"1 lil re may Prince Rupert Daily fes and REMlNiCrJ As I See It -114 Tuesday, July 21, 1953 Radio-Phones To Direct Boats On Big Canal MONTREAL (CP) Canadian I.ll.l ... . Pii.ice Rupert showed a boost I of six and a hulf million bush- els in wheat shipping this sea-Iron. The total may equal or surpass that much in future i,.,.:,ii The nnint. is tills IKirt hUS u. 4a Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert , , . and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation " ' Canadian Dally Newspaper Assocletlon. i J",' Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. ,." J. P. MAQOR. President H. a. PERRY. Vice-President Department of Transport otfi- nil the otheV tombs. In Concord fe shbT, he asKeu abo4f ' Pierce, president a c viou;,ly. A cluzcn rem'." t nly Franklin he km. Franklin r. Rnosewu N.Y., he iliqolied ,' liiH Rtation atUinim fcs v ass "'..M.. Subscription Rates: ,. iy carrier Per woek. 25c; per month. 1.00; per year, 10.00. r' ly mall Per month. 75c; per year. 8 00. clals have put into operation a ,;,,.. h,.t1 thl, Kl:l(,(. w),n the traffic-control system nn Minit- s t.lKo ,,s u nlut. teal's I.achiiie (filial which they ,.,.,, ' hope will make lake skippers j J the envy of harassed motorist, j . ,.lv,,. iiv WMK " lutnorlzed as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. i'resideni Chester n .t .... i "'iiiy One of life's inalor surprises 1 awaits the Kill who weds he-came .she's tired of w.;rklni. iini ii u nno recelVl'd trie "The president? rw a new one on tiie'" For though no one has yet found an effective way of .-.topping week-end leaf fir tarns on the city's road approaches, tlv Transient, Department believes now it will be able to slop traffic snarl-up on Montreal's only effiM'tlve water link with the Oreat Lakes, Their soluti'Ml- Uif lileh-fi' queuey ladlo telephones Ih'-twoen hhlp and .shore. One heai'i hi Ottawa that the tAO old aire pensions appear in ur riMiiiui; a national burden. To avoid what might become an (meiffiuy, the best thlliK to do ! ; til Y,7 ij- forget It and annoenei' h $B0 pension, iffetlve Immediately. PRECEDE PRIl.PROTT PrtAOE 2 . . (The following column, lirst of four Rxirst columns which will appear In this space between now ami August 6. is written by Mr.i Ln-ulni- Johnston. Progressive Conservative cundtdate lor Vancouver South la the Aug. 10 letti'iul election ) MV I'KRRONAl, thanks to Kl-moi e I'hilpoli fur liis generosity tn permuting his opposing (.undWlej to c.uire his column timing the election. His scholarly manner in conducting a political campaign belongs to the sclH-ol ol politics in which I was tutored by my father, the late Adam Smith Johnston. THE MAIN ISSUE in this campaign is simple. Is the Liberal (ovei nmeiit giving you, the taxpayers, sound economical gov I ,.,, TP M i l M l) IfOI'TK I linve a cur- for boredom 1 J -si -1 ONE ALMOST SI RE WAY to save money Is to be a lighthouse keeper. The earliest lighthouse on record, and Mill operating, 1: this 82-foot stone tower at Sambo on the aouUi roast of Nutb Scotia. (CP PHOTOt Thrill Thrust on 1,150 Keepers How well it will wo. k remains ; (),;,( am never tail, it is made to be sern, but me thln every - up of 10 rules. Uo out moons one agrees on Is Unit im. lhli u. ' ( ani1 ,,,.(,, (11)P tad V tw done. The seven-mile ' ' "'lie - an le hap eanal, widen bv imsses the stormy Ijiehine Rapids to eon- , iuii t'alt. nert the port of Montreal with ; Uke Kt louis Ui the west, has VVr" K Ift AKI) lF IT lieeome one of Cannda'R most i'" haps, in the United Rlate, heavily travelled stetxlies of biifoi'. l(,n, a man will Iih In-waor ceriiiUitisly ut a luiKe mounted ' ii is : Ot Canada's Lonely Lighthouses ernment for every tax doll h.n o mehi it-uf-' ' that had been caugnt in CoriKestlon II,.. i. ..,!. of Prince Rupert. you pay to the treasury of the f-,WAiai rr, riV.l t..4 t.. Uu.r...n..l aoH n ranvuii n. .11.... i. ... a I., 11 t UFltlrO ' ifir.'i Liberal government? virtue ninnnc Canada's liolit-' Point on Vancouver island, am) kivirt f raved temoers among ,i,v""' (ourlst xirt, and he will low voice: "The party in Outboard Met' f l tvrritV prtormonc, at tvtt 94 tow toil to ft : j T)0 Coiv t-rvil ive nnrt.v In the ..' , w ii. ,.i....4 u. 1 it,.! 1 -iiiikr4 ;5av III ' liuu.-il 11001 rrirr n 111 hmi 'llOUSe Keepers US oil ,,. , ,.,,,,,,1,1 II,.,, h iia House of Commons lor the pat.t ; ,hpm by isolatlon il0 Re.soiution Island noiiheasl ! At peak Periods when heavy,"" s Scouts Set Example AJtYTll boys coming from all over the world to VY attend the Boy Scout Jamboree at Ot tawa, the bought is provoked that in a movement such as .his may lie the secret of peace and global friendship which man has sought since the first dawn of history. At Ottawa there will be no question of national, religious, economic or color supremacy. The boys will work and have fun together as they form acquaintances in the quick and friendly manner that seems to characterize the young more than the adult. They have a lesson for us if we care to heed it. It is unlikely that we will. For for reason, the differences that exist between the countries of the world are given more emphasis than their common interests. The principle of competition is apparently rriore important than that of mutual endeavor. Because of this, the belligerent leader is often considered a stronger and more worthy man than the one who has the courage to concede a point if it means an amicable and fair solution. When the Jamboree ends, the boys will be reluctant to say goodbye to their new friends. If international meetings of state were adjourned in the same spirit of reluctance, the chances are that Ave would have at last located the road to permanent peace. Letters Boost Morale to Bill Boss, Canadian Press correspondent ACCORDING in Korea, Canadians fighting there have a complaint which should never be allowed to arise. It is that they are not hearing often enough from home. jour yeais nua Liuogru iui, There m- nnnrnv ma e v 1 M of llud.mn Hnv. in n sll Dllieins are moviim The father of the famous down the river, and empty ships j Jl : nS :mm or applicants Wow trotting, nothing ipetd r J ((rmmkol motor. Stt if K mavliix westwards, theic.""" " wmiwi r are - , V. uanaaa ana vne maximum pay There are generally more ap- the that you, yourself, spend ' " ' v " ' " fnmientlv oueues at txitii rate is $3,500 yeariy. In many d-UJ flto tot fcf1l weekly pay cheque. marine service offi-1 ',li,'li,,t for U",n ".i,u"" .end of the canal as v,sselsj' School Bay Howler studio. : cases, ' say Since 1S50 to the Conservative j cla,s of the transport depnrl. I available, though it varies ae- ; wlt MMn,.t(mM f(,r hours, Rovil messenger to two can party has presented to the ment, lighthouse keepers in re-i corning 10 loraiiues. in arras enter tne kicks. mole areas have little chance tolrlo.se to settlements would-be . ,-sf roNCFSTION House motions deploring the nibals about to heave u luscious blonde Into the kettle: "Hold It! new; The chief wants, his breakfast extravagance and waste in gov " spend money. And dwellings, tm, lighthouse keepers are nunier- officials believe the ernment expenditures. E a c are provided In such places. In bed."-Ex. oils-: in wnmy and wet areas a phone system -mreany .n op-long "atlor , .Wetland and at way from human hablta-; $225( RUPERT i AND ELECT? . 313 Third Ave. A NEW ONE! j W. H. Rapp of Philadelphia, an ndverti.simr man. noted at a .lion there are fewer applicants. U()n wlln lhrPe m(,n n duty, I Tlr earliest lighthouse on rarn working an eight-hour Lighthouses are to be found i in lonely spots from Cape Race CNR Completes Plan to Train i record and still operating Is shift, captains will be able to broadcast that a couple lost a telephone the canal's traffic jn()0 because thev did I the 82-foot stone tower at Sam the south eoast of Nova ' S"1":" ."L lto3flnr.nii?5 nt ""ZiV" bur,',l.ttt.t,M! down the lake to una 0111 now Hermitage, old home of Anarew i bro on Phone 644 ? motion, as it appeared, was quickly voted down by the huge Liberal majority, with not one Liberal member disagreeing with the Liberal whip's instructions. In presenting to you the evidence of the charge by the Conservative party of waste and extravagance, I wish to remind you of the Currie report, the McNab report of 1949 (which wjs broue.ht to light only in 1953). Apart from these reports, there Is evidence to indicate that the Liberal government " Is ,, , has . been . j. . to 'Scotia. U a guide Jackson. Rapp was astounded, New Executives the traffic is movlni; throiiKii the locks. Said Jean Caret lo, canal superintendent: "Wes just work-lne In a leuiporary set-up now. transatlantic ship:: since 1758. i In IK08 the first Inland watr-'ways light was built when Kir iFranrls Oore was lleutenant- MONTREAL (CP) Canada'; dovernor of Upper Canada. It is but soon we'll have everything publicly-owned railway system VAiir )r1AN Ia 3 hr'i ooerating toilay, at Gibraltar ! rpacV l() p.iss on tne tnfornia- :i i it iiiiii lint:!!!! in n 1 n Point Toronto Island. In 1833 evpnotivB nffir him enmnici. i on ,n m)U,ins require.' Ullbll ivmi w h v 1 1 aw M v : .h i v,,'i,o i r, a linht was raised at Point Peter j not making an effort to CANADA IS GOING PLACES f in the Picton, Out., district and! r, j Znm. training. During the last fifteen years, money has been 'J New A group of 47 promising l?""" ViTJ'rt,!,: AUCKLAND. N.Z. P - poured into Canadian business to a ddjrer down on Kovernmenl costs fori non-defense departments. The Liberal government estimates spending over $8 million a day for non-defense expenditures. previously unparalleled. Investors, ttt young employees from various j"' 'K il aAn Zealanders think there must be parts of Canada were put V?ay. ln tnere re abo,ut of w'1' ',, ; something remarkable In bee-through a six-week courne de-!"" """anon, , keeoi.m since bee-keeper Kir vised by officials of the Cana-! 0 are tended by keepers. The aml aP nave dlan National Railways ln eon-j remainder of the lights are auto- reached the top of Everest fot Mk:i and Canadian, have shown an active , Interest In sharing in Canada's future. sultatlon with business educa-! nlauc- . . . .'Another bee-keeper, Maurice 1S I. . r, .'5 ik' Hi. iu. The transport department an Increase of over $1 million per day from last year's estimates. THE CURRIE REPORT was filed at the request of the (f J You- " m!,y snare 1,1 lnat future aim no I iL at very little risk. Canadian Investment Func lyrj Ltd. shares represent an Interest in ever Oj L Gordon, won the Nez Zealand rlfle-shoollng championship, ami will try for tlv King's Prize at Bisley In England in July. t "1 Canada's strongest companies. This Interest 1I lr constantly siijervised by experts in the fifM I yTi of Canadian investments. Under their Kiiitl- . yrl iiiiice, the portfolio of storks owned by CI F If J llc,'l,t attuned to the ti?mls and outlook of Uw I I (market and corporate enrninRS. ,As Canada rocs ah"iid, so does Canadian J 3 (Investment Fund. Why don't you go with it f -Why don't yoii hitch ymir wagon to a star? ' 51 Mail lliis coitptw lotltix for particulars '1 hopes, when it signs a new llght-ioii.m man, to keep him for life. Frequently applicants know the region where a vacancy occurs tides and fogs, winds and reefs, tn some rases rare of the Uf 111 Is handed down from father to, 5KHI. often for three or four generations. A good keeper Is expected to look after his lighthouse and dwellinf In the same way os ordinary householders tend thMr homes. lighthouse attendants believe, like their oldtime counterpaiti that "the light must not fall." But today there are more h.-lps In this respect. Duplicate power plants and duplicate fo alarms cut chance of light failure to a turn experts at the University of Western Ontario. Results of the course, first of its kind ever sponsored by the ailway, will be watched chwe-ly. If results warrant Uie move, 1 permanent Canadian National staff college will be established. . MANY IH E TO RETIRE The CNR, with 128,000 employees from coast to coast, has 1,100 supervisory officers. Many if them will retire within the lext 15 year.j. The course was designed to irovide suitable replacements. Divided Into three parts, the .ourse took student executives 0 Montreal, Western University fit London, Out., and Bishop's University at Lentloxviile, Que. The first part of the course, iven in Montreal, consisted of lectures and discussions on The fact that this is not a new problem among troops in active combat does not excuse it. In the Korean war especially, those who are participating have a grim and unpleasant task. As Mr. Boss phrases it: "This is a wearing, wearying war just as trying on the soldier as fluid mobile warfare. It's harder on the nerve to sit and take if than to be up and at them. There's no change of scenery, or even of conversation. Apart from his five-day leave in Japan once in his year abroad, the soldier lives in a narrow, unrelieved world." The tough part about the Korean war apart from its remote and bleak locale, is that it offers no prospect of a solid victory which would give a real meaning to the whole engagement. It is a standing action, designed more to hold on than go ahead. Those in it must wonder why they are, yet it is impossible that they be withdrawn until a conclusion is reached. Under the circumstances, the problem of morale is an acute one., More letters from home will not call if or mtehxtja effH'l9&$WUf4heHiyHV hut will do wonders for tW recipients. Let us not neglect them. OTTAWA DIARY McMAHON 1 BURNS Liberal government. After "certain irregularities" amounting to good old-fashioned theft a1 one army camp were reported bv on anonymous phone call to the RCMP, the Liberal government engaged the services of a well-known chartered accountant and a former deputy mln-i'-tpr of the department of national defense to investigate the Irregularities" at Petawawa. Mr" Currie did as he was in-Hlvucttd and tne result of his finds are known to. all. A committee of the members of the Hon :e was then appointed review Mr. Curries findines vr-. Currie appeared before this t cei'il committee and the final report of the 'ommittee endorsed he original findings namely, incompetence of man ITD. I: Vntur , 1, I ,f C. ft j ' W.il rnd Si BEST OF FOOD FINfcST OF COOKING K(IK TAKE (It T (HUM It Phone 200 Broadway Cafe CITY . minimum. Keepers are mostly married 1 men. Transport officials des Company, history, competitive WjiWi3'lc .-.rolilUrtKi,. imr-. agement at the camp which re ylA Winvmeuimi;!, legal promem'i cribe them as "steady types." HEALTHY LIFE . .. While there Js .occaslotiiifloss ol life among the group due lo the Job Itself, the occupation Is described as "safer than driving and company policies- ; " ftCtSt (7 0 ADMINISTRATION - The second phase at University of Western Ontario dealt With the principles of adminls- H-ntlnn ftrpniml illir rnrliil rn on a highway. ;.' When loss of fltti&Atl AvH til Lord Calveri sulted in thieving and waste; of (iefense materials. The McNab report was made in 1949 at the request of the Liberal government. Its findings, which came to public light in 1953 four years later verified and confirmed the Currie report made in 1902. On March 16, 1953. the prime minister, replying to the demand of Mr. Davie Fulton that the McNab report be filed, stated "the associate minister of is usually by drowning. Longevity, ....., n, , .,... . ,,, ii,,i,iV. niarketing, public relations and ; '" ""- financial management. I kte"7 8 life, i!i I healthy one, is the rule. The third stage, at Bishop's ' 1,1 some lsla,u1 lighthouses University, covered actual prub-I Inns encountered in railway "-.pers ra cet ashore to bring There used to be a time when j Saskatchewan riding of Melfort Rt. Hon. J. G. Gardiner was re- was elminated. Its MP was Percy garded as one of the "miracle 1 Wright, the wheat expert pf the men" of Canadian politics. It CCP group. In the redistribution wasn't too long ago right up, Wright normally should have until the time that Premier T. C. chosen to run in Humbolt riding. I In supplies. In other remote management. Donald Gordon, president bf;l,mceE u"'s " ""!'"' 'lly i national defense Mr. R. O. uougias and his CCF cohorts since the majority of his old took over in Saskatchewan poli-, riding was affiliated there, In tick. That sad event sad at least In the annals of the old-line parties was the beginning eluding the town in which he lives. Instead, he chose to run in Melville, where he doesn't live. the CNR, described the course -snllis oring 111 neecieu goons as one that gave promising em- Most difficult areas, say marine ployees an opportunity to gain officials, are n'onff the British wider perspective; to study t.-e ITlfthehas been an In-science and practise the arts cf L,rease in recellt ypars ln n,.w management under laboratory I equipment, many lights working conditions. : ,; under remote control or auto-No formal examinations were I matlcally, there is little chance 01 the end for Rt. Hon. "Jtmrnie where only a fraction of his old Campneyi positively stated that there wvs no report on record in their department containing the language read into the record by the Hon. Member for Kamloops Mr. Fulton)." WHILE the prime minister was speaking, the Ottawa Journal rppeared on the streets carrying an interview with Mr. Nab himself, confirming the report had been filed. The Progressive Conservative members called for production of the report, which was refused. modernization win ever replace the lighthouse keejier himself. A spokesman said: "Mechanical equipment can fall. There Is 110 substitute for personal Since It happened the formld- riding is represented, and where able Gardiner reputation has I Agricultural Minister Gardiner lost much of its old-time magic, j has been the perennial choice as Now "Jimmle" Gardiner Is en- . MP ever since he entered Federal Joying an unexpected opportun- .politics. lty to win back his old-time mtr- Percy Wright cither wasn't acle status. A!l he has to do Is to ! intimidated by the Gardiner le-win election personally in Mel-jgend, or else he relied upon the ville on August loth neKt. Gardiner political touch having If he does so, It will be as great ' lost Its maeic over the vears. taken to test the results of the course. Mr. Gordon said the re-gulls would show ln the work of the men when they returned to their posts. In refusing this request, Mr. 1 a miracle as has been performed Nevertheless, the report via the in Canadian politics since an un- I political grape-vine ever since St. Laurent stated on the same day (March 16, 19531 that his government was required to known figure by the name of the campaign opened has been that the Minister of Agriculture was a little more than holding his own in a particularly stiff produce to Parliament only such Information as a majority Garfield Case trimmed Defence Minister A. G. L. McNaughton in the North Grey by-election in he midst of World War Two. right. But any surcess he was having was attributed to his promises around the riding that he reason a victory for the lister of Agriculture will rank a political miracle in the vote might force them to do. Again the huge Liberal ma j Jonty, and no dissenting Liberal i voice, voted to not produce the I report. This was the same pro- j cedure which met the motion j of the official opposition to have a full Inquiry Into the de- j partment of national defense , expenditure. j Why Is the Literal govern- j the Liberal Government would build the Bouth Saskatchewan power and Irrigation scheme. Then some days ago the Prime Minister spoke in Eajvk.aUl.ewan You'll find that memlicrs of Canada's most ilislinguislierf cluliii call for Canada's most distinguished whisky . . . Lord Calvert. For superb quality . . . add the smoothest highball you've ever tasted . . . alwtiijs tall fur Lord Calvert! Lord Calvert All members of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2310 are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, R. S. Traquar- Past Master, on Wednesday, July 22, at 2 p.m., D.C. Undertakers. Sojourning brethren invited, i Signed, J. DAVIDSON, Secretary. to lis i 11 present campaign is mainly Prime Minister L. 8. St. Laurent. The fact that the head of the government is the chief factor which his Cabinet colleague must overcome may strike the outsider in politics as difficult to understand. It undoubtedly strikes Mr Oardiner the same way. To apperciate the situation It Is necessary to understand that in -the last ' redistribution the and repudiated the Gardiner pledges. That makes Oardiner strictly a miracle man if he can win. Parliament Hill Isn't betting ment afraid to Investigate the entire defense department? On his chance. Furthermore, It Isn't betting on him staying In ! CAlVERT DISTIUERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. the Cabinet if he does survive The first airplane flight by Wilbur and Orvllle Wright in 1803 covered only 281 yards. 1HI AOVmnMMINI It NOl fUHHMlB OK CWfUIIO IV IHi UbUOt tUNIHOl UAKU M IT Iht tf VWNMtNl i l""" his August 10 crisis. , f .i ..1 ill