Prince Ruperr Dailv News Thursday, February 7, l'joU Jli ' I BLACKWOOD on Sliippinii ai il leneral Movi:iK. rachi ,g. Crating, CartagJ anil Storage Colitplete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also liuents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd lor Oxygen. Acety:tiie and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2:nl anil Vsti'i Avenues Est. 1910 fhtiries i0 and 88 CARPENTERS MARGARET iyt (CLOSURE TIME 10 .m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Pieaos refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per .'Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage Mid Engagement Announcements $2.C0. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. n la (Drict r FOR SALE A-f: i naif.!! By FASLEY BLACKWOOD Mrs. Keen Refuses To Hoard Small Trump; .Mr. Dale's Jack Coes l'p, So Does His flame If you haven't added the play known ;is the ur-percut to your repertoire, 1 can assure you it is worth a little study. Sometimes it pays off in a most surprising way as in today's deal. Miss Brash won the first three ANNOCNCEMFNTS C.ithol: rd party. February 1 Tea, Fe ary 9. - 1 O D.E. F. Hinder.1 s Day tea Feb.-Jens i.iry 13. at h j.'iie of Mrs.! -M..htiu". I.f il Pan ', FeSruarv 13. ' Worn: IP)..), al Auxiliary vu:i nunc iv raary 11. M: '. R. Jm:!,!.n uunn Avenue l ,WcsL CO:l!-.i( I' 1" A. .Sadie llaw-Coii- kin.-." iaiice. Fcon ary 15, rad Stint .S riiuul. ! Annua! M.isuni:: L.ill. Friday, February 15. U. F. A. YV. U. W.A. Vaniieo dance, UiHIli-::. v.V Hall, Febrc-' ary 22. I United Church Leap "ear tea, February 2:;. ' St.. Paine!: Tea and Home- j coaki:ei K.ue Ca';: Hall,' Mareh ja c.,; parly and draw-', ' ins tf ra; lie pan. , 4 '., tr . Hav all of fur uwi 1114 on uur prwiaiun mat In .jfhn tnt(, lllitiK lid Mtttng. 't, Uur. j PRECISION SAW FILING I3U riji(;TT IM..U'K Box 1011 Station B Aeeiit: Bus Terminal I.,l.uid City Builders John F. L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Urs : 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 F.ves : by iippoiiitiiieiit only 21 - 33 Bor-ner Bloc!; Phone Hliie 4t2 SCOTT McLAREN CIIARTEP.KU ACCOUNTANT lamei Blo( k C0K 3rd Ave w. Prln. e Rupert. U C. lioiU' 317 ''.O. Box 374 GEORGE ROP.IE&CO. ACrXlUNTAMS AUDt'l'OR.S Ce.sner Block Phone 337 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent. Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204. 41 1, Sufi Phone 65S WF KENT TH UC KS, COM PR Fi'ifJORS. CONCRLTK MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY RLPAIRH For Downtrodden Heels and Worn St.les Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITL 1 PORTRAITS Films Developed and PiinierJ PROMPT SERVICE HANOI FP'S ST1 DIO 216-4U1 ..V-rel. Box 15 Plicrie Green 31.S T-ririe,. UniHrt onttwj,,. . Rll'ira l( BTfiNBBCEx. PdO'i? ,t i BLUE P.O. p,ox .. ELECTRO!1 1 RU 1 , AT; 1 ' , M 1 , Plume II! ;ie j-0 CuluSSl's MiJtr A,. nt fir i i in Nilirr'.i! lr.-. PIANOS W A'I Kl i ()M - MO - 41 ii ft... p HAi'iDlV HOME s:r GENERAL C - If till 1 1 in it iu 1 I , k,ri lioot-t; - on OIL lit 1 I I'nm PO Box I'o'O MATTSC. upiiOLSirr! Phor.e Blue 126. I 234 3rd J Pri'ice R'ltJi'i H. G HflG LIMITED RE L ESTATE 4!' Phone !)6 Evemcr Oil Heat:naS: LAWR'.E M.'.tl i1 T ' .... Ill . B .. 41 I1U It I ' II. Complete x'rvlcti hunit rs ard ., , r , S'ov. s, IImIi'u I F.'. t i ii FOR SALE Double bed. spring-tilled mattress. Phone Black 3opi FOR SAI K Radio. Long and ,si,orl wave. Phone Red 986.1 (34pi FOR SALE . - Sunshine baby buegv. 735 Fraser St. Phone 41. 1 34p I I tOH SALE Treiiuie .v iuj ma-; chine. Phoi,e Line 924. i33p j CARS FOR SALE FC? SALE- 1950 Austin. Five good tires, heater, accessaries. In good condition. Mu.-t b sold belore February 17. Owner leaving town. S.icrilire 31250 cash or iin.mi-e. Phone Green Rooms, J. D. Cripp.s. i37ni FOR SALE- 1947 Chev. sedan, privately owned since new Musi be se( n to be appreciated. Can be seen at 112 Taxi. l3op WAVILD t ROUTE. BOYS j WANTED ! I i Good routes available for i right kind of carrier boys or girls at Daily News oflice w;!h inerexsed remuneration ; after iir.vt of year. j I 1 , 1 WANTED TOP MARKET 1 PRICES PAID Wl scrap iron, steel, brass. coopr.". lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt, pay- ' l ment made. Iron -i ' 1 i Metals Ltd., 550 Prior St.. Van- I couver, E. C. Pnone PAeilic (.357. (tfi CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators, j Phone o43. Call 023 GUi Avenue : West. City. (tit WANTED Bed chesterfield, also chest of drawers. Red 879. , (3!pi i SWAP SWAP 1 Airco cuC.iir torch with six tips for 10 II P. marine clutch forward and re- verse shafts. Brae 413. 1 i33oi FOR KENT fOa RENT E. eerie portab'.:' se.r.? machine; by week or hv month ' free delivery. Pnone 864. Sin?er Sewing .la-chine Company. i3ci FOR RE.VT Sleepily room. in. Blue 433. 1 3.x. i FOR RENT 2-rocm apartment.. Men or working couple. Njj chikiren. 743 Sin Ave. West. I 1 24c i I FOR RENT-Phone R'jom to .share. Red tl I FOR RUNT General Electric: fioor polishers, $1 p?r day. i Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec- ; trie. (tfi i WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT By working couple, no children. 2 rooms or more or will buy .small cabin close in. Urgent. dox 2&L) Daily News. (35p; WANTED TO RENT Suite or hou.sekeeoinn room, furnished ur unfurnished, tor youmr couple. I'hoii'. i;7C, Room 1. 33pi WANTED TO RENT Suite or Youn'r eoimle with 4 year old girl. Any vicinity. Box 201, Daily News. '37pi WANTED TO RENT-4 bedroom house. Halliwell, 1410 6th Ave. East. ( 3Gp I LOST AND FOUND I LOST Near Post Office-Tie clip. Finder please leave at Daily News. (32pl LOST- Saturday ni,;ht, in downtown ; . arc t. bla"k cloth purse. Finder please leave at Dailv News oil ice. Reward. i3itp A( ( Ol'NTANTS , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income : Tax specialist. S. G. Furl;, ! Stone Buildinji, Red 503. (20ml ! I LISTINGS WANTED 1 1 We need hungalows, houses, etc. j Have a long lfst of buyers. For l quick service' phone i Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 evenings (36c i EAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY - 4 room house, $2 000 down, balance monthly payments. Eox 292, Dailv New.s. (33pi LAND REGISTRY ACT HiNESE DISHES Cltop Sucy - Chow Mein Open t p.m. - 3:35 a.m. KOLLYVCOD CAFE For Outs'dr Orders Phone 13S JuiloriiMj j or Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 2?0 Sixih St Phone G19 WELDING (iovernnient Certified Opcralurs lli!;ii Pressure Tanks Itcriieration Slacks and Fire Ksrapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. M3 1st K. I hon. irren 8K1 WRATH ALL 'C Photo Finishing Dll VKI OPING , PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOS L RR M UTT.RS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Gren lie 1. x i; PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Protrpt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins Lid. P.O. ISO' ?74 Used Car Buyers F.asinc of credit regulalinns pajmeuls extended to 18 months. Wnat t his extended term means to VOL 1948 Monarch Sedan New neat covers, Kmart maroon. Monthly payment was si; i no NOW 15.00 1950 Ford Fordor SPJ7.VII0 Monthly payment was S)1. Nf,w63.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" Thoi's Grotirude for . )i a'o simcf! ALL DA J, AW 1 1 .L ' WMEM DON'T VOU HA'.'E f IWSN'PS I AC IP t in i .PAl PAP5NIP5 i set uov.E Tjf y 4, v 1 vi.imTaliM-mi i . rhampiiin ) y .1 i .1 t ( A W J ! (I ; k a F.HT I Mi-s I (Mrs l.i & 1 S Hi (i 6 t: 7 ! 1) a H 'i A K .) J 1 li 1 til Hale It 7 A K .1 li 1 K i .1 i (i 5 The l.i feout il North East 1 .1 C 1 i Pn.-si 3 H 1'lis.S 4 H Quiz Answers ANSWERS: 5. In 1944 Ottawa's tax revnue was S-'.Tda.UdU.-CI5; this year it will br noout S4.3OO.0OO.03O. 3. Tile niu.-krai, over 4 million pelts in 1949. 1 Siiahtly smaller; 3U3.282 sc miles compared to 359.279 4. Aliitoi five million, of which moretluui four million are children. - By pipeline from Edmonton to Superior, from there by .ship. .a r ix. !tt;i intent! mmm I' "'Jt,,-. -, .. I t i i Disi'lled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland 26'? or bol Thm arivArir f-mrnt i- i;.t tiiUMii.u r cjt',p;'iycfj tjy (h" I i-j'Mr ('oittr-H b.Mim' or iri tld- fiiv rmm nt, of iruiah (iluiii!.: JOHN H. BULGER CJj'orncft 1 if John Eulger Ltri. Third Avenue If you h a v c a printing prollcm we con solve it. We've'a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dsbb Printing Co. BLONDIF RADIO DiAl CFPR 121!) KikJcvcies (Subject U. Change'i TUfPSDAY P M- 5.15 John Fisher 5.20 lnterniiuonul Cimity. 5.30 Mu.-aial Program (i:oo Canada in Win ' 6:15 Ken on (till U..iu iiiii.w.; IV.-, 7:ua C lie' News 7:1.) CbC News ltiiUlKlUTI 7::u tvclilldt1 K:( CUlens' I-'niLinl H 4(1 Cniviis' Forum News 8 :45 Tin- Mel re Header ti:na CHC Vuliefiie.f'i. ;uneert Orch. 9::i'i il. mie.. Drraia 10 00 Pl!:n.- MuiKlrr C'liurehill 10 10 (Hi; 10:15 T!l:..ll.;h the li ins Gate 10::io Al li ll i ico in 11:00 Wfull!.-:- (i-.rt lllHl Si.;n-.if Fif II AY A M 7 oo Musical t'liK-k HI 10 Clit' News v ! H:l!l Hires Bill (ioixl ; K 15 Mi. n. ire; Ken-.: 8 :10 Miirniie; DevuU'ms e 15 1.0 lie foneef. : fl on HHC News and Commentary I 'J15 Music ior M-iderns 1 i) SO Murni' Concert tl:5:i l ime rii.ual 10:00 MM-niic Visit 10 :15 liarrv Vv'uik! .Simw 'loan Ihis VVefks Artist I 10:45 Mm leal Kltrhl-lt il 00 Kindt TL'al (en ot tile Ah" ' .1115 Rmindiip 'lime i 1 -no Weather Report 1 31 Missace FeriiKi 1 ::i:t Tieeurdeti InUTlilde ; 11:45 Scandinavian Mcuidies P M 12.01) Mid-ca,v Melodies rj : i r i nc News ! 12 - Program Kisuinp if' - ''' 1: C. harm r.p.adcast . Kecuriaitl Interlude 1 -Mi AtteriHxia Concert j 1 45 Mr Prime Minister: Comty. 2.00 National Seliool Broadcast i 2 :i0 liecorus at Kandoin 3:00 Tea Time Won the Stars ; 3:15 Musical l-roer:un I .i 30 Today's tiuest ! .'1 45 Niivl Time 4 (ill Sunshine Society i 4 to .Slcruvtitvie Siorytelte! 4:45 .Stock Qi:ii!;i:..iiiis; Interlude j 4 55 CIIC News 5 00 Rav-hldc lune in the Lone Ranger' , CFPR 5.30 PM. BOYS: GIRLS! HURRY! WONDERFUL PRIZES ENTER NOW . . . BIG "LONE RANGER" CONTEST! Use this entry blank . . . I II. I. IV . . . M Ml. . . . vt ITM Till' I HUM NV -ll. IM K- AI.K III 1(1 II K ltdl'.IV IIIKIII OIM . . . To: Radio Slatian CT'PK Prince Rupert This is my entry for the be: "Lone Hanger" Contest. I am attarhint; Quick liobin H'xi I Oats box-top. Name Address C ity Priiv. IN IE ESTATE OP ERNEST PltKD-: RHICK H HAD TAKE NOTICE that as Ailminis-: trator, duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of Ernest Frederick Heart, wlei died al Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 25th day of November. i!i5I. I require ui! creditors and others liaviiiK claims .-iffainst the said eslate to neiirt tie-same to me. properly verilied. at the address mentioned below, on or before the 5th day of March, ItlSi. 'after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those en-' titled by law. havtni regard only t-1 such claims of winch I shall then have been notified AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ail persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., thi' 30th day of January. 10f2. Gordon Eraser Forbes. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. H.C. IJ31.F1.7.8p IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN McLELLAN TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of John McLellan. who died at Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia, on the 21st dav of October. lilM. I require nil creditors and others huvuiK claims fiKainst the said estate to send the same to me. properly ventied. at the address meiuiomd below, on or before the 15th day of March. 1UM. are required to pay their indebtedness 10 me forthwith. 'HT'il al Prince rtimert. B.C., this 30th day of January. 1H52 (iordon Eraser Forbes. Olliciai AUlliuu.atutol, Prince Rupert Hi: lJ31,Fl,7.Bpi I SPOUTING WHALES I Whales do not actually spout j water. The spurt often seen at jsea is condensed moisture blown For the MEAL that REFRESH BEST OF tricks with her top club honors. Mrs. Keen discarded the deuce j of diamonds on the third trick. It now appears that there art-no more tricks lor the defenders. But it was a little card in Mrs. Keen's; hand that spelled defeat for Mr. Dale. i At trick four Miss Brash H- '1 fourth round of clubs.. A small spade went on from the dummy and it wa up to Mrs. Keen. If Mr. Muzzy had held the East hand he nnaht have reasoned. "Why trump this trick when 1 know Dale can over-ruff?" Mrs. Keen is not that kind of player. She has learned that it is automatic to ruff with your highest trump in this situation. In the first place her trumps were worthless as far as follow-j ine; suit to declarer's trump leads was cuncerned. Siie could hardly expect to take a trick with ;:ie. Erven spot. It was her duty, however, to make declarer play a trump oa this trick in the hope that such a play would set up a trump winner in partner's hand. Tar seven spt seemed n pitifully hopless effcrt in this directum but, as you see, the result was devastating. HAD TO OVHR-Kl FF ; Mr. Dale had to over-ruff with the jack or admit defeat then and there. After that, in spit; of ilie fart that his hand and dum-I my consisted of practically, ooui-; ing but honor cards, he had to concede a trick to Mus Brash's. ; 10 of hearts. '" If Mrs. Keen had discarded or j trumped with the deu'e of trr-ai u, at tri.k four, Mr. Dale would have made game and rubber without difficulty. OFFERS plainly marked "Offer lor Tractor" on the envelope will be received by the undersigned up to noon, February 23. 1952. for the fodowini T; actors located "as is and v nere is" at Public Works old -hop, Qu'.mel, B.C. f DETAILS: Unit T-103. Allis-Chalmcrs crawler liacto:', Modei HD-10W.' Serial No. 7072. e q u i p p e d w V. h opera! ir's rruard; Model G Carco t iwiri wicch; Isaacson hydraulic blade control: seven tooth ia-vi clearing blade complete with push be, inn. Unit T-10G. Alhs-Ch.nmors crawier tractor, Model jD-10W. Serial No. 5705, equipped with operator's I'uard; visj;t" Ci-4 Carro towin winch; I aacson hydraulic biade control; angle dozer C frame and custom built seven tooth land cleanm: blade. Further particulars are, obtainable upon application to Mr. A. R. Tarves. District A'lri- , eulturist, Quesnel. Oilers will be .subject ti V. S.S. & M A. tax, and must in-1 (lirale rlearlv' the Unit num-' ber as the tra"tors are to be j fold as individual units. The highest or anv offer not necessarily a"repted. PURCHASING COMMISSION, 1 PARLIAMENT BUILDI.NG3. I VICTORIA, B.C. (Hi ' ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU CfAUiCe, DAWES FOOD VX ) Tj?': ? w ; fOU TAKE Ot T OKlif Its rifONF. JW Vp e BROADWAY CAFE Pre-bvlr-riaii Ciiiirc! Spring ; Sale, Aiuil 3. Lesion Aa.xi!; ary Sale April 9. Job'.-April Laarhiers Foster tea, ; Women ioe Spiinj Bazaar am I Tru, id 17. Cathf 'al Sp. lair Bazaar, April 17. The Business and Proleir,al Women's Chios first annual card party, Ii,n,iy, March 7, Civic Centre Re:'r .s.'i.n":il.s a'.ij prizes, Soiij. s lea. May 10. BIKTH NOT1CI1 McLEOD Born to F L and Mrs. Jarvi.s H. McLhud. Vancou- ver. B.C.. aauyr.-i ter. ltpi PhllSON fi'!'i: A.tV is .. Pr res: "B. C. ( jUio..c" ;; r) H: t. Va:roM'.er. is:j ".'ear. '3ip' WILL CA.'iE .' r during :r. Au-i'f-Ii;i FREE CATALOGUE OF ALICE GODKliM PETIT POINT CHARTS AND COMPLETE KITS FOR PICTURES. ALSO SAMPLES OF IMPORTED ENGLISH KNITTING WOOLS. VOOLCRAFT, LMITED Dr ip a card to c,2:; ii, ,Wl ;. Vancouver 1. B.C. (32c, WILL CARE .. r children durin in 'i':l home. Box llfib, Llta'i i:i 15. 1 33 pi i AGENTS WANTED AM'MI? U'i'J1n t.,i... . ' ders for overseas eilt Jood paid i,. Good commL-sions. I Write stal.n; a'te, occupation. Box 203. Daily News. 34e j HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Reliable man as1 Rav.lii1, Deal. r. A fine on- ' port unity ity to s ep into a good Kaw leii'h rli liu.-unesi where the', Produ ts have been sold fori aiiiior 40 years Experience not neee-sarv. Writ" Rawleich's, Dept. WCi B-H13-103. Winni-i pi ' . OFENING lor apprentice in piintii,.' trade. Good opportunity for capable,, conscientious, yoiii,;; nun interested in leannn u! trade. Hit;n School education desirable. Apply Dailv New.s. tene HI1I.P WASTED FEMALE WAITRESS urgently reriuired. Top wnufvi. fjuod hours. Aoply Scotty's Sna:k Bar. 'nil FOIt SALE FURNITUnE lor Sale Bedroom rutis. radio.,, Lhest of drawers, heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Low- 1 ist possible pri:e.s. B. C. Fur-i niture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Second hand inghouse washing machine, four years old. Gyrator 'action. In good running order, $75.00. 1183 Ambrose. (34p) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best quality made, all sizes, priced very reasonably, i B. C. Clothiers. (tf) FOR f.AI.E Universal 90 HP. Crui'or 15 marine engine. 12 vii it i'-iiition. Appiy 1303 Overlook. ' (34pl FOR SALE Reconditioned fur , coals $25 00 and up Fowlie-. Ruttie Ltd., 3rd Ave. (45c) I ' Kci:;ir ;n:(! r" J , t li,m,. in'eri ' l'1.' in' ' -.(.Ik of nil k' 1,1 V, E.' imati-; niveri o it , - Roofing-Renovating Foundations GREEK & BRSDDEI1 Lu P()M i 2LV-1st Ave. W. -J i r -Z" i imm I V". f !?"' -j 1 tt j mk riionc !)!!' msre&m jA-tv)-: Art -'': DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe You! ''!: LL.VVHV IX) VOU ) COOK THEM ( OR US r WHEN VOU KNOW r WE ALL HATE 1-7-.-, 1HEM AMD ' ' -J'J, -THEM? mtM ? r f , I c A WILFORPj ELECTR!CLVC Motors and Gc Rewound end i MOTORS j N BOt'CIIT And s ' New and K''tei" ; (leiieraliir r ,0 6 - 12 - I'H f lav 11117 i RAP'VliPS--) V UGH .' , 7 alte r which date I shall proceed to Re: Certificate of Title No. 2203-1 to distribute the estate to those en-I,ots Nine (91 and Ten ( !0), , titl d by law, having regard only to Block Twenty-eiKh nil. Sec- such claims of which I shall then tion (8, City of Princa Rupert. , have been notified. Mi,P 9a3. , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that WHEREAS satisfactory proof of all persons indehted to said esinie I T0: t V" ' rti' j i J loss of the above Ccrtlfccate of Title in-siieu in ine inline 01 William v, , nancy nas oeen nied in tins omce, nonce is nereuy piven tnut i snail. at, the expiration of one month from tlic date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of Raid lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in wilting. DATED at the Land Keitlairy Office Prince Ktinert, B C, this 20th day of January, 1052. A D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy JfeRlstrar of Title. AUCTIONEER Prion Green 810 and Red 127 FOR SALE -Prewar walnut bedroom .suite. Phone Black 310. (33p) r, j-lt. j .... i.--V I - ,1 r i i i i-- ij 'iii i I (sop) I from tlvelr luiiL's. !t