I'iihi-c t.upeit "taii Ki- .4 -Wednesday. March 4, 1953 III At Today's Stocks (Vnunrn K ft. Jiilinlmi In. t.ltt) Formosa Urged To Mobilize All Manpower BLACKWOOD on dSriclne PHONL 748 rOt MCLPrUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER nfADLTNF fOH ClAWrTiFTBP ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS L by EASLEY BLACKWCXC Mr. New Reads Oood Game; Doesn't Show It Mr. New, the avid kibitzer, is a great rilayer untLl he gets in the game. He has read dozens of bride I" and, of course, that is all to the good: Where Mr. New falls down is in his interpretation ,, pnllirallon. . j rinls HT word pT ,,' ,iiiliii'i' cliarpc " r,n rents; Card.; ',!;,' Death Notices. Notices. Marriage un;l ,,, ,,t Announcements, ,;,l.iy double price, f,,, ! : ontl-i Ml DISPLAY inch for one imcf- WMMISH t'lltHOAAI.S NATf N AL M:ii-rin7ry"co Limited, Distributor for. Mining. Sawmill, lwirtng and tori-tractors' Isiolpoient Inquiries Invited. Granville 1, Intnl. Vancouver 1, lie. ufi AGENTS fur Canadian liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene und till wielding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage to titoraRe Ltd. Phone 60. c FOTt such hnndy household helps as fuses, plugs, electrical extensions, kitchen utensils, tumblers and many hUhti, t the VARIETY STOKE 53 WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER LM-X'TROLCX. liione Him-070 for Varts Sal-ji Hcrvice. Eddie' c NEARLY everybody use (. c i.WT AMI FOt NT h , jnrh if inserted M Af iazinfs, tmveitics. iu.1 New.s Klmd TAIPEH tj Ot-nerari-ssimo ;Clialng Kai Shtk called on For-J moa and the- rest of tree China Saturday to mobilize all its man-! power and resources and speed ! ;the united effort for recovery of I the Chinese Communist main-1 UiX-.a in the near future. in hi;. f;r.;t rne.ssafre Fince Pre-i military forces aeinst the Reds,: "The moment of our counter-' attack U drawini nearer and nearer. Hundreds of millions of lour compatriots are suffering , from oppression at the hands ol Russian puppets and are eagerly ; looking to us to deliver them at an early date.' I V1CTOHH REPORT I (Continued f.-jm Pa. 1 , servative and Liberal. 3 C.'s' Bennett and King are no longer OOlltlcaiiV oilTW-Kerf In fat zith er. They're' both Social Creditors. It's a new and startling departure using the Speech from the Throne for political pur- p j-'js. That's what Social Cred- iters are doing. Householders in I all parts of the province in !cent days have received Social Credit pamphlets containing ex-' cerpts from the Throne Speech. Ttiis is the Speech read by ithe Lieutenant-Governor at the ,openm; of the House. It's the Qi'een's Speech, even thoii-h. !of course, everyone knows it was 'prepared by the Premier, tnd that the Governor wouldn't ca.e 01 wna' no "eaa. Today he was playing a close three no trump contract which he should have made. He failed because he did not time the hand correctly. No squeeze or other fancy play was necessary. It was merely a matter of piay-! ing the cards In the proper or- der. Mr. Dale was permitted to win jlhe first two tricks with the king and queen of spades. He continued with a third spade snd Mr. New took the ace. As you see, he could count exactly eight quick winners. The ninth winner would have to come from cither diamonds or clubs. He decided to go after clubs, hoping they would break 3-3. But on the third club Mr. Mas- ters showed out, discarding a LOST Child's "Werlk-h" tri-ryrle, wine color. 'medium size, from lofl block tih East. Si'-ward. Own 62 1. i55 mi wantedI-mai.e LtTTt R "CARRIERS. S2500-RV) tor the Postal Service heart. Well, now It had to two be tliamonds. so Mr. New ed a small diamond with the inten- tion of ducking In dummy and;snit does not break evenly, at having Mr. Masters win the : least the opponents are not in trick. He knew Mr. Masters did! a position to set you at one?, not have the high club to cash, you stiTJ have a chance to brcai and very probably didn't have the stronger suit. You have two the good spade, either. ; chances for your contract m- He dould win any return and stead of one. then if diamonds broke 3-J he : ; KtR SALE EOOTlIII.Ifl isootlersi eoal. Ptione flf,, Phllpotl, Evltu.& Co. Ltd K)R SALE 20 usid washerft eiiiiraiiUed tcrmx available. Mi Hae Ilroa. (53) VC R BALE Complete riffee aliop npilpment very reawm-nlile for cah or term, or will trade on car or equity on house. Ilox 20. Dally Ne . (53) FOR KALE -f- One grey IJovd ii baby but'Ky and Winnlv: com h. oKd condition. Phone Black 8:i8. i5j) FOR SALE Housenoifl rnrnl-ture. 417 Dunsmulr St. I53p FOR SAI.E-& H P. Wagner electric motor, ulnple phate, 110 w 220 volts, $5000. PO Box 225. ,57) YOU'LL 'SAVE of SIMPSONS-SEARS Mr and Mrs Bedroom Suite . $159.50 i-pieee - Olendale" Chesterfield Suite.. $199 501 "Locomotive Washing Machine with pump Jj 59 ijQ Torrhlers and Tri-lites complete..... $14.95 I SPECIALS ; White Enamel Kitchen Table.. $1895 l5 59 Boudoir Chair ... 16 95 1 1 fic Scatter Rugs. each 5 95 4.00 Table Lamps, each 95 8.70 Table Lamps, earn 10 95 8.59 SATURDAY SPECIAL 1 BERKLEY OIL RANGE, reg. 279 50. now 251.00 SIMPSONS-SEARS LTD. Prince Rupert 312 Third Ave. Phone 460 (35ci I FOR SALE 35 mm Argus camera with raie. f 4 $ anlstlgmat lens. $25 00. Phone 966. (55p FOR SALE Hemlock, spruce slats, jaefcpine 14'' lengths. Hyde Transfer. 55) FOR SALE-4xvely corker spaniel pnmiles. Minsmere Ken nels. Francois Lake. (ltnc) ttUI RENT SINOFX KEWIVO CENTRK rent -., -ou .i inaitr nine irrtKH. c, Ita t-,a vf u.. nL0",6 LJTZGZ:s Pn was very fine-except ef Canada lit Prince Rupert, BC. run particulars on pos ter at offices of the Nntiona' Emfiloyment Service find Post Office Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed NOT LATER THAN MARCH 1. 195J. with the 1vil Servk-e CommUsion, 6tn flortr, 1110 W OeiTKia Kt. Vancouver 5, B C . fltel RAWI.ErOH dealer "wfTnted at once Oood ODportumt Write at eince to Rattlchs Dipt CI 663, Winnipeg, Man ini.P WANT1D 1 WANTED 10f Peine. Rune-t ci'iwns wllh 1 00 each tn nut the llof Kcrurt lrive over th;l tnp Mull TODAY with rif 'nckiMPd to Box 429. Prince 2 Rupert. (54) WATWj 2 WANTED A man to start his own biisitieiw Almost no money lequlrrd. Sewinc machine 2 experience helpful hut not e-isenti;il Reply to Box 599, Dally New. if3 VAVCH HI American Standard .15 Bralome 4 1 B R X f)3 Cariboo Quartz 140 Congress y... .5"2 Cronln Batiine .14 i Oiant Mar'Wt .42 I Indian Mines OS Petid Oretlle 5.00 Pioneer 205 Premier Border .... 10'i Privateer 5U, Reeves MaeOonald . 2 fiO Srvep Cre-k .B2 Siivak Premiffr .18 Vananda .05 ! Spud Valley 05 ! Silver Standard L30 Western Uranium , 3 o Sil-Van .45 ; Doreen .SO Extella 75 ! Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.10 A P Con 35 Calmont 1 60 C to E 12 75 Central Leduc 3.00 Home Oil 10 00 Mercury ; .191 . Okalta 300 Pacific Pete 16 Royal Canadian 14.75 ' TORONTO Athona is Aumaque 18 Beattie Dusquesne 42 Bevcourt 81 Buffalo Canadian . 31 Consol. Smelters 30 00 Con west 5 00 Donalda 71 ! Eldona . .42 East Sullivan 50 Giant Yellowknife 16 50 i Cod's Lake 92 Hardrock 19 Harrtcana 13 Heva Mi ; Duvex 50 Joliet Quebec 33 Little Long Lac 76 Lynx 13 : Madsen Red Lake 1.60 i MrKenzle Red Lake .34 McLeod Cockshutt 2 70 Moneta 45 Negus .19 Noranda 77 00 Louvicourt 20 Pickle Crow 1.43 PetrcJ Oil to Gas .67 I Senator Rouyn .26 j Shenit Gordon 525 ; Steep Rock : 8 40 j Silver Miller 80 Sweet Grass Oils 66 Golden Manitou 2 90 i Grease Creek .. 7'i Landover Oils 40 Nesbit Labine 375 ; Wild foxes CH.VRLOTTETOWN (CP) The Prince Edward Island government has decided to pjt a bounty on wild foxes, of which: it is estimated 20.000 red ana silver types now are running wild. The bounty wis granted becau.se the wiid foxes have been raiding poultry flocks. ' BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe USED CARS For Sale 2 19.11 Austins 1 1950 Austin 11949 AiikIU Coach 1 1950 Sturtebaker Sedan 11949 Siudebaker Sedan 11918 Dodge Sedan FOR THE MAN WHO REQl'lRES CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 11938 Plymouth 11937 Plymouth Both in Very Good Shape . Superior Aufo SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. IV. Thene Green 217 BLONDIE CAKH FOR Scran: eoiifwr. brass batteries, radiators Phone 543 Call South dealer Neither side vulnerable errli (Mr. hamltlon ) 6 5 I H A S 2 D A 0 S 3 C K e 4 't t-'f (Sir. Hale) (Mr. Mu-lcr.) S K Q J 9 8 10 8 3 H-O I H J 10 8 S 4 D J 10 2 t Q 7 4 C J 9 3 2 C to R K.MII h (Mr. Ne) ft A 7 4 H K 7 a D K 6 5 Q A Q 7 5 The blddinx: South West North E.it t NT Fan 3 NT All prt sashed a club and a spade for down one. In a situation' like this where yon are trying to break one of suits for your contract, it i always better to work on the S weaker suit first. If the first n iiU ' 654 J t3 p imtwm 04 Him I Im 4mm .My fW imm iimi tiMi CaaoW t4 m W Ifea fiiiiinl c,eoi;e dawes ; AUCTIONEER Phone Black 816 and Red 127 JOHN H. ' BULGER C'omcrjr 'Ihird A7enue John Bulqer Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eyes.: by appointment, only 21 - 2" Besner Block . Phone B'ue 442 H. G. HELGERSON- LIMITED REAL ESTATE to INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 347 P C. Box 374 By CHIC YOUNG P BUT YOU'RE BOUND TO S. 1 BEFORE THE PAV 15 OvFD I II : .t x flAltftV J. KEVIN' has ben appointed manaRer of the TonH nrr Convention Bureau for the Canadian National Railways system with headquarter in Montreal. He succeeds the late J. S. McDonald, Internationally known sportsman who died recently. Mr Nevln brines over 30 years of railroading eTienec to his new post. AiW'AedVVwvAAr.Wiewvvvvvi iSuhfecl to Change) RAUID PTAL CFPR 1240 KJocycle W1JDNF8DAT 6 00 - lnteri.ittu.il! Commentary 6 M t 3ft homnnmg in Harmon r t 00 Iiii.lulurr HfKirt by N'Ubttt 6 l uipr Kerrnndi- 45 Hmlley Burnett Show 7 '00 CBC Nrw 7 IS- BC We lUnmdiip 1 John AviAon ConduPU S SO '"Anuiponr" 10 00 C BC Nrn 10 10 CHC New 10 1&-25 Tears of Canadian Foreign Follev lOrSK- Keeital 1) 00- W.tn R'fwrt II 01 Muw Till Midnight 120iien-ofl THT'Bn)AT AM ik BC Hfherroen' Bmdct 7 16 Muxtexl OorX 7 'SO -CMC Ne. wei.tlier P.epwt 7 ss-Mn ileal Clork o m; N.- , 8 I0-H. r Hill Clood fl I V- Morning tvmtr B :i M'irnjnx IJrvtrtlons a 46 Little Concfrt 00- BtC K Commentary 9. IS MukIc for Moderru S Time Hlirmil 10 M Mjrntng VUK 10 : 1 S M uhlcui Proritm 10 m Thin Wepk' Artllt la 4k- Mii.iml Kitrrun I Ujo-KindrTiaieii of th Ar U t& K4undup Time 1 1 SO Wratliir Ri-piTX II :S1 M-!iPe frrliKl H4t4t. Int. - II 46 fienc1lnvtll MrlndE PM I20 Mld-Dav Mrlodlra 13 Ilk BC Nr 13 2 4ro-ram Kcrrtrm I a . lO B C. Kami Hriuldcntt I'i SS Retrffl Inu-rluife 1 OO- Trie OBitert Hunt JOO-HC Setiool Briwdcast J JO Turtay'a tlliest 2 45- Plnno P-jiw, 3 Oo-lterorrts for You S .SO-Trani-CmiiitU Matinee 4 IS-((! Hliow 4 .10- liit Mr.shAiity Meet Piratm 4 44 t'BC Nrwn, Weatller lt port Buenos Aire.s, capital of Argentina. Ls the largest city in Latin America, . ACCOVNT A NTS PUBLIC ACtDUNTANT. Income Tax srx'dallst. S. O. Fnrk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) BATTERY SERVICE RLTERT Battery Shop. 4 East ing. Vir ftnaraotew c M A( HINEItY FOR SALE 1 D.IL caterpillar bnlldozer. 5T series, Hypter winch, winter and summer tracks, root rake, all in pood rondltion. One TD8 International cat. like new. Bill Morris, Hox 124, Smlthcrs, BC. (560) TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING ami PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved Jto or from any point In B C, Phone 950 First Ave. anf McBrlde fe) LEGAL NOTICES IN RF'FSTATB OF CLAP ANPRFA8 JFKSTN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE thut as Administratrix, atily appointed by the Court. t the entate or Olaf Andreu Jennea, who died at Cumshrwa, British Columbia, on or about the 1st day of October, 1951. I require all oredltora ami others having claims agatnat tlir mid erttaie. to send the same to me. properiy verified, at the addresa nien-tkmed below on or before the 31 t of Mcn, whu. dt). ,v 19&s, ,(u,r ' . ' . .. . . - V. I anal! proceed to distribute the ertate to those entitled by law, having rtirard only to such claims of which I ahall then have been notl-llrcl and FtmrnFR, take notice that nil persona Indebted to ttie aald state are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATKIY at Prince Rupert, B C .tills 30th lav of Pebruarv. 4S3. JESSIE RQARIT JENPBN. Artmlnlsttatrlx nc the Estate of CMuf Andreus Jensen, deceased. Brown ft tiarvey, Barristers and Sollrltora, Prlnci Rupert, BO, , (FM,M.p) ry Ouy icir u mutim- inch if inserted ry day for o yor N( 1MKNTS i"d psrwt March 4 -fun rummage March S Minn- Trull Corvcit, I M-irch 11. .1 nard School tea and irutil .lc. March 12. cat J party, March S-ftnol pnwm. Bortlflj Auditorium. March 13. i and Professional Cl'ib annual card iiwlmn legion Hall, 4 Initrd Hall tr., I , t d P-TA card party., if A i x i ; i ; i r y Spring Kale. f..i!f. High Srhool ?: mm, Murch 26, afUT- cvinmit. P-TA White I uui:hters Easier Apul 2 j ontre Hobby Show, i Tuvtav and Wedrtes-, 6 7 and 8 t ' Cathedral banar, I Al'iil 9. j' ri.,n firing sale Miry (li.ipler daffodil Spiin Il.i.ini. i!'iiflc siiinj; iiavuiar nt April 23. iide AsMK'iuUnn tea. trn-t School, May 2. buitaar, May Church W A. Sprinc, 7. Auxiliary Tea ana iKiw, May 13. f Slar tea, May"l,f ol the Moose Spring ' ti. Muosr Temple. arms Mle, May 20. a. June 4. pIRTIl NOTICE itSON-To" Mr. and '"y Hinderson (nee Smith 1, nt Vancouver, 1 n. Oraham Bruce, 1 r Kathryn. (ltpl A.tMlNTNOTICE M" A B; Nelson u.iv i ' v,"1'' '"MKemelit of f1 'titer. Mfo '"'lif,ny Robinson, eld-'! "I Mr. and Mrs. E J 1 ne wedding w ill take ,'r Monday nt Kln-(53pl ttRSONAL " J"' Rifled ad in this i 1 tnf ecnnomli.nl ... ui. It mn ' "was tor 3 con- 0.1VX root nr . B an sl onn'tecutlve days LI r""mber you ( tf-nc) frpTlxn; te'S Chimney 2 shC;'l'"Rs. P.'r. wll, cleaning win- te.nnd aerations. I - -' or Biack 755 (57p IK'O .oV r"n,Va", "11 heat . 1, I " "'I Work Pllr,n n.ln ftti. ... ..".i ui west. Le 1 fad.' lectrlenl uvatt. Ave. West. ,'" 105. (54) '.rewound and at) laie. Mr. Dale put up up the 10 of ''""t. lurcuiR UIC ace irom tAftOT, 8 tnought- Lt" wS?Jdf'enMve play on the trick. Now there was no , contract. Mr H pyed the ,;i and an)tncr diamond and Mr. Dale won anH Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER A' and Intermediate Porta j Eoch Thursday 1 at 11:15 p.m. 1 For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservations rrlte or mil iiv r Hep. rimer Pi.'-?e Hupert. BC. DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Biinctins.- any kind of B.i?s. fmms. Direct mail anvertlsW; 'etc. 30 - 40 h?fs thnn regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd A?. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Givt us your mailing list We do the rest. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. ..Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 biased, and the Royal Speech appears" 5n a political pamphlet, The various pamphlets and hoolrlp' llw-lmr fmnt norehM Sfrom social Credit are plainly . marked paid for and puktted bv the Social Credit iiae of . ., . , . j BC Its a costly ou.sine.ss, such j publishing and mailing There - seerr., to be no shortage o ' Social Credit money when it i jumes to wooing the voters for the election Premier Bennett can hardly wait for. Bock In Service j VANCOUVER (CJ Steel liel- , mets used by home guards iiur- j i ing the Second World War in air ; raid precautions services are be - . inz n;it back in service. Civil i defenee coordinators appealed to ; the hundreds of former ar workers either to re-en list or turn In their old helmets DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe FINAL WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL STOCK CLEARANCE Reductions Golore I95C Ford Fordo.' Every extri smart two-tone $1i75 1919 Plymouth Fordor High value, low price SHl.i 1946 Plymouth Fordor Radio heater, seat covers. Drive-away price $795 TRUCK DEPT. 1956 Stutlrbakrr Pickup. Motor overhaul, well finished box. All for Sl'!9') 1946 Ford 3-Ton. Long W.B. new paint, good machine. Flat deck included S825 IF YOl "RE LOOKING-FOR BARGAINS AT A-l VALVE See Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 93 "The Home ol Friendly Service Paid in Adrance portable (.pinchiw-s, '' P)one 3rd Are. tbom Blue vn. Re-864. ' ' - . fc) pairs, rcharRir.tf and rebuild 0ir Av. West 'r H0 4.TK FOR S ALE FOR SALE "MORBO" troller hulibuter. 44 x12' 2 ". two years old Powered with Oardner dlesel 48 11 P. II is 17 kate of halibut Rear, F.kolite sound er oircclton under, radto-lelephime Apply 407 E 4tth Ave . Vanmuwr. I1C. 54i FOR RALE Trntlln boat "Swn" the former "Five nrothers"!. 36 ft. long. 110 H P. Chrvsler Crown eiiRine. Fully equipped, ready to eo Can be converted Into a RlU-nelter For further information phone Oreen 267. lt CARS FOR SALE FOR RAf : "to Pontl.ie enupe Ie.;t offer 207 9th Ave Fast after 6pm (53p) FOR SAf K 1950 Chevrolet deluxe. Llt'ht blue, whltewiitl ' iirej; rjidio, sent covers, prl-"'a!IV ftwiHKi Bh S (5:p FOR RAI E Model Ford Phone Oreen 488 (5Si FO! SAI F '51 Chev sedan, radio, heater, -pink silo and licence. A real eood buv at $2000. ApnlV C, R. Jetter. Sourdough Bay. 57pl RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ijirise two room house, lot. and senarate steam bath. Anplv A. Poot.sik. near ball park, Port Edward. BC. (53p) PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. Real !;store ond Insurance Now Located at 345 THIRD AVE. W. (Next to Style Barber Shop) .PHONE 301 Are You Fully Covered Afialnst Fire? (c NOTICE To all former patrons of Eagle Room up to March 10, 1952, and of Star Rooms up to Jan. 10. 1953: Take Notice Any patron who has left any articles, clothing or baggage, please settle the claims on or before March 31. 19S3. After that date all articles will be sold. (Sipned) C. H. Ie, Prop., March 2, 1953. (P' TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the grading, filling and levelling of part ol Plaza Park. Plan ami peci-flctttions for work to be done and form of tender may be received from the Secretary. Board of Park Commissioners, Cltv Hall. Prince Rupert, B.C. Peter A. Lien, Sec"y. (53) FOR RENT Room and bonrd. Black 00. (55l) FOR RENT Comer store. A!-, der Block, Third Avenue and; Sixth Street; Oil-O-Mstic. hot water heating; owner will decorate to suit tenant Also two stores em Sixth Street, eould be used as one large tore. See Prince Rupert Realtv, 345 Third Ave. (ID FOR SALE OR RENT Fipht-room house. S36 th West. . 56p FOR RFNT Furnished suite. 940 Ambrose. (54) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 613 3rd West. (54) FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms and one sleeping room. Box 625. Dally News. (53) FOR RENT Cnrnrnished 5-room bungalow, steam heated, eoal ranee. Oood central location S75 per month. Phone Red 973. (S3) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Three- or four-room house or suite, partly furnished. Box 2. Daily News. (54p) WANTED TO RENT Four- or five-room house. Young work ing couple, one child. Phone 1 . an Clv Green 714. (4p QUIET COUPLE, no children, desire 3 -room suite, nfur-nished. Phone Red 371 after 6. (55p) WANTED TO RENT Hons?. Blue 331. t5Rp) WORK WANTED YOUNG MAN With high school education requires permanent employment. Immediately. Box 24, Daily News. C5Tp) i'lli' A Vf.S CAGWOOD-- ',., I I VJHV DID .-OU "S. ' ( COMt HfcRt-i HAVE x TAKE t Z K.OO THAT I VIDNT 1 DlDTOU lijO LEAVE THE OFFICE I THAT ' p" I DO ANYTHING PING FO?) t FO THE v VVRONG X . J . i i Vi! 1 j).'! rr-.: , - , , h at TV T -iwU