1 i uy the unci as it niuuuuu mnd cans ciiu are are; 'lands lands iaPi'"'" .T!' Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, March 20. 1952 : nmmin. iiui Eight Cruises By Prince George ; at Prince Rupert, Ketchikan '. will mm jimrHU w p pnrniita Tallin i ment and training of the force already in operation which the ' minister described as a "going , concern." Work is proceeding i on such projects as regional war i rooms and local control centres. Backs Pact And Member -. - . v u n: fjjj . u y Skagway. Southbound calls are ; visit to ,,'.'' Civil Defence Below Target But Britain Will Itesort to C'OnstTtption Only as Last Resort Tiht Eight cruises ciuises to w Alaska AiasKd are we "'""i1"'' n-ewinnan, 'onth, pHn(,e Ru and Q uuv nouneed ,0f,' . scheduled this year for the d'an man tour tr,,,J r Truman Feared Parson Ontario 3rd World War House Speaker i The country' pujUc air-ra:d I complied warning system is being re-es-; cruise liner Prince Oeorge, flag Canadian National ' "DAILY ..VZn NEWS" ln. the Prt Be ernVii.-j . ; ' tablishcd and delivery of new :t hip of bring results. ..j KH-Atii! htc olnitv Ctnomcrimc Jr"; PftflKt fleet. Provincial Legislature Has Ecclesiastical Aura By-tfOHN M. HIGHTOWER j WASHINGTON, March 18 (API LONDON (CP) Althougn vXa!d The Prince George will lnau- hard-pressed 'for recruits toj sir rjaVid said that special In-! gurate her summer series of bolster Britain's civil defence ! struments for the detection of day round cruise to Skagway eorp Home Secretary Sir Davis ' radio-activity following explo- when she turives here on June ' si ,n (lf an atom! bomb bave ,6- Maxwell Fvfe has announced nas Maxweu ryie ainiouncea , orcl(,r for some timc. Seven ports of 'all are mad- that the government will con-: . . v Axil 4 - ; Pwaiident Truman secretly; TORONTO (CP) The speak-; feared on two occasions in re- ers cnajr jn the Ontario legis-1 cent years hat a third world iatUre has an ecclesiastical aura; war was about to break out. t in tne present session of the He saw that explosive threat ; assembly. Both the speaker and first in the Berlin crisis in Sep- deputy speaker are clergymen, tember, 1948, and again in the Rev. M. C. Davies, speaker in; United Nations' reverses in Ko- the 23rd legislature from 1948 tea in December. 1950. after Red to 1951. was reappointed at this China intervened. ; first session of the new legis-! Truman recorded his anxieties lature. Rev. Wallace Downer over war along with his pri- was named as his deputy. ' vately-noted thoughts on Stalin, The similarity does not end ( Russia, preventive war and vari- there. Both are Anglican clergy-' mis other foreign matters in men and both were chaplains personal papers published today in the Second World War. I sider compulsory service only as 1 ; a last resort. j j The corps, organized to meet! ; the possibility of atomic war- j ; fare, has reached only about 85 ; i percent of its 3ji.:.iitio target! of 170.000 volunteers. I The minister indicated tlmli ! the response so far has been jmost disappointing in the auxil-i j iary fire service, a branch of the TZiJ, .; v in the book "Mr. President." Mr. Davies' reappointment ! OTTAWA (Special to Daily i corps which faced a heavy task! Newsi-Speaking in the Sen- ! in the last war. Air-iaid fire i ate Senator Tom Reid of New ! damage, especially if atomic mis- j Westminster, a life long friend j siles were used, would constitute , of Pacific Coast fishermen, i the gravest menace to the home made a spirited and factual front 4n event of another war. defence of the proposed Can- j -j cannot emphasize too The book, published, by Far- this year brought general ap- rar, Straus and Young. Inc., was pr0val from both sides of the written by William Hillman, for- house. Members of all parties mer newspaper man who now is have praised the fairness of the a radio commentator for the Welsh-born rector of St. Geoige's Mutual Broadcasting System. Church in Windsor, whose chief Yriu've more to 'fijoy ut 1Me Sylvia its gorucoiiK w'iiic scltinu its hospitable service its eon vrnK'iit litcihlR's where yoti "dine in the ky" The-papers also disclose that duty is to preserve order in the, rt ,,, united States Fish dak fat... I CANNED FOODS strongly the danger of delay tin-; til an emergency arises," Sir Truman once sent a message to assembly's debates. ; erj-es treaty. He stated his the Kremlin that btahn was not Mr. Downer's appointment as opinion that the campaign op- 'David said. "There will be no a man of his word. And the deDutv sDeaker was also an- nosing the treaty was for the j ti th-n to train 4aree num- , do your own cook mi; or both! y All ut pli'iisantly ensy rates! Svlvisi iMvnih ( t 1 7 ; Viiiuciuv'i JuiMtm i.:v utU 'Riy M4 OIUrH St. fArt.c H.tltord C. h- Manv.g Direlor President once read State Sec- piauded. He is one of only eight purpose of causing friction be- ; bprs volurtlcers. beon retary James F. Byrnes a stiff members in the house who have tween Canada ana me uniieu Meanwhile, Steps have taken to complete the equip- I -w lecture on who was boss of U.S. been members since 1937. Two, States. foreign policy and on the need 0f these are in the Liberal ranks; ' Referring to claims that Cana- for a tough attitude toward the other five are cabinet min- j da had given in .o the United Russia. isters, including Premier Frost. ; States, he said such talk "is In the Byrnes memorandum,; Mr. Davies was first elected; jus' rot and balderdash." possibly the most sensational ! Xor Windsor-Walkerville consti- j He congratulated Fisheries item in the book, Truman said tuency in 1945 after four years Minister Mayhew and Deputy sharply that he, not Byrnes, as chaplain with the RCAF. ; Minister Bates on the treaty would make final foreign policy From 1942-44 he was deputy! hni f ...K.io v, hh Kiti o.r, !.,.! and said that the choice of r E. T. Applewhaite MP for ; Skeena xas a member of the j delegation was a wise and i popular one. , j "I'm tired of babying the Rus- service. sians." Mr. Downer was in Italy dur- That was in January, 1946, and ing the 1943 provincial election Byrnes, then one of the Presi- in which he contested the Duf- 5 (m lerin-Simcoe riding he won in 1937. It was two days before the news of his re-election reached the 4th Anti-Tank Regiment where he was serving. He later Russian author j Nikolai Gogol, great Russian novelist of the 19th century, is ; called the father of the Russian j returned to Canada and was sent 1 snort story- ! dent's closest advisers, had just Deen to Moscow where he made agreements which critics characterized as appeasement of the Russians. Truman's account gives no hint as to Byrnes' response. Byrnes resigned a year later. He denied that Truman had given, 'him a "stiff lecture." TKRRIBLE FEELING Here are some of the chief points the book makes about Truman and foreign policy matters: 1. When Russia's blockade of Emily Kimbr jugh Compares Blue Bonnet It's Her Favorite! in 1945 as senior chaplain to Newfoundland. ; Mr. Downer has been rector of the Church of the Redeemer at Duntroon, Ont., for 17 years. I 4t I . I J I'l .. .. I . . ..! U I.' I I.. I .1 -1 . 1 ft d it ill iinv ( ipi jiiii w 1 II iiurti iii'ia iiaiiniv iiiii 11 liat to cM''t. I5til really, Jean, tliin:s have iUhI out Momlerftilly for us t '. . . I-'irst lliiii". of rourse. is Art's inli at tlie plant, lie's erav alout i Austerity Worries Hard on Housewife antl I TTtnst sa it's lriii.'inji in a Iij:er pay elieiii( than -either of us had ewr seen before. Then there's free insnranee for holh of us and the liildren too Not t$fc Berlin was six months old, the j President was 'briefed by his I military chaifs on September 13. ! 1948, on "bases, bombs, Mos-! cow, Leningrad and the like." ' LONDON (CP) The "little woman" faced with the problem nf Irppnino- her pynpnsps within Truman wrote afterwards: "I i the weekly nousehoid aUow- have a terrible feeling that we ance has far greater financial are very close to war. i worrips than the husband, says mated i I TW ' ;-: lit just aeeitletil insnranee, hut Life and Siekness and all the rest ever tiling ou can think of in fact i 1 1 1 no strings attached. That's a hifi help. not hain; It worry ahont Hilly and Shirley if they fiet si-k or an tiling." ''. . . Hill what Art likes particularly ahoul the job is its security ami advancement opportunities, ou see, the (ielltilose Company is running a ftdl time op-ration up here. That means we can plan ahead from car to ear without tiiat awful uncertainty of laxofl's or shuldowtis. Hy this time next ear we hope to have our ow n home and lie able to call ourscbes real IVinee Ituperlites or w hatcver the name is. L'vcrone's lw-n so helpful and vec made cjtiite a few elooe frieixls already." . . Knowing Art, you'll probably lauj;li but the Hif l.up is eeti taking a 4orrespmdenee course in plant management. That's itnother tin ii ; the Company helps out with.", 2. On December 9, 1950, a : the current issue of the House- I month after massive Chinese 1 worker, organ of the National armies struck in Korea, Tru- institute of Houseworkers. , man wrote that the nation faced j "When rnuney is short, it is j I I a jittery world and confided: j always the mother of the farn-I ; "I have worket. lor peace for i ily who must sacrifice all lux- I live years and six months, and uries," the paper says. "It ;s I j it looks like world war III Is j she who must forgo a new coat, I ! a fresh hat and other little luxuries in order that her children near." 3. In the Byrnes memoran Ai-pept an invitation from Kimlv kimhroiigii. Compare Um;e Hos.vkt Margarine with nny sjinvid ut mui prk'f1. Like the autiutr ami lerturrr, you'll lovrj lii.ci: Howkt's frcli, vcrf fiivor!;IJ ifh nutrition ! I teal economy ! i lii.CK Honskt is Canal:iK line j quality Hll-veaetnlile maifarini'. I se lii.ri-: Hom:t in ciKikini;, m vi-trc-t;illos, hn a (Ifliiious -prf'al. Hny i Hi. i k liowirr ami (tot "all tlnre" - j flavor! Nutntiori! I M-ononi-c-'! I lii.ru HiiNNKT M.'irnnriiirt is oh I in ! twotypes - iftiulari'i onoiny pai-hfii: ' with color walcr, ami iiImi in tli(! ! famous Yu.Ijow (i ik Img for l':i-t. 1 casv c li ir. Br-;f dum of January, 1946, Truman will be well cared for." u ' it for ,,.w . . Wfcffl FAMED ACTRESS The home of Ellen Terry, great British actress, is maintained as a memorial museum in Tenterden, Kent, England. . . . (Hi! Uh! That sounds like my ruy at the door. No lniirt called for an end to compromise with Russia and said: "Unless Russia is faced with an iron fist and strong language another wai is in the making. Only one language do they understand 'How many divisions have you?' " 4. A message io Stalin in March, 1949, sent through Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith at Moscow, said Truman was disappointed that Stalin had not kept his word to get Russian troops out of Iran by March 2. He also told Smith to "urge Stalin" to visit America. Ctiliiiiihiti ( .'cnNr .';iiiftv in 'I ir Jirsl ii nil nf n riiv 4:niinliins (tiiituliiiii iinliilriul organization. It i ill in fftr months, litis organization irill lie mmhiniiie timber f nun llrilisli I olnniltiii irli natural k.h tlrriralivvs from Unrla to iiriulmv a txiilo rati up tif Jihrrx anil ullivr mituti' liroilncts for amnlians from roast to roast, ttnr firmiram of ronlinnoim forrst yirhl nisurvH lust in a full-time iinjiln) linn I for llionsamls of t iimiiliiiif norl.rrx. &k ( Ml IRISH b::RINE The church at Saul in County Down stands on the site where St. Patrick preached his first sermon in Ireland in A D. 432 -r- - ..-v y S V . i FOR : coomcr am i t - ... $ Pacific '" I1 :r" ; -j : )CUUM ACUUM PACKED PACKED ! C SCOTCH WHISKY Contents 2614 ozs. r J"'MIN 0 INCRf A EVSA n .T E 0, "Dewar's Special JolinDewar&SonsL Dl.'Eil... ,T, Peptm. 1 CLIP AND MAIL :oiX.MW 1l.l t I -'; ( 0' 1",V Sliitolnrd lliiildinff. tonreuvrr 2, tt.t'.. ' ''" Phase mr. n il''""' -J vttrnrliri- 2ll-,M,f il..""1""' """ Mwvn 1'rre 'trii'nfi ' 4IIB DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND Picific Milk adds extra Nvor and nourishment to r recipei. BlIY B.C. PRODUCTS Nnitie .... Ailtrs . City O M l A N V I. I M I T 1. I I' It I n : i; Tt I V KTt T, It. c. l'r Thit odvertisement it not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board 52-23 or by the Government of British Columbia.