, ... X,. Kf,ne Kuperi Duiiy Ne Thursday, March 20, 19E2 UculiUUHi ji.ounai tug Goodfeilow, "but ' sometimes he ; strikes me as being a little lazy. y Z?er -Biff.!. .. . DAILY NEWS He rtfw-sn't. nnch himcolf trm : hard " 1 Dan Doswell of the Columbia 1 ? 4i - ?3fltf High? Critics of Buller s candidacy . nIanB fnr trfn point out that no defenceman I Vancouver has ever won the trophy and the I ' "oidst4o;5o;6or -ManJYoa're Crazy Fwt yonr Trmiwaiwls sr tprT 70 Trr "iietiiiKiK u" with (ihm, ' ' r tonic for wat; ri!.'in fhruj due vtir'r i" UhIV Uk of irua t ;ph irifcuf B!n r,H wo'iiffi Pall "iiM." Try Iwr j l (ui( T:.i!M for r-p, youiiaer fe!inc. tht Vr flay. New "tft iwrjuaintr Mtz umn Wfi lor lai t all inig viores everj-w&ere. $1 ,000 which the NHL awards as Don Fitch left on yesterday' a bonus. Bat Franeh Boucher, j l nlnne fnr a himnps trin tfi Kanger manager, ridicules this j Vancouver. argument. j - V May Be Awarded MIL Rookie Honors NEW YORK (AP The scramble for rookie-of-the-year honors in the National Hockey League continues into the final week of the season with Hy Buller, New York Rangers' de-fenceman, stacked anainst a "If Buller wins," says Boucher, "it will cost the Rangers as well as the NHL a $1,000 bonus. But I think he rates it. He is as First Bonspiel Opens good a defenceman as there is ) V -v nc v i V 1 v V h v.: r 1 Rlittpring array of freshmen who in the league. FIRST ANNUAL BONSPIEL PRINCE RUPERT CURLING CLUB. Friday With 38 Rinks j The stage is set for Prince Rupert's first curling j bonspiel which opens officially Friday morning a I; nave pushed the Montreal Can- ..you nave tQ judge a payer adiens into second . place. by his merit8f no maUef where At least three Montreal?: he plays. And I don't have to Boom Bootri Oeoffrion, digging tell you how much Buller has Dickie Moore and Paul Meger meant to us." have been rated well uDove the! only three Ranker forwards the curling rink. Mavor Harold Whalen will officiate k00tk'neld i0""1"8, have utscored Buiier. whose 35 " . - but Chicago Coach Ebbie Good- points have already tied the club en, Liicr upiriiinj lci cinuiiicft. ienow said today trie earner record for a defenceman, set Trophy should go to Buller, a originally by Ott Heller in 1943- And by 'he number of rinks entered, it looks like a full four j Montreal boy, even though the 44 Arid! his 12 eoals are one OFFICIAL OPENING 11:30 a.m., mtrA.f 14 a nrti 1 days jam-packed with activity! Rangers have not achieved a 1 Khort of another club record for play-off spot. I a backliner. ; In fact, some of the local bon-I spiel rinks begin curling tonight I so that the 11 visiting rinks can j begin at noon tomorrow. A total : of 38 rinks have entered. . Ocean Falls Wins Opener Overtime Required To Settle Issue Between Pulp Mill Teams "'If they had got in," said( Buller, a mature rookie who Goodfeilow, "it's Buller who reacted his 26th birthday last would have got them there.' week, was buried for eight sea- Ooodfellow's top choice among sons in the American Hockey the Canadlens is scrappy, two- 1 jPapnp n mVKterv Rmirhpr trill The public is cordially invited to view the bonspiel games ..vc ,,. r Rupert primary curling oiiipe.iuon Saturday nifiht Is headed by Skip Ken Warren 1 rii'iaiid ' K.iy Collinson's rink 11-0. Others in the : r .,i tin, m left i Ray Johnson, second; Alf Rivett, AiKirrsictti. third. ladiens Near Cinch way Meger, whp has 23 goals, "six never understand. I Till KKD.W DHAHH i .K M I KV.K fewer than his colleague on the "on power plays," Boucher right wing, Geof frlon. j says, "he's the best defenceman "I have a lot of respect for the Rangers have ever had." ,1. ! With only seconds remaining in the nrs: overtime period, i uominto. 9 :15 to 11:15 p.m Warner vs Mut- All Stars visiting Ocean Falls l lust night sank two NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING .Annual General Meeting and electionof officers of the Prince Runert Curling Club, .Monday, March 24th at "I p.m. Canadian Legion Hall. Meeting will be followed by, the annual banijuet at T n.m. Tickets available from the executive. !HL Runners-Up points to art vs' jonnlnns. break the tie ?.r.d win at the f ; final whistle 46-44 over Columbia urI (Canadian Press) Montreal Car.-Ceiiuiose in the first of a two- V'1'" , , . XT .. 1 game senior men's basketball 11 :;0 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Bateman vs. Shier. Hkalimerud vK. Ocury, Laur-unco vs. J Johnson (PR). IIIIIIW IIHVWS SI CCIIIOIt ll( I'KIMVItV 1:45 am. to 3:45 am. Black va. Stewart, '.lormply vs Eyolfson, Prli'.-zcll v. Co'linson. 7 to 'J a.m. l-U'rie vh. FtoRcrson, Clmclieil second juiice 111 villi iNauuaai challenge series. iking Toronto Maple Leafs , tonight. Winner gels the Colum- illie at al Toronto lonmiu Wednesday v -t'cmtrMiay night. iukiu. bla cellulose Troohv. a oeiDetu- al pulp mill challenge cup. Kellourli vs. Wnrron, Dp Man vi. t Dram. h put UK' Ciinadit'iis' i; f. ,ul of t'v thii 1 B P.O E. King Ed Leads In Pee-Wee V:,)il' I.IMI-'i wil'J ,s iur tMi'h 1,'tt Ui -(I .,.,! s, hi-dule. 1 Renters dclrul.rj fi u, 4 in a wide-; St. PalricA ;. It was a tough battle all the' ois u, 111:, a m Hniiiatou vs. j i way as fast-shifting, tricky and J"'-"'""1 ,Fni- Matthew vs. Landon! accurate playing coach McMillan vs M"re led the paper town squad with ! iiai.i.kv(;k FOUgner at his side to spark the 12 to 2 p m. H.-Kgie va. Eyolfson scoring with 14 points each. ! "STaKe" G,,rmelv' Adonu" At half-time the score was 'j 31S to 415 m. -O Noill vs. Moore FriKzell 1 : i w V(,i k th.il - on the M.mdin;;. if 11 1 a .me;! 'if J1-1Q fnr the vlcitr. At Ihs enH Simoacm vs. Uolllston. Semi-Finals Klir' Edward v;on the first log Little. I of the third quarter it was tied 4 ::iO to 6:30 p m Bovill vs. Laurie. ii 'h 30-30. Overtime was called atiBotiltor vs. Colltson. Johnson B.L. a I to u irua oi uie juvenile scmi-nnui ae.. the end of the fourth as teams in the first period Tur.dav ni'ilit wnen thev dnrn- tied 30-39. : , .i,,i,u,i.l' u i vs. Watsfn. M CI IIIOK Al TO IMIIVtMtV 0:45 to 8:45 p.m. Skallmerud vs. Hpi!, Bateman vs. Adonuit. Laur-ciht vs. Simpson. r to 11 p.m. Sandover-Sly vs. ShU-r. Johnson B.L. vs. Jlowbotham, O'Im ill vs. Little. . ' 11:15 p m. to 1:15 a m. Colllson vs. ed the Aito.s 21-5. Sparked by; Thf tying polnt was made by fast moving Don Mcintosh wno; McMillan with a free throw, pained eijiht puinu for high : which he sanl seconds before the . ore. Kiii FM could not be stop-' .,,hu,r nn pnrrt trv Pf n Icioiii Cii'aflviim t ;l il, h ird witp the i' mi 'tli' K"ck- i hi in. MIGHT ' 31t:,) Vtt r'!'! atl,,r th0 f"'St TT- . ! The overtime was roi,Rh - a r - . Al ine end o me nisi nerion,; ,,,.' .,,(.,,.- !, ch Jennings. Turner vs. Watson. Boulter cii se checking of the Arrows; eivln onlv an lnch nPre and vs. Delano. f i vi.iA since he le- Cananicns from -v 1 k-end whi rr lie apfjHHajjf "iVlilWlH "Mi il il A W'iTaBlaBWllTaaWlari mWWirtfiM tWMtMtltiVM lot Ued tlie score at 5-5. But ; lnere fiom then on. it looked like j McMillan starred again, twist- j Krom smithers come eight Amiws had .shot their limit tor lng ln one genational shot from rinkg irom Terrace two, and the evenina. They didn't .score undcr lhe basket mu making from Burns Lake one. The Van- n .i mom in.tuiy. 4 J V h s i V 1 ! I is-- .. - I i. . ' ! ii -. ,' " S I 1 l it ti t , , , il la " . ir; v- ' li i-i ,9 ,0" ,. V t i f " W t- i .'. - i i v , ' 1 i . 4 , .. , r A sj ' I Iks' Home -u (rnp ar.o.nci point. two free throws ou. ot four. But f0UVer rink which registered "GOOD Lt'CK," savs Mavor Haroin Whalen to Alex Bill, coach pf Prince Rupert Co-op Challengers as the team boarded the plane last, weejj. foi Fjntictpn. Challengers won the semi-finals from Pcnticton but lost out to Vancouver Eilers in the finals last night. For KinB Ed. Eddie Johnson Adams was the golden-haired Parllei cancelled its entry. was a tower ol strength while , boy for Al Taylor," All Stars, man-, trnnh, fnr com- Mclntosh sank some lovely cor- ager. HS lie btuLiril tit lilt bm- ith frrnr events beinff just before the ,he Grand challenge, Superior tier shots to start the big lead, ning rebound Twenly-eiRht fouls were called whistle. t'ijiil'ic C(,asl A .Uer 1. Taci.ma 4 3,jl Imonton 4 ""sjnr lliukey I inal ..: . Trail 1 ib(v.t of five -i jl 1 with one draw Auto Primary, Applewhaite and millers couldn't bv Kefs Martin and Fene&s.! Local Local puip North Star Bottling secondaries. basket. They were porf r-hniienrre trnnhv is do ..find the Square Dancing, Friday 8 to 10:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Quarter s?orr.s were: King Ed ! Make this your Date of the Week FOUR DUKES ORCHESTRA 2. 3, 5, 11; Arrows 1, 4, 0, 0. : Scoring: ; King Ed E. Johnson G, F. shooting at least, twice lor every nated by A j Dominato. The shot the visitors were able to get Grand Aggregate. trophy is do- away, but the ringers would drop nated by Doug Frizzell. ,back and rebounding was poor, i ,, n nn KV STANDINGS 0 L K A Pts Johnson 2, R Johnson 2, Lambie, Ratchford was high with 15 most of the night as well as all : day Saturday, Sunday and Mon-I )5 Hodskinson s. Mcintosh a, Aa-:points bllt was of( on his free 77 ams. Thorn. Total 21 throws. Out of 18 tries, he made day, after which the annual gen- XT . . i I - : a 74 Arrows Lecman 3 u.um, a points. i , mpp)in nf prin(,. Runert Tickets from any Elk, Grotto Cigar Store or at the Hall 51 II 11 1M i:!3 5 !) 2a I'll) r4 23 Ki4 ISO Jli , Hi 2:) 1:8 174 4 13 32 173 205 4 0 44 MS 233 64 Gurnev. Sykes. Landie 1," Hai-i More than 300 fans rang the "" lnPB nt.'th, cheers and "'""s " """ 59 vorseii, Warner 1, Strand. Tots', rafters with their 3!) -5 routs. Referees Ourvich anfl I buv..u.... Feness were hard-pressed to Latsr. Monday night, the four-keep the game in check which I day celebrations wind up with a saw a high percentage of body j grand banquet and presentation OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of The Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary request the pleasure of your company ST. PATRICK'S DANCE March Twenty-First Dancins LEGION AI DITORIVM Refreshments Tickets may bo obtained at the Canadian Legion 0 or at the Bus Depot of awards and trophies. QUALITY CHESTERFIELDS contact. Gurvich also called for a repeal of a free throw when spectators jeered and routed at McMillan who missed. On his second try, he made it and tied the ball game at the end California Is Snowbound SAN FRANCISCO (P t- Two -thtroaand persona hnve.beeu Isolated by heavy snows in various parts of noitheastern California. A large number of cattle are in of the fourth. '' -v,- Gurvich made a similar call r. the over'ime period, saying to hi f-ppctators: BASKETBALL bad way 200 miles east of here. "He'll shoot here nil night If j you don't keep quiet itrtd give j him a chance." Television, Radio, Wireless Operating All Offer His Money. Sioiiiit; Ocean Falls Fougner 14, San-diford 2, Morris 2. Griffiths 1, Corbin 2, Chock 3, McMillan 14, Adams G. CCC Marshall 7, S. Dumas 3, Thompson 6, G. Dumas 4. Haug- TONIGHT Pulp Mill Series 9:00 CCC 300 vs Ocean Foils All Stars 8:00 Ocean Falls Jets vs Bo-Mc-Hi Girls Tickets on sale at Civic Centre For the best in Chesterfields all famous makes see an 5, Gardiner 2, Ratchford 15. Gordon & Anderson Traiivod men urgently needed. Get details now of day, night and home-study plans. ... No previous knowledge needed. Write stating age, education, and whether married or single. Radio College of Canada, 86 Bathurst St., Toronto 2B. "I 3. C. Peddie, transferred from I Terrace to Vancouver in the; service of the Royal Bank of j Canada, enplaned here yester-. day for the south. Phone 46 ' a-m i i'''t in ' v rVniitV't-.T.-f-i -" -- USED CARS FOR SALE RE i K I 1- I FRIGERAT0R SPECIALS JT 4 1 ft Oxfords and Loafers 1941 International ?i-ton Panel lf49 Austin Panel 1918 Ford Panel 1941 Ford Sedan 1947 Austin S Sedan 1941 Morris 8 Sedan . 1937 Terraplune Sedan 1948 Ford Sedan 1918 Thames (Ford) Panel 9'2 cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8I2 cu. ft. Refrigerator, with frozen food compartment $411.50 8 Vi cu. ft . Ref rigerotor $3S2.C0 ft '-.. a 'V... I 'i sir L ... ,s ol(1-'inie Prince Rupert sports fan, Mrs. Elvina lS Kill Wial.... ... . . i . Superior Auto Service Northern B. C. Po wer Co. L td. 'it riv ""nes presentation to uoiden uioves u'tlinninn Fashion F ootwea tjiii (Mouse i Morvison on stage of y Marshall Besner Block Phone 210 Limited t "u recenii,,,, , uhile Don Carlson, (centre) Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 Prince Rupert. B.C. Stewart, B.C. 4 . . . . E i tii i.iji ii nim-iim l HJi mi t