1 Thursday, March 20 k. Prince Rupert Daily News : lkt us m: your "FUIionuly nkiciihokiiood store Our cusioiikts know we arc their friends thru iph rain or shine, through good always ready to sine them with the highest : njily groceries at the lowest mxsil ),issllo T pritl "On the shelf, 'or in the bin; check our prices, come on in!" si Lr N af YOUR 0 oj) gn jo) f? rfT NTm ) W JJ m 'J o PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 21-26 ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR' CREDIT POLICY UAUj mi o r . DESSpRT 2 29c Jusf' I'kc Ice Cream Mokes 5 to 6 Servings EES": Midway Grocery And Meat Market We specially feature farm fresh eggs Phone 659 6th and Ambrose HOOD CAKE MIXES '-.rfRottinHood TOMATOES Fi,m Ripc Tube CARROTS Lo"B-"ch" 24 White, Chocolate or Gingerbread for GREEN Onions or Radishes 1 M SALT, Windsor, Iodized, 2 lbs Shaker 2 for 27C CR1SCO, 1 lb. carton "q BAKING POWDER, Magic, 16-oz. . 33C COCOANUT, Martin's, Unsweetened, 8-oz v 19C DATES, Martin's, - Pitted, I lh 20C H.P. SAUCE, bottle q Rupert Butchers and Grocers PRODUCE ARRIVING IN FRESH THREE TIMES A WEEK Prices on these items exceedingly low LETTUCE, Crisp solid heads CAULIFLOWER, Large White He: ASPARAGUS, Fresh and tender NEW POTATOES, from Florida BROCCOLI, Fresh, Green, Bunches LOCAL RHUBARB, Garden FresH L Ve Specialize in Fresh Meats & Poultry fe lall I CANNED VEGETABLES TOMATOES. Avlmer, Phone 21 p a Kcai Buy 'a uai on Choice, ?0-oz 2,0,1' Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. CORN, Cream style, Royal City, Fancy, 15-oz 2 or 37C PEAS AND CARROTS, Royal City, Choice, 15-oz 2 for 33C if i SPINACH, Malkin's Best Fancy, 15-oz SUNLIGHT SOAP ... 2 for 2ic Phones 581 -582 CANNED JUICES m. 1' LUA TOILeT SOAP . 3 for 20c CHORE GIRL 2 for 17c CLOTHES PSNShic 3 oz. 29c -8 Vegetable Juice20- Orange Juice Pasc'20-01 3r Jppfe Jyice Sun"Rype'c,cor' FomilySize' 4801 The Skeena Grocery Your guide to sate buying MEATS - VEGETABLES - PROVISIONS 5O0--5th Ave E. Opp. General Hospital Assorted Creams 2 fr 45c Peanut Caramel r,:;:, 39c Corn Pops sr- ,o" w 2 35c Strawberry Jam Skin's Best, pUre, 4 ib. tin $1.09 frfe .1 Plum Jam Malkin's Best, Pure, 4 Ib. tin rJJf BIX'KI.EY'S COLX.H MIXTl'KE CANNED FRUIT 45c ENO'S I RUT SALTS, Large size 98c D8fS GROCERY urn di line n , I T.fu Fancy, 15-oz V"' ) PEARS, Bartlett, Aylmer Choice, 15-oz. 2 fr 53C PINEAPPLE, Q.T.F., Sliced, 20-oz 2 ,or 69C CANNED FISH Ciovrrlviif, ilkl while, meat, 8-oz. CHERRIES, Red, Pitted, Aylmer, Choice, 15-oz. Corner 2nd and 3rd Avenue TUNA' 3 3c 2 for 49c i r.iivtliiif. Royal Midgets, Z tncxcrlled imported sardines Phone 656 TOMATO SOUP Campbell s, 10-ox 34 I VEGFTAB! E OIIPcmPb.ir..io.... 2' COHOE SALMON - 35c HERRING 1N T"ji""sA!'i- ivi.t. i itc USE OUR CONVENIENT ORDER FORM , , r.kr Cakt Ml s LY 1 1 CANNED MEATS IRISH STEW, Puritan, 16-oz. -..33c I Salad lressins I I ruit Sails CANNED FOODS 1 1 Salt 1 1 (Tiw 1 1 IMkiM Fine Foods Ltd. ORHED BEEF, Hereford, 12-oz.49c Mi " tun? . i I) I Tuna l ish I Sardines I I Cohoe Salmon I Herring I Tomatoes I I Curi o... I I l.ellueu ' I A s para I llroeeoli I I Cauliflower I I Potato,-., I I Corn I I Pcus I I Toniiilnri I I Spinacli i I Pears I I Pineapple I I Plums I 1 f 'lirrries I I Irish Stew I I Corned I'.rcf I I Meal Ua'is I I Corned Itcef I.naf I I Juices I I Tea I I Coeoanul I Dales I I II P. ,S;fVe. I I Perfex Hleaeh i SiiuHkIiI Snap I I l ux Toilet Soap I I Chore Girl I Clothes Pins I Cookies I I Corn Pops I I Cough Syrup Phone 250 ond Red 465 1 1 Hread 1 1 Hull" roller i i Jr"ypi" 1 1 .Milk I pirkl MEAT BALLS, Puritan, 16-oz.. 45c 5th Ave. at McBridc CORNED BEEF LOAF i&r 29 1 1 Snfr n I I Hhubarb r. v I VT A CHARGE FOR DELIVER mw n ! . "II " JJI I II IJ, w I U'