " """"ll-Wl HA Shipments, Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 4, 1953 rvorici-wifle "MOVE WITH I. ASK . . Hardware Team to Represent City in Provincial Series KHIP VIA in,.,..- Asrt.tAllied Van " l ine, w. rhonr M or 6 iinnlnn .0 Am1ii-m mm tut- men's buskt'ttiall club "if 4 I It . -.... r i I Lighter Bat Helps Granny produce Runs I H. IIIK III H III II? ! last night di-featf tl CX'Cs 5.".-4r, to win the loapiw iihanipionship and the x'vM to rt-jiivsent this city in j the provincial senior 1$ playoffs to U- hehHiere in ' , .'a sharp passine; OmeRa snad . Alex BUI i The victory Bave 'n 'H ' ,, a r t w I a .Jewellers 4 HON! ELLIS AIR Fin Five a one-game lead over , ,. . . .he lilsl . 1 T f". '. "1- -k J, U former wnKuc-ieauiiiK I CLEARWATER. F!a. (API - - OmcB.-LS. coached by fk.n Hurt-j Granny Hamiwr has cleared up wiK the my.stery of his sudden truns- Hill coached last year's Prince j formation from an ordinary ta.- Ruert Challenmrs In the sen-iter into one of the better jci.T lor A provincial plavoffs, los- n n Prince nupert ' hitters of the National Le.viue Ine out to Vancouver pliers LINED VP FOR THE CANADIAN curiiiig championships which started Monday at Sudbury, Ont are skips of the 11 competing rinks, representing the 10 provinces plus Northern Ontario. N. P. Rockwell. Newfoundland: E. F. Acorn. Prince Edward Island: Ft. A. Front row left to right- vki ve- Rnmswlck: B Haines. Nova Scotia, and K. Weldon. Quebec. Back row. left to right: Playoffs for tlie 1U53 city I and it ca-- a new light on tup- -going Steve O'Neul ' The star 26-year-old short come tip on top followiiiR tlu-lr , winninu drive durliiR tlwir last few siheduled panics. They muffed their cm chance Ui cinch the leiiKue chumplon-lup U aso Sstarday they were st.ed by O-As in one of the hardest fought league cage duels seen here In recent years. Lineup: GORDON & ANDERSON Flutcn 15, Davis 14. Holkestad 13. Webber . Artiey 4, Gurdlner. Hebl) 1 Total 53 CCC D. Bcherk 16. Dumis 1. Sarbrrg 7. Curium 7. 6 8. ncrk 6. Marshall 9. Total 46, championship between O-A and Omecas bcEin Saturday with the first game of a hext- STFTrWIlf AM win. V. i. t 'rrhr, o.,thm Ontario: O. Watson, Northern Ontario; A. Oowanlock, Manitoba: Hill.' Saskatchewan; L. Haw. Alberta: Reg Stone. British Columbia. stop of Philadelphia Phillip h 0f-five final WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHOL not without trou- "17 home runs last year, O-As wore and were worried hard by doublm his 1951 production ble I and wa.s one of the leading nm the fast breaking millers last SPEED - COMFORT -SAFE! sn: vot K mk ai, rmvii i,rT Veteran Sportsman, Jim Bacon, Again Elected President of Rod and Gun Club producers of tUe circuit with 87 right with only a few points runs batted in. : scparntin scoria until ttw- fins-l "It goes, back to the time" Period. O'NeUl replaced Eddie Sawve. :; While play on both U-ams ap- ; manager of the Phillies' ias. reared to fall apart in the i (George Rorvick. secretary, and fr .me wnsational .".hooting ov Veteran snortsman and pioneer, Rod & Gun Club. of Prince Rupert. Jim Bacon, was Other omcers reiurneu ai u . nurnmn .mri.- ., wc-u... unanimously returned last night! annual general meeting were Directors elected included Mrs. July." Haniner explained. "I had been playing pretty good b :1! uutU Steve joined us Then, for some uiiaccountabie reason. I O-As' Joe Davis. Jim Flatcn ani , ; Riie Holkertad piled up th? j (Winning points. j 0"f resident of the Prince Rupert Harold mora, vu-e-juraiuci.i. iu.i. " as pre Cook Trophy Finalists Meet Friday repre.seiuaLivr , rfcujr vixiiaiAiit i r c-. A i.,nin, !pl a r!lxni:il tvmna v litvii r or mr I. i the Schcrk Suitberg pro-1 and worint J I ami 13 1 in r owiiwu, juiiiui 1 1 , . , , tresenutives; Bob Armstrong. J "The bovs started a rally in a br? "?rrK BUl -rH u-ollror Al Mancnn Rill l ,t. ir.nlr it ... .nlvlded the drive Richard Better Than Howe Says Ranger Check Player . 1 ....... V. . . ...... . . ... . i . l.Wl.l . ill. I, T 11 1 , I U . 1 iWood. George Robinson. Frank to bat. 1 was alwavs regaui-d Parlette. Earl Becker, Vic Wil- j as a pretty good clutch hitter, to i hams and T. J. Boulter. ; you can imagine mv astonvslj- Plans for a crow shoot were ment whPn stevr nuiied m- out strength with Don Schcrk shooting the high mark of th-1 game with 1 points The O-A victory means a decided comeback for roach Bill, whose squad suffered a slight n V x ' Richi.rdiannounced Bil1 Woods- ohair-and sent In Johnny Wyrostek. It nfw vork (CPEddie Kul!- against the Rangers. "H-a"v"-s .a, first time in six vfars (slump in the last half Of the iwaiion. mainly because of bet man of New York Rangers, v. "no three. ,kv honHiej ihe inh of chf-ck- -The records make out a with the Phillies that I had ivr ter play by last place CCCi ami ing Detroit's Gordie Howe and case for Howe." KuUman admits. M.-intrMl-s Maurice Rocket Rich.' ' He must be the better player. . mittee Permission to shoot i crows here can be obtained f rpm i the game warden, said Mr.! ' Woods The shoot would get j i under way shortly, and will be i open to members of the Rod & I Gun Club only. j Berg and OMtertag rinks meet j I in the 12-end finals Friday in I the Prince Rupert Curling Club's j George Cook trophy competition, j I Sundy Newton has been appoint- ! i ed umpire j At Uie same tune, semi-finals , In the Oordon's Hardware com- I petition between Matthew nd ; Rowbotham rinks will be played I off Both matches will begin at ! 1:15 pm. . ! Tomorrow night, the pre- j bonspiel competition begin with ; the draw as follows ' 7:15 Sieber vs High School, ritik: Iurle vs Moore. i j 9:! waison vs Shier; Oreene j 'vs IJateman I ard. has ftepped into the debate! But I still say Richard gives me been yanked for a pinch-hit ut -That shook me up more than anything that ever had happened to me before." The next day. Hamner tiu-carded his 34-ou:iee. 35-lnch bat over which is the better. Mr. Woods said. too. that only Ralph Kiner Acknowledge' He's a Holdout 5cnrrnm'$ Crou n Roal Seagram $ f.(), . members will be permitted the j to a lighter one 34 inches ior.g use of the trap-shooting range j and weighing only 32 ounces, and must present their 1953 j and moved his grip down to the a tougner time, ana i oouoi that Howe is as good as Rielurd was at his peak. j Another thing I'll argj! with," says KuUman "and that's the general disposition to call Howe a cleaner player than Richard. I find Howe more temperamental, and he's more apl to give you the elbow or the "tick "Richard is tougher to handle," Kullman says. ' He can break faster, always does the unexpected. And he's all over the ice on either wing or at centre ice. You never know where he's no-ing to be this way or that v.a, over the top of you or under you. He's much shiftier than Hove." ledge of the handle to get mo:? I j power. In his first time at bat. he Searam'$ "85" membership cards. CONTEST A contest will be held among members for a design suitable or use on a crest, club buttons and window stickers. Mrs. Armstrong. bahed a pitch into the distant PALM Sl'RIKOS. Calif iAPi -Ralph Kiner, Pittsburgh Pirates' home run king, acknowledges he's a 1953 holdout. And a little simple arithmetic indicates he and general manager Branch Rickey are about left-field seats. "I was a different kind o! in a spear jab than Richard. Howe. 24-year-old native of Floral. Sask., is the youngest In 11 games on Madison i Square Garden ice this season.) Frank Parlette. Vic Grant and Plate hitter from then on. I aUay caqram'$ the f.jtide. squat 29-year-Oid Kind's who se'.dom I P1?" "ulla "5U: oeorge koi-vick were appointed had the power, I guess, but native of Winnipeg l history to score zou goais. ne cm R committee which will investi- Boxers Coming I From Ketchikan Six or seven young Ketchikan i boxers are scheduled to arrive ; here for a bout Friday night with , members of the Anundera byi' j boxing club at the Annunciation ) gym. 1 had not been using the rWht w " I"rl " . J . for bat. The insult by O'Neill p.ved! As his timmate reported scores himself, has kept Richtrd. 2(KRh and 20l3t rsainst Chi- rate cost and number of crests .v.jrtl-'s. wVi.le Howe has onlycago. needed for the cluo The corn- 'he way lor the radical decision spring iraiiuim v "''. I tier said lie had airmailed an Seagram's Spcxidl OlJ Richard's record is 50 goals for mitue also will supervise the u9.nn contest. one goal. Away from New York. Howe has scored four times a week ago to The famous black soil belt ot " R'ey the Ukraine Is the chief whe;-t- J Mr. Bacon said he personally was investigating possibility for it wa an aceeDtance. Kalpi The visitors will be in tne ia- ; ij; producing area in the Soviet! Union. ; This advrrliwmrnt k not uubltilwd or ilpb"i f said, of terms offered by Rickey 1 118-pound weights j in a conference February 13. j Further details on the cardj The reported sum involved m be announced ( ntilml Riurd or bv the t.nvrr nmrnt at Bnlnl M the Club to obtain its ow n j grounds for a shooting range and fly-casting practice. Insur- j ance for club members, too, was ' being investigated, he said. ; TROPHY ACCEPTED j The club accepted "with much ' ii . 1 1 i ii in. I. i ii i i mn ii ii in . j was $76 500 a cut from Kiner a reported $t0.000 salary last year j when his batting average slip- j ped to .244 ! In Havana Sunday. Rickey j '.aid he hadn't received Kiner's letter, and that new salary talks SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST SAFE STORAGE OF OUTDOOR GEAR.... MODERN AND OLD TIME , DANCE FRIDAY, MARCH 6 LEGION AUDITORIUM Music By PETE HECiGE und HIS WESTtRNAIUES Price $1.00 Doncing from 10-2 would huve to start on the basis ,f a 25-per-cent aalnrv slash That figures out to $7.5no. A WET TNT v J I "r?r SHOULD 66 DRI60 BEFoee stoking rem Kiner responded : under j those terms I'm going to hav . pleasure" offer by Rupert Radio Si Electric a challenge trophy for trap shooting The trophy would be up for challenge at all times by local or visiting teams. A committee will be formed by the president to study seasons and bag limits of migratory birds and game in the northern zone and draw up resolution to be presented at next monthly meeting Game Commissioner Frank Butler stated in a letter such resolutions should be received by the Commission not later than to be a holdout." f ;nf&-g r- i ,n He said he accent'"! the Feb ruary 13 "substan'.Ial" cut be- r.m-xr. ANY LF MGrM OF TIWUI OR ELSE IT WILOFWS &ociti.y. p rr most be xiht home set rr up to tury AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CLEAN, ROLL LOOSELY AND STORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE OFF GROUND. cause Rickey allowed hjm to rc-tnirt two weeks late fur train MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Phone 871 ing He made an offer to me which I accepted." Kiner said Leave a little air IN A RUBBER AIR n iC.rsrrwifOTiii sis "Now if he's going to back down j i"i J Z SZ ' -.-C: '- .,' f tAiw 11,36 ;fqr gam. (ititt May, 31 and ask mc to take a 25-per cent cut we're going to have a MATTRESS ANO ROLL "vVi little trouble getting together" 'Mr, -birds.- ' Donations by city merriants for prizes in last year's salmon derby which were not distributed will be returned with a letter of Expressing confidence he and OR rOJD LOOSELY (NEVER TIGHT) TO PREVENT CRACKING. STORE IN A COOL PLACE (NOT ATTICS). i Rickey could come to terms. Ki ner said: 1 1 "No matter what happens, I j know I'm going to be playing ; Clean down or wool garments sleeping ra6s, -' etcbefore pac k- tfi HEAVILY WITM SHOTM BALLS OK 1 ball for the Pittsburgh Pirate ! this year unless I'm traded " apology to the donors. ; Club members agreed on this move, hoping to retain the good- j will of buKinessmrn for future derbies. j The club's new constitution was reviewed and referred to directors for revision and presentation at the next meeting. I I Rlckev said there weie no ' deals pending to trade Kiner. FLAKES IN ATISHT BOX.' SapPLE SOAP Lf ATHFR BOOTS, ETC. STORE IN COOL, PRY PLACE. ! i.tiii the slugger said he knew of none. SPECIAL USED CAR-ond TRUCK-VALUES ' All with 1953 Licences llf)7 OLDSMORILE t-ionr Sedan Hydramatic drive, deluxe radio, good tires. NEW MOTOR just installed SI710.00 21111 CHEVROLET 4-Dor Sedan In excellent condition, irtoluding G M. Deluxe radio; heater, etc. Privately owned $I5S5jM S 1151 FORD Custom Sedan Very good condition, radio, clock, wheel discs, heater, etc. A ONE-OWNER car $205.00 4l')Sf DESOTO 4-Ioor Sedan In very good condition, all new tires, and many extras L $1820.00 5 1919 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan Perfect condition, good tires. Heater and defroster $1575.00 6 I'H2 CHEVROLET Sedan Motor recently overhauled. New paint, upholstery reconditioned, good tires. Owner wishes to sell privately S800.00 7 1939 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan R.H. drive, fair con dition .'. $300.00 1918 POVTIAC 4-Door Sedan Privately owned, in good condition. Heater, C M. Radio and EXTRAS $1350.00 91951 AUSTIN S40 Countryman Station Wagon. Privately I Following committees and their i C; . y.i,ui limn iv dJuiii bcu w law: ; president: j Publicity, Vic Williams; salt1 I water derbies, Elmer Clau?sen, Howard Walker and Larry Stan-iwood; fresh water derbies, Bob Armstrong. CLEARANCE AUCTION SALE OF TRADE-IN GOODS AND FURNITURE Thursdoy, March 5th at 2:15 p.m. In AUCTION ROOMS, Corner of Mcltride Street and Fourth Avenue East 1 1 lady, you'll save plenty with a modem ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR!" NHL LEADERS Consisting of: Large Mirror in Frame Oak Dining Room Suite ISenillx Washer 2 Mariners' Compasses 2 Chesterfield Suites RCA. Victor Cerwole Radio Klectric Cabinet Sewing Machine SPECIAL TODAY 1 Only NEW Chrome Suite By Tlie Cunadlan Prew j Standing Detroit, won 30, ; lost 14, tied 1575 points. j Points Howe, Detroit, 81. Goals Howe, Detroit, 42. j Assists Howe, Detroit, 39. Shutouts McNeil, Montreal; Lumley, Toronto, 9. Penalties Lindsay, Detroit; Flaman, Toronto, 102 minutes. Amazing how far a food dollar tfoet when you'ye rot one of today's electric refrigerators on the job. All roo eatable slay freah and sweet, good for days and days. No spoilage even in the hottest weather, no more dried op. wilted vegetables. A big, modern refrigerator has a lot of extra time saving, step saving, money saving feature Convenient . . , easy to Install . , , long lasting. 1 l!eatly Electric Washer 1 Kitchen Table and 4 Chairs 2 Chesterfield Chairs 1 Child's Crib 1 Pullman Wardrobe Trunk And other articles. I Mariners' Sextant . l. AII-Knamel Coal and Wood Range 1 Kroehler Davenport Bed 1 Portable Fleitrje Sewing Machine ALSO owned, in excellent condition. Seven tires, heater $1000.00 10 1952 CHEVROLET li-Ton Panel Track Only 2700 miles. Owner leaving town. In perfect condition. Heater, etc. .. $2150.00 11 195C CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery Panel Truck, in excel lent condition, heater, defroster, etc SlfiOO.OO 12 1941 CHEVROLET Sedan Drtrrcrjr Panel Truck Very good condition. Heater, etc. $1345.00 13 1951 FORD 'i-Ton Panel Delivery Reconditioned, re painted. Heater, etc $1880.00 14 1917 DOOfiE 2-Ton Panel Delivery New motor, re painted. Heater. In very good condition.... $1I!)0.00 15 1951 CHEVROLET '4-Ton Panel Delivery Excellent condition. Motor reconditioned New paint $1915.00 16 Army 4X4 Truck with Box Good condition. Cheap traasportatlon $300.00 WE GUARANTEE THE CONDITION AND OPERATION OF AIL OUR USED STOCK OF CARS AND TRUCKS A. Pts. 39 81 O. 42 25 23 26 11 16 14 Howe, Detroit i Lindsay, Detroit i Richard, Montreal Hergcshelmer, N Y. ; Delvecchlo, Detroit I Runty, New York j Prystai, Detroit 35 31 27 37 29 27 60 54 I 53 48 45 41 LARGE STOCK OF EASTER BUNNIES (New) List Your Goods for This Sale Before Wednesday, 5 p.m. Phone Red 127 - ISIuek 810 or B.C. Messenger 7 ' GEO. J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER HOCKEY SCORES 8; WHL Tacoma 5, Victoria Vancouver 1, Edmonton 2.