honor all time checks toi aii and no woik. aim inuii'iiai ior any con- So Prince RuDerf Doliv News Thursday,, March 2(1, 1952 With , "C r.t mii nlih in .... ....I . . - L R t.;. LETTERBOX Ul Liun 'Kuu,tl' ul JJllVtU'ei rlni1Dn,l. Willi,, 'which has been approved by your honrn- " " local government trustee, be it. f ms M! tk.. It , ( -A zr ft ! . MOKK SOCIAL C'RFDIT city council, municipal council the peon1 ir" ; or oi her government trustee. in a h. i, isstln " Won War Anyway? Writer Russia Lucky Country Who Says Editor. : Daily News: 5; .5 I -John Doe's house under So- prosper fCj ; rPPlv (''a' Credit is a lair example pin vour .4 to criticisms by H. D. Smith in , where the physically possible is so monnn, (c ' barch 14 Daily News? ; made financially possible. lrct lrct inttr interest ?0ur C!,l. By ALAN HARVEY fro, Mr. Smith's points oi cnycisin i ir John Does house burned for n-,ii,re .. "Wt: your V ! LONDON (CP) Who rcallV W0I1 the war, anv-: were only personal apprenen-.down lt h, physically possible to In like Se f 1 J- r,,,.-A,Q .., . .sions and had no relation what-; restore It but if John's child Eovcrnmcn. , er o c- "utf way? Six years after the cease-lire in Europe, along ,ever t0 Soclal credit. I appre-j burned along with. the house tiirS'fc. .government ciate the le'.ter and will en- John must war that loss alone ereriii 11 4 jA ic'omes a writer who reinforces the suspicion mat (lenvnr to ilfdUuillt Ml-. Smith Wit h niir svnm.fi hiei i i. .' .. n Htl I j ! A v V y j ICUSSia was trie jucity country. . with how to obtain Social Credit tble to restore me latter Iosk and into, '" t A'i ! in a carefully-documented, : v and how It will function. It will i with flnancvn The lame as our nru.H.,,,1 l?. , : : "ii Hi'ti... i iou-pae stuuy, iiuiicu nae as have torn the wea.K oeriuau tir jn uc j""" t. h iuiuin miji hi injinr luirign bank I the war-booK-to-ena-all-war- f,-ont to nieces and ended the nooociy. ii one noes um uikhi- rjattielield. Everv a lienslon lfn v,,.i, . books, Australian-born Chester .nr in the winter of 1944. that it would keep its promUes. from the loss of support but it for h. " , a f Wilmot argues that largely be- wumnt is understood to have I cause of United States confi- Parted his book prejudiced Our nation has solved the ,s not financially possible to re- t ion yet one I rtenoe and susnicion of Britain ?....,!., vnnnnmerv hut. to hnve ' : hn ,catlr i: problem problem of of production. production. Stores Stores store store the (he son. son. no -i "be nmifr. ... Stalin emerged from the Sec- finished ! ond World War as master of Montv his his studies studies a a convinced convinced I and warehouses ate ouiging. uur; A c,.ia cmIlt government ' me credit : T man. nan. "The "The Struggle Struggle for for who;... difficulty is the ait f WOukl have no need to borrow 'roads, bridw, lf , casts considerable light dlMribution of the nation s goods j m for any purp0se as It does et.. or replV T, ' differences between and services anything like fairly , now ,, tax people t0 pay bark ; What a SwiawS nery and such Ameri- or evenly to our people ito bank with interest. Persons nient would to L ; nan turope. Europe" Wilinot's story is outlined in tn the ine airuggie ior curooe iuo -uinnitmme jlinsi to be published late in'can generals as Omar Bradley.: This distribution will be the u.trH uti'trn ntitnf'v ! n ui'tn tiufti Lai rm nKt . - j March in Canada and the United wnose book on the war contains natuiai result unuer a social oouai i i HnJy (.nlirf,e i ; the inr interest muMo, ,i; rate laic : UIC thele. : ,M -" for we ::..?.ui C had Iliia i,' HEADED FOR FAR EAST Eight Canadian girls will set out next month to become the first Canadian Red Cross welfare team to serve wi h the Canadian forces in Japan and perhaps in Korea. Harold H. Leather, chairman of the R ?d Cross national executive, said the team was recruited at the request of the Defence Department. Girls, front row. left to right, are:, Virginia Cook, Calgary; Simone Masson, Mont real: Gertrude Trottier, Montreal; JoanWatson, Toronto; back row, Sheila Douglas, Ottawa; Ruth Doern, supervisor, Winnipeg: Eleanor Douglas. Ottawa; Annette Labrie. Quebec City. ' i CP PHOTO) . ' churwl. Money nur fn:Tl c:CiJ,, ' states, wumoi covcrca inc war, critical references to BnUsn ""''- 1 gavcrnmer.t i n TiTtr nnnrnnnHnnt a . .... ii n r I wifit'f mn m n n 'p i us a Luiiioijuuuiiii uiiu peneraisniu. ... t- , laionri is not wealth. H it were All men nf Qti ; spent post-war years poring over , on the other hand. Wilmot is u'e neara-eai nea a. sei vings oi t , f nroductu. monev would hB ' ,ih h.,... 4,1 -. . , ' V" battle documents One of his not one-sided in his judgments the PePle wh0 do lne ,k of: useless !.. robbery and &maL f (hicf conclusions is that the late! nnd admits that Montv had production nn wer KhinwrerkM on not If ttnH 1 uc ui-lttCUVf P- responsibility Franklin D. Roosevelt distrusted frontier incinHinir thn! Our first CT ...... . . . . , vv.v ... ... ....... wt. uui - i numu ant sf.,..j habit of exercising his author- privuege u. 10 get a KiiowieoRe oi ,ar8 nnd no fo.Ki he would starve.! national divw- 11 ty "almost as a matter Of tk)(al ,l,fdjt. 'nlt'h ls 0 blrtn" ' but l J if one 1 had -1 a supply I of M M fooch . , ritrht " i ifeot. wan liiul fcjutwieiige, wer rHE EXPERTS S)ait . . . have faith. With faith, we couplvt SHIPS and WATERFRONT i Britain, as an imperial power 1 allegedly bearing the "colonial ! stigma." even more than Rus-i sia. KKI) CONCESSION'S j j "That assessment of his al-1 i lies," says Wilmot, "was a de-! cisive factor in Roosevelt's readi- Women's Red Cross Team For Korea TORONTO (CP) Eight Canadian' girls will set out for Japan next month to become the first Canadian Red Cross welfare team to serve with Canadian SliOO.OOO AITOMATIC Continues from page 1) Ifft Sensational! : new automatic system, which By KAY REX FISH CHEAP Fish, a traditional VANCOUVER. All decked out ness to make concessions to the would be installed within 26 in her new spring outfit which soviet Union both in Europe and months, Automatic Electric Co. includes a fresh coat of paint in Asia in order t0 ensure stal- would provide the city free of works and help spread the good news until people will elect and put into Parliament at Ottawa, people chosen from our own intelligent neighbors who will assume full right to issue our nation's ' money. This right was handed over to chartered banks by our Canadian government in 1871 as was also done by George Washington in U.SA. in 17U1. Any reasonable explanation for food in LabradS'', . cat 4 in- w :4m- . :. Newfoundland and and the latest thing in radar , in-s entry into tlle pacifiC war;' charge with facilities for 300 forces in Japan and perhaps in als0 js about tne cheapest dish equipment, Canadian National, Not a1 authorities are entirely ! extra subscribers and other Korea. , available in the Atlantic prov- Steamships Prince Rupert is all in acc0rd. A book published here equipment to temporarily re- Tho girls are between the ages ince. ready to leave here Monday on : recently by George Kennan, lieve the current congestion and of 25 and 35 and more than half There are many ways to cook her first nun of the spring and j famed .-Mr x- 0f the U.S. State inability to expand the service of them bilingual. Gertrude fish in fresh, canned, pickled or summer season. ; Department, takes the view that by installation of new lnstru- Trottier of Alexandria, one of dried form. . The well Known B.C. coast ship : the Anglo-Saxon powers, once ; ments. the team, has also added Polish Among home-makers the real s just out alter her annual over- engaged in mortal conflict with Broken down, the figure uf Jt JW-' c- , - . U- i . V " il S r rrt.-, ' such procedure is lacking. A Social Credit government would ascertain the valu.? of the 1 take nm over . the Irt ue oermanv y' . could have . done little , kCom a62,886 includes ir.,.iH.'.! th the fiin,.-i. following annually , ior oftenen .. and j supply ; 1 haul and will now to her stock of languages and experts are those "who actually ionnun. rXtchikan if.tchiHr, ,: IVL w".,""""11. items: money (debt free, interest free. i.- IUUIV11JK luiwaiu iu lh,uiiiu l.u xt'rU lUIUf lailllilfa aiiu keep rcu j, ; ; 4,j. K Vr-.. Vi- ..... OARV COOPER DISTANT DRUMS A Welti rH'n t-ttm r-MM if mun mot. the Japanese language. prices down," said Anna Tern- """" prj" ; George .1 Winston nurtnm am. , Central office $226,119 through the banks. The people. Harold H, Leather, chairman pleton of St. John's, Nfld., or- 'rP "J ' .1 have th. entire amount of the Red Cross national execu- ganizing secretary of the Jubilee le Prince R'rt wU1 caU at . i"1!.!?. L enuld t no . T o, lllil wa and salaries, . supple- tive. said the team was recruited Guild of Newfoundland. They River. Ocean Falls and ' ZZnst TZStoET- lS Z Ztn? T S" foSS at the. request of the depart- are the women "who manage to Prince Rupert. 'state without help from another "n Cools add tion to the $562 KM services Exan DU3 a d incut of national defence. The do a good job in day-to-day On the completion of her last ; totalitarian state was bound to 7Z h. t 'Z lZu? , housekeeping." Miss Templeton .winter voyage on Saturday, the be t0 deliver a large part of for a building to house the tele- amounted to 521 billion dollar.;, explained new Prince George will be given lnt0 Russian hands. Europe phone system-there being three while wages and salaries onlv that in Newfoundland iish ol her annual spring cneck-up oe-; Tn view 0f recent conflict: proposals for prospective site for amounted to $17 billion dol'ars Un location in Fknkw i Drumn' Gary Cooper nuta mile trip into the twft'trit Sea-Hor$ 25. Thu m m-. erm'ffi water travel. 25 hp 30 mph.! Lest than 4 'J ?r: girls will be attached to the Commonwealth LeaVi1,: Centre in Tokyo and to the Common-Wealth Hospital at Kur. "Their concern will be for canteen work, welfare cases, hos any Kina mases a cneaper uiml-- .- s : witnin me urnisn LiRoor puny sucn a building: so th amount of national divi- than meat. schedule up the Inside Passage based partly on the real degree j. The old government liquor riend distributed ibv government However, as fat as meat is 10 akagway. ,of the Russian danger, it is in-, store at Third Avenue and Sec- checKsi would be $4 billion dol- concerned "we all know that the Prince George's iirst voyage teresting that Kennan, original ; ond street. lars. These checks would be bhtit! Ana oniy .... pital visits and all the thousand . "i H V. i OC Cfmhi brake Ii. o. at 4uo r.p.m. best way for bringing down the will be a charter run carrying apostle of "containment." and 2. The old Court House site honored at banks. Just as our a.nd-one problems a soldier car i f ,. aoout juu menmers oi me wortn- wi mm are nrm nenevers in inn o i .... ... v. c ,i ,kt. . W. R. LOVE ELECTRIC CO. ( OlV HAY PRINCE Elf vie intfi hottlo .-i1Vi Viim " nir4! CUSL Oi Llie maul uicili iui aiij - .... . un aixuuu i.cnuc bi f uuivil uiu iJt-ii.iwii nic iiwiu t, tw meal is to use cheaper cuts of'west United States Presbyterian policy of negotiating from , street 'the money stream. If more and Mr. r Leutnei. . to Sitka. Alaska, leaving do not under-! .Synod strength. They indudin ground beef 3 Ground on Fuiton street more machines displaced men The girls have had previous! ' here on May 27 and .returning , rate Russia. ' . immediately alongside the City and wages and salaries are less, experience in the armed forces IltAl i on June 3. This is her only ( ENDORSES MONTY, . i Hall. the national dividend will pro-, or in overseas Red Cross hos- Miss Templeton recommends scheduled visit to Sitka this year wilmot's book contains a sec-! The matter of site is expected portionately swell.- . . . pitals. Their civilian jobs, from , chop suey to housewives who and only the second time she's ondary theme. This is in gen-! to be further considered at next Now Mi . Smith you can plainly librarian to hospital visitor, had 1 must stretch their meat money called at the port. m fraJ a sympatrletic examination I Monday night's regular meeting see that this money would not one thing in common they ' to the limit. On returning from that voy- ot Anglo-American differences ' of the city council. be "counterfeit," neither the dealt directlv with the public. Ingredients: Fat pork; one- j age she will take some 260 dele- 0f opinion and in particular an! The new building may involve govermcnt chocks "bogus" since Bates attending the Interna-: ' the expenditure of you sent these men to Parlia- The eirls will take a two weel- half onion; one-half pound : expression of the view that th.j something ' minced meat; water; two. table-;tional Kiwanis convention tojwar might have been cleaned up : like $40,000. ment to carry out your will. .our,e (.Olirse iinrier Prnfen,- c hi rle , , Unail flOICSSOl CnarieS '.. l,p hplrl In Soottlol nn a mrf i ...; Tl,. i I., l i Nnut oi Iho .nhi;ill n. itirams r ep' nne-nalr can to- ... v.. m u miuttu s rieiu mat i v.i.j wunui .a oncuuj in k UP YOUR SHARE OF THESE AND MANY E. Hendry of the University of ; ,s; made "financially .u.oc w oat,j, i snai viscount Montgomery nau '" Bovmnon wun me provincial -'" uruit, .olliritT 'j f Wl rra rl tra 1 1 VestrY i Irn n 1 . ... . . . . v. , . rinpui klo Toronto School of Social Work mato soup: NON-ADVERTISED DOLLAR-STRETCH! Rrnun the ehnnneri onion in V"'""B """s' naa nis way. guvei iiuieni. io purciuise tne OICl v.un. Your Social Credit government , . , .j i and Prmce Rupert and arriving Broadlev. Montgomery argued liquor store. -Z, r .t ?y 2 ,Z. ;:iPackhe''e June 13. She will leavej for a. single decisive military ; Mayor Whalen last night may recommend to banks to SPFCIALS! PRICES GOOD TO MARCH 27TH "V " " 7 V7 V 1Rle aBam lnaL nlgnl on lne stroke on a narrow front, in-' questioned the wisdom of buv- til meat is cooked. Add tomato flrst 0f scheduled ; eight summer stead of dispersing resources on ing the old liquor store cost of sntiti soup when when nenr nearly v none. done. !-Trtcirln Pqccqo-o Passage cruises .micoc in to cioo- ... . . ...j. .. .i .. jTnside Skag a broaa iront., wumov quoira necessary reconstruction of mis individual lecipe can De way. : Monteomerv as savine after the ' which w niaeert at. so im KLIM 5 lb. tin 5'l to prepare them for their work in Japan. Ruth Doern of Winnipeg, a graduate of the School of Social Work here, heads the team. Other members are: June Watson. To: onto; Eleanor Dundas, Ottawa; Sheila Douglas, Ottawa; Miss Trottier, Simone Masson, Montreal; Annette Labrie, Quebec City, and Virginia Cook, Calgary. The girls will fly to Japan and NABOB TEA, 1 lb. 99c BUTTER, 1st grade 71c Weincrs 1 lb increased according to the num- j Advance b o o k i n g s indicate Normandy breakout: ; , AM nDO.t lnvf,H anri A1H ber of persons to be served. that the Prince George will have ; We must decide on one thrust tplL that the rieni For dessert Miss Templeton a busy season with reservations , and put all the maintenance to with Aotamktic Fleet riche 1 suggests filling unbaked pastry ! now running well ahead of last j support that. If we split the ; ' 0ved and further steps shells with the following: One year. maintenance and advance on a witn a vipw t0 financing and cup molasses i heavy i; one egg. ! broad front, we shall be so weak lhe presentation of a money by- Beat these together slightly i everywhere that we will have no spoon finely chopped parsley ; j law to the people j 7otUMifiB re HMTiri itioot I L . i fliiri hiikp in n mnriiiim nvpn nnp-hn f tooennnn .colt- ntmiAni- , mautc ui auLLlfl. a re allowed 64 of only pounds umil sct Cool before serving. j Cook rice in boiling salted Wilmot says that if even 15 divisions had carried on after the capture of Brussels and luggage for the trip. A trunkful water until tender. Drain. Re-1 move bones and skin and flake ; "This mixturs is good either ! in large pies or as individual tarts," said Miss Templeton. Liege, as proposed by Montgom . f 5 !, H t- j I ' lit.... .. if i fish. Add to rice and heat in ery, the Germans would have double-boiler. Stir melted but- . heer nnnhle tn Kfnn them seiv- ISH DISH It?jl each will follow by ship but they have been warned not to expect them for about two months. "We're thanking our lucky stars that nylon lingerie has been invented," commented Miss Dundas. APPLES, Rome, cookers, 4 lbs. LETTUCE, larqe, firm ond crisp CARRAfiF lnm firm heads. Der lb. Kedgaree is a Newfoundland ter lnto slightly beaten egg yolks, j inf? the Ruhr. Von Blumentrilt.i fish recipe recommended by the ' Add Pal'sley and seasonings, j chief of staff 10 Gen. Karl von i Jubilee Guilds. ' Combine with fish. Cook one j Rundsterit, is quoted as sayln j Ingredients; Two-thirds cup j or two minutes. stirring slightly, t-uch a breakthrough "would ! mm -sy M We carry a larqe variety of fresh fruit v tables and the orices ore the lowest into uncooked rice; two cups cooked fish: one-quarter cup melted Classified advertising in the ' DAILY NEWS" bring results. rirnn !m nnA c for VOUfSClt uuuv,,i, twu ite vuiM, U11C WTtt- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRESH EGGS AO r.DAhC A I ADi.r A, m rKUVIINLIAL MCrilAL DCALin ItKYILtS SCHOOL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING ANNOUNCES A new two-year course in Psychiatric Nursing offering instruc-lion to both men and women, in preparatian for a career in j humanitarian service! ' Graduates of this course arc eligible for j licensing as Psychiatric Nurses. There are opportunities for pro- j mttion to assistant Charge nurse and charge nurse in the! Provincial Mental Health Services. j Old ?tiiMdot ROBINHOOD HEINZ FLOUR BABY FOOD 7 lb. bag per case 55c $2.19 RUM The rmiri Offer: Subjects including psychiatry, piiychiat.ric nursing, anatomy, psysiology and nursing techniques, etc. psychology, DON'T MISS THE LUX '2 PRICE ! Experience in all the major fields of psychiatric-nursing will be provided by rotation through the Crease Clinic of Psychological , Medicine and the Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale; and The Woodlands School, New Westminster. Opportunity to assist in an extensive mental health program. This advert if ement i not published or displayed hy the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of liritish Columbia GLOVES Heavy foW" VIGORO plant food 85c Milnrv Women Men 1st 6 months $107 per month IMS deninc u " , Jftf n paib W 50 ,b- . S2.98 I " Ail minion K.lliri.iients Education Grade 10 (higher gritdrs given preference). Age 18 years (women) 19 years 1 men ) Good physical and emotional health together with a sincere Interest in people. 150 184 2nd 6 months Second year . 214 Two weeks vacation with pay. Uniform ls provided. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS - SW Tlan your garden now while our selection Many varieties to choose """" St. John Ambulance Association ANNUAL MEETING MARCH 21st - 8 p.m. Ladies' Lounge, Civic Centre G. G. Fdwardson, Provincial Secretary Superintendent, guest speaker. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1 Vciiiniiiiciclali.nl mid Keereatlon Residence accommodation and meals are provided at a very nominal cost. Recreational facilities are available at Pennington Hall. Essondale, and in the nearby cities of Vancouver and New Westminster. The Spring classes will commence April 23rd, 1952 and those wishing to enroll should make application before April first. Application forms and further Information may be obtained from: Miss E. M. Pultun, Director of Nursing, School of Psychiatric Nursing, Provincial Mental Health Services, , Dssondalc, B.C. ' PHONf 755 BEST BUY5 FISHINS FUN Dale Koabel, left, of Port Colborne and Philip Crankow of Winfleet, take advantage of the few remaining days of Ontario's ice-fishing season. Hundreds of Canadians and United Slates visitors fish the province's many rivers and lakes for commercial reasons and for sport during the season which usually lasts about two months. (CP PHOTO) 1 - M cdff nn ivedv r ocnFRS Of $5U