Lizbeth likes " Wince Rupert Doily Newi Thursday, March 20, 1952 1 BLACKWOOD on Ifjet poeuc over fcin jt mey I ; really get serious about her. l 1 have letters to prove it." i Miss Scott was in London sev-; eral weeks making a picture with i : Paul Henreid. i eiunci a BIO SHOEMAKERS COLORFUL CITY" . Brazil has about 1300 large; Srinigar. the capital of the factories making shoes and state of Kashmir, has been call-6700 smaller establishments. i ed "The Venice of the East." (Bnclc She also did some touring on the continent, but her romantic! findings were not Quite so sat. I p V rje r By FASLEY BLACKWOOD w r! I I isfactory. I "The Frenchman is wonderful in his suavity and charm," she 1 remarked, "and is very quick I with the compliments. But snmp. ... ' t ,'. Make Sure You Have Convenient Itcbid "Except for your bidding and play, you were a star on this hand, New," remarked Mr. Champion acidly. Mr. New had gone set one trick at his five- English Men By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) Sultry Lizbeth Scott has returned from a European Jaunt and blimey if she doesn't think British men are top-notch, romantically speaking, i The actress was subject to some international wooing while touring Europe. She was escorted by English, French, Italian and Swiss men, and she decided that the English are the most adept in the matters of the heart. "Englishmen are so youthful In their manner," she enthused. "It's not true that Englishmen are sober and unemotional all the time. They have delightful senses of humor. "And they can become quite poetic, too." I asked if she implied that American men don't get poetic. "'Not as readily," she admitted. "But American men are able to MOXTEEAL, Mar. 20th Sometliin? to keep the family happy in thin gloomy seaon between winter and spring? Good food will do the trick every tune! Thai's why 1 makes point of jrn'in evl.ra- ,. delicious, extra noun.-lnr Jl.LI.-U l'l UDlNU (ieert9 when I ptifUmhrly want to Ilia folk. If jt like a parly when you serve milk-ri-.. Jel'-O l'ndding-' iliry offer o mwli variety and tJiev'i'P .-o tvotttlfriullu terii?tinir The vmrntr.. if times you wonder if perhaps this isn't a veneer. It wasn't encouraging to see how the French treat '.heir wives. The women are held in very low regard; the man is king. "The Italian is also full of charm . . . but seems cynical and pessimistic. "As for the Swiss, he is very impressive. He is strong and silent and can say more with a few words than most nationalities can with sentences." tAii mim 4 - v. club contract. j The opening lead was a club; by Mr. Dale. Mrs. Keen took the j ace and returned a club. Mr. i New then took the diamond fi-j nesse, losing to the king. Later, j he had to lose a spade. Although i South dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. ('Iiamploit ) K--Q S H K 4 D A Q 1 2 C Q 7 6 5 Wl Iii-t IMineiilarly will love B the flavour-Vanills, Cliorolatr, Biilier-;oloti and Caramel. And don't iori;et Ilie three on,l(rinl Jell-O' la.ioea Pudding. Mmm! good ami jir.od jar vou! And a Jell-O 1 iiddinn is ca,ily oue of the moH economical and iiniple-to-pr-pa.if ileort-i yon could serve. Your Will Think You're W onderful . . . "How do you got i e & a i '4 f Aj - K - - . (Mr. I:ilc) Mr, Kmmi) 7 6 ii nun m mi wimc: , nr ii sav. Ana, nivini; credit where credit's due, you'll tell him it'; blue. Ym Hlue does the job ot nil in kerning dollies from turnimr yelliw, Jint a swish or two of Hiur m the linul riiiMDR that's all there is to it. Ami B--9 3 2 S K J B H J 10 9 3 H 7 2 I-J 0 8 5 D K 10 Classified advertisements the News pay big dividends. C-B 2 C A 8 4 jrrn Spade ISIarte at Ritrht Angles to Trench ! SPADE HOME GARDEN THIS EASY WAY BEFORE PLANTING it s so cnmpletrly -afe for the fine fabrics in vour vva-h! Ihoie won.lcifnl sheets you got for your illth (Mr. Wtt) A 10 4 he could throw one of dummy's f.pades on a third round of hearts, there was only one trump In dummy to ruff his two spade losers. "You could have made it. New," Mr. Champion grumbled. "AH you had to do was to forget about ffnpinj the queen of diamonds. Just go up with the ace and led a little one back." BIDDING TO BLAME "All!" said Mr. New. "That's ... -.,,,(. iiiuniMn rri uml your pride .'mil joy . . don't tuke chances ue safr-as-etm-hA Uhi. J...i,.,t read! . .jivrA vi hi mav rr - k ,( li actu-es in horticul- f. f ni.L onrH'.in f h a qes D 4 8 c k j io a The blrtriin(;: South Viost Nfirth 1 H Pass 2 D 3C Pass 4C 6 C Aii Jjiuw hiring ms. bmiuch Vin, ior lite wl.imt waaij, it' id.iKli I rs ii,C. East I Pass Puss i I Praite-Winniiig Muin-C.ourie "SAff Aliil A" '. Witt Sy you're a "naltiral- linrn L-" J i )J spaded, before seed vi the horn? pardener Viliousanrl feet or less ; $ ace. spadiUR can be tiijoyable and bene- asking a lot, isn't it? Neither jng bid make sure you will have : opponent bid. How could I know a convenient reljid over your : 4 ttitii n ever J ve son one! Yr, K ll.U'l' m.VNI-lt ii truly di-hciritis anil -o very e c it n o tn i c a I . Ylill HCC, OII3 when you know i h n w lo cook with shortenli oa time arid "' liimretin in li. vour! And it'i- easy to do "' vevn nao. me Kins aouoie- ; partner's most probable re-' ' f". ton? sponse. is (o take it easy hard work if done 'Well, anyway, you could have made it," answered Mr. Cham pion, who cares less about being logical than about making his point. Certainly the play Mr. Cham MA 1 1 J . slime. A space ol l.uiiu ti in be spaded in a s',n eicht hours. One ,:!i)r eicht days, and ; dHC. soil is In condition jjfvcr work soil which . din if the soil is heavy. V , I pion suggested was double-1 ' When Kml C runihleK Kasily in Ylur Hand, It's Time, to Spade and tiep'wit (t In t.h trench. The spade tihould be driven down. package of "Kraft Dinner" contains cnuiuli for a main Ji-h ior four . . . a i li than 6c a K-rvinjr. Ami in every package, you'll lind two inoiith-waterini? iiiareihcnl: a p' cial. lai-eookins; iii;ic;inmi and craicJ cheese lor mellow, i-heildar ciiees-e ftivoiH. tiniid all year 'round, "Kiaft JJinmr" is so handy m a "meal-tti ti mi; ciner-Ci ncy" . . . oj tlic rlii lfiido the pftt onto thr Ufhh ! My itnmi i-lioil . . liial you h:oe eerttl Ictaaeu on hand lor Jiluinun Lenten meals! when you have SONKIST CALIFORNIA I.l'.MONS to add rxciieinent' to " tloem of (li.-hes. Ves. one of the -nio-t txeiline flavours you can Uie in your cook in; is the flavour oi .". ir:sh, juicy lemons. And Sunki,t Leinm.s are the finest, juic'if ,t" " crown ... I know you'd azree " ;mce you've cooked Willi them. ...' I'iT tin 111 mill vegetables with bikid beans with fish in pics and icinirs ami in your hakiii(t. A ' ' supply of Siinkist I """-t" in a flood cook's kitchen!- ... . II A.. I wwrt j, ,til it has become not on a slant, but perpenclicul- ijiiTe is a point be- arly to Its full depth. Take a fii'S when even heavy small slice of the soil go your iv be lilted, ana win back is not strained. Lift it un. So lluty doinir hmisewoik that nrir .iim h noieiome a a blow from the turn the spade over, so that the an tell this point top soil falls underneath and mud pic" test. bottom soil on top. In filling U of earth in your the first trench, you have opened ; It to make a mud a second. ' dummy. He had no grounds for criticizing his partner's plav' But the bidding was something else again. Mi. New's first rebid was at the three level. Surely his bidding suggested a different typo of distribution from what he had actually ,had. In addition, it required more In high cards. REQl'IRES PLANNING The trouble goes back to the opening bid itself. .Mr. New should have opened one club rather than one heart. Then, over partner's one diamond response he could have bid one heart. Far from making his first re-bid at the three level, he actually could have shown both of his (i holds tonether the i u you wlsn to s de , kn to spade. If it .,.. ,. , v.KiHUi Hit, incut-less iiiain-coiit-se di-h . . . HEIN7, UVEN'-HAKKU liKAXS. Yes, "1 'inner of Ilie V." e e k " ill ;i y easily be your family's verdict you ve no time to iitic Of course you liko your liome to look nice ;ilid that1 wlrv 1 thmklHJMOl.ll'K li h'iicIi a wonderful ili.M'overy in livine! Ii'g un c-cepi lonally slieinR, wear . resittins you can g0,"""""w --i ,ne area, except ior ine top oi task for your first y" Initial trench. When this iv a strip six feet first trench has been dug, clean : :he shortest di- the manure from the top of the whoa vou brimr on a vthoppmr H m-food Lr: (sib lppt C. L. WALKER, whose appoint- ?' i f ment as Assistant General ' J j Manager of The Royal Bank P Prolrct Ilie original m i of Canada is announced. Mr. " . . . , m m j Walker has had a wide bank- , . ' -" j I ing experience in Canada, j men! of meat- fish. ' j having served as ltwpector at ,ePetal,l,-H .ml other the Supervisor s Department; M ! : Vancouver and at Head Office, jMrUlialtleH liy storing g "V ' 5 Jl ; Montreal, and more recently as ,hem , ian.(..wrap S Manager of Toronto Branch. : , 1 " 4 . ! ; He is a native of Clinton, Ont. j heavy waxed paper, lft- : and entered the bank in 1928. ' . overs, too. keen hei let in , V 'z m garden. At one next trench and throw it into the rich, say the width bottom of the first; then pro- lf the spade, remov- ceed with your spading, piling m It. Pile this soil the soil on top of the manure. suits at the one level. And this Ins bean pot tilled to the "brilii " with Heinz Heatis. M-mmm! Just i ta-te tltat real, baked-m favour. Heiiii lieans are steeped to the heart in spicy tomato sauce made ' from gun-ripened "Aristocrat" tomatoes. There are loid of delicious w iy to serve thorn .lo it often, And treat your family, to.. Ileins CookeU Bpaglietti, loo. It'., every bit as economical as Heinz Bean-" and gonil! Made from " Mte end ot tne strip. When you have finished your sequence would not have prom nn ine mane not Cay s quota, you wiil nave an viuvlne plastic f.ihric, which comes in a ho-t of licntiiilnl col-ouia and pattum. Ivisy 10 wasli (just wipe witii a ilanip rloih and rmsc). NO lRO.M.M!. DomoUie (made liy Dominion Oilcloth an. Linoleum Company) rep: Is moisture, oil !Mvt dirt., "jjtiy it ly-:Lc-yard at depart ment and variety stores everywhere. It's easy to sew. Ve i( to make eiii'tains. draper, beach bags, bihs, aprons-, etc. It rile la me Itarhaia Urr-Tit . 14U Ciesccnt Si.. Montreal, PAL r free, ilfuirmfnf lilcrntiire on what lyoM can ilo with ttiia brand new, budget-wise fabric! ft tie trench, but at empty trench, which should be io it. This enables filled with the soil you rerrioved ie soil more easily, from the initial trench. ised any bigger hand than, lie had. The much easier contract of three no trump undoubtedly would have been reached. As Mr. Champion pointed, out, good bidding requires good planning. Before selecting your open- Classified advertising In the semolina flour cooked to tantalizing tenderness, this creamy spa- , ghctti is drenched in a zesu'ul to- nuito saiu-e that will bung plates back" ior morel "DAILY NEWS" bring results. west want . - , , . - : I I luiiil-e-u run. anil l 1 : Became There's A Lightning 1 Fo t ktery (CP) Economists : ' f. ,'j tV- '"'"K "fed. A ainriis ju.-ii. b: i y too much about liuiiu; JS (ill J.illl fit Slide r'aste ( A for mv ncm nrld population and : -oil fertility. j Bratty. director of ' i stnt- n d i skirts - flress. T li V tn Fisheries Expert- j Ger(aiuation... little. even a , vines -rX", mUW in every can ,Ue cvar-H on here, says the , eventually claims t soil's fertility, can ' you'll he dollars ' A - -head! : S. J$i X ' ' yXXXX.. "VV ""X" M'IR ' $r MMihrru i i u tor minerals, ' pnimals. fevered from the sea, ! cl industrial opera- i N-er v.-- '? wm" time the every every - of Or.uuon i m MUk in a Tvcry time VZ ( are ceedmg in extract- i nm and potassium j There'i Ao Trirk To Saving . ,, , Mmtev when vou use lil.l HOXXKT AlAItOARIXE in afl your cooking; and as a spread fur '- "' bread. This country-sweet, als .;: ways-l'resh margarine is stt eco-..,.. noniical! Just compare it with any spread al price . . . and I'm " ' sine you'll airee that Hlue bonnet ' is "tops" in flavour, nutrition and , economy! You'll like the handy, "Yellow Qaik" bag it comes in, too . . . for easy, easy colouring. Just prow the colour-button and''''""' knead the hag gently. In just two '. luinuirs, your Hlue Jionnet rs.ilr-golik " n-yellovv ' rrady-to-usi'. So i t:ikc my tip when you're shop-pinn tomorrow look for the yellow package of Hlue Itonnet Margarine with Hlue lionnel ' Sue on the front. make & placket that fits beaulifullv, because there's a I, 1 t! H T X 1 N (1 J''A.STL'M'.U specially made in just the ri-'ht pie for every weitrbt of material, from hcaty Iweeds to fealherliiilit. chiTons. Choose the hize ni-eordinir to the mat erial. then 't' how your i.iahtiiing J''astenor tucks anay in t lie seam of your dress or suit Hows Willi the fabric so fl. vibly that,no one knows tiicia ! And here s an exciusive Lis-'htiiiiin feature Ilie niicoiiiti-fionally liiiai-anteed Aiitomalie Lock. -Vou can be si're vour I.i.lIiIiiiiik will never slip down until you move it yourself. That's wiry a l.mhlninn zipper 'is my choice for perfect wearing satisfaction in the clothes I make or imv I Bier. 1 use it .n p' - of the reasons you Mitm1 ' ,her bra than any (ed Carnation and other aquatic 1 ow are commonly ; cosmetic and plas- i e last war helncd week use nrver vanes. DAT DAY TEST-f-'f SEVEN bHa. Once THIS WAKE 'mn Y? r Milk in pl-e n() ()tll,r pnd fish markets rrwise would hn Art PuscdCarnauonwe will satisfy y- -Napkins to develop. Meat reased the demand f 7'ftr 47if Wuthing Mm-ltine .Iiuiikt Heauiiul Wood b ii ry f many developed a ' iooos. ''ration methods, he 1 boon to the fresh ''.' S looking "weather- boa I en " T Cheer up! . . . thanks to V It 1 G K X linaniel, your waslunt! machine can have a for Lovely table settings M.iJc from three thicknesses of soft Cellulose. . . . they drape and fold like fine linen. tiri'ic, niana t,aice Oiifiilh. grand-ilaughler of Lady tiage, w:is married ri'cciuly, Diana's wedding gown was a family lien loom . . , but her beaulv a A load of Atlan t here recent lu j - ? 1 fi'xas. In a refrigera- brand new, secret can lie anv-" ones. VYOomsiKY FACIAL. V. ' trleammg while fin:;h in jiwt a few lioursl l'rijten is. a speei il enamel lo nnew tltat faciory-brinht fini-h on stoics, refrigerators, washing machines, toilet wats, medicine cabinets and oilier household apiiliaiices. Ii's erono-inical it gives a lianl, durable surface it's quick and easy to npply-lHkes 3-4 hours to dry. The J-'rigen "Home l'ainling Kit" is especially handy because it comes complete with hnt-h and all you need to do the job. .o, when worn surfaces mar the beamy of expensive appliances just a-k for l'rigen iaiamel at your paint dealer's it's Ritar-autecd! , SOAl with ilf famous beauty-cream ingrediei.t keeps Dianirt roinplexion gloriously radiant. always. Y bile some soaiis teniij& d r y senstlivc skin, WoodliUiy actually miftens il ! You see. -to every cake of Woodbury, "kin scientists add a beauty-cream ingredient the same softening gil used in fine face cream. It'ii- tended to help replace the natnml oils you wash away. Try W oodbury yourself. See how lovely your complexion run be! And try the Woodbury big Beauty Huh Size, too for all-over loveliness, r . A ttttling itvtr toltf pot by Thomas Woor, England, 1757. A valwd pice, now In fho O. 8. Alton collection, Vancouver. n P ' i- tkis worldly THAT V at t'mYi irorfc . , . and to think you could barely crawl out I J S,0 CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP mm VT V? I ,ol linl Itiis morning! Hut a parkluig glass ot SAb IlKPATIt'A belief breakfast has made a new woman of you. Vi-i. wiih spedy Sal Hepatic you avoid "Laxative Lag" that feeling of stomach di-' , comfort that often goes on for ion 'til ordinary, -Slow-acting laxatives bring relief. It's pleasant to take, loo sparkling clear aim gentle as can be. So LONDON DRY GIN 'J jJT.-- take mv tip when vou feel slmnrish or hendaeliv - i mmm. Ice cream! mf LONDON 'vJ!N-svTr ''- remember thrs e:isy, plraant-tasting remedy that " leaves you feeling hke a million in no tune at all I Effertive and safe lor nil members ot your i'amilv, Sal Hepatica is a product of Britol-Myera who also make BL'l'FEUIN pain relief tablets. . Are You Letting a lark of knowledge about feminine hygiene cut a shadow ovr your marriage? Married women who '; DRY CH'v;! .v.- '' - . .1 v"'.'.L m a sundae tre ai ior tne c-Ssv want a completely satisfactory melhoil of feminine hygiene use ZOXITORS. Zonitors are etTective, preaseless, stainless, snow-wiiitas vaginal uppitorie A disfinrrufcl M 11 '"'lit" wKolcfamily! timt are powerfully gfrnucnlal, yet absolutely safe to UJHI delicate tissues. And they re iw ir. vwy wry rduniv rduniy ami ami eon- eon- I HE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. I Neu, WestmmStcr. B. C. venient to irse! Ask vour nr j, I ftrufotiat for Zonitors to- -tJ Ly Barbara Brent. Itll morrow . . . ortif irrite to mm Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. or free booklet CBH-t giving important-to-know farts on feminine hygiene. It will ba meal to vou ia i ptaia wmpper. -w- iii t -ntinii or displayod by the Liquor Control Board or toy the Government ot British Columbia f " " 11