Prince Rupert Daily News I Dorreen Mill To Start Soon Saturday. March 15, 1952 ray ... Reflects and Reminisces As I See It i, -m. nit a Ml J more 'ji lndeindent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. -Member of Canadian Dvess Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association, i. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: "J farrier, per week, 25c: per month, $1.00; per year, -u" $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. '-vj-' Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. ; Mithorized as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa, j irt, ! C. W. S. Tremaine. consulting jr.gineer of Doreen Mines Ltd., is at the property arranging to place the mill on a steady operating basis as soon as snow conditions permit. The mill gave satisfactory periormance durin tuning-ln period prior to the year-end holiday reason. Dor " all There are railways and railways. Last week appeared a fev rambling remark-s about the coming of the Grand Trunk Pacific to the west coast at Prince Rupert. Lonrt since under the name of the Canadian National, it ha become the continent's V'., . til Red Cross Blood Bank . reen Is a goia-iit'r-iena-itiiii; mllp pant of Pr mre 1 wnra ynni. mine 121 i ONE of the finest ot many public services I performed by the Red Out of Tune Newfoundland. hAtt v. nr A GREAT hue and cry was raised here last year after E. C. Carson, then minister of public tional Halfway!. Development work has beca Today call to mlnci ihc buikl-ontinuoua through the winter Ing and operation of another and has been along imea recom- Iu th wa.s thirty mended by the consulting ia- m'1"- e -n'tive was large nrer aimed at extending proven j a(1 no- Caw rarely exceedul V y . - J ' Mi-t rH7."i,' t A ... one passenger and one frelalit ore at four separate locations in 1 the mine. ThU proram will b( J I Ili-T I Mf aided by diamond drilling. For rolling stock, this appeared to suffice. The line wan known as the St. Martin's Si Upham. with terminal facilities on line cool shores of the Bay of Fundy. I Cross is the setting up of the blood banks all over I the country. This means that anybody who , ever requires a blood transfu-! sion in Canada can get it, free, j These blood hanks are something relatively new in human' history. They have already saved ' a great many lives. In the event ' of another war they would be ' among the most vital of neces-! sities on the home front, as well as near the battlelines. 'ONE of our own Canadian doc-j tors, Norman Bethune was a (pioneer in this field. During the ! ' Emphasis for the present will ; be on making additional ore ! available for milling and nwh !of th mill feed Is cxDcctrd tr ICE-CLOGGED HIGHWAY The worst blizzard of the year struck the Maritimes recently and February brought the most snow in 7S years. A bulldozer was needed to clear this road on the shores of Halifax harbor after blocks of ice, left by the receding high tkle, blocked it completely. CP PHOTO Priii v.. I W illi i is luuny purv Oi ine : lionui lines wJ foundt-d orim-!nally as the Intercolonial, con-I nectlng southern New Bruru-w!ck with the city of Quebec. This must have been almont u century ai(0 and the route chosen i come from the . development faces. i confidence motion. Thus he on '"l Ave at I'uiUjr: Rev K 0" Parliament and Responsible Government in This Day and Age. was the longest that coti.d be March 18th moved a No. 1 Mib-amendmcnt to Mr. Drew's amendment. After 82 columns of Hansard was well filled in, Mr. found. JiiKt why. remains to Be explained, wnen ine ltk was l Ui, Itrrtor: Re, h (., vorks, said that nothing could he done about per-nanent construction or hard surfacing of the Prince iupert-Terrace Highway between Prince Rupert ind Terrace uhtil there had been relocation and wilding of that part of the road which skirts the Canadian National Railways. Now Mr. Carson ippears to be critical again of work being done on :haf road and talks about the government being .nicked into a bad deal. Actually, the last representation of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on the matter of the Prince Rupert-Terrace road was that the hard surfacing should proceed eastward from Prince Rupert and westward from Terrace, leaving the 27-mile gap where the highway skirts the railway open until the situation is rectified as to the throwing of the snow back and forth between highway and railway in winter. Possibly, Mr. Carson, in' what appears to be violent criticism of the attention, which it is proposed to give the road, is not fully aware of just what is proposed and the reasonableness of the request. We have no objection to seeing other parts of By PAGE RIDEOUT Low's motion was defeated by a heard from at a later date, tho builders cut directly across tin. Spanish civil war he developed much of the blood bank tech-, nique which later became uni-, versal. Dr. Bethune later went out to China, and served during the Some seven hundred or eight hundred years ao 0 of 21 ys 10 ,177 " i Thn Krtmo Inn ntn nf Ml state of Maine, saving long and one King John seemed to develop the idea that ho Drew's amendment which was mostly distances Whether or not miiKi;.y aoivrt CHI 6ll- Ale t P.lslor; . Japanese occupation He died became monarch of all he surveyed, his right there pa nl " fV;- u there the past few years many was none to dispute from the back yard around to wr Mr. ' Larson st mam motion o. surely there Is no competition In i Continued nn paae 41 new discoveries have been made' the gate, John was Lord of the fowl and the brute Reports tiil of weather belni' I too cold for the tappln-i of maple ST. PAULS But tne Noblemen of that day - n j a ( ; i in a 20-cent Pacific Affairs , . . , in thelf sword exercises ganged booklet called BLOOD-Yoi-r Gift of Life-Alton 3. Blakeslee "P nJ?n-?FSu?Jll LUTHERAN rj tell those Congressmen that he had staged around one hundred want-of -confidence motions on the Attlee Government in that 3 th Ave. at and the medical advisers of the American Red Cross publish n since known as the Magna Char- trees. Partaker of flapjack-: however, tulie for granted that; spring and .syrup arrive together' So in the interval, just call whatever it ts that's poured over the cukes maple honey and let her go at that. , Rev. II. 0. (It which historians claim whole gold mine of information. ta. " r"u, ". .i" ..' en .. ' twenty month? Mr. Churchill You arc invited to Worship a; s: :;e congressmen . k . didn't tell thi.s Lutherni Ct.' MOST people know about wha other nations adopte;! are called "b ood - groups. h 8amp government systcm There are four of these, says Mr. Q!d E , became fc "The Jut ShJlllmj -itin r th. i,non Tvu say some oi n.e clauses aie SUNDAY SEP." xaiancaicc uiiu uit'v aic luiicu i who don't know a want-of-con-, fidence motion from a summons i to appear In court) that owing to the small government major- : ity in the hou Premier Attlee ! was obliged to round tip all his supporters Rnd get his sick and crippled members in the on crutches and wheel-chairs In A. B, AB, and O hardly understandable w ith lae ! MARCH " It " ' inferenre that they were PJI'-;.. , , noselv made that way. That cr..: ,M,,rnin "- the Mother of Parliaments 'but j as the moon continued td w:ix nnd wane the Noblemen began to lose faith in their members of parliament, and as time passed they became distrustful of their Parliament as they were of King John. Thus by their De said of more than one Sermon: "Tlx v.: document. A good lawyer ca.i ! Vnetm Spa- j A person requiring a transfu-I sion must have the type which will mix with his type, without i conflict. You must either get the j same bipod type as your own, : or O type, which has the happy order to stave off defeat of his argue i.iuc.uhlc.j. government on each of tlx one hundred want-of-confldence e 8crmon: "A U nor." sword exercises they remodelled vote Mr Churchill didn't tell 11 the province, including the Cariboo Highway and the northern transprovincial highway east of Prince George, getting a full and fair measure of attention. Indeed, it is their due just as the Skeena.River Highway is long overdue for the improvements it is now promised and which, indeed, were pledged by Premier Johnson before the last election. Why any part of the province should be jealous about Highway 16 getting $2,000,000 worth of long overdue attention is as difficult to understand as is Mr. Carson's persistent stand of animosity against this road. New developments in this area have forced the government's hand and there was nothing else it could do about it their whole box of dice, and e V , . k In the present instance is that 1, .t i while ine arguments continue, jr--'' J so can cleepsea fihing. Mr : '1:3 ,e W.Mtr-mA vvhen a call comes for an am- 'e! SENTENCED SENTENCED TO TO DEATH DEATH bulanre, bulanre. 'he 'he response response Is Is gen- Sgm" r- " rK, Robert Burns vfarHnnnlfl Macdonald, rrnllv erally simo;ised supposed to to be be immediate. immeaiate. those Congressmen that, while Sunday School 11 ; faculty of mixing with all types. Of course, your blood type maybe determined in a very few minutes. But where people are in very dangerous occupations it he couldn't and didn't defeat th Government on the floor of the gen-; " established what became known as Responsible Government. In this reorganization they divided their Parliament into two armies t-inrttfta i- Vi- ami-a tit V. r n e House, he did drive it to the; ie i ,.,j.TPn. may be use to have a ready record. I understand it was true It may be a matter of lite or v....... wall and forced an election. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Mr. Churchill is looking after !S.53 .the to-Gte toward eh othe; a the 21. of New Wateriord. N.S., nas been sentenced to death by a court martial In Tokyo for the murdor of Pte. Harold Carlsen blood tvDes tattooed nam on death. Or, It may be a case oi illness, with no necessity of swlf; service. Yet, above all else and Prince Rup-r Hcv. Larwe5 thai, Hnrlloa In 1V, ort ,o., ""' ff.j vuu.iito ri.c the maimed and sick members with thptr .crutrhps nnd wheel- 11.11 J1JAl. a. fit lire CilU supposed to be. They lined these ambarrassed bv first and foremast, the urgency Harrison. 31, of Truro, N.S. The rirtia nn fciclMo -itlr I . ..... .... . . of them were ! these marks as they plainly 'T ,1""' 7"Zy cnaiTS wmle Mr: AU ee ls worK" tribunal found that Macdonald Us always there. The city fathers, proved to their captors they had :"ZZn tZ: T I !ng the want-oi-connaence mo- .chat his comrade Jan. 28 with at was learned triaay. win again 'Knwrt tVirt nrnhlpm nf rmpratiml. r. .43 calibre revolver during a rol in o hntiuA at Tnkrhon St. Patrick's Day i the firemen having decided to -. .......... . llon ana )s ou iq iorce yei an- They placed the Speaker at the otnpr eiecti0n. But owing to. a ertd of this bit of no man's land. 1 wlde oppn spUt ln Hls Majesty's The party seated at the right of , iyi opposition. Premier the Speaker was the Government ! Churchill defeated Mr. Attlee's nen- Seoul in Korea. Harrison discontinue any further connec 1 1 a rn.-Morr.'a ; Sermon: "IIW:: Sabbath." Children's S'cff Much H Ham" 7:30 Eveninp :: Sermon: "This '.: Eternal" COME AND that ted In hospital Feb. 23. j tion. But It's something irp from National Defence! can t wait. wnose duty it was to carry on the business of the country, while the party seated to the left of the Speaker was christ want-of-confidence motion by around one hundred majority on March 3 last. If the Premier can keep up those manoeuvres In the future he might be able to abandon the use of the crutches and wheel-chairs. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth West (across from Arm-ourics) SUNDAY SCK0& ened "His Majesty's Loyal Op position" and their duty was tc bother and worry the Govern United. BfgiKts aiy at 11 am. Older at 1215 United Hall, SUNDAY ment Party and drive them from Here ln Canada we have not office if po&slWc. and form a. had a 0overnment since Arthur been among those who most often committed war crimes. THE SO-CALLED Rh factor Is quite different from the blood groupings. In fact It was only discovered toward the end of tha Hitler war. Here is what Dr. Blakeslee says about it: "Rh is the name of an Inherited factor in human red cells. It stands for Rhesus, be-exists. In the blood of about 85 Rhesus monkeys. The Rh factor cause it was first detected in per cent white Americans and about 90 per cent of Negroes. They are Rh positives. The remainder don't have the Rh factor and are Rh negatives." He shows that there is much needless worry about marriage complications. "There is no danger of any kind in the marriage of two persons" who both have either Rh positive or Rh negative blood. government of their own party IF . . . ' .Every living person knew what every departing soul discovers Heb. 10:31. EVERYONE ... . Would be faved today. Heb. 9:27 Matt 25:31-4(1. Pastor ('. FAWCETT 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:30 Morning Service 7:30 Evangelistic Service. Green 331 First Presbyterian Mtighen's day that carried on with so small a majority that a want-of-confidence motion would put them ln danger of defeat on the floor of the Hous-e. Yet the want-of-confidence motion has developed into a racket. Many of those motions are de-, feated by a vote of 30 for and 130 against. But none of these motions have been carried. When the opposition exceeds in carrying such a motion then It would appear that these Noblemen placed a very effective weapon in the hands of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, namely, the want of confidence motion, which is very effective when the two parties are neai evenly divided as they are in Westminster today for when the Opposition .Party succeeds in having the House pass such motion, then the Government be- WAYERLY-TANGIER MINES LIMITED OUT COME the green ties and shamrocks again as the sons of the Ould Sod prepare to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Monday. Celebrations will be held in cities and towns across Canada Monday when Canadian Irish and sons of Erin the world over commemorate the death of the saint who brought Christianity to Ireland. St. Patrick is said to have preached his first sermon at Saul in County Down after landing in Ireland in A.D. 432. After being a prisoner of a marauding chieftain in Antrim for six years he went to the continent, where he established his religious reputation and was commissioned by the Pope to work in Ireland. He preached and taught, organized parishes and built churches he founded probably 365 churches and baptized 12,000 persons. Among his converts "was his captor of earlier years. He banished the snakes and he made the shamrock the immortal emblem of Ireland, using the tiny plant as a representation of the Holy Trinity. St. Patrick's Day was decided on only after a lengthy Irish argument which according to legend ' ended in a truly Irish compromise. It is said that one faction in Ireland claimed ,. the saint died on March 8, while an opposing party - "held that March 9 was correct. A Solomon-like Irish priest, Father Mulcahey, is said to have settled the argument by the addition of eight and nine and March 17 has stood to this day. i In Voluntary Liquidation i comes no longer responsible and we will be having our second must resign, thus a change of 'election forthwith. But there IS possibility of complication when a woman Government. This ls the way the , tn hprp Knm. with Rh ll" negative "csuuve blood uiuuu marries Illumes .3 tri i vrhlpmrr, nf th rinvs eel n a man who is Rh positive. These , Thlch . ple ot the want-of-confidence r pliament is made marriages number about 13 per Z J GovernmenT His ! motion racWcU mny 1 "P"r H's "p Majesty cent of the total in USA 0I. tfovernmen'- R pgra(!rapn f rom a f ,. i nun i i mnnciTinn o n n tno throe Loyal Opposition, and the three article written on the 1950 ses- "Usually there ls no trouble LiunrH lnnrrthc nn rvian'a tan1 We extend to visitors U)' 231 Fourth Minister: W & ' w..nii: Mrs I- " "y- x e moln" 1 between. And this was done some ers blood does not develop j hundred seven years ago, thus enough anti-bodies to cause tne have ; pcople Dcen treading serious trouble." But if she be- tne Dr0verbial nath of the zis- i sion? "On Feb. 10 this Pailia-: ment met fot the second session when the Governor General read the speech from the throne. On the 17th Mr. Larson moved the adoption of the address. On the andJ:Ci comes pregnant several times i , .ncr aii nil h,.,,, rinu'ti ihrm,h th she may develop enough antl- centuries. FIRST and FINAL DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS TO SHAREHOLDERS All holders of shares whether registered or ln street form are re'qulred to forward their certificates to the Liquidator's office at 629 West Pender St., VANCOUVER t, B.C., In order to partlcpate in the nbove-mcntioned distribution. William H. Corter,C.A. Liquidator 20th Mr. Drew moved a want- bodies to cause serious trouble. OLR DAV AM) Af'E This is nartlcularlv so if thn MARCH & Morning Wlc Sunday SMl !21: i of-conlldence motion by wny of mother has ever had a trans- . Now let us drop down through j an amendment to Mr. Larson' fusion from the wrong Rh type the years to our own day and ; motion, on the 2ist Mr. coiuweu nf hinnri ! Generation. When Winston moved a No. 2 want-of-confl- r),.rnembcTlHf!i, Churchill visited America he I dence motion by way of a sub-addressed the Congressmen at j a m e n d m e n t to Mr. Drew's Washington. To illustrate his amendment. On March 15th Mr. point he told those gentlemen ! Coldwell's motion was defeated that Great Britain had held ; by a Vote of 89 yeas to 155 hays, their second election in twenty ! This cleared ' the way for Mr. THE As doctors have now found ways of dealing with these complications, people need not worry about theiti. But they should know about them. And one great advantage of being a blood donor to the Red Cross is that you get Informed of your Rh factor. Scripture J-aMage j-or Joilay ! months but Mr. Churchill didn't ! Low to stage a No. 3 want-of- "Praise the Lord who . . . healeth all thine infirmities." Psalm 103:1 and 3. EVANGB FREE Of Services oondur Hall. Fo"'1" , Sunday School The Latest in Popular Records Phone Number of Robert Simpson Along 'FRONT Classes i llu Il:i: service Moriiii's rt Due to a typographical error. Evening . Comesna:,, Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilliwack arrived in port yes Capt. Ed Swank, chief officer of the telephone number yesterday the Chilliwack, went to thei,n the advertisement of Robert ALL TIME HITS ALBUMS and LP.'s Prince Rupert General Hospital Association NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital Association will be held in the Civic Centre, Common Lounge Room, on Friday, March 21st, 195? at :00 p.m. BUSINESS: To receive President's Report. To receive Auditor's Report and Balance Sheet for IflSl. To elect five members of the Board of Mansgem-n. ,To appoint an auditor. Membership fee is $1.00 per annum, which may be paid at the Hospital or at Ormes Drugs prior to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19th, at which time the" membership list will close. D. C. 8TEVENSON, Secretary. terday morning at 8 o'clock from j Chilliwack as skipper. Capt. Pen- Simpson Pacific Ltd. appeared as 360. It should have been 460. Vancouver and, after discharg gelly is returning to Vancouver to take pilots' examinations. 'rnl l t The The insP'8 sages- Nt fkm manner ot 10:24.) .sJl ing local cargo, sailed at 3 p.m. for Alice Arm and Stewart to load concentrates. She will call here at the first of the week southbound. While here yester , day, there was a switch of skippers which took Capt. Garth Pengelly from the Chilliwack to the Cassiar as chief officer while Union steamer Chllcbtln, Capt. William McCombe, arrived in port at :?5 last evening from Vancouver and Kemano and Sailed at midnight for Masset Inlet points whence she ls due I p.m. on her return south. The Chllcotin brought 85 passengers to Kemano this trip and four teen for Prince Rupert. Leslie Smith has taken over duty as purser on the Chilcotin, relieving Purser Reg Stover who ls taking vacation. at Rupert Radio & Electric cti in. . back here tomorrow to sail at