Tue&day.Muly 21, 1803 .. .OUIBA? Wednesday, 7 p, BVi"lTY v, lV mcyer, Hughes Combine io Piuii Second Dodger Shutout in 7 Years STANKY NAMtS 4 CLUBS AS CONTENDERS IN RACE HKW Yl iRIC APi-rddie r.lanky says he expects four clubs to frtit It out, for the National LenRue prnnunt ncl lie wouldn't be at all surr-im-d if another playoff is necessary to decide the ( ii'inipion. , , Besides his own Cardinals, the St. Iouls manager picked the Erooklyn Dodgers, Philadelphia Thillies nnd New York Giants to be In the thick of th? race i ic lit down to the end. ment of pitchers. sontp-t 9-4 as Sieve Bilko broke Kus Mcyrr and Jim JIu".hes a batting .slump with two home -ombincd Monday night to pitch iuns and a pair of .-.ingles. the second Dodger shutout in , have a GOOD RU BOTH Ll'CKY Meyer and Hushes Berc lucky ' ; v HKN rHLKGAR ' AsiiOctated Pre: Spol U Wrltrr fji.,..u ut uie National Lraguc's be t pitching magic must have Ijob'.-u oft on cheerful Charlie Dreiscn at the aJ-star game. pr associating with the liUes of Robin Roberts, Warren Stalin and Co., Charlie has come home to Brooklyn ai)d with a hv. ul l lie hand the one he Uj,ed to wag frantically at the bt.i.p'jn he a suddenly converted a -staff of throwers into a i naolv-dangerous assort o gel cut ( f the n.nlh Inning' without being scored upon since .lie ww-i luiu w...o oaln-io reach-1 ed first ba.se. tacne miksis started it with a double; Dee Fondy walked. Ralph' Kincr singled and Raiuty Jacs- ;cven games, a wve-h.it 3-0 effort auair.l Chicago Cubs that stretched the Brooklyn lead over .lie id e Milwaukee Eruvcs to 3li anics. The only other action Monday was in Pittsburgh, where the Pirates preserved their lead In a suspended Sunday game to beat St. Louis Cardinals 6-4 and then bowed in a regularly scheduled SPORTS ROUND-UP f V 1 I Kv JACK HANI) v V'l-rv. oA It-1 sVE " . ,' . - A .sons sinking liner fell in front of rightficlder Don Thompson. By now there were two men out. I itnpaas bleV Not in Brooklyn, j Miksis' double was legitimate. iSo was fonuys walk. But Kindt's blow, a screaming knee-high NKW YOIlK,(AP) Happy Chandler was in town during Ihe week-end, beaming his best "Ah love baseball" beam while the Ebbets Field organ pealed "My Old Kentucky Home." OUTDOORS Will, m hi - .1 w f f "W' Th" splendid spring salmon got. away serins futile, none the drive toward centre field, struck l;i ken recently by an American 1 1 iinist under auspices of guide I jury St an wood is a pretty de- V.-Jr '.,s. -? finite indication of the superb less Wr big follow is most lifcoly Miksis on the lrg. The base run-to do mst this with his superior ner was out automatically, the strength; your columnist knows ball was dead and the rules u. ...,.. llieoe cases. but has credit Kincr with a single. iv iinind u tell of fhem; now With Fondy on second and the whole picture Is clear. j Kmcr on first, Drcsssn switched ,,f Iroin Meyer to Hughes. Jackson rent in dealings with owner.4 nH league officials. "f don't want nnv Inh. I'm ni '""kin" for anything If I could 'aolp th( players with my ad-'i:-e. without cost. I would be nl.ad to do it. Several players on both rlubs talked with me. "There are some people who Tinppy has been miking him- ; -Hf scarce around the baseball j scene since he "resigned" na i npimis.-;ionrr in lPSl. nftcr th" owners failed to rc-ele t him. j "They have been two f""t j em." he said. "I've kept busy i uhli.shin" my little old country -per, raising tobacco, running j nv radio station . . . I'm in lh tn-"rance busiiiT too. vice- 1 ) ...ily ot ihe sporl fishing to be 1'. .(I ritfht here In the harbor. Those who seek knowledge as l( local fishirg are aware of epi-$odcs in which large salmon are i t by youngsters and others v lie are inadequately equipped in .sit' h encounters, lines are mm Jff) springs from Cloyah who almost certainly spend their whole life cycle within a few miles of the brrl in which they were hatched, they come to foed around the lonped one over the infield that fell in short riaht for an apparent hit, but Kiner held too long at first and was forced at second by liioinpsons tniow. j The victory was the sixth In want me to assist them buy the Cubs. Mv information is that Wriclcy lowner Phil Wiig-lry) would sell to the ri?ht peo broken, rods torn from shaking president nnd board director of the same company that Earl Coombs is with since he quit baseball." ' various packing plants (which h i, ids, salmon take a quick turn maintain schools of small fishes fevcn games for Brooklyn since ple for the right price. We have the all-star break. r....oiiu a float piling ana leave thc year around), in consequence i.ip misiraiea angier wisning ne they take on mucn largsr propol.. Chandler cnioyed himself, j swimming In old memories, ns .. . . il ps - ' 1isplT1 by the Lliuor i Vwrd or b the Gowae HrllKb Columiila. talked with Jimmy Oallcgher i Cubs' general manager) but . not with Phil. I can't tc'.l you anything more about it no-v. had a boat. YOU CAN'T SEF. IT but there's artificial snow beneath soaring Art; Tnkle. The chnmrion skier represented the Norse Ski Club o Chicago at the annual Lakj Placid Fourth of July Ski Jumping Contest, held in a temperature of nearly 80 degrees. Five thou ;;ind delighted but perspiring spectators were on hand for thr? rr?ost unusual sporting event staged on the North American continent. the big one that To write of he sat with Wilter n'Mal!"v. owner of the Dodders Liter he Dailr News ml Ail WU But I'm merely helping. ' WiNS FOURTH GAME ' For the Pirates Paul Lapalme picked up where he lett oil Sun-clay anu pilonci l jur more scoru-x.o inn:ngs to win his fourth game. The Cards had been at bat in the sixth with one out when ihe fcunday curlew forced a halt. went on television with Bed tlons than ocean salmon whose hunt for feed is sterner than our harbor fish, and the Stanwood fish is likely an example of a fish preparing to spawn this fall I in Its native Cloyah in its fourth and final year of life. MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS CHILDREN'S SHOES by In the regular game Pittsburgh Joe ueaaes again picked up ai Barber, visited the clubhouse to tnlk with the players r.nd umpires. Then, to cm it off. he i ode h-x-k to town In a cm wl; n Ftan Muslnl and Bed Schocn-dienst cf St. Louis Cardinals. Chandler's visit to thc DoriTrr rl'ihhnn.so wasn't p'irely a sot i 1 nil. The nlv"rs who "ee t;i couple of 15-pounders by trolling Jumped ofl ahead with four runs. Hollywood Opens Crucial Series With San Francisco m me in. st inning against Stu on Sunday, right by the Yacht. , Club- it wou;.I anpear that. th?c '.Si. ViHiC tiy The Caiiiidian Press National League AB R H Pet. fMiociKlicnst, Stl 359 70 120 .334 are three-j'ear-old fbh, but scale examination would be necessary Miller, but the Cards soon caught up. bilno homered with the bases empty in the fourth and with manager Eddie Stanky aboard in the n.nlh. Peanuts Lowrey drove In two iun.5 with a triple in the shortstop his corner du-ing his f'ltile bit- By Tl i: Can Angel ilni'iing the 314 53 104 331 toT comP'ete proof of thissur- misc, t'r t" win pnoih"' teem us have lslrnor. wntei to talk about wilh an error. Joe thought he H7 ta 8l .323 livin. NY Kiii iilo. Ekn DnumholU, Chi nne a no oo. ! A nrettv niece of (rood snorts- ' tfO Ml- ..,.. -. . .Ivlh lt,r.i f'l,fff'h,ml,v. had a hit and piucceded to bang th-lr nroblcms There have been mnnsnin snnwn on nacnri i oars u..,.,.6. u,M,i.,..Ma,o STRAPS DOOTS OXrORDS out his three homers in four stories that the players wou.d times at bat. That way there like to hire Chandler as their 77."" '! a i ;i iv. e rrtcific Coast L"a'M:e 'cot', thc l!o!l v iisd Slars hipc to maUe their position ui'r e secure as 'hey op.'n a week-long scrips at S.in Franciso to-d.y a-ai.;st th" TifUi pb-e S?als. ' With wrll-pi1"' hrd itnr.ics in Hollywood's two victories ever second place S?aHle on Su.iday ond of rour at. Louis pitchers, received credit for his tir't victory of the season. Everybody gets back into the act today and tonight.. New York Yankees continue the r scoring tour through the could be no dc ibl. 1. 's An'cles. sill' recovering "r am a Sacramento home run i .-a'ilt, play.-- h'st to Oa!:l:uiJ. JOHN H. BULGER New shipment jus; and Monday's rest. Manager last week. Bob Cook got hold of a big salmon that defied him for about 90 minutes of hard battling until a bystander offered to give the wearying Bob a rest; the offer was accepted but the new contestant cculd not prevent the ouarry coming in towonTs the float. whre he quickly did Hip old "wran-p round a piling" trick and broke free. bobs comment showed no agrin but commiseration for i the unhappy volunteer, who,;e disappointment was great; better A.'hbmii, rha 343 63 111 .319 Runs: Snider, Brooklyn, Dark, N-w York and Schoendkmst, 70. . unr batted in: Campanella, ri'ooklyn, 82. , Hits: Schoenclienst, ZQ. ! ljuuhlco.- Musial, St. I oui.s, 2(1. I Triples: Bruton, MiU'aukce, 0. ' Home runs: Kluszewski, ('in-rtnnatl and Mathews, Milwaukee, 28. Stolen bases: Bruton, 15. Pitching: Buideltc, Milwaukee, .-0 1.000. Strikeouts: Roberts, Philadelphia, 107. American League Wide selection of styles Complete size rany west with a night game against Pobv Br.Tran rair,v- ta have the sinking Cleveland Indians. his mound staff in good ;hape Chicago Wliite Sox, stopped cold fr the Seals. He's named Harry Sunday by the Yank.i wnum they Fisher to piL-h thc epenrr oy-now trail by six games, entertain ;, . I'lcn. thc , rsd-hol Boston Bed Sox. Seattle' Hal.'iei ", Ibb' ri'a; 'fo Fiiilade.plna visits St. Louis and in c -:, , rfK r faii.ng 'to Wa:h.nuton is ;n D- 'roit for a . -i- v- !M 1,1 their Iv.ad'-on Remember when S r Malcoiiii ' (':nn"l)"ll raeeil li'Tr tin sands in Wales, ?H ,oai, ng'i torlay at 112.71 miles an hour to beat his 19''4 mark of 148.10 in p h. In 1935. at Utah Salt Reds, he became thc first man to travel more than 300 m.p.h. on land. i ... FASHION FOOTWEAR luck next time, fellows; that's day game. rn-a-.cmit.s wi'h the Rial , opeh Third Avcnu" John Bulqcr Ltd. fishing! In the Nalioi.ai I.ea -e rhila- at Ran Dic-n. ' dc.phia pbys host to Milwaukee Veteran Vern Klnd'-fit'v r t.-lfl in a twi-nighl twin bill, St. Louis hurl for the Rain cr.s a':: 'ur' Wf m lives to New York for a night Pa:u-t-' yiMim; left Inmlcr M'sii'. 4 I AB B II Pet. I Hera is the identification as 2(7 43 It9 .333 requested on a yery pretty red- 261 39 66 X:6 gold, black-spotted fish recently 3L'3 73 104 .322 caught in numbers at Seal Co.e; 5 J 1 SfcNP5M!lkf I'cll. Cos Cioodman. Bos ... Mino.iO, Chi Vernon, Was game, Cincinnati is in Pittsburgh m4 .355 55 113 .318 this is another of thc numerous at night and Chicago Is at Broo.,- lyn for an afternoon contest. Mantle, NY 302 68 Runs: Minoso, 73. Runs batted in: Rosen 83 .318 sub-species of th-3 Rock-fishes and Is called Eacaccio because of Clcvc- its large- but not unshapely 1 mouth. He is a very ready biter, FOR FOR Luna. Ton! inrl's Pc.T'r''" p;-i- Sic-rainenfo .j -!'-'. an rx-le.nii- . mate, Joe Hr.' ii, -Iucmi '. unload on IVm Hie v.iv 1 . ? dil , on I ns A.ircU i I'n 'l.'.v. Jit hit. tire? or.nic:. v. seven inuln-r t'pi" a vin I. th' Angeli. He was 1' k-d, 'tk n-p-v ' ed. Not at the umpires, tut at the official r.-.ircr. .toe, ;., n't g)v-;:i a hit r:i his t tr'p U the opener with Hie scorer Last Night's Fighfs By The AssMcmirU Pics Brooklyn: Randy Sand;, 155, New York, outpointed Lee Sala, 160'2, Donora, Pa., in. New Orleans: Del Flanagan, 147, St. Paul, outpointed AI i'el-legrini, 150, New Orleans, 10. Chatham, N.B.: Yvon Dubclle, 165, Baie Ste. Anne, N.B., awarded decision over Joey Gi jeco, 160. Jersey City, N.J.. 4 Clrcco for his size he makes a fair skirmish, and is a good food fish like all rock-fish. Before you ruin an expensive fly line on rusty guides that the salt water has corroded, spend a little time and money on the installation of chromium-plated guides; also remember that a glass rod will give mucli better serviee than any other kind, if used in ocean work. In trolling particularly, fibre-glass will bounce back straight with no sign of a set after many tussles land, 77. Hits: Kuenn, Detroit, 113. Doubles: Kell, 28. Triples: Rivera, Chicago, 7. Home runs: Rosen, 23. Stolen bases: Rivera, 17. Pitching: Lopat, New York, 10-1. .909. Strikeouts: Pierre, Chicago, 97 SPORTSMAN'S PIGESTV TROPHY FISH HEADS refused to answer bell. opjoA.Annr.T Fred E. Dcvdie with heavy fish. The wallod city of Ravenna, Italy, was a Roman naval s.alion on the Adriatic in the lime ol Agustus. 'niip Ilulliiins r.iue -m m i rii'iiv . REMOVE EYES REMOVE ' FLESH AND " IMPROVED ECONOMICAL A simple way to rinse a linen line In fresh water is to pass the end through the eye of a heavy sinker, drop it in a pail of clean water, then draw It off the spool on to the line drier. When purchasing casting line for that up-country trip, specify hard-braid GILLS - f a -.lW V Going Pieces ed line, this will not cling to the 'c!i-ig f r -i.h V j i rliicc Uupert '3 Go by air and arrive sooner, f1 and rested. Fiying lime frum P t rod nor absorb a lot of water; the newest typos of very limp mono-filament nylon will work well on the ordinary spool-type casting reel, but do not expect good results from Ihe wiry stuff that is best used for leaders. . VANCOUVER 3': h-s. MOUTH SRJKU.tr"" open with a stick during treats ment. remove when finished. Prepare head as above, then soak in a solution of 3 formalin and a3 water for 3 days. then rinse well with clean water before soaking in a fresh formalin solution, ixed as before, for 2 oa vs. then rinse again and let drv a week or two. finish with 3 coats of shellac. let each coat dry before the next PRINCE GEORGE 5Vi -$. ::i i gives me MONEY-SAVING MILEAGE!" More and more B.C. motorists arc finding that Esso gives mileage economy, cy starting, lively power. If you use a regular J gives mc GREATER POWER!" If you use a premium grade gasoline, you can't buy better premium grade gasoline in B.C. than improved Esso Extra ! Esso Extra gives more surging power, more flashing acceleration,??? overall performance than ever before ! " HONOLULU 13'2 hs. 2 2 TORONTO 134 h,s. iC? 70 -via Vancouver " via Edinontoi Let the Canadian Pacific Virllns iir'-i hdi' you plan yur entire trip. IL? will gladly make all arrangenicnts, provida complete through ticket servi c r.o mutter whre you want go. Phone 705 for Information and reservations. Canadian PaeUk Baseball Tonight 6:45 p.m. GORDON AXDFRSON vs ESQUIRES This 6me previously postponed. grade gasoline, you can't mate a better b YoU MAY HAVE SEEN DRIED FISH HEADS NAILED UP AROUND FISHING CAMPS. THIS METHOD WILL PRESERVE THEM BEST. in B.C. than economical Esso V TONIGHT lift Mrs AA A Shipley I M PER I A m w i mm J.:bcrol Condidatc for Tcmskomlng Major J. S. Peterson Liberal Candidate for Elg'n I'CF.P.R. - 8:00 ro$T Z AND TRANS-CANADA NETWORK. Published by the NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION OF CANADA f4RE.CANAD,ANS US 9 AND SS0 ETRA THAN ANY OTHER GASOJf !' i .1 . '