O M ii . ENDS lOHAK 16 7: -9: 'TOMAHAWK" SCREEN Ttince Rupert Daily News Wcdncbiljy, March 4. I'i'Si ' FLASHES ,Vfl You'll LAUGH I You'll cry. I 1. yr ' t wna III More Than 9,000,000 Homes In England Have no Bath hrtf"i Red Sktltciii, km'! of the fun-sters. now proves himself a superb dramatic .'tar as well in i "The Clown." M-U-M's heart-1 tuEciim drama, opening Ttiurs- 3LTUJL3 U H ... 'j I J 1 , f K T , prvaosvad wmcr i In the last census it was dis ' jday at the Totem Theatre In a story mixing laugus unu tears. Skelton pmyf. me roir in , :Dodo Delwyn. once a ldinouj ZiegfeUl comeihan who throuuh Till AAh... closed that more than 8.000.000 people are still living in "composite" households with Inlaws and others, that some 900.000 homes in Britain are without a k'tolrn sink and more than 5.000.000 without a fixed bath. These conditions have brought a steady stream of new appli- ll lift L ir , fc I t LONDOM (CP) Spurred on by, Jluio'id Ma cm Ulan, Britain's minister of housing and local; fcovernmen;. United Kingdom! fcjildinH contractors set up a, pi-t-war record of home ,t on-i Unction in 1952. I Under the incentive of relaxed restrictions and free enterprise! i'.V.3 drinking, ssaniuiliiK ann quanei-ing has descended clo-e to the bottom of the entertainment ladder. His wife. Paula, has divorced him and has remarried rev TOTE 1 T STARTS THURSDAY Evening ?! - pm. Matinee Saturday I: p.m. Elf 'hut has permitted him to keep for modern facilities 01- A f iihu'i a total of 233.922 dwellings were j cants erected during the year. well.Jerea oy ine i- their little son. urns u a . .. i-. . ... l.i.. ,,f 1 i . above the 12-montns largei ui ; t a "HOLIDAY FOR SiNNr7 Private builders a it present are 1 J y3f j J ; . TODAY 7-8:13 votion to his latner ouovs up me latter in his darkest moments, but when circumstances land mass-producing these "THE HOUR OF THUTffvi with a wide choice prospective ow ners 'ranging upward I STARTS TOMORROW DESTROYER ESCORT I1MCS Algonquin flier a white ensign sam lonowiim mum 1.000. A few di-splay homes were nut un and made ready for ten THE They're 235.000 ixed by Macmillan. The record compared ith ',61.831 new houses and flats completed in 1951, and 55,400 in llMfi. But the country's hous'in? prgblem still remains acute. Al-thoii'-'h 1 .253.270 new homes have been built in the whole of Britain .since the end of the Second World War. the waiting list is p.icked with names of nearly 11,000.000 families. rerent survey showed that him In Jail. Dodo is convinced the boy would face a happier future with !-."; :v."'!vr and wH-to-do stepfather Desolate and inconsolate. he cannot show In- , terest in a come-back via vision, offered him by his former ! Ziegfeld agint. But now Dink! , runs away from Paula, unable j to endure the separation from i AFTe. missioning ceremony at Fuimalt. B C. Foreru mcr of Canada's anti-submarine neii. sub nus become virtually an electronic fighter after 18 months of rebuilding. Cmdr. Patrick F. X. Russell of Victoria addresses the ship's company while B.C. Ueutenant-Oovernor Clarence Wallace looks on. HIDDEN X, ants in less than two months. Meanwhile. Macmillan has set a tentative objective of 270 000 new homes for 1953. Spokesmen for the U'iMing industry es TBEASUBC., JKND THOSE safety timate the years final figure is the lather tie adores, and the I child s devotion Inspires liodo to make his hurt trv His debut on television is an overwhelming 1 .success but the strain has tK'en 'too much for his heart and he t PIRATE BABES PONT HIDE MUCH Gifted Young Canadian Soprano Stands At Crossroads With Promising Future .n 20 London borougns aiimt j llkeIy l0 be cioser to 300,000 sua more than 115.000 families verei ,ons'(ruction was aiready in pro-i need of -housing and Uvit , a manv had been waiting uH i '.6 5 at the beginning of 193. Idles on the crest o( a new suc By JOHN PATERSOX years made the 2B-year-old lyric Symphony and the Robert Shaw ri.onr inn ,.f this rnnntrv it hst- chorale. Later, the work will be cess Skelton proves himself an artist to rank with the best In his role ai the clown who tumbles on a dow n-hill slide throueh life It is a roie which vividly contrasts pathos and merriment TORONTO O At this particu- ; known artists. Here, her career recorded, lar moment in her career Lois i u assured. ' EVMOl'S ' KOl.t 'Z i . Vr, ; M Bb0,Jt the samc ume. March she will sing as she ha for Itinn nf ctanriinir nf n n interna-, . . ...i k n- i . . . - n I .v.. " 'C - ... Anuru 1 U.V A I U 1 1 1 mwt liacril- th Uu fiv vur tYif unlit rnif tional crossroads with a promis The fani'-'i comedy team. Bud Abbott and Um CosU-llo. combine ing to her magnificent voice the ,in st Matlhew , Pai,ion in Tor-Italian maestra chose her for the n,..h ,h, Toronto Svmnhonv ing future in both directions. and the Mendcls.sohn Choir. ThU 'their lalcnU attain. In what 1, Concert and radio perform-1 solo soprano role In the Mlssa ances in many centres across Solemnla at Carnegie Hall March Canada . during the last three 28. She will appear with the NBC reportedly their funniest wreen too will be recorded. SEW-AND-SAVE WEEK V f FEB. 28th -MAR. 7th 'Tit Fashion to your Budget fifAKp ME l; r WALLACE'S 1 Department Store o"',r"1 Ils Abbott and iUn- debut After her Town Hall last December in New York .she was acclaimed by the New York critics. She signed a three-year contract with one of New York s leilo Mwi auuini rwni.1. Woodley irHlutioii in Suiwr-clneeolor lor Warner Hros. with Charles Laui;hUn piaylns Captain Ki'kl in the new film H Governmet Shackles Hamper Australian Uranium Mining mpuivo ..t... Tillri t !,e fi.nitol O'Neill and Judd This start . Theatu June 1. Meanwhile, she has a series of concerts to give in Ontario and Quebec. Still a bit dazed by the swift-movinz events of the last few 1 The .stot v till, h'l Captain Kidd. with hi. .tr:i'. crew, sails to the inland of i'trtui'.a for a rendezvous with a beautiful blonde b-i-i ; : r i iii,p'titnr and then becomes u volvcd with two tavern waiters. When Kidd nil-s-tak-nly recives a love note, and the map to a hidden treasure rordin? to Mr. Wentworth. is that the domestic price Is only a fraction of the price paid to producers in North America. Government income tax concessions therefore did not mean very much because private ln terests would probably not make :.ny income to be taxed. f lit" months, Mm Marshall, five feet tall, with warm, brown eyes and expressive features, admits it has ' been "hard, hard work," ! She has bad to battle long odds I 1 most of the way. She suffered ! SYDNEY, Australia CP Australia's development of its uranium resources is hamstruns by government shackles, according to William C. Wentworth, p., a supporter cl the Mcnzies Liberal-Country party coalition. Mr. Wentworth has made a close study of the countrys mineral resources. He says no uranium has been produced by private mining companies and virtually no private prospectin'! falls into the hands of the wait- ir hiinrioov rnmtilicatlons re- from polio between the ages of u,llt As ,he tavern waiters who! Although the big uranium ore -Killrn ( U t in III Evcningt 7 Sat. Motmtt 2 SUPERoni COLOR CAPITOL . niiorn rrAvms thkatri. deposits at Rum Jungle In thci'o d Ktrt. nJ still has avle wUh dptain Kidd In the northern territory now have slight limp. Her voice, when she : for burled treasure '.com- j been handed over to the big ! started training at the Royal ! ic Abbott and Co.stello are given private concern, the Zinc Cor- Conservatory of Music. Toronto. , ample 0plirtlinil:es to display; poratlon. the effect of govern' 1 1 yr ' hiB' 1'tiht j their zativ antics. . ' has been done. This compares ' most unfavorably with Canada land the United States where Now it than ment ooliev had been to keen ; ; ' ranges " """ more " I octaves from D below Middle C to Australian uranium within the , F above high C private firms are playing sn important part in developing the uranium industry. Greatest drawback to private uranium production here, ac- Call 112 That s the Cab for You Zinc Corporation would be only an aRer.t for the government. tEorly Start bL'BUC. Sask (CPi S,).'ing stuns: One farmer here repor d his turkey hen made a next in an outside haystack and ha been Uylr.it regularly lnce January, Another farmer found a sparrow ' rtejt With three egw W Theatre-Goers Pass ThCoq' Film Version PRESENTS PIERRE SANCAN French Pianist MARCH 11TH - 8:30 f of CIVIC CENTRE DAILY NEWS HANDY' WANT AD ORDER BLANK DAILY NEWS WANT ADS WILL HEIP YOU SELL OR BUY MONTREAL (CP) The Mm vcrslitn of the staxc pUy "Ti-C(s" haa met with the wholehearted approval of French-Canadian theatrc-Roers end. perhaps more Important. M int-real' newspaper critics. Ora'.icn Gellnas, who w-(Hc, HUmrmber A.M.T. Aulllry Mertlnt, RENT A ROOM, HIRE HELP, FIND A LOST ARTICLE OR DO PRACTICALLY ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF! Marred in and directed the or-' iglnal play, continues in the role ; of the lonely soldier In the filmed version of the comedy-druma of Trench-Canadian life durln? the Second World War. Critics were universal in their praise of the film, as they ere The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. ATTENTION!! 6 DAY RATE IS CHEAPER THAN ONE DAYP SKIERS ARMCHAIR till be shown l J" Him on Skiing of the play which ran In thLs province tor 41, years. Except for a tlLscourainjfly-unno'.lced run on Broadway, the play was well received by critics In almost every city where it appeared. After seeing the premiere ucre SAVE MONEY Order Your Ad 6 Times Vim iay nly for the first four insertions. The other two Insertions arc KKKE. Remember the insertions must run consecutively. , CIVIC CENTRE Please run the following ad for days. Enclosed is $ in full payment. NAME ADDRESS Phone No '. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) of the film a week aiio, critic On Wednesday, March A, 1953, o 8 OOP SILVER COu EVERYONE WELCOME Harold Whitehead of the Montreal Gazette said It la the "most Impressive Canadian dramatic picture to date." H ean safely be compared favorably with most of the films that come to town." PRINCE RUPERT SKI CM The film, completed here in six week at a cost of $90,000 was I backed by France-Film, a Mont Write your News Want Ad below. Begin where shown "START HERE." Put ONLY one word in each space. (Each group of numbers of letters count as one word). Put your address or phone number, or both, in the ad. In case you want a box number, leave space for 4 words (e.g. Box 000, Daily News. sti;t huki; real outfit. Sydney Johason or the Star also praised It and La Pre.jse, speaking for French-epeai.lng theatre-goers, said It was an "extraordinary success." If You Consider yourself patient o" Have a good sense of humor. Like and understand young p P t No. LINKS Cost ( onsecutive bays 3 days 6 days - 3 sur. si. m 4 $1.80 Sli.iO 1 5 $2.35 H.OO To earn the rate shown ads must run consecutive days. Hove organizing oDinry . Tutu TUtDt K A PLACE FOR NOTICE NORTHLAND NAVIGATION CO. LTD. Establishes new direct service from VANCOUVER to PRINCE RUPERT LEAVUS VANCOUVER EVERY FRIDAY ARRIVES PRINCE Rl'PERT MONDAY MORNING Freezer and Cooler Space Available Service commences Friday, March 6th from Vancouver. Agents: The G. W. Nickerson Co. Ltd. PRINCE Rl'PERT, B.C. IN THE TEACHING PROFESSION! British Columbia Teache5 Ads may be cancelled up ti Federation NOTK Make your money order or cheques payable to the PRIXCZ. RIPKRT DAILY NEWS. 5 p.m. day prior to publication. If replies are to be mailed, please add ll)c postage. , You reach over 12,000 readers witbyour Daily News Want Ad.