Prince Rupert Daily Npws Wednesday, March 4, 19M -7 Ipassing . Prince Akihilo Leaves Japan March 20th Many Tongues SASKATOON CP) The University of Saskatchewan coull ttwti? im? 3 form Its own United Nation OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie U f)iH 10, S " 1. liii.uiirtt iTOKYO i API Crown Prince during the present term. Rcg- IF YOU HATE STICKY, greasy ,tny wires of your sheer It docs j Akihilo, heir apparent to the ! istered students thU winter in- and I ! a nice, clean-cut job is quite fhrnp ,. eUA 44 frnm 10 prj.3, night creams, you'll be Just as i tie ruin doesn't stop npplcd fraternity i.illif! 'rtt. ,j hobbled to the .. with wife ad und also i ,.! Sunday a time-saver. j March 30 on a iive-mcAith tour ! trie. j highlighted by his attendance at I the Coronation of Queen Eliza- ! hpth IF YOU ARE PLANNING RE-DECORATINO YOUR KITCHEN this spring. 00 it gaily Every Akinlto wl ,eave aboftrd home decorating magazine you: liner President Wilson He ls these Is full of wonder- see days j gcheduled to return October 8 by f ul ideas and the stores are : shi showing some of the gayest prints i Tne crou,n .,.. snn(1 ,c crowd wan t'on-rlliur. both of whom s walking rasU . . . w seen almost dolly pleased a I 'was to learn of the new moisture balm now on the market. As everyone knows, climatic conditions as well as time Itself do tend to dry out your skin this new balm gives your skin the moisture It requires and lubricates It as well. WITH MARCH WIND8 APPROACHING!, it is an excellent time to look Into the care of your blankets. This Is a time of year when the weather often is ideal to give them a chance to breathe. Carefully wash, hang them out on the line and let them blow. TRENCH COATS Lined, Novy Blue. For Boys or Girls Sizes 3-10 $9.95 THE STORK SHOPPE Phone B!ue 810 h ore winuowa ui :;Prriixn call to me station In kitxhen material. Be ever sure about 23 , the Umtcd to check one o these pubhea- stales ln his home. Hons for the little ideas that pay 1 ward journey big dividends. j other nations to be visited in- ' clude Canad' France, Spain, DID you know that NUT KNOW THAT NLT- V ' Italy Belgium, The Netherlands, MEG sprinkled on f'red or roast- Germany, Denmark. Sweden, ed meats really adds a fine j Norway and Switzerland, flavor? Atihn n.iu i c n Vancouver aner a "3 - X j '.' its ,u h.-2mm .1. .. ri .1 i .. . ,..,.,, , ..,.,.... -i -an minm m 1 IF YOU'RE LOOKINO FOR A j nit is Jaix niruae ,ns east on his foot. Sot a new pair of On his return from , the hotel one of hes lell apa't a lc 0f a uxl The door hotel went to great neve the piece be- AFRirAKi'viniFT rROWFR?'Francisco April 11 and leave for AFRICAN VIOLET GROWERS Canada the me day He wi win. no uouut, oe as n.UigutU ai visit Victoria. Vancouver. Otta- DESSERT that's easy but differ 1 ent, try melted chocolate pepper I was to learn that this sprir.z mint patties as a topping for Ice there Is avallaole Episcia coc- J cream. All you do U melt your wa, Montreal, Toronto and several other cities before departing April 21 for New York. cinca Its blossoms are scarlet Gernation- patties over hot water and pour ndciily realized that over your Ice cream. aiidinu on the siae-to move the red. This species can tolerate higher temperatures than African Violets. The leaves are deep bronze-green with emerald vein-Ings. Definitely a collector's item fe ll (lump A'u'r some DID YOU EVER TRY USINO your egg sheer on cooked beets or potatoes? Cook your beets or potatoes until very tender, then quickly press them through the SELF-Sl'PPORTING LONDON (CP) A British firm claims to have perfected a "waLst grip" for tfoasers which does away with the necessity for belts or braces. The firm says it will send 30,000 to North Ameiica this year. THE KfcCOMMISSIO.MXG of the Canadian destroyer Cayuga at Esquimau, was an Important event for both Lt.-Cmdr. William f. Hayes of Swift Current. 8aj,k., and Alice, the ships mascot Alice Joined the Cayuga at Guam In 150 during the ship's first operational tour with the United Nations forces In the Far East Cmdr. Hayes Is the Cayuga's new captain. wax axslsu-a 10 iiw a lili boy later wiiwe new eruteiies. ,a u crutch for for those of you. who are fortunate enough to have the space for a collection. gt:,e ( ll.V S W'PU- District News FRANCOIS LAKE Carnation Milk is fresh and sweet, Us always always creamy o full boditA XC'hen y.,u .rn charred and white can yen. can that you wdl ff always be sure IF YOUR LIVING ROOM SEEMS DULL and drab to you these dreary days, try a new furniture arrangement. Sometimes, with a few simple changes, you can make any room take a new lease on life. For suggestions take a good look through one of your favorite women's magazines. , iS may make a rnul i ir tlu.i milliner. I.en who played with the I nJleiH in WM. and f. tlir liddliiig fiddler, i vinK to Join another The annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute was held for i the election of new officers for best. milk at its very SEGREGATED AUDIENCES 'OUT' FOR NOTED SINGER VICTORIA ff Marian Anderson, famous American concert sinner, will no longer sing before segregated audiences. This, she said In an Interview here, is part of her long campaign for understanding between Negroes and their fellow American citizens. Miss Anderson recalled her early concerts In the southern United States when Negroes were permitted to sit only In the upper balcony. 1W53 with the following results: President. Robert Peebles; vice-president. K. Shaffer; secretary, A. Peters; directors, D. Eaton and J. Keefe; auditors. Rev. A. At 1 y ,ii thin Minimer Both . We .ternaires l,en utar ami slii(i while cveiyttilnR with hut ,t nuke it talk . SOMETIMES WHEN ONE OF THE YOUNGER members of the family is home ill, tilings can be about kinson and H. H. Neave. a worry tvt ncer come a little hectic In keeping i ilSi (!i have a life of flavor or color or ry - 'them entertained. If you should ! lever be confronted with this i There were thirteen present at the meeting. The most important topic brought up for discus- Sunday but frank use carnaii""- . ays Mo llis to have a ' .... .r... mi.rontetl. I problem, you can kill two birds :u'llh niia Invti rlc hlw Avnrv 1 sion was the prospect of bring- : in from somrw here is uncouuu'""--j o IT'S 1 Ing ln electric power to thin! ""- j 1 house has a photograph album Parents, Friends Jam School 4JI lJ u La Get Carnation (waiting to be filled, so look up district from Burns Lake. I H was decided to have the tig town, lie can be : any Sunday down - that the Camusun 'i, Vancouver. ALWAYS GOOD'. To See. Pupils Work and Play Tl S.1- Patrick s dance in ; have been hanging around for so u the hall here. -, ,v, .J , , , MAKE THIS Oiiuw iriiv v iiiiu nun hj juw f rmm in rr fut 1t nt-A Iff him 7 DAY TEST More than 300 parents and ,f barges In aid of the Junior Red fm m im k in misi- eh, mt u..T 'V. ".? . ork away happily and also ff imt one uce, friends crowded Into King tA : Th.rd Slreet nullin- uuv me h:c uuein 1 seem any u ouietly . 1 ' r . - i.(ai.u huu tics . co d a Sot of good 11 prople She eied Atule making an ex- when the csrs cross. Cross. Following the program, tea was served to the visitors In th lunchroom by girl pupils of C'.rade VI, supervised by their teachers 0f you, pretent bi One, you have Cio, "e '"'f : ir of the fulled Mrs. Peter Peebles Is home again after having been In Van- ward school rooms and the auditorium to see pupils at work and play during open house held yesterday afternoon in connection with Education Week Following a visit to aU the I rooms where parents took special interest In classes attended " local businessmen A surprise ending for the eouver since before Christmas turnout of visitors mme when when she underwent a major some, returning to their cars, operation. Although not any too t, ... A ... . .-1. L . t I .. I. .. n . V. . AtMnA .. n 1 .. ...... I I ivuim hiiik Ui 1 vii..- nil vug ri aiic la ircilllK utriurr 1 issmi iJ by their children and a variety windshields At leaxt nine Uck-'than when she left 1 me Rotary flub 4" ami K, T. Butler nee as new niembrrt .'j'u welcome sixteen : the Ket.hikan club ! here Tuesday. 1 tlwj li all net toft a dinner dance iTiiTiiiff "rvrriin r ar 111 01 cias-proecu on display, the eU were Issued. It was reporU-d I visitors were entertained at a j -Maybe It was a lesson r. 1 Mrs. Reg Partington and Sylvia jM-clal program Iwfrtr tlrst." commented one have both been ui. but are well Presented by Grade VI pupils i wrilv, sialn. There has been a lot of of. Division I, the program In-' Following Is a brief descrip- stomach riu going round the eluded a dramatisation of a t (i,m 0f W0,, ,sonf n the class- district and hardly a home has story In their reader. "Elder ; rooms as seen by the parents: escaped having at least one Brother" A total of 3Q was, . Ro,m , Grade VI. teacher B. member III with It. raised by 10-cent admission G. Moore iprlnclpali a social I ... Hrifice George bell back Ui nern arouB came In tiMl Sines on Tuei. n and spent a busy I Canadians Best "iiiiig seeing the city entertained by cltv studies lesson on West Africa. ; The Public Works snow-ploughs lis use of tropical trees with have been doing a splendid Job centre of Interest on displays of P'ouRhing the roads out and nrt work done In connection have also ploughed Into the ln-wlth CBC radio lessons. 'dividual homes and farms along Room 2. Grade VI. teacher the way. In places the snow Is 1 Gordon Freeman oral arlthme- ' melting w ith the warm sunny tie. simple prospective drawing. 0B'. and there are patches of ! Ri om 3. Orade VI. teacher nre ground. (eerie Mitchell y schi dale, 'lie vi.sitmg group 1 Travellers, (Report Shows !trhikan club presl- i among those w ho icir wives Others 'Ives are John rir. j . UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (API 1 - fananntni ir tar -1 xr nut f 1 ail 1 ifi Onn Fraser arithmetic and mm mm ' - inguCe work: a salt and flour : world travellers, a UN' rc.,crl J.k- (iiHlinr. lion m?o of Australia readers Mrrrit Kleiner and an. Hill Wood and I shows. ) The UN statistical yeartviok j for 1952 says 2.M8.I90 of Can-! ada's 14.009,429 citizens traveled to'rei completed the I B PO. Elks meeting ;day. March 12, I p.m. Room 4. Grade V. teacher Joe fioscoe harmony singing Irs-von. science murals and displays of design work on cloth. Room 5. Grade IV. teacher Mrs. Pat Hewitt reading, arithmetic, social studies, with n 1 Women of the Moose Benefit ; Variety Show, March 15, Capi abroad In 150. That's a' one In five compared with one In 30 American. Al) tut about lOO.Ooa of Ihe tol Theatre. tit) riisninv 01 a onnier mucne niouii 1 British Columbia m!l have the largest plant of its kind on earth. $500,000,000 FOR POWER 6000 HEW JOBS i . ,A NEW CITY OF 50,000 ' IS IN THE MAKING r j That' the exciting rtory lold in the j leading orticle of the March "Reodsi's I Digest" of a modem miracle created by j ' free enterprise. Alt North America is read- , ing and talking about it. The Aluminum Company of Canada's , smelting plant at Kitiimrt is hailed as "'he mast spectacular Canadian construction - feat since the Canadian Pacific Railroad." ( In glowing terms, the article classifies I the 1 ,650,000 horsepower hydro develop-I ment as the equivalent of Bonneville Dam, j Shasta Dam, and Wilson Dam at Muscle "s are pi city busy i'erlet ting thnr game 'ion lor their bunn-Mmire says about 15 dtempt to keep the re although rink invited from Snilth-1 George, KainltmiM Young people love it! Buq Cblce bi the carton Canadian travellers went to Uie of Swlss v)Ila(!(. ; St. Peter's Church W A. bake us 1 Riwim 6. Grade V. Miss Jean sale. March 7. Gordon At And- The Siime chart showed MrMellan-lessons In story ap- crson's, 1 to 5. dtpi Italy h (a-and away the raver- orerlitlon. poster work on ite country of the world's tour-1 health. 1 Carpenters' Union meeting. i'U- 4.S39.n penoiu from all Room 7. Grade III, Miss Jane Wednesday. 8 p.m.. Carpenters nvrr the alolve vLilti'd that I.11. d f nmmnn -sorlnl studies of enrlv Ha". Frascr St. Business im- f iver. settlers of Canada, fineer paint- Portent. 1531 , of art and history. In r.f llliielrurlrma t1 ruHv In- 1 ' five trophies up urn They have been Ted Smith, Kill ' Hm) lliiminato, "'d Al .Mansiin. rillks urn .1111 Other top lands and ; their number of vuilors: 1 2. ranada, 3 517.720. I 3 Fran -e, 3 0 2 (100. j 4. US, 2.061.017. j . Switzerland. 2 3".7.67!l. f Hie chill rlinu.,,,.,. Rernirr Hebslrr. ciians on the Pacific coast. Room B, Orade II, Mrs. Iesb-Ka Moore lanjiuare lesson. It(Hm P. Grades II nnd III. Miss F.ililh J.irk rendini U"-n-n. display of art of early Indian life en the west coast. Room 10. Grade I, Mixs lon. lerksen reading, poster paint-Inn. Room 11, Orade I. Mrs. Thorpe and .s,m i iirn.rti a a it a a i a a a a a a , Shoals. i' Kirimat will be the largest aluminum j THIS WEEK i tViimru's Auxiliary to Sra 1 C mlrls. meellng J'rlilny, t .ni ; of fleers' wardroom, II.MCS t : oack Vu Kn.skiiloon ff visa here f a.iuliU..r and son-hi-Mr,. Vir, Daly. J111 think HuorU I) L'lMKl f..r ........ llliis" ration of a story. tl:-.e;-' painting. I .. -. .... iwn- 111 he'd like to take cltvs rain back to SCOn -McH ALE (Canada's Finest Shoes for Men) ( linlham. Mothers urged to attend. . Cnnadiiin Clticnhip C'oiinell meeting M 11 ml ay, March 9, Civic Centre, g p.m. Meelint of Job's laoliters. Irida.v, March 6, II p.m. Junior Chamber of Commerre dinner meeting tonight, 6:30, Commodore Cafe. Canadian Ixglon Ladies' Auxiliary monthly meeting, Thurs-!ay. March S. at B p.m. in the Legion Auditorium. .- I I Prince George ,'y '"K nmn with a f as down the 111- first grot-p """on whether ' u'es had broken N hi, stay In Van-nin as Insprrtor Smelting plant on earth with an annual j capacity of 550,000 tons, equal to 65 ; I of present U.S. production. ! In the building, more than $500,000,-i 000 will be spent, much of it pouring into the bloodstream of British Columbia's I economy. More than 6000 men are at work, creating a city at Kitimat where, by , 1 1954, there will be 7500 inhabitants. ' j When the plant is operating to capacity, i it will have a population of 50,000 to rank It as British Columbia's third city ' where none existed before. This is a spectacular example of free ' enterprise at work. The decision to build ; j Kitimat was influenced by the existence ; in British Columbia of a population which 'repeatedly has endorsed free enterprise., Only under the stimulus of a free enterprise government will MORE industry be' . attracted to British Columbia. Good jobs ' and job security depend on the freedom . , system . . . and confidence. ."' " 011 down liis and GALE annual medical Coca-Cola pcrfwt blend of many flavours has a flavour all its own. Hefreshing as the young folks' outlook pure, ' wholesome Coca-Cola belongs in your rcfrigorator at homo. I CCC 300 CLUB ANNUAL MEETING cd"doy, Morch 11, 1953 - 8 p.m. illu,"1mon Lounge, Civic Centre 4 . 1? h,i Wl nrr"' M,,",nir f "II members of the elub held to deal with the followlm,: O Bottle Carton lacMiat lJrwl Sain f lw r These dress shoes for men have just arrived and are in the latest possible styles. The smartest and most comfortable shoes you can find anywhere. Find Them Anytime At Fashion Footwear Pl (f It Hr MtM AuUmmUW bottlu of CocaXnla wl Ilk Caoa-CaU LU. SHUSH COIUMSIA NDitATION Of TRADE AND IKCUSTtT NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS a "W'on of Officer!. lment$ Phune lit Prince Kuw- rt. B.C. to the Constitution. i ft rottlstertfd tradf-mwrk. n n n n 2