"V. ri'ii'rf PMpcff Winy lc,V3 l 'wstiay. July 2i ,iS Today's Stock " ' a "f " r 1 " f ' r' i?-ilaaa --'T'ii"if ' T7 7.fc ...-".-WAmMbV BUSINESS AnJ PROFESSIONAL f Courts . Jhntet ' - v.-i, M - A, ;. '":': 10 IS III l ' 1 M f A. 'lirJ3 VANCOUVER American Standard Bralorne . B R X KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 U U l Cariboo Quartx 1.05 Congress 09 Cronln Babine 10 Giant Mascot 50 Indian Mines 5", Pioneer 1.85 Premier Border 07 Privateer .3'2 Reeves McDonald 1.95 ft I 1 , If A it X ;V t DAY PREVIOUS DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. lttSi-3-,. phone . 383 MESSENGER PICK-IP AND DELIVERY Sheep Creek .... fillbak Premier r.r..r."'. .12 ' 10 H'NERAL NOTICES Z HELP WANTED FEMALE Vanandn 2'4 ? I Classified Kates f. time 4:30 pm. clay previous 37 ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and board for two young men. 1443 6th East. 169 5 Spud VrtH.'y Silver Standard 92 ' I . ,, I? TRAQUA1R In the city Monday, July 20. 1953. Robert Stuart, ttKi! 68 years, beloved husbnnrt ubllimlmi. :I ti-nt Pr word per In- HOMES FOR SALE ,,u nilnlmmii chaise Ml cent. 40 ,tol Mm. Louise R. Traquair, 1533 riKK"ii nvf., unu ueiuveu lam ikx l)i-:itn rioucefi, Vutwnl ruii?rtM , n MurrliiKft Hnd KngaKemrnt ,. -ii'-.-nts. :"" j IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETF WORK, kenl of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 noon, July 24th, for the position of Engineer's Clerk and Switchboard Operator. Duties to consist of operating office switchboard, jjitpaitttion of payrolls, lubur distribution, and typing. Applicant must state cge, marital status, experience and date available. K. W. Long, City Clerk. U69) FOUR-ROOM house. Electricity, new well, basement dug out. On acre. Full price $2400.00 Terms can be arranged. Apply : Box 584, Terrace, B.C. U70pH Western Uranium 2.30 Rll-Vnn 46 Dorreen ,'' Estella .56 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.75 A P Consolidated 28 Cnlmont 1.22 Central Leduc 2.80 Mercury 16 Okalta 250 Pac.mc Pete 10 15 Royal Canadian 12' er or Mrs, James N. (Margaret! McKeown, Burns lake RT (Services will he conducted at Grenville Court Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday. July ?2. with IfJ-v. Fred Antrobus officiating. Interment to follow In Fuirview Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers In rlmnfe of arrangements. ill) i JJi..p!uy domile price.. No Kffund.-i villi not accept responslhlllty isKifli d art liiwrted incorrectly .u-r wrong clesnllicatlon unless iilon ol Mich en-ora la waived , 24 hours ut tlrnt Inarrtloti. family house. 317 for CONVENIENT Phone Blue lars. 24 SITUATIONS WTO MALE lohn f- L. Hughes, D.C, CHIROPRACTOit Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 )' 2 1 - 2i Besner Block -Phone B'.ue 442 13 PERSONAL THREE-BEDROOM home for $1 ,000 down. Easy terms. Fhc-ne Blue 319. , .'172 42 WANTED TO RENT - OOOD all-around office clerk seeks permanent position. Phone Blue 2136 evenings, or write Eric S. Martin (Outdoors With Marly l, 1381 First Overlook. (16Bp) CONTACT Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 1511. Prince Rupert, or phone Blue 959. (189c) 14 BCSINESS PERSONALS WANTED by working couple-Three -room semi-furnished anartment or small house by ANT AD REPLIES ; arc holding replies the following News boxes: TORONTO Athona 12 Aumaque 1334 Bevcourt 38 Buffalo Canadian . .18 Consolidated Smelters.. 27.00 Conwest 4.50 Dona Ida ". .72 Eldona 29 East Sullivan 5.05 SITI ATIONS WTD. Female i August 1. Box 731, Daily News 25 uop A YOUNG WATERFRONT ARTIST anxiously eyes the photographer, wondering whether he's getting the proper angle on his art work, on a pier at Nagoya, Japan. The embryo Rembrandt has reason to be proud of his work a good llkensss of the U.S.S. Eldorado, which served as the subject for a class of Japanese H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black VJt LANDSCAPING AND GeRPEN-INO Rock walls, rockeries, pock flower boxes, lkwns and fences. Rarden keeoln?. Free eslimutes. Phono Red 806. U75p) M'DDI.E-AOED woman Nursing experience, desires work, light duties. Black 441. (1701 youngsters. SMALL house for couple, no children, by August 15.- Write Box 737, Daily News. (173p) FOUR- or five-room house. Box 730. Dally News. 168p 27 KIEL 90 639 653 673 A7 674 681 705 07 710 711 722 Giant Yellowknife . God's Lake Har'drock Harrlcann Heva Gold Duvex 9.05 .9? .15 .16 5 '2 .35 .27 43 PROPERTY FOR SALE FOOTHILLS Phone 851. Co. Ltd (sooMcss) coal. Hul.tt, Efltt & (CI scott Mclaren . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. SAINT JOHN, N.B.. f Marked increases in traffic through Saint John municipal airport were noted in the first six months of this year. The airport handled 23,431 passengers, an increase of 4.279 over the same Replies must be . TWO lots on corner of Fifth and Fulton, $800 a lot, 25x100 Joliet Quebec 28 FI RNITIRE FOR SALE ailed for in person Phone 347 P.O. Box S74 ;. PI.ACE your classified ad in this paper at the economical six time rate. 15 words for 3 consecutive days cost $1.35; 13 words for six consecutive days cost $1.BU. And remember, you can Dhone' your ads Just call 748. Dally News. . (tf-nc) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for Mininc, Sawmill, LoKRlrrg and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancm- Little Ix)ng Lac 56 Lynx - 11 Madsen Red Lake 1.78 HOUSEHOLD furniture. Black 697 after 6. each All readv to build on. For nuick sale, $1600 for both. Phone Blue 549. UT2' BlINESS OPPORTUNITIES period in 1952. Phone U73p (OMIXO EVENTS 29.4, SEWING MACHINES jfkah Fall Bazaar, October PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws' ! Sharpened j. MS 1st Ave. W. Pbone 809 TAXI business, one car. For full particulars call In person, Black & Whit Taxi. (170 I SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (174) BIRTH vcr 1, B.C. Ufl AUTOMOBILES 47 Steamer , Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER tnd Intermediate Port Each Thursdcy at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN Knut Rysstad In the Prince 3U ELECTRICAL AOKNT8 for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd . for oxygen, acetylene and all weldiiv; suilplies Lindsay's Cartage St Storage ltd. Phone 60. c McKenzle Red Lake 35 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2.05 Moneta - ' j.45 Negus : 16 Noranda .. 69.00 I.ouvicourt .11 Pickle Crow 1.27 Pstrol Oil & Gas .45 New Senator 20 Bherrltt Gordon 4 40 Steep Rock 6.50 811ver Miller 71 Sweet Grass .41 Golden Manitou 2.20 Landover Oils .41 Rlx Athabasca 105 Nesbltt Lablne 2.05 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf) RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu'V Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome' Lasts years! Send $1.93 or COD, Fern!or, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted (174) CluneAe J&isli 52 FOR SALE MISC. t CJcncrul Hospital, uly 18. 1953, a son, 9 lbs., . a brother for Elaine. (ltpi CARD OF THANKS wish to extend our heart -hanks to all who so kindly fl and for words of sym-and beautiful floral extended at the death WEDNESDAY Midnight HAULAGE Prince Rupert to Smlthers via Capling's Truck Line every Tuesday and Friday.-Contact Whalen's Cartage. Phone 316. (168p) Comfort and Service EXCEPTIONAL VALUE, Drinking tumblers, all sizes, soeclal prices. See the window displav at the VARIETY STORE. (1731 CHOP SUEY ... ; ...CHOWMEIN J Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday) ,'l For reservations writ C ' . 654 .'.I DELUXE Press "Gestetner' City or r.f?ot OOlet 'l-.te Rupert. B.C. Duplicating, circular letters, ! ENTERPRISE wood and coal 1952 OLDSMOBILE two-door sedan, excellent condition, 15,-ooo miles. $2900. 600 Thomnsnn St. 8 1948 ENGLISH model panel truck. Reasonable price for quick sale. 1412 6th Ave. East. U70p) beloved husband, sonimonthlv bulletins, business condition. stove. good 942. $50 00. (172p) Hollywood Cale ntt nMMmt It biiil4 m W Green LARGE fridge. GEORGE DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Blac'j 846 and Red lit C r o s 1 e y Shelvndor 1001 3rd Ave. (169p) 4h Uim ComkI W I iiother. Special thanks to1 forms. Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave i iklnv. Deeth's Phurmacy . West. (178) 'he staff of the Prince Ru- ('.moral Hospital. j WALK-IN coolers, doen freezers, 'iircaret Jackson, Anna! reach-In coolers, domestics irkson, Okc Jackson Bnd'pf,',B,,rat'"J of n11 tvpes. Serv For Outside Orders Phone 133 I Mi Ctubi '51 CHEV, first class condition,! 32A FOR RENT MISC. 13.000 miles. 411B 7th West. i - - r t. ."".,-.." r. t i I vvsi Ik. f ice. lilUCK DIU Bin AVP. W. U68p BLONDIE The 5tond-!n ' dv vn, iwinu 41 U-DRIVE. New cars. Phone (171pi 41. 711 Orenville Court. 48 TAXIS nd TRANSFERS I frrSl ISUTFIBSTI WANT! 13 J I IT M GLAD J j 'M COINC ON MV -sH f- I V Xrir ) I "TO INTRODUCE rji Die "S1.; ;,SV,:,,c II I I 1 1 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CITY TRANSFER WANTFD -- TOP MARKETl (180) THF. ELECTRICIAN" dTg uyalt House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (190) PLUMBINO. automatic oil heating, hhcet metal work. Phone 543. Call C30 0th West. Letmir- Local and Lonn Distance PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading, prompt payment mnde. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 350 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. HI) Furniture Moving ic) i nenu. Crating Packing Storage imllv. Margaret Hovdebo , 'ifl fnmllv, and Eric Jack-n and family. I sending flowers: Your ' : wife and (lie Sievert '. Mum. Victoria: Okv and Shirley; Smiley. Mar- and family; Eric, Evelyn unily: Mickey and fona: ' nnie ond Uncle Harrv; b" ami Trevor: Dorothy, ii'1 fimllv, Vancouver "in and family, Vancou-!''ith and familv. Vancou-W'- ;inrt Mrs. M. Jensen. V.'estminsUr; Emll, Mary fiys. New Westminster: ' "Md jordls imd f'inillv; !"('th and Kev Deeth; Eve ninth, Ruby Merrlson and Ttii'kholz: Steve and : Cath. Art and Ilmbv. Vt''V - ' ', - U. '4 'I..' ' nr. I 1 4 f f I WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER I EIJ-X'TROLUX Pl.one Blue 070 for Parts Sales Service. (c) Phone 950 Firr.t Avenue and McBrlde -.-(c CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, hntterli s. ra.'iators Phone 543 Call 63(1 6th Ave. West. (c) 35 BOATS ANI"fNGI'ES 3 n P I.AUSON nlr-conlrd oit-hoarri motor, run onlv five Rod 400 or Red 273 after 6:30 p.m. (173) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Fnrk. Stone BullditiR. Red 593. 20m) i i av r r k. ij v m m.m. i ivj i hi i nu mc- nr ri bridle's RADIO CtAL VtAOAKINKA, tioveltlea. News Stand. CFPR (c) NEARLY everybody uses 99. Mrs, Bellis: Ken and "I: I v mid Hill r.nd P'V Ruth Sandahls: Mr 3ti FOR RENT ROOMS '.HnMetl In rtiaart) TUE3DAT . ? LOST I . M' -. Ole Olson: The Kn. Ady Anderson: Oil: Al- I ai AkKA !..h .J in n..-.i.i,... black 'diamond' ear- "IIU I3IIIIII1I. ..1, Ml1 fiSM, :lr..i! . r FOR RENT Uhfntnrsfibd,:Ste, lines, keeusuxe YUJnitjf .Mil-, tftn St. F iirltf. nlc.lse bluiiif Ml. Mvi'.t. Hnsnt' .- Mr Atirf TilO--CW! Nrw.t . Rerf M''1,''" "ri if 7 -IS CinO News Roll'ii 7:30 llcesler Sour to Prtilulwsy 1 M: FielUx; Waller 'Tom- i : Mr. nnrt Mrs. Kmil Pet.-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith i und Ronnie: Pearl and Johnson: Staff of the ' Rupert Fishermen's Co-and Mrs AriTumri T.nnil BOY'S CCM bicycle, west end vicinity. Reward. Phone Green 2122. (168p) It) II ELPW A NTED M ALE 8:00 ElecUon Tnik-r-Llbrrals 8:15 Preachor's Dlaty 8:30 Prlsonrr t the Bar 8 :46 Muslci I Progrm B -00 fihainploiia of Sport' 0:30 Songs From the Bhowt JANITOR-ENGINEER familv; Mr. and Mrs J I md familv Allr.n rvl bivik: Mis C P. Jnhiunn family: Mr. and Mrs Mc-1 'V and Rill; Mr. and Mrs. " I'l'ldscl h nnrt P..I.,,-. ii,.. 2 rooms and batn. Suitable, for married couple without children. Husband working out, wife to manage store, which is connected with suife. This is an attractive proposition for a reliable couple. Write Box 736, Daily News for personal appointment. 1170c) GRADE 2 B.C. CIVIL SERVICE-GOVERNMENT AGENCY, PRINCE RUPERT Salary: $239 per month plus $15 per month Special Living Alio wonce. Should have low pressure heating certificate or be able to qualify for same within 12 months. Application forms obtainable from the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, illi '"Iman; Mr. and Mrs. : Tiimiwy and Alice Mc-Mr and Mrs. Amu n: Marj and Don Arney; Hwin and Iiulse Skog-'''n stromdiihl and Ann; '"'I Mav Pi'ti-rsnn- Ti 10 :00 "BC Ncwa . - .'.-'" 10:10 CttC Nfa 10: IS Way Back -When , 10:30 Hi-rr Conirs the Band , 1 1 :00 Wptlmr Heport 1 1 02 Fish Arrivals 11:04 Music Till Midnight ' , 12:00 eign-oir WEDNESDAY , A.M. ' " 7-on B C. FI'li--niI' Bdct. 7:15 Musical Clock 1 7 so CBC News; wather Rtport 7 :36 Musical Clock H UUt BC News , 8:10 Hire's Bill flood 8:15 Morning Bonn 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little Concert 8:00-BBC News aiid Commentarr BUS MucMmt. Varieties , BrfiS Time Signal 10 SKI Morning Visit 10:15 'Hi!" - -, - 10:45 Musical Program 11100 A Man and Flm MnsM , 110 Westher ). ""lis .TohllKtrin- Mnn ami ;BOYS! BOYS! Do you want to Vicreck: Prince Rupert UStV. Rnmlnn HUn I earn extra pocket money uur-I Ing summer holidays? If you do. family: Sii'ne nnri Miin i Just call and leave your name I nt THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE II. Cavalier and Vn; s'm family; Mr. and Mrs. 'I-S and ffimllv Ormn LILArtNcK Cbthss Moke th Bridcqrooml v . - ; " Bv AL CAPr ; 1 WALTOrtORKOW MO Bt MORS. I I ON ACCDUMT AH 1S 1EX .-. 1 -SO THE DWNt-K T TMET'U. l-f''1'. Sl I .. liVOREWFOPiiJ' J THRIULEP, tF RENTIM' THET WEDOiM' s . . KIKJ RIP IT OPTA MAKE A S W4StWI ) DAV CECIL B A VO'COUUP j SUIT BV THE MINUTE. A Mt THE INSTANT ) SURPRISE talk ""M" SaTT " POSEVO'IS ffCEREMOryl. MAH OWN SUIT, J?S DO'TH' WEDPINT 1- II - J THF MFART OF JULIET iONES , , 1 L-jL Bv STAN DRA.KE j . JU mi in III 1 ' eV ' " V t7s x"'vjTwhATS OLP laPVMASOn'F 1 Ktf Hfc MAS 'I ( PO I LOOK ALL IV SAV I'EfJPECT, I ! . L.T- - T! rrrrvn-r.:. tmrowins this thrk-ihn to atliast kisht. ofsf J f -Juu.,;jjst scut); y tfT miN s that amrj; ecus e. inpcFV f once ,.- VvSkSVwSE W lli Ptlif fmmf km 'Ml f ! ; , for summer paper routes, (tfnc) WANTED A man and wife to jimuea Mr nnr! ,T l- l A UTm Immalnlalu Torn n rent mv two rooms. No children. Apply 1063 9th Ave. East. (168) Berg; Martha Johan-1 salesmen Must have car Sell- Prank I IP H I u l- - Vf .' n .1 ! V. . 1 ..... ) . , t ""ii i, nmn." u. i , . . n;ii.. ' ' . "MI i". I essential. excellent. coniinis '"""IT and F. R fl- Ml- unit C.I.. 13.,- JOO riM LARGE bright housekeeping room suitable for couple. Central location. Phone Green 241 eves. (169. u ivioore nnrt etrs:iWnn,p i79-nci and mis. Arnull Beree: Message Perl4d -le. Int. llS ScaucUuaTlnn MMofllK m, - 13100 MM-Moy MlrtOoKi 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Proeram Resume "in Caroline- .ToK 19 Help Wtd. Male Female r'f and famiiu. . i Perrv York; Mary and CLERK TYPIST, male or fe male, for airlines office. Pref CLEAN bedroom for lady only. Close In. Box 735, Daily News. (169p) 12:30 B.C. Farm B'dr'st it Weather Mai-i Mr. nnri Mm t..u erence given to person exper ienced In radio despatch or air Mr. and Mrs. ' Alfred Mr. nnri u,. u.i.. 'n: lines reservation, ticketing and Mr, and Mrs Pi uii... itinerary planning. Reply by Mr TWO-ROOM apartment, private entrance. Men or working couple. 743 9th Ave. West. (173) LARGE sleeping room. Re'd 248. (173) 37 ROOMS AVil BOARD and Mrs. Paul Ro-nnri t Mr. letter only giving full details of experience, background ond salary expected to Crawford Moore 12 5 Rfc. Int. ' . 1 o Afternoon Cxxicwt 2-M Tratis-CanaUa Matinee , , 30 Kecortla for foil ' " 3 :15 Rpforda tor fon j . 35 B C. Request Roundup 4:15 outer Voices. Other Paor$ 4 0 Camp Wilderness 4.45 Mmio lor Children ... t BS0O The Movie Scene 6:t5 Int. Comty. 6:JO UN Today 5:45 CBC News. Wealkee Report biba Have Yuu HearU 'lndjrene Muncey. " recorder. a "If lnU-nir." i."T' Travel Agency, No. 1, Wallace Buildfng. U70 Plpnt. eniovlno- . " WANTED FEMALE 20 HELP BOARD and room available tor young man. Call Blue 639. (173) " "m lrtor tlm.. TYPTIST? (173) McRae Bros. 0 "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results-Use Want Ads!" q 3; .i' It tr'