prince Kuperi Uoiiy iNews Thursday. June 4, I9a3 Use H M A lfi TO: Buy - Sell - Rent I Today's Stocks The U! U PM& Trade or Hire (Courtesy 8. O. iohnstst. I. Ltd.) Phone MISS WANT AD 748. She will be alad to help vou place your ad VANCOUVER American Standard 17 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Bralorne 4.00 BLACKWOOD on By EASLEY BLACKWOOD . Defender Can Trick Foe Into Wrong Line of Play FOR RENT CARS FOR SALfc. RE (anntleM) C 0a 1. PhtlDctt. Evltt e (c FOOTHILLS Phone 651. Co. Ltd B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress 07 Cronin Babine 10 Giant Mascot 43'i Indian 06 Pioneer 1.85 Premier Border 07 Privateer 03 2 Reeves McDonald 2 00 Sheep Creek 85 Silbak Premier 12 Taku River 08 Vananda 02 V2 Spud Valley 03 '2 Silver Standard .85 Western Uranium 2.20 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Urgently require three-hedroom house. Phone Blue 602. tfnc) Classified Hates ! . ume 4 30 p m-'lay P to publication. ,d 3 rents per word per ',,; minimum charge 60 Mntircs, 50 cents; Cards ;,nk, Death Notices. 'rli Notices, Marriage and ,(,w.i,t Announcements, 1 uis)iay double price. No Refunds ,... not accept responsrt- , .clvsUU11 ads inserted "i';y or under wrong ,-iUor. unless notification error n receivd within WANTED TO RENT Suite or cabin lor couple. Phone Blacn 828. 129P Often the declarer will have two ways to play a hand to make his contract. Naturally, the defender's job is to try and entice him into selecting the line of play which will lose. Mr, Masters made a beautiful deceptive play to accomplish that result in torlav's deal. I " WANTED 654 Con point with pride To the reiultt ho geft Inour cloMititd WANTED Sun carrier for downtown route. Phone 640. (130) - CHROME bumpers, grille, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (14',') Hilt SLE TEEN AGERS by SAVAGE Soft and floyiblp Tan Elk, Crepe Sole Oxfords. Sizes 5 to 9. AA and B widths. Only $8.95 ' Also an assortment of DEBS In all styles and colours. Full range of sizes, $10.95 BUSINESS PhilSONAL.4 East dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Pule) 8- K J 8 4 H 8 3 D Q 8 3 C--A 1 5 3 West Hunt WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phono PAciflc 6357. , IHI NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors lot: Mining, Sawmill, lagging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries Invited. Oranvllie Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. tf) WORLU'ri KIN EST CLEANER FLrXTKOLUX. Pnom; Blue 97!" (or i'arts Sales Scrvire CI THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs 149 9th Ave, West,. Phone Red 165. (138) VOGUE SHOES PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone 643. Call 630 6th West. Le-tourneau. tc BF.F.R bottles plctfod up. BlaclJ 827. Phone (148p) MAGAZINES, novelties. tddie's News Stand. (cl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Business on Third Ave. as going concern. For full particulars, phone 57. G. P. t Tinker & Co. Ltd. U34 j ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUN'IANT. Ineoinel Tax sne,MoiKt. S. O. Kurk' Stone Build luif. Hed 593. (20m) HH P WANTMV-FEMALE WANTED Stenographer, with some bookkeeping experience preferred, for office 'of local auto dealer. Please reply .stating age, salary expected and address or phone to Box 6K5. Daily News. (131) WANTED Two clerk typists for hospital records. For one position applicant must be an experienced typl;;t good salary and living occommodi-tion!. Apolv to Personnel Office. Miller Bay Indian Haspital. for further details. (134) lit M tea pi I" mi". PWm " ' Win mm rtv Dm UiaflkWMM Is Ml fiUiiloe c 4vlr W fa UqM Cwttsl tmi m W aW G ) ," Em, C I Prince Steamer Rupert ; VANCOUVER, SAILS FOR , 1 ' A' nd Intermediate I-orU Each Thursday J, at 11:15 p.m. t For KETCHIKAN S WEDNESDAY MidnishU Comfort and Sendee k Pnr rcwrvntloos Write call City or i;; ot Mfflre .$e Rupff't, B.C.'' 1 f DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW - SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe JOHN H. BULGER' Q.i, oiue Ihlrd A7enue I John Bulger Ltd. John F L Hughes, D.CJ CHIROPRACTOR Krs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 "... 3 - 23 Besner Block : ; . Phone Blue 44t j, 3 hi. G. HELGERSON LIMITED Sil-Van .50 Dorreen .27 Estella .47 Oik A P Con ... .32 Culmont 1.25 Central Leduc 3.05 Home Oil 8.10 Mercury 14 Okalta 2.85 Royal Canadian 12 At TORONTO to Athona 14 Aumaque . 15 Bevcourt 50 Buffalo Canadian 20 C M Si S 24.85 il Conwest 460 Dontlda 73 or Eldona 35 East Sullivan 4.70 Giant Yellowknife : 9.90 God's Lake 95 Harricana 161'. Hcva Gold 06': Duvex 37 Jollet Quebec 27 Little Long Lac 62 Lynx 11" Madsen Red Lake 1.50 McKenzle Red Lake 33 MacLeod Cockshutt .. . 2.47 Moneta 46 Negus 15 Noranda 60.50 Louvlcourt .I5i Petrol Oil & Gas .52 New Senator . ... .la", Sherritt Gordon 4 50 Sleep Rock 085 Silver Miller .75 Sweet Grass .49 Golden Manltou 2 30 Landover Oils .21 j Rix Athabasca ... 2.40 i CHAMBER I I Continued from Paso li i ferlght rates committee, report- that the rates from Tokyo tc Rupert were $4.50 a to nmore than from Tokyo to Vancouver. A complaint by the Stewart Board of Trade concerning service of the Northwest Telephone Company was referred back tc Stewart. A. H. Hurst, chairman of th radio committee, said that while Stewart complained it wasn't getting good service because of the obsolete condition of radio equipment in Prince Rupert Rupert claimed the reason for poor service was the underpowered nnd old equipment at Stewart.' OLD EQUIPMENT Mr. Hurst said Prince Rupert ni'o stated that Stewart was able to operate on one channel only, that the radio telephone there was ooerated by the De nartment of Transport which was not wjmng to replace the antiquated equipment. During- the discussion, other members complained of the slow radio-telephone service between here and Stewart. One said it had taken five days for a call to be completed. The Chamber will also ask the Department of Transport to look into the matter. Members voted to adjourn the regular meetings until September to allow a summer recess. Against Miss Brash's aggres- .-.ive three no trump contract Mr Abel led the nine nf hearts Mr. Masters ducked, playing th? even spot, and Miss Brash won with the jack. She saw she had two heart winners, three and possibly four diamonds, and two top clubs. best she was going to have develop one or two additional tricks in the black suits. She decided to go after spades because she was solid in that suit outside of the ace and queen and, the club situation was favorable, she could bring in three four tricks in that suit without losing the lead. At trick two. she led the 10 of spades and ducked in dum.ny Now Mr. Masters was R o 5 d enough to realize if he won this trick with the queen, his normal" play, ho would probably force Miss Brash Into the line of play which would give her nine tricks. Holding three little clubs, h? knew that suit would break fa- j "orably and, on the bidding. : Miss Brash almost surely hicl the king or queen-10 In the suit, j Probably she did not have botli i king and queen, else she would ' rot have found It necessary to go after tricks in spades. ; If Mr. Musters won the first j sonde trick with the queen and cleared the heart , suit, . Miss : Brash would have to . forget about suacles. Mr. Mastci.s was known to have the ace of tint suit by reason of this opening ibid. Clubs would now he the onlv hope and when Miss Brash tried that suit she would be delighted to find the queen was right nnd 'he opposing clubs were divided 1-3. On this reasonint?, Mr. Mns- rs knew ho had tc keep Miss rnsh foming in spades. He won with the ace of spades, cashed the ace of hearts and followed with the queen of that suit. Miss Brash took the king of hearts and can hardly be blamed for running the nine of ' spades through and losing to the queen, a card which Mr. Master's couldn't have. Try Daily Nfw; Want Ads GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84(i nnd Red 117 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe that new construction -But Answering YOU I LOVE VOU A THOUSAND ) TIMES MORE THAN THE I DID THEN WANTED Someone to do light housekeeping: in new home on Atlin Ave. Phone Gic'ii 2139 after 5 p.m. for further nnr- ticulars. (129) (Mr. Abel) Olr. Masters) 7 6 3 B-A Q 5 It S 6 4 H-A 10 7 3 D 10 U 6 2 D- J 4 C- (t 10 7 CD 8 4 South (Mlsa 3 10 9 2 H -K 1 8 D A K 7 5 c k e l The bidding: tost South West North 1 H Dbl. Pass 2 3 Pass " 2 NT Pass 3 NT All pass VANCOUVER 7ia YVaypoints SUNDAY S3 Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Chiicotin, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHAKLOTTE ISLANDi" May 6 and 20 SS Chiicotin, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS KS Chiicotin, Midnight . May 13 and 27 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Mont nly Bulletins any rind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv 1 us your mailing list We do the rest. KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phot!. 133 ffvJ.flflO OH -SO VOU DIDN'T, LOVK ME WHEN WE WERE MARRIED.' J , bt fir-t itucnnn. ,NOlMi:v1KNTS .1. 117 S Unxlni Women's League mil ti-.i, Jur.o n. ui me r y. ,. M. r. MCanery, Ave. West criuii Liidit;s' Aid te a M.,nse, June la BIRTH NOTICE l-Burn to Mr. ana mis. Rfcui!. Friday. May t.i. son, Harold Richard, 8 07. dipt BIRTH NOTK K HFNS-Born to Mr. and lliam C. Stephens, a son, I'luiles, in the Prince General Hospital, June ( Up) M,(.IMi:ST NOTKK nii Mrs. Oluf Mo.stad an-ihe engagement of their f. Irene Ruth, to Mr. hi'.iKl. son of Mr. and laicclMi N. MacLeod of n, Knsk.. The w.-ddinx phice June 6, 7 p.m., r,KiV.r. no. HI' I lltll Ol THANKS rtliilf of the "Over 70" -ih to express our l,i the Women's Co-nm Cimiik il for making a very pleasant Corolla y in Prince Rupert; t!it- management of the? (' litre for placing the i t f tlie building at our ;. th'.i-i enabling us to see r the events of the day iurt: to Mr. T. J. Boulter :r. Pnrent for transporta- jn.-rti J L. Macintosh, eck President. fUtSONAL riwrniuirk it OUVLKINYICIN I , IS YOUR ; BPONSIBILITY. VOTE FOR RESPONSIBLE I GOVERNMENT. ON JUNE 9th ote Libera VOTE UCE BROWN E stomach and duodenal i due to excess acid quick-rtlievcd With WILDER'S 'MACH POWDER. , Avail-t all druggists. a rein on your govern-Join Soeial Credit to-(131) IMCIAL Affairs are your " Join Social Credit to-(131) ;ISINI;SS I'CitSO.NAI.S ' !'our ci.ustru.d ad In this r at t'.io econotul'al nix p r:'c 15 words for 'I CM ;'ve days cost $t.l; 15 ' for six consecutive days ' -0. And remember you llhllllM nr4 . liiof nll 1 bdiiy Nows ( , f-XCHANGE house with Halile garden in Massct ""Use or apartment in Ru-J. July ami August. Plume iS'S. ,12J. 1"fj t,,r " , . :MnHlun ......... 1 . l,,.w IrtiiM p Ltd., for oxygen, acety-:.M'I all welding suppllaa usavs Cnrtage tit Storage ' -oone fio. (cl Raping and'garden- --Koek walls, rockeries, k dower boxes, lawns nnd i.-h,iiiiui,c. rillilin ri 0 onrt (130p) 'N TERRACE drop in at I'hone 82. - (150) ,.Rr WeetrlearWorkCMo- ,u"1 tint, sold, rewound nd iiaired" (tf PART-TIME SALESGIRLS One fnr mnrnlntrs nnd one for nftpmoons Exnerience not CASH FOR Scrap; copper, brass, batteries, radiators, pnone wj-vait oj-j 6th Ave. West c WANTED Room and board bv gentleman by June 1ft. f t) Box 15, Cltv. (129p) BATTEKX tiEKVlCB RUPERT Baltery Shop, 234 East Srd Aw. Pliont 6'" lv. Repair, recharging nf rebulld- TAXIS anit TKANSH-.KS CITY TRANSI-ER Long Distance . CRATING and PACKINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved to or Irom any point In B C. . Phone 950 Flfit Ave. anc McBrlde 'si LEGAL NOl'IC'fc ICniE WATERS fHOTKCTION ACT BSC. CHAPTER 140 ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED, hereby Elves notion that they have, under Section 7 of nld Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa In the Prince Rupert Land Registry Office. Prince Kupert, British Columbia, a description or the sue end plans ot a new Bridge to be huilt across the Kltlmat Blver e- tween D L. 8046 and D.L. ooi. led Prince Runert Land District, Brill. It Murab,,' AND TAKE NOTICE that alter the exniratlon of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. ALUMINUM COMPANY or CANADA. LIMITED, will, under eec- tlon 7 of the said Act. apply to me Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said alte and plans and lor leave to construct the said work. DATKD at Vancouver, DC, this 1 15th day of May, 1853. Sinned: '" ' ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. ; (M14.21.28.J4) IN RE ESTATE OP OLOP HANSON. DKCEASKD TAKES NOTICE that the under-BlTned Executors of the estate of Olof Hanson, late of Vancouver. hPrlnce Rupert and Smlthors. Bt, who died at Vancouver on June 4th. 152. require all creditors and others havliifr claims against the said estate to Rnd the same properly verified to the address mentioned below on I of before the 31st day of July. 1953. i after which date we shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled ur la, havlnp reeurtl only to such elsiras ot wlilcn we eoJJ have AND FURTHER TAKE-TCoTICii. thrift nil nerttnna Indebted to the said estate are required to pay their In- i debtedness to us forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert B.C., tills 25th dav of May. 1953. ARTHUR BROOKSBANK, 1 W1U.1AM O. FULTON. Executors, 1350 Dallas Road. Victoria, DC. (M'3n,27.J3.4c) l.n RKfilMTRV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 2.r,l-I to Lot Twenty-two (2i, Block Ninety-seven (7). Section Two (2), Towuslte of New Hazeltoit. Map 9t)8. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of John Roderick Fraser has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first noslinir hereof. Issue a Provisional Certlttcate of Title In lieu of said lost Certiorate, unless Ui the meantime valid objection be made tu me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, BC. this 20th day of May, 195.1. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (143p) Selective breeding and blue ribbon trials at non-profit fairs mean higher standards of Jiving for all, Pacific National Exhibi tion officials state. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phono Blue 593 Limited Phone Green 505 Box 638 (Itct FOR SALE Electric heaters, electric hotplates, radio and record players, kitchen ranges (coal and wood), heater, double full-length bed and double decker bed. Used tires, batteries, auto parts. Apply Midland Pine, phone Black 739. (134) FOR SALE 16 ft. cabin trailer, $950. May be seen at 200 Ulh St. (120) FOR RALE Oii range, good condition. Phone Blut 152 or 1018 Ambrose Ave. (129) FOR SALE Salantl accordion. $35.00. BlllB 639. (130) REAL ESTATE the CLOSE TO Mc BRIDE Spotless fnui-bcdroom family home; and living Toom with - fireplace; hsemcnt; hot water heat. You must see it to appreciate it. Terms may be arranged , A l A ; T ,1 vrinsiroiiR AKt'"nra i'u. Phone 342 Eves. Black 197 We want listings (It) FOR RALE Six-room wartime w'th duroid roof, full brick chimney, newly painted, spotless condition, fenced with Inwn, oil range. Price $1,500.00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER ?53 Third Ave. Phone 88 (134) - FOR SALE Small two-room house on two wood lots, with oil ranee, on 11th Ave. Price $1,400.00. R E. MORTIMFR 353 Third Ave. Phone R8 (134) FOR SALE Two flneYiew, cleared buildinR lots on ara-him Ave., Section Two. Price $750.00. R. E. MORTIMER 353 Srd Ave. Phone fill (119) BRA r. FRT A TE - . - - VPR SALE -tfirWbeftttM) house. Stal Cove Circle. Full concrete foundations. Phone " 57, G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd.' (134) FOR SALE Modern four-room house, partly furnished (new furniture). Full cement basement with furnace. 792 Alfred St., or phone Red 129. (132) FOH KENT FOR RENT Three-room unfur nished suite. $35.00 month. Box 687, Daily News. ( 130p) FOR RENT Board and room for quiet gentleman, respect-nble home. Non-drinker. Box 680. Daily News. U34p) FOR RENT Small furnished suite, private bath and entrance. Phone Black 255. (131p) FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. Couple, no children. 1063 9th East. (134pl FOR RENT Furnished one-room cabin. 425 9th West. (131p) FOR RENT One single room. board If desired. Men oniy. Biz 2nd West. 132) TOR RENT .Board ana room for young man. can uiue oati. (130) FOR RENT Sleeping mom, girl preferred: board if, desired. Call Red 500. f 130 STNGElTi SEWING CENTRE rent' portable luachlnes. Phone 884. ' FOfTRENT Sleeping room. Box 686, Daily News. (133p) REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 1 Phone 00, Evenings Black 899 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. SCOTT McLAREN j CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN1!' J James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. i' Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 necessary. Apply office, Wallace's Deportment Store. (130) SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED woman wants housework. Black 828. (132p) t ' "BOATS FOR SALE FOR RALE 14' Chris-Craft runabout, complete with 3-speed engine. Both brand new. Phone Bill Lome, 863, after 6 P"1' TOR HALE La power hrmt. two" cabins, bhnthoun. Within' half-hour drive from town. Price verv reasonable. Excellent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. (134) CARS FOR SALE "995" 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN A one-owner car with only 17,000 nules Extra equipment Includes 'air-conditioning unit and radio. . "895" 1950 VAUXIIALL SEDAN with radio and nir-eonditioninff unit. Motor just recently overhauled. To the family man tloslring n newer car plus economy of oiierallon, these values can not be surpassed. Terms. For informotion, phone 555 or coll corner 3rd Ave! and 7th St. McLEOD-RAE MOTORS 123S Klngsway, Vancouver, B.C. (130c) PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws j Sharpened J 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 See us t discuss BLONDIE PAGVJOOD, DO By CHIC YOUNG l WASN T DOING II ANVTHINS JUST ' READING MV PAPER LOVE ME AS MUCH mi - NOW AS VOL) DID DAV WE WERE MARRIED? frj)v - V """rvbodv uses Vi. (c) di In Mmj An-!kO May u u Vruuuu u uucu