Hay Reflects and Reminisces Prince ? Rupert Daily News As I See It 1 t... V. J .1 ! Thursday, June 4, 1953 nieilt won nir pn.r. rnjiu urun ir&a u one is thint to toe, Nelson stands 17 feet, 4'2 'comfortable. Kin. b' inches high, n.s sword is seven ! started to build th ,"'r?( by This June a multitude of Americans and Canadians are seeing Britain and Europe for the first time. They are also discovering how much more they know that's worth knowing. ;th, and ana his nis hat nui u u j i back oacK in in lfl"") 1825. What i. ' leet in lengin, . "if a An Independent dally newspaper devoted "to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau ol Clreillatlona - Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. MAOOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President yard in length. The 14 strong was a palace thai .., tv, n,. .,,. : ... "Hum ,u Hllll uirii mu iiiHii'u mh; , nvjf ui IMiropp What u Imore to in'- .suuilillL wriL- given was a town n 1 ,JU- und a steak dinner. As a preliminary trouble this was Just as well. j Subscription Rates: i U. U.. .,b- mnnth at HA- r,r vonr S 10.00. nw moil Ptr mnnth 7fir: ner VPflr H 00. AutUoriZPd ob second class mail by the Post Office Department. Ottawa. Speaking officially, Pig Island is not the real name of the small Isle in the harbor of Prince Rupert near which a plane was recently wrecked and two lives iOst. Nevertheless, it's been called that since earliest days when the late Arthur Little located here more than 40 yeurs ago. 7 in vV U45VJ What d'ye know about riuck-lngluun Palace? Somehow, we leel sorry for Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. It seems they live there, or intend to. At f.ny rales, Buckingham Palace Is said to have BiK) rooms, when there should be about 000 15.C. Premier Missing WHILE all the rest of the British world kingdom was represented properly ! He started the first news stand, Itltiiated near the site of the present railway station. He auo happened to possess poultry and 5 : tv For a H 1 little pigs and decided the island reross the bay was a safer plii'io for farm stock than the town-site. It certainly was, when otv thinks of the blasting. smooth Iqi'ESTION OK SKTTI.IVO A Chapter of Success little most of us may understand HOWEVER the motives of those Who go to extraordinary expense and danger to scale mountains, the conquest of Mount Everest at this time of Coronation cannot fail to stir the imagination. It is a remarkable coincidence that a historic feat of exploration should mark the beginning of Elizabeth II's reign in the same way that the exploits of men like Drake and Raleigh added glory to the rule of Elizabeth I. Although reaching the summit of Everest is unlikely to contribute anything to the welfare and development of mankind, it writes a chapter of success into a story of defeat and death that has been continuing since location of the peak was first established more than a century ago. While it is believed no one has reached the top before, two members of a British expedition were ! at the crown of our beloved young Queen, there was one unfilled chair. I British) Columbia's premier was ! nilssinn, although all others i holding similar offices were I there. Others shared the Joy, helping ; personify a united Common-' wealth we in B.C. get an elec- lion ! OUT OF 'the "dog's breakfast" election of last year came a fluke government elected by 26 per rent of the first choice votes. ; But the entire population of B.C. i It Is hard, remarks u puaelev for some young couples to se4 tie clown after murrluge. it's harder, sometimes, to settle up. in Outboard Motor TWO DISTINGl'IKIIED CANADIAN NEWSPAPERMEN take part in the 159th convocation ceremonies at the University of Western Ontario, London. Chancellor Arthur R. Ford, editor-in-chief of the London Free Press, confers the honorary degree, doctor of laws, upon Herve Major, managing editor of the Montreal daily newspaper La Presse. The doctorate is in recognition of Mr. Major':, contribution to Canadian journalism and the fact that while president of The Canadian Press, national newsKatlierlng organization, he inaugurated CP's Service in French. fat Hia prowdit cold yon ton Mat, The tr nd seems to be back i to sincerity. A national hakin;? j contest, an American newspaper j I'cimmeiits, has been won by an i open faced cherry Lamb's NAVY RUM h and lew coil Ik. 5 fc. Spotlil.t ovlboord maw. Nt,0( low trollln,,. tloihm, ,fni , conomal motor. S ,t d.lu.t 113 Eire tor n kill ill was eager to make the best of a bad job. Letterbox I tjive Liifin a. lair likuiix we all said. That is what even the 1 74 per cent of the anti-Social Credit voters wanted. That is I exactly what the Liberal, CCF "A staunch old friend" RUPERT m seen close to it in 1921. They never returned, liow- Edmonton's population Is placed at 183.411. while that of Orcater Edmonton is reported to he a little more than 2i)0.u(nl. '10 ipet nt the real facts, the population of Edmcnton IS 183,411. The other city's size is any- body'.- puess. so long as It's in ! excess of 183.111. 1 A Chlcugo surgeon is rewirtcd to luve amputated the wrong :eg of an elderly male janitor Accidents can and will hapi:-!i AND ELECTRIC ever, to tell the world what success they had. The ! Legislature did. efforts of this and other early expeditions are note- LXJTTZ Box 1279 Prim-, Ra Thin uOvrrti ttMin n if imi putitLstK-rt or tlislail by Ui Lihulm" CwiitmJ hoard or by the flov n.mfiit ol l.riLih Oilumbkt. A HEALTH TO THE QUEEN ! Here's a Health to the Queen, who's ascending the Throne Of the mightiest Empire that ever was known. Let us toast her in tankards, in pints and in quarts, In long thin-stemmed, wine-glasses, goblets or 'shorts.' Here's a Health to the Queen! Here'.- a Health to the Queen, who throughout the wide world Is beloved by all where her flag is unfurled. Let us drink it in bumpers and flugons and .steins, In beer and in whisky and rich fragrunt wines. Here's a Health to the Queen! Cecil niunt, Vancouver, II C. worthy in that they carried no breathing apparatus only threw that fair chance away time after time. It was determined to be beaten at any and all costs. But it was determined to be beaten to bring on this election because it lusted for power and glory in a way that was rompletely out of line with the British idea of sound r in the most unexpected nlue"x. And lit last it's open found. HORATIO HIMSELF! A lot has been heard about j FOR THE WORLD'S EASIEST SHAVES j USE THE WORLD'S SHARPEST BLADES l parties and answer questions , put to them bv the audience. ; It was one of the best political 1,, moetincs I have ever attended PROBABLY COItltHt The T:ditor, The Daily News:, If i Mrs. I Wrif.ht intends Trafalgar Square of late, and we piopose to udd a bit more. F01 i' pood many years there was a .quaie without any Nelso. But finally, the lH4-foot marble coi- The Socred premier boasted that he would not only win all 48 seats in the 48-seat legislature - but his party would hold office for a full 50 years. Those words seemed lamilii r. r 1 :iiKl I : hould mm . tlihik (Ho:.( re.sMin."ible be flvi'ii a f-re.it deal of set herself up as a nubl;c In formant it would be wise of her i to develop attentiveness partic- We had another well known' ularly when there are some 200 character when I first started to witnesses to her folly. of the kind available to modern climbers. In the rarefied air near the .10,000-foot level the' slightest movement taxes the physique close to the point of exhaustion. Since the climber must also work in bitter cold, gales and constant hazards, an assault on Everest is only for those who like mountaineering more than life itself.. The story of Everest is full of mystery as well s frustration. What appear to be gigantic human footprints have been observed far up its snowy flanks. Some climbers swear on oath they have seen the creatures who made them and that they look like men covered with fur. There are other reports of voices being heard up there, and members of one party maintained their lives were saved by a mysterious shout of warning above their heads as an avalanche rushed towards them. . Possibly the thin air affects men's minds as well as their bodies. Nevertheless, the story of Everest is an intriguing one, and it is certain that strange and adventurous chapters are still to be written. r 1 t write this column who also "won i.mn, topped by Nelson's nioliu- Wax Figures Of St. Laurent, Massey Unveiled did that , For the rerord, Mr. Hills not make the statement all seats in another parliament, credit. Mrs. Eileen Wrip.ht in her letter published in Monday's pp. per states that Mr. Hills, CCF candidate, made the statement at this meeting that in the last ; it 1 inn; of the Legislature only one bill was passed I understand that Mrs. WrWht is an officer in the local Social Credit bnrl nrhn inl-art n lr.t nKmit n .1 .1 .. I 1... . l.-.ll ,nvf i.u.iiwu u lu, umuuv ; uie oocreus passco uuu uiif uiu. government which was to last: It was made by Mr. Brown and a thousand years. is quite probably correct for th? additional 53 bills were priced onlv after the Social Creditors LONDON Prime Minister THE SYSTEM of British democracy, of which our lovely young im i.m icd tint she were defeated on the Kolslon Club and I St. Laurent and Governor-General Massey of Canada have coiihl be '0 confused as to it lormula. There is also mine Oeen is the living symbol, is joined three other Canadians h ulruth in the substance of Mr. Madame Tussaud's famed va- 1 u a n So Eaiy-Shaving That Tough Beard It No Problem At All Year (Iter yur Gillette Blue liladei ere firil choire of (having men everywhere. That! because no other kind ia as sharp, as easy-shaving, as long-lasting. For estra convenience buy them in the Gillette dispenser that up 'em out unwrapped ready for use, nd has a built-in compartment for safe disposal of used blades. 20 blndd $1.00 e 10 blodei 50c IN IMPROVED GIUETTE DISPENSERS Regular package S blades 25c . tribute th" statement, to , Mr. Hills. The truth is 'that it. v.i made by Mr. Brown, the l.ihenl anclidalB. and I understand h it he was technically correct is !n fact thre was but en" )ill passed before the povein-nent was defeated. Mrs. Wrlglil. l td an eycellent. opportunity to vn' k.- museum here. Unveiling of the wax figures ; was witnessed by 50 Canadian; and 50 British girls, members of j Canadian industrialist Garfield Weston's annual trans-Atlantic i touring groups. rtfiir.r fnimrlLinn nnw renre- I based on different principles. It is based on Her Majesty's government in office, and Her Maiestv's loyal opposition as watchdogs and an alternate government in waiting. In British democracy decisions nre made, in parliament after full discussion and fair debate. It is based on trial and error. If we get a good government v vppo it a long time If we pick if I v lai Browns remain man mere :s in Mrs. Wright's letter. An example of these bills upciv which Mrs. Wright and the Dmr Quixotes of free enterprise reeui to place some significance is . 5 follows: "Bill No. 1. This amendment substitutes the title 'court reporter' for the present 'official stenographer' throughout the Supreme Court Act." Now that is something oi vitd importance to the people of B.C.! Offhand I can't think ui anything we need less except possibly more Social Credit careerists. A. MACPHI'K for for Jot sented in the museum are skater , j Jcrtpiure "aJiune soday h 1 Hi v.- Mr. Hills at the ineet-ne. hid he made flic statrmeii.. -he did not, but chose insteid .0 rush to the press with a 1 Barbara Ann Scott of Ottawa, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.' 11 Lt.-Col. C. C. I. Merritt, VC of St. John 14:10. miblic display of her hy-'erk-jl (Vancouver, and Andrew Bonnnr hatred of the CCF. JLaw, Canadian-born British d ! prime minister in 1922. Other In this outburst of confo OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeoo a lemon, we throw it out in a hurry even in less than a year. J 4 COMPARISONS are odious but sometimes necessary. Two hundred years ago France was by far the strongest single nation on earth. Look at France today, always in political crisis, switeh- Canadians, Including the late Mackenzie King, prime minister before St. Laurent, were once represented but their figures have been melted down lor more recent notables. The museum. thinking and downright untruth rn the part of an officer in the local Social Credit Club I lind l easy to understand why the Social Credit povei'iimcnt gave 'is such dismal leadership during their tenure of office But in the legislature a Union Nationale member, Alfred Dube, enjoys a prestige which, for lo- TECHNICALLY t OKIM CT The Editor, GORAY ng its governments more often The Daily News: bombed during the war, has not ; n enough space to keep all the: effigies it creates. Yours for less mockery democracy. B. WILSON I attended the joint mecliiK' on Sunday night sponsored by 5 SKIRTS '' Now that Her Majesty's Coronation has become a closed and memorable chapter in Commonwealth history, ihe spotlight in the capital h'ere 's t winging back to , scenes less plamorous; but more controvert slal the coming federal election campaign. The $64 question which has pone unanswered so far in the contest is the ru which Que the Sulphite Workers Union and cal purposes, rivals that of the 1 than Hollywood s actor ehanue colorful Pouliot. For example, I husbands and wives. France Rot Dube has been mayor 'A Pou-1 that way because she has too iiot's horn? jpwh ot Jiinmuski '.many parties, lor an unrjiolteri strVtHfc hi' 10 jfcJL- think, Arthur.. JUiing xilt,.l years. the next premier of ETC. 'be'cau.se The two met in head-on po-!ne stands like a rock for the litical collision onlv once in the two-party system which is the the j Allied Fish Workers .Union at which' the "three cahiliuiUe:' participating in the election campaign in this riding were given an opportunity to present the policies of their respective past. That was back in the elec- ev t0 tnt vitality of British tion of 1930. On that occasion eiii:racy. Pouliot won out by the scant margin of 117 votes. . . . from England Our first shipment of these fine English Skirts in 100'. Wool Worsted has arrived . . . Plain tailored style in Charcoal shade only. Sizes 12 to 18 Now the rumor is that the two are to meet again. Dube is if THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE LOW PRICES ON QUALITY GROCERIES AT YOUR said to have accepted designation as the Conservative anti-Pouliot candidate in the coming fight. One of the warmest contests of the whole election campaign is before forecast there In consequence. bec's Premier Maurice Duplessis will play. Will he come out opening in support of PC leader George Drew? After all, the premier's Union Nationale party is the Quebec counterpart of Progressive Conservatism in the .-ense that it is the chief anti-Liberal force in the province. Or will Dupiessis refrain from taking any active part personally, but simply pass the word along to his provincial organization to co-operate with the Drew cause? Or, finally, will the Union Na Now Here... NASH RAMBLER AT A NEW LOW PRICE with hundreds of dollars of custom accessories included. NASH STATESMAN THE ECONOMY BIG CAR Low price, high mileage, low maintenance, low depreciation. And on EITHER, the highest Trade-in Allowance from Canada's Volume Nash Dealer JOHN DELALLA Representing McLeod-Rae Motors Ltd. $14-95 SWIM tionale chieftain do neither of these things but simply hold himself and his organization carefully aloof from any participation in federal political SUITS TorBl6 UsedCar .Value ' A-1 APPEARANCE M ' A-l SAFETY &l at fairs? Name Your Own Terms Phone FA. 1)016 A possible clue to the answr to this riddle may lie in reports - which have been reaching the capital here from the riding of Temiscouata. In that riding Jean Francois Pouliot Is the nationally celebrated Liberal MP. INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES o ; Each Store features WEEK-END BARGAINS selected to save you money O OUR POLICY - FREE PHONE SERVICE and FREE DELIVERY to all parts of the city. Ihe Stores of Quality and Service ' A-l MECHANICALLY A-l VALUE . Lastex Swim Suits in Misses' siics. See our selection today. Budqct Priced Sizes 30 to 38 $7.95 CROSS FRETTY e Upset - e Constipated e Teethini 12.1't Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C. Canada's Volume Nash Dealer Mr. Dclalhi will be staying at the PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL for 10 days, starting Monday evening. ALSO WE HAVE ... 1951 Nash Statesman Sedan with very low mlleane, driven by a lady in Vancouver since new. 1952 Nash Statesman also with very low mileage and fully equipped. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM See me at the hotel on any one of these cars BABY Jh Give Baby's Own Tablet to quickly brins the relief icouraitfta restiui TliurouKbly omfort bl. No SnZ tftptnd d nil i im effect. lTed by Mothars for over HE UNIVERSAL UlMlM.'M'a tret viesi aju yraii. as paekag tutwr at youf oniKmt. BOB PARKER LTD. "The Home of Friendly Service" Third Avenue at Sixth Street