while agio In the hospital and CHRISTMAS TKt'ATs Tile Wllr nf lui. . Art Pllon was knocked off bal- Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. February 7. 1952 -.1 nA k.. n inf. onH iiiKt nnrmurlv i. . . "3 enuea oy trie Tr ! Quick members suggested, there ! 4 was one disadvantage and that, 1 was primarily the financial question. I I The T.F. &M. grant that is giv-1 escaned strikiiiK the saw. result- i,.h jfELKWA j ALKS . . . Dental Clinic Is Shelved l Ml "KORKST ACT' (evti.Mi 3;f) t5575P; thence due east 19 miles: thence due north 3 mitea: thence N. 76a W. 7 miles: thence due north ing in a braised hip. Nick Chudyk states on Chri ""-'masDaj n,'1 lis back in the hospital with a a (back injury due to an accident mm,. t NOTICE OK APPLICATION FOR FOREST MANAGEMENT LICENCE en to the Institute here could not be expected if the fair is 3 miles; thence N. 63 E. 8 miles' In the Land Recording District of thence due north ? miles; thence l,nl,4 nf T3,..,.,H Inbn TV, I - I ' some nine au. i r-w s ... --T The library h-ld iUs monthly Women's Institute Sponsoring Aiti icultural Show bridge party on Wednesday with ., ...hi., niuvinir Ladies' first A number of cases of mumps I nunc. iu mm Prmce Rupert and situated in the i other factors must be taken into vicinity ot Kitirftat. Douglas cnau- c.rislderation. He stressed the nel nd Grenviiic Channel iniDortance nf anDnintinir rlirpc- TAKE NOTICE that Hecate Devel- TELKWA The Women's Ini-ti- Clarkston, are reported in the town and dis- t nrize went to Mrs. Joe J-: ,ito hnM a special mwlino t .-,. v. j . . opment Limited has applied lor a due west u miles; tnence due south 2 miles; thence due west 5 mile-thence due north to the south boundary of the hereinbefore described Block 1; thence westerly in a straight line to the north-eust comer of Indian Reserve No. 2 (Klti-mati; thence southerly and westerly along tlie boundaries of suld Indian Reserve No. 2 to the north-east corner 01 Lot 305; thence southerly aion the easterly boundaries of Lots consolation to Miss C'assie Mac- t"ct ana tne oiastt-rs an wen as the youngsters are being afflic-to Millan. First prize for men, went Chris Peterson, consolation to tea-W. W. Noonan. Z .-. io.o, ,o. coin urniuunii, I-orest Licence , , Management cover- - verk i to further the plans on the and that officers be appointed or ing lands neiu by the Applicant u- lental clinic. elected He also mentioned other getner with certain Crown Lands not The main question is the fin- sections be added, for example. "'l78aar'"ienaleQ "Hhln ,he "!o- mri.1l situation.-The sum of $100 one for "Hobbies," one for field bLOCK ,. w-jmmenc,u, at the 1 - rc r Lnnn pnprt:iinprl at electrician for the CNR, Is here mist be paid each montn lor a ciops ana a cniiarens ciuo . soutn-west comer of Lot w..Bange 30V nd 3M to the utn-east corner ;eriod of about seven months to M. Jameson intimated that toast Land District, situated at ot 3,M. we8W,:v h.-r home with an evening of " business ana win return auer tLTtm,74& i . t i me neau ol filtlmiit Arm: """ tneiire o one .... . ... . mve tlw Smithers dentist come the personal touch proved one . Alm,' along the southerly boundary of said NEW I QUICKI .ore.' Unless some financial aid way of appealing to the public in m.ies; thence' ouemt TsimMes , iSta To'nwShf ) forthcoming, success cannot getting their interest in the nor- thence due north 5 miles: theme due ttlrun southerly and westerly alone 1- 1 i WPNt west 3 3 rr.ile,.: miles; tlettfe tiua nnrtYi 1.1 3 . . ' B auction bridge In honor of Mr. vi.-iung at, new nazeuon lor a Nounan s birthday. Three tallies day or s0- were playing. Mis. Joe Clurkston ' winning first prize and Mr. 8, ' . . and Mrs. William Cyr have U-BRAN acnievea. .cultural snow. m ,,7i lies- . thunce . .... . me boundaries OI said Indian Re lit a. suiisiit line vu Brv Nl. 3 . . h .uBCt HOT-BREAt n giauu oi oiuu Hum &ov- tin . nun-auii oian-v. uai Uie most southerly south-west cor- Hill winning men's first. Conso- taken up residence in the Brash ; thereot. being a point on the easterly hiyh-water-marlt of KiUmat Arm U light anrf qood - latlon prizes were won by Cassle property while Mr. Cyr is em-MacMillan and Hughie MacLean. ployed by the TF&M Mill. ! rnment can be expected but wns pleased to know that the In- ner of Lot 4132 (T L. 12464P); thence 1 r is not enough. stitute was again sponsoring this ft'rlLotto4 j1 J ""' nornunv' A motion was approved to important work in showing that westerly and northerly' along "tat lulvo the plan until the Insti- the Bulkley Valley produce is boundaries of said Lot 4132 to the K.iUffl'i .U-8HAN ELDER SON Lionel Massey. elder son of Canada's newly-appointed governor-general, lives in Toronto, and is on the staff of the family's business enterprise, Massey-Harris Co.. LtJ. He is a Second World War veteran and was wounded in Greece. CP Photo A delicious lunch was served by . the hostess. j most northerly northeast corner ite is in a position financially worthy of some merit and that v. Ari?A,..t v lut,.. tnereol; thence northerly along ine ) handle this project. ul '""ra""'c I"' "ctl" easterly boundary of Lot 4133 TL Train Schedule ! 1 Wp lrtl Mrs. McDowell of Prince George i 12468P) to the northerly bank of the Four ladies from the Quick In- than that of the preceding one itu'lf ,were present Mrs. lis visiting with the Harold Matt family while Mrs. Matt and son Calvin are in the Smithers hos tnence in a general southerly direction along trie nih-water-mark of Kunrmt Arm, Klldam Ann and Devastation Channel to the point of commencement. '.together with me loiluwuig lMttnas in Range 4 Coast Land District known as Kttsaway Island. Coste Island, except S TL 13015P; and that part of Hawkesbury Island lying to the eatt of a line drawn due north and south from the south-west corner of STL 5002 P. BLOCK 3 : Commencing at the south-east corner of Lot 309. Range 4 Coast Land District, being a point on the westerly hnm-water-mark of Kitlmat Arm; thence westerly to i.:ie south-west corner cf said Lot 3u9; For the East Dally except Sunday 8 p.m From the Kast Daily except Monday 10:05 p m. , Lakelse River; thence In . gener;.l ' westerly direction alons the saij i noi therly bank to the southerly boun-dary of Lot 5S73; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said Lot 5973; thence soutnerly to the soutn-east corner of Lot 2655 (T L. 11134P); thence westerly to the south-west corner thereof; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Lot J654 (TL, U123P: thence westerly to the Francois A1l wleriinhllhortfc Add ; iHt wttil, , 8tft ln,ftnT flour. vmIl m nnmou; m'A to All Hr i birring onl , until umtim. . Fill 2 (riwi UkMi hm m full linki! in (ttwrinitMi l.t-F.) f. mm. ta Or we 8 I H in. pital. Mrs A Hunt has b?en a p i-tient in the Bulkley Valley hospital at Smithers for the past Lak( ivislr south-west corner thereof; thence pun. Hake the south-east corner thence northerly along the westerly southerly ' , , '."earne, W. Green. P. Wakefield, . Ke,r and Mrs. Fulsebakke as v uests. j Mr. K.;'Jameson, district agri-.' - . ' ' ulturist from Smithers, was pre-' ent and gave an interesting j alk on fall fair procedure such , -.s the Institute proposes to ' ';:.. 'pensor again this fall. He made . ' ' - Himerous helpful suggestions " , ..' md advised that the ladies have ' ' J ' yheir fall fair meeting early j 'a hen he would be pleased to help ., n an advisory position. He point-, t c out that while th;re are some .. . q irivantages in holding the fair i ' " jut at Round Lake as some of the Contributions of News Welcomed In crder to assist the Daily Nws in complete news cover-ags ot city organizations, it is requested that officers in cha-ee of publicity of surh orp,ani7ations contact the edl-o' ial tiepaitmcnt of The Daily N 'ws. News of the activities of such organizations is always wdecmed by The Daily News as is all local and personal nv-ws. mini, oven "0dit40;50i60?" Man? You're Crazy F(T rUT tfl TTimirasdli WPf t TO, Trf "lM-i.nm uti itli imin ( .u s.im umir for weifc, riiuluwn trliii rtua olr'y U biMlv'i Url ot inn wtiirh niaiiy nn iul wniwn cult 'i'Ul." Ttf imm Tunic TiUjIM" (or prp. vwimw fHin. rry dny. hw "urt w(iuinfel" My 60.j tur sale t ftti arm atom twywlaara. . uouiiuuries oi LOLs juj. n.ange huj 9t. Range 5, lo tne nortn-west corner ol said Lot it'J, t;iLnc uae we.t t t miles: thence S. 12- W. 43. mhes; i of Lot n(353 IT L. 1112UPI, thence westerly, northerly and easterly along ! t.ii' bounuarit-s oi said Lot jt5J o j the most northeriy north-east corner l.f Mnkm Mr. and Mrs. Abe Beaver of j ' Ootsa Lake left last Wednesday j Empi0VPes at the Matt & Wi-for Montana by car. They vi:l ; dpn Uim"ber camp have been ex. visit with Mr. Beaver's parents peripUc'ng a siege of minor mis-when they celebrate their golden nnp5 ,ne past wnlle Elwood v.dccng anniversary this spring. Macki.? was a piltl(.nt a snor. An thence S 50a W 11 miles, thenof I tht'ieoi; tiience southerly and east- rrlv nl.mu t.'ic hmni.lnrlMi .f In.lin.i I BOUin , mills: mmt( . Di- . J , Kes.rve No. 1 iKllluuall to the ' t0 the westerly hljli-waier-mttrk ! south-east corner thereof; tiience I ,! DouB'as Channel: thence In a I soutnerlv. eusu-rlv . and norther, y I !erjl north-easterly direction along I along the boundaries-ol Lot o-7ti U) the north-east comer thereof; thenet due west to the westerly boundary of M . Gatacre ts home again afer having been more than three weeks in the Burns Lake hospital. Mis. Merrill is also home but is far from well yet. Lot 2656 (TL. liiaPi; thence r.JjNianrtnj.M'-.fMiiJfin.inJiihJiFljii liUla.j !iti. Iij iia!!;:!siJlijjiiif Jyij'iliillllNilijiUyilillllliiliiililii! ; tne liln-water-marK of UoukIos Channel. Foch Lagoon. Dawson Arm. Giittoyees Inlet. Miskatla Inlet and ,ulm;u Arm to the point of com-nencement. - BLOCK 4: Commencing at the )Outh-east corner of Lot 2:431 (Indian .lesMrve No. 3 A Quaall Haue 4 Coast Land District, being a X5lnt n the westerly high-water-mark of Kltklata Inlet: thence westerly to '.lie south-west corner of said Lot therly to the north-west corner thereof: thence easterly al.mg ttti nortnerly boundary of said Lot 2656 to the south-east corner of Lot 3069, thence northe.-iy to the north-west corner of Lot 5375; thence easterly along the northerly boundaries ol "OU 5975 and 5i43 to the north-east Mr. and Mrs Jack OMeara are: taking care of the Keefe ranch while Mr. and Mrs. John Keefe are in Vancouver for a few ! weeks. ! Captain Peter Mathews was the first to test the icy water of Francois Lake for swimming this year. He stayed in for only part of a minute and then he had to make a complete change of corntr of said Lot 5243, tiience nor-t 2231: thence due west 3'a miles; Ltierly to the north-eust corner oi i thence due north 4 miles; thence N-Lot 4460; thence easterly to tht i 30 W 13 miles; thence due west 1 north-east corner of Lot 3067; thence I tr.lle; thence due south 3' mnei; southerly and easterly along the , thence N 74J W. 4a miles; thence boundaries of said Lot 3067 to the ! N. 43 W. 3 niilea. thence N. 8' south-east corner thereof; thence j W 3'-;, miles: thence due east to the southerly along the westerly boun- left bank of the Ecstall Rlvrr; thence Janes of Lots 3064 and 3065 to the ' S, 77" E. 6 miles; thence S. 48 jS. south-west corner of said Lot 3065; 6 miles; thence due south 8 miles; thence easterly and southerly along ; thence due east 1 miles; thence the northeriy and easterly boundar- ; due south 3 miles; "thence due east ies of Lota 5240. 4131 (TL. 1246Pi.jl mile; thence due mirth 3 miles; and 5148 to the south-east corner of i thence due east 4 miles; 1 thence said Lot 5148; thence westerly to the ' southerly in a straight line t? Oert-north-east ' corner of Lot 6970; thence rude Point being a point on the southerly along the easterly boundar- f westerly high-water-mark of Ooug-ies ol Lots 5970 and 5969 to the nor- i las Channel; thence in a Rntra. therly boundary of Lot 2657 "(T.L. : westerly direction along the hign-tUHifi; thence easterly, southerly, i water-mark of Kitkiata Inlet to t.ie westerly and southerly along the point of commencement. The directors of the Francois Lake Farmers Institute met at the Lee-Cooper home on Thursday evening. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. ' If you do not know your newsboy's name', coll the office before 5 p.m. KOl'TE I Alan Laird, Green 153 Watts and Nickerson's to Frlzzell's Motors; Fulton Street ; 516-600; 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 Blocks. UOITE 2-Halph Olson, Blue 728 Herman Street; 1430 lith East to Sea! Cove. I'.OITE S Victor Maskulak. 1st Ave. West 243-1077: 2nd Ave. West 911-1028 includ- ina 9th Street; 3rd Ave. Frizzell's Motors to end of 3ri West. IIOVTK 1 Alvin Xysti dt, Blue 638 7th Ave. West 704-1427 ; 9'h ve West 102-608 805-861: Fulton Street 700 Blo-jk; Tatlow Street 805-823; Como Ave. liOl'TE 5 Jimmy Mcl.cnn. Ued 822 . ; . . 4th Ae. Vrn 100-445; 5th Ave West 105-515; fih A-e. We.-t 303-539; Dunsmuir Street 211-424; Tatlow 512-515: Emerson Piace; Agnew Place. ItOCTr; 6 Edward Skalapsky 8!h Ave. West 105-537; 9th Ave. East 110-270; McBricie Street 113-708. KOI TE 7 Peter Brown, Blue 971 All of Section 2 ' KOI TE 8 Jimmy Jalttwion, Green 661 Together with the following parcel or tract of land in Hani;e I -Joust Land District Commencing at th( north-east corner of STL. 13017P being a point on the southerly nigh-water-mark of Klskosh Inlet: .hence ,The dance in the hall on Frrdav evening was attended by about 140 people and all had a erorl time. These dances are now held twice monthly and are becoming Dounaan.s oi saia ixn doo i to tne-, south-east corner thereof; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 681 and the northerly boundary of Lot 2660 (TL. 8282P) to the north-eatt corner of said Lot 2660; thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 2060 iTL. 8282Pi and 2662 (TL. 8283P' to tne southeast corner of said Lot 2632: 'thence southerly In a straight line to the north-west corner of Lot 513; thenc? southerly and westerly along the boundaries of said BTL 130I7P to increasingly popular, the most southerly south-west cor- i , ner thereof: thence due west l'j miles: thnce due north '2 miles, thence N. 41" W 2 miles, thence due Fred Gardner is now working with the public works gang cutting ice round the wharf at northbank. i ' . " w iwjuhi "Mi., ui nji nortn 3 miles; thence due eajt im-.. U1,ce wnwnj- w u nurin. me. thence due south 1 miles curiit-r oi ijoi oow: xneiice southerly along the westerly boundaries of Luis 6800 and (.HOI to the tiience south-easterly in a straight line to the most northerly .inrin-west corner of S TL. 13013P: thenc south-west corner of said Lot 6301 Tire mild weather Is Indeed welcome after the cold. Water Is standing on the road between here and Burns Lake. IK' KIND OF SOFTNESS h"1 , : 4 tL'(0ui niLlj 1 If vo'i want 'o sell it, a.vcrtise It, News classified. CNR-Fishe:me.Vs Waterfront and Pacific Place; 1 Floats). iE 9 Melvin Biornson, Green 113 "". s.er aim ""'J'y "s thereof being a point on the west- pD"U.ndalieS ' 2874 ,T L, "IV hwh-water-mark of DoukIds k ' f . ,T,r.Vel. C'n" Channel; thence In a general south- Lot 26,3 n-? TL. 11125P,: thence east. th6e ,v dlreclm alon? h.jh-water- 1 1 'n,Ith?orVr'o Y..'? nia'rk of Douglas channel and Kis- and ?rf,n,"-B (TL,'111!5P y2tm kosh Inlet to fne point ol " commence- (TL. IIUoPi -.o the uesteriy boun- mpn. " dary of Lot 2668 l TL. 11147Pi: ' . thence northerly and easterly along BLOCK 5: Commencing ot .ie the westerly and northerly boundar- most northerly south-west corner ,! les of Lots 28S6 iTL. 11147PI and STL 87ap- f"ne 4 Coaat Land ls Vies ITL. 11146P1 to the westerly lrlct belnK a P"lnt on the easteny boundary of Lot 684: thence :uth- high-water-mark of Orenville Chan- erly. easterly and northerly along nel; thence northerly and easterly the westerly, southerly and easterly alonB tne boundaries of sa'.d STL. boundaries of said Lot 684 to the e78p M tne south-wst corner .if fiortherly boundary of Lot 2664 (TL. STL- 8'P; thence northerly, east- I1I44P): thence easterly to the er, and northerly along the boun'l- ortn-.ast corner of sarj Lot 166: Rr"'" r ,1 S.T.L. 84I4P to the thence southerly to the north-west south-west corner of STL. 8413P; corner ol Lot i607 iTL 1P41PI- thence northerly and easterly alon.; thence easterly along the northerly the boundaries of buU STL H413P DOUiit'iTies of Lots 2bb7 (TL. 11141P) 10 tne north-east corner thereof; and 2669 (T.L. 11143Pi to the north- l"ence due east 1 mile: thence ,,outn- east corner of said Lot 2688: thence easterly in a straight line to the out-due east 9 miles; thence due couth let ' Kumealon Lake; thence south-4 miles; thence S. 47 E 10 miles: easterly in a straK'ht line to fie thence due south 3 mllea: thence 8. north-east corner of S.T.L. 8f)P; ! 30 W. 6 12 miles, thence S. 55- N. thence southerly along the weter,y 6 miles: tnence south-westerly In n boundaries of said ST L. 8393P ar.:l straight line to the north-east cir- 8400P to the most easterly south-east ner of Indian Reserve No. 2 (Kit!- corner of said STL. 6400P: then-: mati; thence northerly in a straight a,,e south 1 mile; thence S. 33" W line to t'.ic south-east corner of Lot aW m"es; thence due west n t.,c 100; thence northeriy to tne no't- teteriv hUh-water-mark of Oren-.-.i cuiiur there-if: thence eisterly vllle Channel; thence In a genera! and northerly along the southern- north-westerly direction aioiuj t.ic and easterly boundaries of Lota 101 hish-water-mark cf Orenville Chan-in1 303 to the north-east corner of nel' Klcwnugjlt. Exposed, Sost. said Lot 308; thence northerly an.l Kxiweal. Baker and Kumealon In ef. ; westerly alon the easterly and nor- 10 tne P'J'nt of commencement, therlv boundaries of Lots 310 and BLOCK C: All that part of Pitt 6010 to the south-east corner of Lot I'"""! 'Jlng to the north-west o; : 0021; thence northerly along the line drawn 8. 39" W. from t!.e :-,ov t -easterly boundaries ot Lots 8021. e6t corner of S TL. 8010P. Ran;e 1 6028. 6029 and 6040 to the north-east Coast Land District. corner of said Lot 6040: thence west- blui.ii : commcnclns at t:ie r.v and northerly along the boun- north-east corner of S.T.L. 10I1P darles of Lot 6041 to the north-west Range 4 Coast Land I.istrlct being corner thereof; thence nr-rtheriy and a point on the west-rly hi .h-witer westerly along the boundaries of Let "h"'11 of Gronville Channel; .he.ic-6153 to the south-cast corner of it ; westerly and southerly alrnt tin Greatest Show on Earth The greatest show on earth just now is the industrial production of the Western nations. Canada has a big role in the show. And Canada's primary textile industry, with the largest manufacturing employment, the largest payroll, and with factories well diversified throughout the smaller communities, is a star player in the Canadian show. ' Dominion Textile has an important part in all this. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED 8th Ave. East, McBride to Hays Cove Circle. liOL'TE 19 Richard Macllonald, Blue 339 1 4:h Ave. E-j.s.t 237-73H; 5th Ave. East 301-719; 6th Ave. East 119-243. 301-626: Havs Cove Circle 82-667; Cotton Street 511-516; Green Street 411-416; Ebert Street: r' Young Stree- ItOC'TE ll Leslie Murdirri. IS'ack 285 Pjsott Ave.; t and 2nd Overlook; Herman Place. Piggott Place. KOI'TF, 12 Sammv Alexander , I . i 1 1 1 li Ave. East. 333-1305; Frederick St.; Shcrbrook Ave. IIOVTK H Runny Khy, Green 258 ' 1st. En.st 225-247: 2nri Ave. West 137-341 : 1st Streel ,,, 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily News-Nationa ;i Motors. UOL'TK 15 Kube't Jensen. B'ack 955 .. 5th Ave. West r-35-735, 741-745; Borden Street Fra' Street Bijgar Place. lioni! 16 Frank Kilhorn, Green 977 4i h Ave. Bast 124-?34: 5'n Ave. East 101-246: 7th Ave East :ilS-fi58: Bowser Street. KOI'TE 17 Charlie l.inristrom. (ireen 924 6th Ave. Wen 210-53?; 7th Ave. West 120-537: 8th Ave. Wt 221-.-.2.T- Tn-v-inore st. 721-728; McBride St. 413-; 7114; Tatlow St. 625-733. ISOl'Ti: IS Teddy Care'ess 6th Ave East Bkck 800; 8th Ave. East 915-076: 9th Ave Fast 1000-11 14: 10th East 900-1130; Alfred Street-' Dacoir Street. Donald Sfreet. IMM'TE P Jimniv Jiilinson, Grem filil :i ll Ave. E i.st 87'-1I40: Ambrose Ave KOI TK 20 Jark Rudc-liih, Grt-en 731 1,8th Ave East 1U36-1944 KOI'TE 21 Jimmy Mixrehed, Itetl 335 - 2nd A"e West l'3i-13'4: Park Ave 10.15-2279; IKn Street; Water Street; Bearh Place. KOI'TE 23 Larry Parent, Green 487 ; ';8th West. 615-735; Summit Ave: Ta.'ior Street ! KOl'Tf; 2I I5r:an Ko'-erK B'ack 480 : ,ih1 Ave. West 716-3rd Ave. and 61 h Street; 3iU Ave West Daily News-Watts and Nickerson's (5th St.i. ' KOITE 23 Garv Par'tin. Green fi(i0 lith Ave. Ea.st 1141-1476. I KOITE 2G Frarikie Stewart. Blue 716 .. 7th Ave. East 931-1086; 1103 Ridley Home; Hays Cove Ave 923-1154. KOITE 27 Christopher Harvev, Green 214 , 6th East. McBride Hays Cove Circle. Hays Cove Circle. 657: thence northerly along the boundaries ol sail S.T.L. 8041P eafterlv boundaries nf Lots 6157. 61 i the south-west corner thereof; t icn . S. 28 W. 3 miles: thence S. 32 I 15 rniles: thence 8 16 K l'i irt'r 1 thence clue eaiit to the westerly M! 6167, 6176 airJ 6177 to the north-easi corn!!- of call Lot 6177; thence we-t o the norther'y bounrlnrie: of Lots 6177. 6174. 6171 fln-J r07l to water-mark of Squally Channel: thence in n general norther y tnrec n-Tth-w.-st crrner cf s 11 lot 607 1; thence southerly to the ao'fth-west corner thrrnof; thence w-fr'v - fie nort'i-wrst corner cf Lot 0070. thence sou therly alonr; the wester' v boundaries of Lots 6070. 6067. 30G aiH 0i? to the southwest cornrr of vll Lfjt C06"; thence westerly to trie north-vest corner of Lot 6081; thence pi'-n-' the westerly boundaries of Lots 6061 0060 and 60.V ji. i-t.i-eust corner of Lot 6052; 'hence westerly tn the north-west - 1 t-. n53: thence southerly alony the westerly boundaries ijj a0.V. 60A5. 6052 and 6051 to the tion along the wcfiterly hi rh- Hi "i- I mark f Squally Channel, Union i Passage and Gronville Channel to v'.ie : ;int. of comrnencf-iiifiit. , Toyrt'ier with the following Inlands in Ranee 4 Coast L-nnd DisUtnt known j as HinUn IsJan.i. Farrant Island and ! that portion of Gil Inland lyin to; the north of a line drawn due .vrv t ' 'mm I?o':inK Pdint. situated on ! Princess Royal Inland nn ,.ie asterlv i i;i'ih-WHtcr-inark of Whaie Channel. ; DATED 31at January, 1952. j HECATK DEVKLOPMKNT I-TMITEP P H. Brown. President I vn'th-we.st corner ot said Lot 6051; thence easterl v t.n the nnrMi-wour Any submission In rs:wct to t -r ' writ,- i corner of Lot 6051; thence southerly above application must be In til: I B.r. !;E: imii L "i-n; the westerly boundaries of Lot f m. fJ(;t ,,lKR tna1 W ny 't.-r : 6053, 186 10?A. 92 and 91 to ' thff datP of first publication of this ' -" t.h-west corner of said Lot oj:i notice of application in ThP British thence ea.ster'y to the north-west1 'nnrnt Gn-ettr the Minister of corner of Lot P0; thence southerly ! IjftndH and Forests may take final, Ion the westerly borndarls nf Lots ! tlspoaal of the ap.ication and. ! t,o pn!"ro consideration. "in. i.nd S3 to tlie poir.L of com submissions should be received bv the 1 eputy Mlniftr of Forests, within I br't neri-H. However, equal ronsld- I erntion will be accorded to all m b- ' -t onfl ""cei "d at any time urior ' to final disposal. Submissions should ni'snrv,rfnt. BLOCK C: Ccmmpnclnq at thr "ot-t'i-wst corner of STL. 5639P. Range 4. Coast Land District. bln-; a pnint nn the easterly hi ;h-water-mark of Devastation Channel: thenar- MANUFACTURERS OF PRODUCT! ecstrrlv aloiii the southerly boundary bP addressed to Deputy Minister of THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LITTLE MERCHANTS THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU or said STL. 551r!P to thf out'i. past corner thpreof; thence southerly tr the south-west corner of KT.L, 5576P: thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of S.T.L. 's 5578P I ore,ls. Depdrtment of Lands and Forest Parliament Buildings, Vic- : torla. B.C. ' J31.P7.U.21, If von want to ft:i it, aover'' ,e ' i ' i I..; I to the most southerly HIHl!Nl!l'l!!l'HI'!llf!IWllll'IIPll!!iFlllh 1 an1 55TOI 5575P llillllllllllllllilllllillilllllilllllltillllllllllllllllll'lli I WlUlll -Pilht Willi! iinnnni ilier ill wild H.l.L