GREGORY PECK TODAY 6:45 - 9 Cjcirclc 2. Prince Rupert Daily News f Saturday. March 15, 1952 !, AT WALLACE'S 2 OF COURSE KING SOLOMON'S MINES TOPS Canada Names Best Movie Stars and Pictures of 1951 "Death of Salesman" Heralded eiunci a Sunday Midnight omT john archer 1 in SOOKTHi Destination ( 1 11 n LET'S NOT FORGET THESE FINE OLD GARDEN FLOWERS M - Moon i ane4. Digest draw at Canadian theatres in y;h .some moving Pic,u' crlls Kiwj Solomon's Alines," action-filled feature filmed 7ornwnw1CofnFredr1c March' in n Trehnipolor or ' Wurimi in Africa with Deborah , "Death of a Salesman." coming Color by Technicolor t The Nnrtl) "W,U1 1 Watch out for the men ,L I?it and Stewart Granger in the starrm roles it a t-hown in the- ammai poll of exhibitors. Produced by Smi 7,'mb-IU as the top performer of the year, cue uuiin auu 1051 tie rlon isn-mo. lum mmicr aim Mai and directed by Complon Ben- to the Totem Theatre here from Monday to Wednesday next, may bring hini his third Oscar for being the best ive'.or of the year in the annual awards of the Academy of Moving Pictuiv Ails and Science;. The awards will be announced next Thursday night ir Hollywood. "Death of a Sa e.'inaii" is the story of a man who believes that geniality and being well-liked rr I- ! A u a u I lie 1 1 una wiaiuw jMirion, inr !'.i Muklcn. Two lilms in '.cic ooin t.'is critics' rncl the boxofficc ten beU, ' Kin1; Solomon's Mines' and ' Born Yesterday," proving aim wnn a se:nin tor th; fabulous lost dianicnd mines oi im'4 Solomon. In second and third spots lis ticket sellers during I ho yo u they 11 'id botli earning power were "The Great Caruso" and , and artistic merit. The two filoio can carry a man along to success. Hc inculcates tills belief in his Showboat," fiimcd in Techni-! showed exceptional strength Li Mex'can MaiigoM I f-0 olor. 1 the number of holdover cngage- Bing Crosby continued his merits, the latter setting an cn-monopoly of first place as Can-1 durance record at the Imperial, ada's top boxoffice personality. Toronto, the largest theatre in Calliopsis Gardens, like brides, should wear: -Something o'd, something new, something borrowed and something blue." Much emphasis is being put nowadays upon now varieties of this and that and most of them are good; but some fine old flowers are apt to be neglected. Few garden borders have .he vote showing him the win-! unusn empire, Miauerin; ncr for the eighth consecutive LALING Sa'D10s I time. A newcomer V th? po'l, r i . I sons instead of establishing in them an appreciation of more .solid values. One of the sons, who becomes a football hero, never grows up but, stiircd by restlessness, wanders tlvj country over, dropping one job after ano'her tj become a major disappointment to his father. Another .on is content to chase women and to wallow In a minor niche in the commercial world. The father realizes Ills mistake and the dramatic Interludes and incidents which f AlecQvinnessMtonlqMto enough, blue flowers to balance j the old mark by several weeks. Pome of the films on the critics' list were not included in the boxofficc poll, since they were seen by the cniics &t advance showings and had not played more than a limited number of u j 'M U e. tj it la b M U U u til w u H M W .joris Day. nnisned in .he run-.iei-up posi'ion to Crosby. , replacing lietty Orablc who drop-i.j liflh tliis year. Suttee to Yen! Spring Suits Year around smartness in a galaxy- of styles and materials. Sizes and colors of your choice. Priced the Wallace way. WALLACE'S : DEPARTMENT . STORE I'lfTI RF OF VF1S the pink, yjllow and red blossoms. And as for borrowing lc'.s call it trading that is and oncht to be a habit among gardening neighbors. What about good old varieties? Th-sp arc never listed in the "noveltv section" of the seed Among theatre engagements. In a separate j.vll Canadian I these was the critics' second choice, "A Streetcar Named De- rilMie irlv seoi.v for what is her- Nicotiana Affinis Tall growing, honey fragrant, critics selected "A Place in the Sun" as the picture of the year by the narrowest of margins over "A Streetcar Named Desire" for Academy awards. Produced and catalogue. They are found in the Alyfstun mantimum. As eay to paces devoted to "standard va- grow from seed as 'he dwarf. sire.' and it will be voted on by ; adcd as one of lhc grPalest theatre men next year. "A Place performances of his already dis-in the Sun" and "Detective anguished career. Story," which finished first and j March dominates the picture fourth respectively on the critics' in which members of his sun- rieiics." Here are a few which ci' net typa. this grows 10 Indies directed by George Stevens. "A STARTS MONDAY Shows 7 - 9:00 o d:ick a long ume anu nave lan. ana ocars wnuc nowers n Place in the Sun" deals with an unique merits which-the plant heavy clusters until killed by American tragedy and staf,.IwU. did not find a place on the porting cast are Mildred Dun- EllliO ..1H.IM tw, freezing. Excellent for the border, where whit is desired. breeders have never surpassed Try Daily News Wont Ads in their introductions: end-of-thc-y'ear release, but Mitchell and Howard Smith, both showed power at the cash-; The film story is from Arthur icr's wicket and undoubtedly j Miller's Pulitzer prize-winning Montgomery CUft, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters. "A Streetcar Named Desire," the sombre storv of the downfall of n wnnmn ;t..irs Vivipn T.el"-h i Agcrauun Mexicanum Coerule-um, grows 18 inches tall and bears flowers of soft lavender in would have gained a spot with novel of the same name. KNDS T()I)Y 7: - 9:00 p.m. RANDOLPH SCOTT in 'MAN IN THE SADDLF ,!ohf clusters. This is an excel-j a longe.-playins period. who was plcked b tne crltics lent foil for otner colors, bringing Scven oI the bcst oo::ofnce ten out their beauty. . , were in color by 'Jtchnicolor, as USED CARS FOR SAL ... ?' ta i s ' ine annual rfirprmisi vt, ia ouuvm ovu one mistake... seen by his eon... unleashes the Ls Just as good as the perrjinial 'among the many improved va-; BrUsn pro(JucUons tom j. Ar. f ' form fo, cutting, and has a et c of Us famUy It has un- lhur werc ( greater range of coloring, lnclud- M-' qualities which many . , Lavendr HHlT UiK variations of yellow, orange amateurs would find, invaluable. ob" and ond "The Browmne Browning Ver Ver- I ' . , L' ' anC brown. It Is extrcmclv " m a dense bush completely , .. lT greatest mcly In with small, golden flow-; ' I . . . 1 hairy and drami most IllOSt covered "'i-U Vll ouiciu, uiutu UUff- , ers, and which in fertile soil may F"ur of 1950s best ten box- gardens. Cacalia, the ta.-el flower, is an be two feet in diameter. The oincc stars didn t make it in 9ol flowers ai excellent for use In James Stewart, Clifton Webb, 1941 International -'i-ton I'anel 1949 uslin Panel 1948 Ford Panel 1941 Ford Sedan 1947 Austin g Sedan 1911 Morris 8 Sedan 1937 Terraplane Sedan 194 Ford Sedan 1918 Thames (Furd) Panel execllen: cut flower, and attrac Esther Williams and June Al- COtUWCi PICTUtEi prrseils STANier KRAMCD'S ProciOn of : S&lr tive in the bolder. Its blooms are ;niall tassels, on why stems, 1 P. lyson. Thoso who took their Places were Doris Dav. Randoloh bouquets, and a plant can be counted upon to provide a mass of golden yllow in the border all summer long. 1 Nicotiana affinis, the old fashioned sweet tobacco, has the most delightful fragrance of any ocott, Ureeory Peck and tho; less than ha'f ar, inch in dia-nv-tc; The flowcrt arc scarlet or yellow, appear in a few weeks I 1 nj..icuy iMn. oi Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Roy Rogers was again picked as the top western after sowing, and are produced until freezing. annual: and none of the imurrw-i star. Superior Auto Service Theatres' Best Itoxofliee Tictures uuui-wu v.-. lyi-Miii- i u "iuiius vu vaiifucs uas equalled lis per-" form of the blue lobelia, wh'cli ; fume. j drops long stems to drape a gar- j These arc only a few of the old Limited den vase, or window box. Its ; favorites which should not bfC King Solomon's Mines, (2i flowvrr, of intense sapjihlre, with ' forgotten, because 'hey have' Tile Great Caruso, (31 Showboat, whi'.e eye. are ouuwiiuH. i never been equalled In -..UvMii'. 4 Samson and Delilah, 5i Tli- Mexican ittariuuld, one of ! uniuQue qualities bv Ihiufovik Born csterdav. (61 Father's Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 the oldest forms of this native , varieties. Fredric March i )-l - NEW YtlGOSIJVV ENVOY Dr. Rajko Diermanovir. has arrived in Ottawa to present his creit ntials to the Governor-General of Canada. Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey. as the newly appointed A m b a s s ador for Yugoslavia. Dr. Djermanovic. a g aduate 01 tne University of Zagreb, his native city, is also Doctor of Political Science of the University of Paris. Practls-ed law In Belgrade until 1941. During the second war in defence of his country was captured In Italy and interned uimI 1043. t Milided Dunnotk Hvm MrClh Cwm M.. hll t ii . HiMtid Sm.ih s... initii;. w 1-. untjintiii j Utile Dividend, (7) Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm. (81 I'd Clumb the Highest Mountain. i'j Royal Wedding, (10) Lullaby of Broadway. Theatres' Ten Best Stars (1) Bing Crosby, t2 Doris Day, (3 John Wayne, (4 Bob Hope, (5 Betty Grable, 161 Ran TOTEM 1 I .WIM'H I'l.lifP. ThW MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY Kvonins Shows 7: -- 9:05 p.m. dolph Scott, (7i Dean Martin : anu Jerry Lewis, (8) Spencer Tracy, iai Gary Cooper, (10) 'hone lied l'!0 Tmlav for Reservations M "( I UTAIN AT 8:31)'' OOO j j vjicgory Peck. i Critics' Ten Best Pictures li A Place in the Sun, t2) , A Streetcar Named Desire. (3) lioin Yesterday, 14) Detective tiiory, o Tne Lavender Hill jr CIVIC CENTRE Moo, (Ci Cyrano De Bergcrac, L THE A Medium averusina r-,7, I X if Jaitp tit 1 it The Browning Ve.sion, (3) King Solomon s Mines, (9 Fourteen Hours. (101 Harvey Critics' Ten Bos. Mars (l Vivien ).ei"ti. 12) Jut y Hol-;idi y, 1 3 Alec Ouinnes:;, (4 Jose Ferrer, (5 Michael Redgrave, (6) Kirk Douglas, (7) Marlon Brando, (8) Jane Yyman, (9 Shelley "Winters, (10) James Stewart. ". - Per 0 ' '& Questions for the Advertisei Saturday, March 15 IN THE AUD8TOKIUM 1. DO YOU WANT to be certain of reader interest? Then advertise in the newspapers. The local newspaper is read from first to losf page. FOUR DUKE'S ORCHESTi TERRACE OPICS REPRESENTS VETERANS A. C. Winlt'iis, Q C . Dominion pre-idenl of the Army, Navy and Air Force veterans in Can- i ada. has left for Paris to at- Plam are i;oing forward for a Cllt, an international veterans' spring fa.slilon show to be staged meeting. The G3-year-oW In the Civic Centre Saturday Moose Jaw, Sask.,- lawver' was Dancing 9 to 12 P 73c Non-mcmbc evening, April 5. Hie showing, c:.,.ted second vice-president will be .sponsored by the. Hos I p!tal Ladivs' Auxiliary in con junction with Mrs. R. Happen. ! Mr.). W. C. Osborne and conimit- of I lie International Federation of War Veterans' Organizations last July in Rome. The Fedec-a ion claims to speak for 30,-000.000 veterans of two world wars from 18 countries. (CP PHOTO 1 leo arc in charge of talent nr- 1 rangement. Proceeds arc to go QUALITY CH ESTERFlEl towards bedding for the new wint, of Terrace Hospital. DO YOU WANT representation in the some shopping window the other merchants use? Then use the locol newspaper. Women, the purchasing agents of the home, read newspaper advertising in preference to other mediums. DO YOU WANT fast action? The n use the newspaper. The ad you run today, if it contains real merchandising news, will bring immediate results tomorrow. You can receive and sell out a consignment of merchandise with newspaper advertising in less time than it takes to prepare other forms of advertising. 3. 1 - The Bishop of Caledonia pas- MONTREAL (CP) One bank vd Ihiough Terrace enroute to employee here took. a dim vi?w P ince Rupert Thun-day and ls of the five-day week. Sam the expected to return for services to eat, vice-president in charge of be held at St. Matthew's Sunday, rat-catching at a midtown bank, went back on a seven-day week The regular meeting of the when the first Saturday-and- Aivjliean W.A. has been post- Sunday-off period showed rats poncd until n.'xt week. had chewed everything; in sight. W8HWBWaBMMMIpra3mMtW,iTJnWUtC I C. it I. -JJi- TT- 3 ieUls F"SJJ: -.I. Is.-. .;. For the best in Chesterfie 11,1 l laid $1 I Inlls: ail famous makes see SHOW and DANCE m Oldtimc and Western Swing Saddle Lads . . . Stars of Radio - Stage - Records Show Admission: Adults 50c; Children :,", Show and Dance Admission S1.25 or I.O.O.F. HALL SATURDAY, MARCH 15, or 8:00 p.m. ' I J r o A rlcm Phone 46