Prince Rupert Doily Nevs Vancouver Island iTiuisday, February I, 1952 FkgsUpfor j ! Aaession Day .j i 'j , 3 v 1 Loca . - r ., i AERIAL CENTENARIANS GREAT STORM a n d Weather Halts Air Flights The cyclone which destroyed Scientists say that eagles live i - ost of Calcutta in 1804 caused i perhaps 100 years, occupying the . f- 4, n : f i estimated 70.000 deaths. same nests for e-enerations. !. " , - j ' : '-,;:';-" jSojy'rt rJLadh s Marking the accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II as1 Her Majesty returned to London! today from her interrupted tour, j ensign at HMC3 Chatham was i hoisl ed close up at noon today i and there it retrains until sun- I set. Tomorrow the flag will be ! unfurled atain at half-staff, continuing thus until the conclu 1 JVM I U . '-(I l( bc fence ;i ' '( C Z rale This superh tea guarantees the flavour of every cup ( A Sonja ' la'dles will celebrate their club's twentv-flrst hirth- sion of the period Of mourning Rupert branch of the red Nurses' Association of C'dlimiljhi is preparing to Poor visibility conditions be-! tween Comox and Hardy Bay 1 forced the DC3 plane from Van-; couver to Sandspit back to Van- couver yesterday so there was no mail and express arriving by that: run although the Canso had gone . from here to Sandspit make the meet. Yesterday's Landseair, ; north from Vancouver and returning south, made normal flight. The Frince Rupert-; Sandspit-Port Hardy-Vancouver flights were made today with passengers, mail and express! arriving this afternoon. I dav Februarv 18 with n Bin for the late King George VI 3. L. Peachey left by plane yesterday for a trip to Vancouver. I Spiro Gurvich, returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancou-( ver. R G. Vandersluys arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver for a brief business visit. Percy Cameron, pioneer trans-ferman, has become ill and has been obliged to remain in his home, Second Avenue, since early in the week. v , j pur! in civil defence of i banquet. Arrangements were put; Other flags in the city followed Into the hands of several com- ! similar procedure today. j. regular mecuiig 01 me mittees at the monthly meeting! As HMCS Chatham observe'! Monday night. it .'.Cut A (J PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. William Tocher I are sailing tonight on the Prince! George for a trip to Vancouver. James Madsen sailed Sunday j evening for Vancouver where he! will enter Shaughnessy Hospital. : i Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:05 p.m., is reported to-be three hours late. ! Harold (Mike) Nickerson Is sailing tonight on the Prince George for a vacation trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Is-, land. j M's. Fred Hardy is gradually' recovering from the effects of a 'broken arm caused when she; suffered a fall on ice. It was necessary to be in hospital for a while. Dr. J. B. Harrison, Vancouver' radiologist, after one of his periodical visits to Prince Rupert General Hospital, sails by the Prince George tonight on his re- j turn to Vancouver. i ,-liaplcr at the Nurses M iiiitay night, Mrs. Bart-.rnui.e, reported on a re- d deience organiza- mm f:ilian :iieeting. formal acclamation of Queen j Elizabeth II at noon, ship's com-, pany turned out to stand at at-, j tentlon while the Navy Ensign j was hoisted to top from half- : i mast position. j j Lt. Noel Langham, staff offl- cei1, Ui In charge of the cere-! to enlist A procedure Is (I u a t e nurses in the j i ( (J, nrunizanon and. in that jr inn. a number of lectures I held iii the near future. First Workman "Where's Biir today?" j Second Workman" 'Nn 'os-1 pita!." 1 FUt Wuiktnan "V.'ct 'appsn-! ' ed?" Swond Workman " "E came down a ladder 10 minutes after it was taken away." LONDON (CP)-Ifs high time mo,-y. 1 the bakers of Britain got to- j 1 mm. i f 1.JI U I JVIUI .Utl, lit.UVIU ill the i gether and made life more sim- j Miciatiuii, occupied , Monday's imfting. SHOES REFLECT YOUR TASTE pie for the customer, says the I E. V. Ardagh, about to be trrtfrrvl from here to Kerris-dale in the service of the Bank of Montreal, has sold his residence to Einar Valderhaug. O, W. Nlckerson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after attending the annual convention of the International Halibut Commission at Seattle. Mr. Nlckerson was elect trade paper, Baker and Con-! Injured Kitimat Men Flown Here Keep them in tip-top shape ft fectloner. . . . . Within as little as i 20-mile distance, such things as a "Maid 01 Honor- can mean anything! a Central B. C. Airways Sea-: from an almond-flavored tart to Bee landed at Prince Rupert at ' ECIPES i George Vincent, public rela- tions officer, Aluminum Co. of XEO-LITE and LEATHER SOLES RIBBLR HEELS . SHOE LACES SHOE POLISH Arctic sox . FELT and CORK INSOLES cup-snuyca case complete i twilight last niitZt on an emer- Salmon Tamale Pie Canada, after spending the past few days in the city, left by air today on his return to Vancou with icing and glace cherry. Apd gep,-v f!igrit bringing a patient ! a -bun loaf" ranges from a glon- ; irom Kitimat. In Prnce Rupert I tied currant bun to a heavily- Gensral Hosptal is Harry Laval- j I spiced fruit loaf. lee, 29, suffering a fractured leg.; i Swiss buns, they say. almost i The driller is renorieri to have! 5 i ,, yellow corn meal ,s bulling water :i j moils salt ed chairman of the Commission for the coming session. j Respect was paid to the mem-, ory of the late King George VI at a regular meeting of the Women of the Moose last even-! ing in the Moose Temple with 1 Mrs. C. Mclntyre, senior regent,' in the chair. Plans were advanced for the forthcoming spring bazaar. Mrs. Blair was winner in a lucky box drawing. j spoons butter or marg-, yodel with freedom, and every been injured by falling rocks ver. Autobiographical talks by new : members, G. Neely Moore and Keith BeWitt, were heard at the weekly luncheon of Prince Rupert ; Rotary Club today with Presi-; dent Fred Scadden in the chair, i chopped union Hn . i it I l ft1. . , 1 V ' I i m-sooii oil DaKer seems to nave a diuerenc , following a dynamite explosion, idea on the make-up of the Ban. An emerKPny call was recelv. bury cake. e(j yesterday afternoon at the Trade suggestion Is a cake- Terrace office of the airlines. naming board that would set j Ray Oliver piloted the amphib-i oefinite recipes for each name, ! iun craft. I ,-ouucei can tomato - 4---rv- f' Si P xmi miii I Mlail IBMI MIW i hi I i mm i li j 'k ii'spoon chili powder imn Haw, m im ! i i iiyiiMi'ifc ii m ""rw Page Rideout, formerly of the Peace River and now residing in N'Jlson, has asked the Prince "After all," said the paper, "for S. C. Thomson arrived In Prince Rupert a few days ago by air and later wil Heave for puon .salt cayenne pepper is canned or cooked mon Rupert Chamber of Commerce a butcher, a sausage is a saus-! age from Land's End to John , O' GroaUs." , Seattle where he expects to re- Working on for assistance in getting out a iidui iimemiueiy. Mr. rnomson, war veteran and local pioneer, returned not long ago from England, where he had planned to make his home but changed his mind. DooKiet on the subject of railway outlet for the Peace River country. The Chamber has referred the matter to its Peace River committee. O WW I ' ! v.? - , I Mfee Kow 5fof Kotr Panfry for Lett i nuc olives i j; rated American cheese urn ineai slowly Into boil -ted wuttr. and cook over In at until thickened, 'ou-'.antiy. Set over hot and continue cooking 13 s. stirring occasionally, in butler, and cool slightly, union .slowly in oil until Add soup and season- 1 1 iii at thoroughly. Ro-i l and bones, and flako ( in olives from pits Intj i,i 8 V" ,1 ' - .i Publicity Prince Rupert. Chamber of i Commerce and Prince Rupert ! Public Relations Council are fac-j ed with an expenditure of up-i wards of $1500 this year in getting I out a new publicity pamphlet for I th city, old supplies having now been exhausted while the de-i mand for same Increases. ! Prince Rupert Public Relations j ' Council is expected to call its annual meeting next week when . 10c Rover DOG POOD- H Prince Rupert C. A. Davies, Toronto; E. H. Sinclair, Vancouver; D. S. Neil-son. Edmonton; L. G. Ro!Ot, R. A. Day, Olof Hanson. J. A. McCarthy; Fred Talbot, W. Warnes, O. Andrews, L. F Patterson and E. Matthewson, Vancouver; R. Rudolph. Calgary; J. H. Hitchcock, 4 t es Stir fish and olives in mixture. Remove from MAilGlME, Margarene lb. 37C " u -"H . -,v,i.., financial aspects of the under- E. W Prince Rupert Liberal Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING CIVIC CENTRE, 8 p.m. THURSDAY Election of Officerand General Business EVERBODY WELCOME i -quart casserole with - . .,,., . D t,h . takine will be reviewed Last 11 IIP Ml Ml lis I, . K-lll ,,h OIIHUI. "-. O-.,, n. "-... i J,. and W Webster. Victoria; F. H. car a drive ior iuncis was siari-Cooling. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. j ?d and this will be renewed. mixture and top with corn meal mush and UTTER, FIRST GRADE, per Jb. XOC H:,ke in moderate oven '"-.A"5" " "."'C! ' ' ZrZZLZ F.i about 30 minutes, 'i 5 to G. son Creek; Joe De Mills, Vancouver: M. McDonald. West Vancouver; p. A. Taylor, Edmonton; E A. Meyer, Burnaby; E. E. Stevens, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Basil S. Prockter, canon of St.. Andrew's Cathedral, returned to the city at the end of last week from a' trip to Van- Martin's COCONUT 10c readers Samuels. Winnipeg; Mr, and Mrs. I couver on ecclesiastical duties. D. Walker. Terrace: Mr. and It f- J.'. -nj.r 4 s O .V. whist and dance Frl- : Mrs. J. H. McGee, Hazelton; S. S. i " " "" " " LOTUS DATES 2 Lb. cello pack, pitted COLD WATER SOAP For woollens. 7 Oz. pkg:. '... FROZEN STRAWBERRIES i -braary 8. (ltci Harper, Edmonton; W. Rogers, . .'Montreal; W. W. Wright. Atlin. .... , h,.r,T.,ii Ladies Aid tea and , , .,, i imm.v.nn. c ; J. Dale. Terrace: Ed. O. Sulli- FIRST AID FOR BABY'S FIRST SNIFFLE 9, 2-5. ' (33c)' van, Terrace; J Dtinlop. Vancou- i ver: Joharfiia DrWit and A Di- a. I X '5 f Pkg ICE CREAM 89c 95c 23c 2 for 25c ' 2 for 25c 2 for 25c 17c "I.l'K "iBHON TEA Lb Bl.l'E RIBBON COFFEE Lb HINT'S FRl'lT SALAD 15 Oz. tin TANGERINE Jl ICE 20 Oz. tins SMILEY PINEAPPLE Jl'ICE 20 Oz. tins r GRAPE FW IT Jl'ICE Dessert. 20 Oz. tins YORK CREAM CORN 15 Oz. tin 39c 59c 49c 29c 28c ibs. 34c 3.60 pkgs. 35c nirlian Le?ion Women's Wit. Holland; Jack Aldrich, ov monthly meeting Castle Rock. fi'iiruary 7. (38) i trader. f fayne Friday and Saturday-Specials Beautiful baby chenille spreads, all white with multi-colored motif. Thick deep velvety pile, closely spread rows. Large size. Reg. value 19.95. Till . f A step In time often brvca nine. So b t A 4 "i i . , , we( Bitcl take trn iimpte prpoRution mt in-: and Gentlemen new Si've'al , davs after nis iatner i,aby' rt mwu or nitne. Give tuhr - l-ave Just arrived for ' little Johnny was stopped j VSLSrSkf K and .summer suite xir. hi the street bv a kindly neigh-i f rtttui. f.verih una .inc.wi.- Hie ret Assorted flavors. Pkg. MILK. Fresh daily. Puart HONEY I ' ' Beekist 1 MAZOI.A OIL Gallon r 1 '' SIIPEDDED WHEAT .1 3 M ! bor: "And what were your poor P. Cravetto. nhoiie cmlly l'r haliy B dvln-me lyHtcni, HHtiy t Own ThIiIpIh Iirvo a Uxstivc action tliat it gentle, ytit spwnly and tlie reln f tli-y bring .il8 tor auuolntment i32n father's last words?" the neighbor asked. PRIMROSE SWEET MIX PICKLES 2Qg 2 tins 25C giwii a way toward giving baby cum. fnrt while nature works to enr the cold, Swprt-t;iting. Ilahy' Own Tahlota hav 6,-n usinl by nviihfni for oyer 611 yeara. Get a utickage today at your druggist. 3u. A PPLF JUICE SAUCE Glen Valley. 15 Oz pipex Q 9r Tiwir O rolls OOl annual general meetings "He didn't have any," Johnny K.iion Consumers Co- replied. "Mother was with him (' Association will be to the end." the Civic Centre Thurs- C.I.ORE PEARS O 1-. 6 SPECIAL ins 35c 25c 3 for 25c 1.55 jl ''biliary 7, at 8 p.m. Mem- Ll'X SOAP Regular sls-j FIVE ROSES FLOUR 24 Lb. sack (paper) GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR 2, Lb. Dkg l I'Jsp attend. (32c I aCTfcUBP,.l.m . .in- n'iaHI?! annual general meeting 1 Kiien Consumers Co-no Association ti'Ml n 3P! n the Civic Centre Thurs- 1 mm uper-Valii From the farm to vou. Gr ?!! iJ ' "bnuuy 7. at 8 p.m. Mem-! "I iradc A Large. Doz. ' attend. (32;) ! i , IN'CE RUPERT LIBERAL i 1 ' -li Annual general meeting li' ld in Civic Centre at ; Election of of-; The larlies of the Municipal Chapter of the I O D E. will be personally selliner tickets in the SI PER-VALU store on Saturday afterno n. This is a charitable organization and de-server, your support. i, f r f - . . . ind general business. iHl ii. )'iy welcome." (32cl TOP QUALITY CUTS PRE-PACKAGED FOR YOUR PROTECTION MEATS EVADfla&TED 'rs. Harry Conover pmpares Blue Bonnet Loves Its Taste! t"XNr,ar...t.r,.MOO0(N: PORK ROASTS QP Loin. Leg end. Lb '' PORK ROASTS QP Rib nd. Lb 09 PORK CHOPS RP Centre cuts. Lb VOX NO 1 MAPLE LEAF BACON fi7p End cuts. Lb U'v NO. I MAPLE LEAF BACON 7f Centre cu's. Lh 'V NO. 1 COTTAGE ROLLS 7Sli Halt or whole. Lb .1 . .v PASTEL SHADES CHENILLE SPREADS Baby chenille, dev.p velvety pile, multi-color motif and plain shades. Large size. Reg. 16.95. SPECIAL 11.95 i . i 5 V i 1 Gef (arnation More Canadian babies are fed Carnation Milk- thin all ' other """"'er brands ctimh ne. Ti,io u ,i, i. r . See Our Fresh Vegetable Department Where FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES are kept in a refrigerated cose to insure their crispness and quality. WABASSO SHEETS Double bed size," 81" x 100". Plain hem and hemstitched. You can't beat Wabasso products.- SPECIAL 9.95 PR. .1 r am 17C fi noT,,olSE RHl'BARB 25c SY'ft 1 GREEN ONIONS t OCp I AND RADISHES bunches 6iOX LETTUCE . Large heads FND'VE Head j . contented. ' " stronS and For your baby, if he is bot,lc-fcd. you want the milk v.h th h,,s been proved easily digested, nourishing, uniform i"i i ym"Kt"i about c,rnj,ion fi,r S its the milk every doctor knows. ' s i- , . i" , i...ii:KivfB nave taken t 1, ' lr;:"1 Mnt- llrrv Conover. 1 i', i,,n"'kt' Margnrine 1 ")iiwi,I at ,,, price. Like the i n the dolir-nte, ; I1 .unnv-swiH'i ; 7 iiniulii'a fine-(uaiitv nl , f ' niaiuarme. Ymrll ttl,11.(,(,ill(fi ' L, a?''' , ""'''"' Ami vou'll i 1 ! , 119 amumy. Wo buv Hum I ' '"""''-el Use ' , it in ... ..jr " Un Wsetables, a, a delifious i PROVIDES EXTRA VITAMIN D It is oseniial to health that hahies and children eet an ad,i.e supply of vitamin D. Carna.ion provides 4.S0 unitj of vitamin D in every pint. MORI PEOPLE IN CANADA USE CARNATION THAN All OTHER BRANDS COMBINED Smithers POTATOES g-r 6.25 Shop Where Quality Is High and Prices Low Specials Good From Fri., Feb. 0, to Wed., Feb. 13 -!, ,'f. jt ; -i p . 1 1?Nf;? n,l"Kri"e is sold in two 4 '4 ' 1 V.i K'mir e lv packime witri (v . V T ! 'R is..." I LTT" ' 'n nag ior fast, easy cnlor.