FrlriCe KUpfcit Uuily INew Saturday, March 15, 1952 MUSIC . . . DRAMA . . . ART . . . BOOKS A, Yloleil Vioflnlsl C , ... . .. TT On the BOOK SHELF omnia srot jPli nil o Ion ra i Jplatter Parade w- "J .sexral, political. Rarely, if- ever have these unrecognized lmma-turitie been so accurately am so helpfully diagnosed.,. Ever; thoughtful reader of the book "will at least have a clear idea," said Clifton Fadiman in his report, "of what hinders him from being better and happier. This is a book for the whole faffi'ly, for every American rrLizen who J-rince IQupett Ciiurci -Jliuk ence - v RICHARD WESCH an ru THE MATtRE MIND By H. A. Overatreet,' A booK that will imDlant cof.rage in One of the world's greatest of "sensitive and technically amaz women virtuosos arrives in ing. Aces ride (japuoi. Ana as ior -uome wnai hits with I May," this one can't miss. Patti ,,j,.us Four her Prince Rupert this month for a1 All her critics emphasize rest ' ,iuki!i(f "YOU rune mt.i mo in vi'rsiun wnn 'two-day concert at the First United Church Hall. Sue is Ninna Benton, a Scandinavian wishes to move towaiot wnalencss of life. . . . Many books entertain. Some instruct. T'ris one really helps." . - "To put down nature as it Is never the artist's intention." A. Y. Jackson. That is left to tha photographer with whom the artist does not try to compete. But where the photographer is forced to stop, with the facts everyone. A wise thinker guides us, all of us, to self-realization, and holds up fl mirror to om Immat uritiei psychological, " "like "Tell Me i others by The Four Tunes (Vic-'1 LrrVnt!c ballad : tor), Helen O'Connrll (Cap), and rich, soulful tone, her marked Individual interpretation and inimitable technique. In Prince Rupert it will be nor first actual concert on the wst coast. While at Ocean Falls. '. ' leader. AlJimmy bcow luoran.. . i ' I - y0 , 1 : J ' --, V 1 This Week's Forecast - Frankie T L. fluid. On the ! of international repute. Under the auspices of the I Prun e Pnriert ITnil.prl rV.llll'ch Lalne's .Columbia disking of before him, the "The; Ganfly also the new artist just be Dancer's Bull Mcn Bent.ens Mim n nlM fine viol violin t!: A perfect composition in Clui). Miss p ro- very p P If L " J I nature is very hard to find as gram has been made possible in- dropped accidentally, and w Unit lumbone" thr h nhtolranher photographer wp?i well knn. knows cldental cmentai to to a a xMt M to to the tne .west west no-iiiuy sightly damaged. aamagea. She one sent sent t us Stafford coup and "Let's Have a Party.' tne Here the has the advan- C0Ml- during which she 1 look-, instrument to Denmark to be tage, he can take liberties with in u' OHi Country acquaint-! repaired, for she trusts only one nature hpir. hor nt in ances and relatives. She per- man In the whole world with NOVELTIES Just Arrived. . , her highly valued violin Nation's Honor Roll of Hits: 1 Cry-Johnny Ray. 2 Tell Me Why-4 Aees 3 Wheel of Fortune- Kay Starr ways. Telephone poles, ugly i torms here March M-27. Miss Bent.en will have this instrument with her when she arrives March 26 on the Prince George. She begins her two-day appearance that night. buildings, or bushes obstructing1 Recently, while visiting Oceans a view and not adding to it, can Falls, she pave n spontaneous just be omitted. Then the facts concert at the Martin Inn about important to the general effect Which people are still talking, j of the painting can be empha- The 26-ycar-old violinist has! sized. A mountain can be en- appeared in most of the music! lnrsed. the color of clouds brluht- capitals of Europe and, in spits j 4 Anytime Eddy Fisher . 5 - Little 'White Cloud That Crred Johnny Ray 6 - Slow Poke Pee Wee King 'line of l'1'-vn,m fl,ltl 5 Uim American frrtiilia" 4i,,nean(l Vflma M 'l-1,1:" voealis. yvPh 1 mrninf! n t''lPlp of i'anw with "Yire , "f My Eye." " "Bl 4 Eaj Man ' I ,lg lias a beautiful 'jntilisli import, "Tu-sy Oliver and his Vith ' Trufty Riclitfi'fls pairins liv, "The and "AnV-,r iBliies," pry.wk does the , turf, "Wheel of 'Iw by "Tin Ail 'he , the Ocean." The 'tot nre left "High tiiliPif newest, barked J. -pw number. "You're A of My Tears." Fxquisite Ch;na Birds Black Panthers in five sizes -fa Cowhorn Novelties Black Co Novelries IN LONDON THRILLER Fair-haired Barbara Cummings of Thorold. Ont plays a leading role in Agatha Christie's murder thriller, "The Hollow," which has been running more than a "r to packed houses In London, Eng. Barbara first came to Britain in 1943 with the Cflnfldlpn Army 8how. Later, in 1945, the returned to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Since 1947 she has played minor roles in and outside London before taking her present important part in the hit production. (CP PHOTO) 7 Pleano, Mr. Suli Julirtny Ray 8 Blue Tango Leroy Anderson ' ule SIlaPe OI a -ree im- "lt juuui, is ieco;;nii6eii as a 9 Bermuda Bell Sisters I proved, or an entirely different , violin-virtuoso of the highest 10 -Shrimp Boats-Jo Stafford tre moved ln- a" the parts standard. , I placed so that the eye moves I Her most favorite" music is that THIS WEEK'S ARTIST: ;allv nhouf t.hp nfrttir from Of Scanclinaviun m-iuin -uirt in. PIONEER PASSES ESTEVAK., (CF M.s. Sofia Burlinguette, who died recently at the age of 85, came with her husband from Quebec in 1900, among the pioneers of this district in southeast Saskatchewan. She is survived by four children, 16 grandchildren , sne was own in April, sue cut 0ne part to another. TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP 21 1 Sixth Street o.sio critic wrote last year: "No wonder ihc conriuered the Norwegian audience, with ucn j The result should be a simplified, comfortable painting, conveying easily to anyone the I forceful impression the original ner nrsi rccorn in April, and ner name is April. Of course, we mean the vocalist who holds the honor of possessing the "most soothing sigh on w&x," APRIL choice of music charmin&ly and 20 great-grandchildren. Bennett's ft,-als-Tony STEVENS Shes RCA Victor's sultry singing sensation who be off smy ui'-u.ikm. ...... ..,)vo Has Gone;" Ois- Miss Elaine Delisle, P.H.N, of the local public health unit staff sailed last night on the Chileo-tin for a visit to Masset on official business. scene made upon the artl,.. Whtre a photographically correct painting would have been dull, the rebuilt one will be impressive. R.H. Record Variety at ill : i i?v . , il -"N Victor) ; ,hn Monroe up, iDwai come came the sweetheart of music lovers from coast to coast with the waxing of an old Coi-o Porter tunc-, "I'm In Love Again." April, whose real name is Carol Tempo, and her brother, Nino, a fine clarinetist, are the composers of several numbers, includ- v.Tsinns of "Moim- " Rosemary iCol.i: Buddy Mature 9i,tj jrovtm Here II.. j i , '' K:t 'lii LTD. McRAE BROS. ve Got That, reei- 'V1 iino "Ilnn't n Tt " uhich re. One niKht In London, the American painter, James McNeil Whistler, was invited out tc Jlte Album I.Mrnin cidcd by April and turned out LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE YOUR RECORDS f Martin singing uie to be- a big seller. firm the picture "Two iSiwiiwity." ExcelK-nt i m m iiiiiiifci. Afr v c. hu uiu hunt; kiiab a I he was doing his now famous I paintings of London fogs. Short f ly after his airlval nt the host's LP. RELEASES and is furnished by and his Orrhr'trn. To get he most out of her soft, sultry style April figured that real singing should be like a woman talking to the man she loves, and with this in mind she went on to record new versions Cry (Johnny Ray) Tell Me Why ( Four Aces) Wheel of Fortune (Kay Starr I Slow Poke (Arthur Godfrey) Please Mr. Sun (Johnny Rayi Perfidia (Four Acesi Unforgettable (Billy May) Marshmallow Moon (Four Knights) POPULAR Albums of popular oustanding . : mimners inciuueu Are,' J Closer You i hmwe, woman arrived and, ! running up to him, exclaimed : excitedly: "Mr. Whistler, I jiut itrofised the Thames, and It look- ed exactly like onp of your palnu lings!" Whittler smiled and re- Tomorrow," "Let the of o S()I1KR ano- became an over- arrangements TONY MARTIN Two Tickets to Broadway Frank Bsttv Trio Plays Ragtime Piano y:,riy For You. niui nir'ht sensation. In addition to "I'm in Love Again" she revived the oldie, nlinH1 "tVianl ,rii ntfllam W Gimme A Little Kiss," and al.o i ti,r. u imnPnv) ,', made it a best seller ill! ov- CLASSICAL Brahms Fine Baiiades for Piano - Try Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 Willi Dinah Shore, i fur These to break !J r'-it populuri'y in li".v wH-k: ' Blue posed hy Leroy Au-vtrsions J: are by Au-oli iDcccat and Les (J' hestra wlih chorus I The BhickMUith i.iibjiij! fast with new jt:;inii out by a'l the again. Her other recordings are ""Dreamy Melody (other side of "Kiss"), "And So To Sleep Again," "Aw C'mon," "Put Me i it . "I h .1 . ":. '! "!t I. : '' ' H j U m ' -" -i Si 1 . $ i J: - i j " I ' , "--.'' r,v'i' ' V"8 I " I' t 1 .1-1 . s 1,'. " mmJt U'l .-" I ---1 t t p , J' V, -!'?! .. t; "1 3 " 'i ' ! ,."i k , 9- . '"' . t '" 1 'I. ! W-f i, K'" I 1 ' 1 1 V '- - . v r . :i ' j l" '.A t i , ! , i. i !. X '" I'M-' 4 Mr. and Mrs. William McLean bf Seal Cove and Mr. and Mrs. SEMI-CLASSICAL Chopin "BOTTLES IN THE EVENING" Ray John Mead of Hamilton is shown with his painting, "Bottles in the Evening,' winner of thrj $500 Taber Dulmage Faheley purchase award, given to encourage Canadian painting. The painting was shown at the 80th annual exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists at Toronto's Art Gallery and was selected as the picture which contributed most to progress in Canadian painting. More than 500 pictures from artists across Canada were submitted. (CP PHOTOi In Youi Pocket," and "The Tricks ' William Tocher of Port Edward, of the Trade." Th-3 smooth or- who have, been on a motor holi-chesral backings of all April's ! day trip as far south as Mexico, f ;"s, the big ojie right records are by Henri Rene and returned to the city on the Chil-Klla Mac Morse's on his Orchestra. cotin last evening. Waltzes RONNIE MUNROE SINGULAR Popular Records TOMMY EDWARDS It's All In The Game AlUOver Again THE SEA AHOI NTI I S By Rachel L. Carson With extraordinary skill, a distinguished, .scientist "Introduces the :ems Reveal Dramatic and Wierd Tales 4 L.P. RECORDS BY Al Jolson Bing Crosby Guy Lombardo Ink Spots Andrew Sisters Standard Albums by Paul Robeson and , Mills Bros. Ink Spots Sophie Tucker Victor Silvester AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ;Ancient History and Native Lore human face to its true ancestral i cradle the oceans." From the j grey beginnings, when it rained j tor centuries on end, the author describes the awesome creation of our vast water-world. We rhaps no history so Bullhead decided to make Taking counsel with a fellow boyhood, but the mother wao Blacksmith Blues You're Not Worthy of My Tears WESTERN Blue Yodel No. 6 Travelling Blues LEFTY FRIZZELL 12" SINGLE CLASSICAL 78 RPM , Scherzo from Concerto No. 4 Litolf Mouralimpany M as that of the Lutraisuh his Wire and took, hi-r prisoner, the Kispiox princess unhappy. Her son developed Indians and the in his own canoe as he returned planned and prepared for her cruel and murderous tendencies rwiudina these tal-s with lii.s warriors down the Nat's escape. Watching her opportun- which iihe attributed to him j h".,". ' hp ITth nno ' u " annals of a strans? IMver to the coast and home to lty, she mixed into the chief's having sucked the tongue of his "m ,e rh? nnol s colorful. ' i the Queen Charlottes. The Ki.s- food a herb which sent .hlra into dead father. j lonZ n6es Ind currents wl Indian history book piox ciilet and the maiden's a heavy sleep. Then she killed The two returned to KiiDicx, .m. tn r0nii70 ih. i. -;-fi pole. Many of them ' uncle lay bound at her feet. 'him and cut off his 'head to the home oJ the princess, i-0 tlmnce the sea exerts upon olir fmplieated in design The proud LutraLsuh Mlentlyj tato) 1jin . ieh;i take awav the young man's j,tetory, economics, health; in- y a.iuaiiiit-u wiiii vowed to avciife t its lnamnnv - sname irom me lamny arm 10 fiPpf pvpi-v nsnpr-t. nf our Hp. are dilUnilt, if not! and took careful note of every been avenged 'honor the mother, Lutraisuh's havior. A most readable book to o read. But mm? landmark and waterway, for she A canoe wainnj! and reBOj. father erected a totem pole and s,ir tne imagination of anyone nply with onlv three aic uf,,n,i ...,IMri.,, in rotrii ia Lutiatsuh fled With her onby and caiipH it Mndiitinriilkth or the ...i, ,.,,.r ..i . , .i,v .v.Li., .luiuviiHj w ivvii.i, v., . . , Cl. ; WIUJ ll.l.T till Wrtltlirit ftll.l I pounding on a shore. t unan ti'4mecarv- her tribe. ' nr' ,7, history of the sucking tongue. with the in an n lnlsli i, 3 , 'nen the storv Ls ip- m, . .. hid canoe inc K.i.spiox tmci rcius.-o ui ,, Watbt, -, the! thi totems i mder of these tale s. become a .slave and was put to cftnop- of tne'gearcheM as the death by Bullhead. ri- rt rhrf-. warriors looked for EDDIE'S ROSES... fe, there Ls the M - ner- The waiting mother checK- '"tem, or traiblated ! According to tradition, an im-ied the number of warriors ie-tonuue." It is nviiie clcs murder had to be avenged turning at the end of many 3 A.- ime Get your Eddie's Roses NOW f usurer topped oy rest of the clan; the f "W or a man, ami -.; oy a nepnew, or me nexi man- hours, when ner DaDy began 10 descendant, and when in duocrv ' time Lutraisuh bore a child, Bull-, fearing the child's cries would head smothered the baby as soon betray her lildlnd place. Lutrai- while thev last. I ' f this this totfin totem (in dalo.s as he discovered it was a boy. l8Uh cut off the tongue which W W years years ii"o ii;;o, dm-: The second child, also a boy,! protruded from the severed head Wars on i:n All se lect named varieties sMS&C f'oast. ' ' stuck it on the end of a siick and gave it to the baby to play, with. The child sucked on the' tontine and ceased crying. As was killed in the same manner, for Bullhead was afraid "that when the baby grew up he would be the victim of his own son's Also order your IK naas River Indians Bl'LBS, GLADIOLI hand in veneeance for the mm- soon as the coast was clear, Lu- "k viuaue of Kii " Skeena River, and der of the KLspidx chief. tratauh paddled Into open-water 1 :'"' pit-oners, in- when the third baby proved and set lortft on ner nazaraous ' IU.I .. ,. .1 . , to be another boy, Lutraisuh very! journey of several nunarea nun cunningly outwitted the Huida I over open sea, then to her dei- ,- i..... u.u..- i inntion nn the Naas River, which Is the most precious" commodity known to man. i .om nis niece Ih m'lill,,n of hiMi Wsm v PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS Box 516 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 vinri auu maue jiiui ut.-in-vi.- luci - , . , r . I; '"n to the Naas Will' tv-i u . , the little child was a girl. But a.slsne iinauy reacnen in san-iy. .m i Dy a raid the i with Naas In-ee.-ii difficult for the mother to con-1 Lutraisuh stayed coal it.s its true true sex sex dians until the child grew to 1"MaiKls. who ,., k, River vil J1'"1 'he Haida he Naas tribe T0'a)Uired by lhe vi(1 THE CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION AND DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION PRESENT A Ten-Day Course under EILEEN CROSS March 17 - 29, 1952 - Afternoons and Evenings Registration Forms are now available rt the Civ'C Centre Registration Fee $2.00 Rejuvenating Your Home - - - Dressmaking Tailoring (for advanced dressmakers) This course is available to members of the Civic Centre Only Phone 231 for more details iussi's MUSIC STORE P" r the "'lest in " " '"'trumenis IS TUNED MUSICAL FESTIVAL ' NOTICE' i - - I . i THIS IS THE LAST CALL - FOR MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL ENTRIES Northern B; C' Power Co. Ltd. j Knowing this, the Daily News is devoting this page today to a glimpse of the MUSIC, ART and LITERATURE of the past and present in the hope that some of its readers will have some of that precious commodity, TIME, to delve further into these subjects. and NDITI0NED atlr tan ll t 'W, i i T . ' r"' ; , u J i'. ' 5 ' , i i v - i ' ; . - .'. . W- 1 9