"7 'and discussed me latest lo pu. Is : and school evnts. I Knrit.e Kupert Uutly INewj Thursday, February 7. 1952 Youth and Police j mtsSt- 'm 't a ! FIRM BIT REASONABLE ; When the officers were called jcopter Plays important I in A!can Development Getting Friendly upon-to put an official foot ray . . Reflects and Reminisces down, as in the case Of a vouth -i , A - CALQARY. CP) In Calgary -found with an empty whisky i these days a teen-ager is apt to j bottle in his car, they madd every j rreet a policeman with "Hiyah' effort to be reasonable and un-i Roy," or "How "ya J doing, " Bob." I demanding. j i Thev cautaoned him that he 4,' . u , ' S . H " i it i jtn t .lobs, Which Mitfht Have Taken Years, I Accomplished in Few Days ThP King, in May, was to havs ! By LARRY KTANWOOD , voyaged to Natal to leel the b"-' tills of change and sunshine, A changed attiuiie toward , was breakmg lhe ,aw and lhLt police officers in the minds ofJn future occasions he ould no. teen-azed boys and girls hasbe dealt witn so leniently. His more tnan 2,000 men begin this spring to unrl i-WAn Hlrenofh Eli'abelil . . e n v,., ,1 n' i. ,..,., i . ... ,, . . com, nhmil c in tK f.i-mo t in.i i " ici-.ucu anu lie was 'VCiOplTK'IlL 111 Laiiaiid n irti jjthi niuUMilcJ ana rnnip were 10 nuve gune uu j allowed to go n ii'ojn fcu.se. Ainca to t .... ,i Vr.,v,m t-r,w, v,,, m the Calgary police dapait- . '. i Man ,i tiint work already has and will he done v poses! incut of a special four-mai; squad to deal exclusively with i air. KOMkBODY DISAPPOINTED the problems of youth. fl ... ....... I,.ln1t: Inn to keep tlie m.'K'hines stable , fiviiiK-conscious , have turned to "y instrument and physical eon trrjl oiiowlng the proposal that Spain regard wiili lavor t.ir j United Nations, thirty Uniud States warships are bask from a visit to her Mediterranean ports. iic;icouter.s to make ' " X i - t i r I ' K , . f ' 1 liie .iq'iau was net uj by civic and provincial' authorities to combat juvenile delinquency by creating in young people a healthy regard for the law'. The squad works from 8 pm to 2 a m. On the team re detectives Ja:k Davies, Roy Mc-NafcS, C corge Morehouse and Bob Down. ' H'jvcrin?. especially, Is "quite a trick." Piiut has to handle the '.stick" continually and It's ' ;;h':r!y of hn1 work M.'I.eod do;ii't even take time out to ,( rv.i.se impossible by ten times the : 1 1 n -r jobs. ,- pilul BUI M:a.'id , , niloU of OkatiH- 1 here was muh saluting and eouriesy swapping, but the real baJncK was an nr)eaion oy the Yankees of port facilities anci eenera! fortifications. Locations finoke when he flics. , c.s Ltd. expects a .siiuinicr ahead, to l)y a helicopter "I fcouKhl a new suit last fail iire next thing to id"al but evcry-alter flyhiu nil-summer and tor, thing else is hopelessly lirst time in my life had tf Quil and generations behind ML S"II ) ; gyp f " 1 ' All are men of several years' experience in the department who have had long contact with young people through Boys' Town nd other youth groups. Sometimes the juvenile, ofli1 cers visit almost every place (111 Mil, hii(. n,u !.fl thiuilHr.r rnirlrl.il tlie timt-n. So Washington, what liave you? FREAK DUCK ' A strange duck Is this held by J. W. Teba of Toronto. It has chicken leas and feet. Now eight where young people congregate It soon totiame apparent that A' :ording to a college professor, a man's laugh reveals his character. Especially if he has heard the joke before. North Bay Nugget. j CO4 ' ' '! ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS months old, the oddity is one of 12 dunklings bought by Mr. Tebo from a halcherv when a dnv old. KC) Photo) ,s to Uke men and Mu8,,es , ,ny ,.it,ljt shoulder! . peaks of Ke- I ip that much mc.tcr from Kudala the.st:ek." towers were eon- . models of tho SAI'K : cmry 50 miles ofj But the whirring maehins lines from the Ke-, which resembles a humming -powerhouse m Kill-1 bird in fllRht Is one of .the Kit-' r site. lest modes of transportation' hit, or as soon as there I.s, says it s 'pilot, mit.,, helicopters will Anywhere in the air the "bu " mule rials, men and can be slowed down to 20 mile'j , tlie 5,ntin-Ioot un- an hour and ran he llown with , ins to build some .salety at only a lew let. lruui ir a stretch of six the ground. I Over land, If there's a .storm ninr liuntucu yeais ago, r.ui c -f regarded Spam as much or they did not consider arrest and punishment as their primary function. Rather they made it their aim to advise and try to pi t vent yoiui'r people getting into difficulty. On one typical night there were ba-seketball games and dances at two Calgcry high schools The lour ollicers visited ' the .-hools together. 1 1 -aja'j t'j: 4A:-?iAa. .iP'WlJIW i .'.rl -yn.wwg' the world thinks ot Soviet Rus- j pirst Business Man: ' Since 1 Hist todsey. The tspanish Armada.1 have my new car I don't have to b"nt on the conquest of Britain, walk to the bank to make m sailed lor the channel to be ; deposits." piornptly vanquished right off! Second Business Man; "Now .the shores of the British Isies. It.' vou drive over, huh?" . r p-quires 30 tons of "No, i: First Business Mm : Kar.y of the .students came up o them, exchanged pleasantries MONTREAL, Feb. 7ih-K.O00.00 PRIZE MONEY! Here's your Big Chrmce to wis. the $1 000 00 Fits.) Prize or onv oilier of the 143 Cash Awar.ls to a total of Kt.0p. t-l prize is S20000. third prize is $100 W and there ore H0 prizes of $3.00 each. All oi the prizes will be Dorill.KI) if the Prize Winning Omtesiimt ha.- aiiaehM only one .ox-l.o. of the following: prodticts: Velveeta lox-toi; liiM or fa.j-irnile from ony one Crown Brsnd (rn Svnip label or lop from cone topped tin; any Junket boi-top. Tintex IJvc or Color Remover box-top; Tender Leaf Tea box-lop rem a container oi tea or teitl.airs; llovril box-top or lab,; ReaLemon lemon jmee la!.r I- i-Tone can top: Mnaele Whip Salad Dre?--iiw label; Itromo Selizer box-top or label; Sliver Oloss hlareli just don't make any." I Hint i.s only "bare I its McLeod. who is "why, v.e )uL sit down and wait it out." Mi Lend told o jitc storm he and tin enninei-r met, while returning to Kemano fro.n '1 ahtsa. "We diopped down to about 10 feet over the river und Hew along at 15 miles an hour. We Itoliin Hood Cake Mix box-ton While. Chocolate or Cintterbreail ; j-ox-Lou : Johnson's l'rule Furniture Wax label; Davis Gelalme box-top: i.avorn box-top $1,000.00 BONUS IN VANCOUVER trmht be worth while mention- ina a woman called Elizabeth sat; ;ni.hroned. NO Jl lTH)N NOW It has been lately claimed, quite informally tif course, mat spring was here, although nobody was certain. But today, it is a fact beyond ths remotest d o u fc t. Wednesday, in the neighbtihooJ of Sixth Street, tmali boys were playing marbles. Prince Rupert visit. i in lio pital following ,. ir !ir-.t baby, a girl, j 9i i on helicopters al-' the tormer RCAF i ,litr si-eing "almost I li at.," a.'cnmplished ! Jltl.E" li' ATS US(! Ull saw a trapper's ubtn so landed and spent tile niht there." McLeod, who lias teen flying f.'.mc VJS'J, i.s no stranger to At th time f the judinf, a Special $1,000.00 Bonui will !- awarded to th first contestant, with correct solution, who has enclosed en box-top, label e-r facsimile from any six af the products mentioned above. The judging will continue, if necessary, beyond the vwnrdin of th ether 143 prizes unttl correct solution is found which qualities for this Special $1,000.00 Bonus! or l-ihol; Zuties Craipti hoz, nes papi'r oise; Mil-Ko nox-top; Lliae & Mnnorn Coffee front panel from ban or metal snip from tin: Krnfr lie Luxe 8hees label. You mod jut one box-top. label or fanimiie to DOCBI.E your prize money. And vou can win a .'-'PI'.CIAL $1,000.00 1JONU.S, too. Read about it under hendina "SI .000 00 BONUS". C X IT 1 )1 . TI A LL Y YOl'KS. the popuhr new week-end rujwpnper rolumn, prf.ni tiiis Creal and Ka-v ConteM. 'I his v all you have to do: Fi'ml and rirele 19 Ifttrri of lhe alphabet in thin rWiimn, whifli if pfnceil in order, would ,pett CON FIDKX'1 1 ALLY YOURS. Here'- a winning lip, jtm read hack a few lines and vou will find the wool "Contesi". Circle each of the first three letiers und vou aie on your way 10 the Bi Fuze Money! You will find the remainder of lhe letiers 'scattered thiomihoill tlie milium. Tlie order in wliieli Ihev f,rp .-M-.-lf,) Uops not nviilpr You niav rirelc the leller m this AUSTIN 0 DRIVE Special Low Rotes for dav, week or month For reservations contact: will be built on the ought stii't.'h known mil Kemano pass, vi' decided the iiilii-ult. Equipment e!-;-t the towers and Prince Rupert. After becoml ' Wcrld War he piloted sea planes I for Queen Charlotte Airways lor I four years. He was .stationed in ! this city lor .several inonllis. ; BKi IITCKE Since entering the helicopter ; service two years ago, the ptljl believe.? the bu-js :e here In y-Uiy, not only in '.he industrial; t cables will be flown i inter. BROADWAY li DRIVE LTD. rohunn or on a wna'ate slip of paper wrile die romplete words from whieh you took the key letters which spell out vour solution. Thee kev letiers mt then be eireled. In thi way you can send in as many entries as vou wish! Content rimes March 31a, 1952. He sure to include your name and address. Only first class mad wilh nplieient postaiie aeocpteil. Hemeiiiber $2,000.00 is tlie First Prize if correct solution contains a box-top. label or facsimile from anv of the above products. THEliK AUK 143 OTHER PRIZES FOlt A CltAMl TOTAL OF Sj.UOO.no! Major prize winners' names will appear in this column within a few weeks A eomoh ie lil of winners will be furnished on veouesl. Mail your entries and enclosures to CONFlllKN TIA1.LY VOIBS. P.O. Itox 350, Station It, Montreal. Increase your chances oi winning by viishmti as mav entries as possible. .t used will include uid oilier lieavy ma-ihe.se will be taken i 1? tided on two Si- ' . .l', ) i ..I H . .) j I i W i n V Prhiec Rupert's new telephone d iectory is by far the largest evir printed here and has a sub-1 ftintial feel, Y"t, it's compara-j Uvily small, if phones could be j piovitled for all who would like; to have them. It's a case of patience, and mors patience. Any one can say he's on t:ic elderly side wIimi able to stale lie or sh? has lived under no lewer than mx monarchs Victoria, Edward, George, Eiward. George and Elizabeth. Yet, to be in the seventies is not so vener-t 3l'.-, bat it's getting along. field and for survey work, tout for nassenaer service as well. 1 BAyview 1616- Broadway at Oak j VANCOUVER 9, B.C. models cipaoie oI ne believe thai in 10 year.;, l..n "1 Ircuht carli. j helicopters w.ll be used ex ten- beaters will be ! sivvlv In Canada for oas-ener Lp Tooth Deayt Yes. it "Little Pitchers" Hare Bit Eyes, m well ns biz ears! Last niitht Joan s hu e iru eaiil -"Mommy, wiiv is dranny a wasn rdiiier ilian votirs?" Well, it didn't take Joan Inns to ffrn imp pen m your fnmilv nrjw that DKXTOCILLIX, the penicillin tooth T'r.n licet this summer vs McLeod. Oitana-rvi,-", flics th? Bill paylouds ot only 403 find out from Cranny that it was lilue that did lhe tiiek! Ju-i a swish or two of Utile in tlie final rinsim;. for ii'i lilue that prevents eloihes turning yellow. There's no pure while without blue in It. (I can powder, is here. In a 2-vear tost among pehool children, Dentoeiilin actually rememoer mat lrom my seiiooi-uays. can i, jmi.; And. when vou think that hlue tests just a few cents n month, it's' certainly worth it isn't it? For blue lived at Kemano since her husband be:ian flying there. e sirvey work such icl site from West i did reduce decay Vro"1 V 5.rirfc 5 times more transiiortalion over snort 'distances to tne larger eo.nniercial centres. Biitain, he says, is planning such a p.oRrain now with 100 pa-i-sennr lulieojuers on order. All eyes are on a new model equipped with two engine for safety purposes .and capable of carrying 34 p. i.sx enters wnleh is now being constructed in an B.n,hsh factory. ' When tA'lun that that models models appears appears I I dmll don't think think It it will will be be long loin; be- be- Kemano, transmission J than a famous uni is rnfe ns safe can be for your finest fabrics . . . and it keeps them snowv-whitet Yes. for the whitest wash, its IWCklll S BLUE. It'. m The ItinMt Thina On Mr Shopping List . . . but it certainly "We like it, mostly because there Is so much doing. We're really looking forward to this summer. It's a thrill to see such o.uls und camp site's hern completed with i he helicopters, iletecl la six weeks n'is "is said said would woultl oth- oth- e taken taken two two or or three three I, Lend ed referred referred to to sur- sur- 1 w-ar- II j 4 . II AJB . sf a huge industry develop out of nothing nothing but oui trees trees and auti moun-, inuuii-, tains. tains. With With th" th" h h;lp. 'lp of of hell-1 hod- ; copters, copters, of of course, course," grinned grinned M- , Leod. Leod. . i versity s (itrimontal ed formula. And Dentoeiiim iff efieetive with jut morning and evening brushing! UYnirillin fishts decay up to 24 hours after ue. Effect? of anti-decay ingredients tted in other dentifrices last only about 's hour.) Do change to Deniocillm, now. Safe; recommended by dentists tor nearly 2 years, lieally cleans teeth. Tastes wonderful. 75e for 3 months' supply. Xo prescription needed- H i VT t t f 1 f ? I I 1 11 gives me "enormous" value lor my money. And I in mre vou il feel the same wav about delicious, rconomi-cal BLUE liOXXET MAKGARIXK. (iives you so ttiiiWi for so little! Delicate, ceiitnlry-sweet flat our fresli as r in bo all year round. And you'll be deliuhted Willi the Yelluw (Jn,k bat: Hlue Bonnet, comes ill. Makes it so rosy lo colour. No nte-sy dishes no evira work . . . just press the colour button on the Yellow tillik has and knead the bait cently: In jli-t two minutes, vour Hlue Bonnet is (toliien-yellow ready to u. Yes, vou net vour full "monev's worth" and more when you ,rn. loro such such hops hops as us lrom lrom 1'nnce 1'nnce Rupert Rupert to to Sundspil, Sundspil, Vctorla Victoria to to Vancouver a.e made by heii-coptei'. Looter. You You don't don't need need s"m an air-uort air- nort. last lust a a fiat fiat .surface .surface to to land land timnel tunnel location, location, clur-lie tlur- landed surveyor.. i Is s in in the the area area from from filiations were made. I i r"!fW7il K ' j I 3MMJMil 1. . 11 8 fkm I 1 II I U ? S . I : i U RMltlfl U MJi W . I w. i i -re, -re, helicopters helicopters kenl, kept(ant f,nri that ii,.,t eoiil.1 could oe oe uny anvwhere where i 1 Ive l.uv Blue Bonnet Maistarine! f m.V.e-d:;.ntwll" I S jZjWfiT7! X t 8- SV flMH TheVll Sit Up AnH Take 1Sotic0 A M Ss . ' 1 1 J UUs n VI w I 111'" 1.4 I've ISerer Seen A Husband ss downtown." Kt.MAN'O A THRILL sujipiied supphed with with naa'.c-e'od and moved them v during initial sur- ii Ion of the 50-mile Something For Your Recipe--Srratf'Ook . . . J' - tins ntv, rro- back toil I Jft. I: i-J When McLeoI (iocs s line. when you. serve this licious lemon desert toniglit ! M-mm - mmm! C e I c $ t t h e Lvmoii Tttpittca tt good . . . f noinicul i-oin- J'lntclv (iriiciotlS ! Kemano Monday, he win taice . Mmf-''fttfjfm A ' k r i ' use of ; with him his wife and a brand , Pitojs ; 'l -.t, H through the proud as Mary's was the oilier night! He beamed w i t h delight when we all asked for seeond Helpings of Mary's wn- a, i hit cake. She new babv daughter, name J , . If -Uil'iil 17 ' - ' Mrl sWitv tn make Chiihrn n la K i n n . T h r was it passible to : Patricia Marv. Mrs. M:'Leotl has KVmMkWXWSMkTmi' p. ""x short a lime camp- v 41 l.'ioo and 2,400-foot "niajrii," inprrdii-nt ? u I! I-.I NZ O rNDENKD CREAM OF MTSHROOM S(H:P. I.iki- all tiir 1 1 1 -inr Soups, it's rp"I oup, full of rich, rent mushroom 'fiuvmir. CHICKEN A LA KING 2 tablespoons butter -2 tnbiesDooti! flour i teaspoon salt 1 10-o. can ITeim Cream of Mushvoom Soup 23 cup water or chicken broth. Xi cups ciiceci, cooked chicken, 1 cup canned or cooked peas cup (2 u5e. jar) chopped pimiento Melt butler; add flour and salt. Blend well. Add soup and water and cook until bubbling, stirring constantly. Add remaining in'cd-ient-: hrat. Serve in pally shells or over crisp wafiles. Serves ti. toil us her cake success "secret" , . . . SWANS DO W X CAKT. ' FLOUR, Surprised? No, I'll bet you're not if you use Swans Down. For you ;noi thai it makes cakes as light as a dream . . . beam it'ul, ' tender cakes that rv m your mouth. But do you know why Swans Doftii makts sucii wonderful cakes? Firstly it's made by cake-flour exiierts. And it's sifted and re-uicd 'til it's i!7 limes He line as nniinary fluitr. Den t take chances when you're rakr-bukiug . . . tt all your precious ingredients add the 'wizardry" of Sw uis Down Cake l-'lyur. and good' for :. your budget", too. And that's not' al!--b's wmk-quick and taxy tl make. Hut. be sure to make it with Sl'XKlST CALIFORNIA LEMONS . . . they're the finest, juiciest grown. CELESTINE LEMON TAPIOCA U c. quick cooking tapioca 4 c. sugar k tsp. salt 2 c. rapidty boiling1 water Brmff to a biisk boil in Upper pvt of double boiler over diiect heat, stiriitig contiantly. Place over boil-ins water and cook a minutes, stirring occasionally. When lightly coul. r.dJ: h e. Siinkist lemon Juice 1 tp. gialed Sunk lemon peei Codl. Fold in: 'i c. cream, whipped Ga:ru ti With fruit. Serve9 . They If oit I thri fietiei Me l)o$ Dry Skin inuke ymi drcutl your mirror',' Well . n You're Like We, your budget you should t v have heard f: ' t li e in - "but. j; liarhara, thai f rein eerator ,? r- SB J n . sa looks brand. f; JJ MM A p.'inkinis now V - r i.-rf Litre's cortainly somoihini? you can to about that ! Just for y-o-u . . . AYooiibury sricn- tiia have put. a new 'niinu-le ' in-prnlirnt in ibnr W 0 f) D H v n Y 1 R V SKI N It dtie". toi. ' i i ju-t cant stand the strain of meat prices today every day. Hut here's good news ... a plan for meatless meals that will be kind to your budget and appeal to vour thanks to mv woiifierinl V 1MOE N Enamel. Pa !"""n,'T "IS .: A - ' ' . .w. helicopter flying , Jr' &Sfe . . jj- I xZ-' v ' ' A . J '.Vls!'''yest"lsay (P th- ' 'f " f f heater" 'pilot on the l I , I I who has recorded j I OfAi r fT-- '7' l,.' I I of "hovering" hoars. jk SfJ'V, ' J f I fZ- -""V v , J f hying all the time PV tC- I NrT- V ' 1 f take up a 'bug: You . " d U- 4 - f " s,'nnd anywhere ... 6 fLT " X fl " I iy are fundamentally I V ' JfcA " -- . ' S J s ' " )!e aircraft. The pilot , ' KAV fc- ? W I j - - t . jfyc . J' ' n J pT : t ; fyrfSp j j I 7 x, - hii ' l f WVP' sweet-npeV f il)t-: u-vv jy yZk l law. 5ave leff-overs With , y- (taste treat; Valwei Hand-e-iurap, r T-r II HlflVV UflXED PAPER I WEY Aft Gfct-N A ! '-itf & Dliciou nw iiihe to plee ll tKt Umily ' V UHiwEETtNtb Wl cn be crted from leltoviri kpt lush und V' e(1 luscious Breen and golden B.C.. NF-WTOTNS X4 Hind-t-wMp. Hnd-t-wp wd-ll-tht0U9li ! J arr lcrc Baiii Imigv ami taste templing .. . K " Al I 1 V . G paper Mali in lood flavour, kp food lrh -"" QJ wonderful for t-atins fresh . . . lops for every ,nd moirt' P,,,,nh "ld-JtoraS Uint. Let opplc dessert! Co.l rooks know there's none Sk G Hnd--wMP help you hvc lood dolUrd fri!g I -iVvX h.tier for rtrry upple use! i UiS '? H ' rTtV- B f. TOWNS nrf lhe fi.ie.l .iiinj-pnrpo.e ! -Hp- ft Kprr44 ''"',3) 7 "l'l''e nvnilal.le at Ibis time of the yenr. o he ! JJtUUM PACKEO !; g n XsSLjSr''' " Jim,'l NETOwS often In every wny. iT-T, H ktl "fii&&ii'J$& lor truest vrononnprt Il.C. XEnTOnSS m SSila. ci ifwviC .c.,-.,...,......c j (ione arc the tinvs Tvhen paint-worn i-tove. rrfrigfraior. toilet ssrflis ami medirtiie eabinet were major traaedies. Now, with this economical I'rirrn (''name! you may give u do.ralic. factorv-hrurht tini-h to all such household appliances. You ee. Kritjen is soineihing uniqu.i in en:Iinrl isijfiicd tn gi-c :i factory fimIi it titled 3-4 houri to dry and comes with pamt, brush, aiul-papiT in fact nil yott need in one handy packatre. A-k for guaranteed Eriiren Knainel at your CRKAM. A new substance called 1'ruatcn that carries all the rich oils in I his famous eream tier per into the corneum layer of the isk.n. Ye?, lanolin (iiamrn's finest skin-softener) and the three other special lubricating in A ood-bury lry Skia Cream aro allowed to jienctrate more thoroughly than ever before. So bring new loveliness to your skin with Woodbury Dry Skitt Oremn co?ts only 2:!c, 4.")C, 7Hc and love of good food, too. KRAFT D1XNLR h a, real main dih . . . a woraiei fut macaroni-and-chee combination that cooks to tasty lightness in only 7 minutes. And hen 's lunv economical it is . . . one package of 'Kraft Dinner" contains enough for a mum dish for four . . . for less than 4c iterviny! Ask your grocer tomorrow tor delicious "Kraft, Dinner' irc to be a family "flavourite". Are tn Yes, it1 True, an I vc proved o m e.4 tittirt ani l'fnThetark,' about feminine hveiene? li s something every woman should know about . . . and ninny have found that the most satisfactory ni : h od of f em i i line hyg iene is again, tor ;n.'C up.-cts' tli:it can make you feel kIukuUIi und hhn then-'s oue ti'imtiy Uk j-et ymi riirht . . . speedy', NparLim ; iAL I1EPAT1CA. Anytime mi ,-utu-r from irn'eulatny headaches liver upM't constipation or ovcr-hitlulncnee . . . lake gentle Sal llepaiiea for fnt n-lief. It uMialiv fAKiiTy. monitors are less, ptainU'SS, snow-white vatrinal .. J suppositories that are poweitutly g rmuM(fa) yet absolutely safe to dt h'.ale tissues. Auti they're so very damty and eoiiwnt-ut to use! Ask your druegist for Zor.itors to.nuiiow onrf write to me Harbara Hrenr, 1411 Vwvnl St., Montreal. or free booklet givine facts vou should know about feminine hygiene It will be sent to you in a piain wrapper. leaves vou feeling like a million, in no time at :tli! Yes, Sal Hopauea has saved the dav and tbo evening- many ; time foi me. That's why I vl troys Ukc to h;ivc t!ii "nn-for-fi f' t?ttive itinulv in my medicme-caljinei! V 1. .