Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, July 21, 1953 fflAWWG 00 HORNET NESI BLACKWOOD on PROVES DISASTROUS TO HQm i5 (J3v'ula BALTIMORE (API A inuimriianre man S(m k a h , pi Men's Wear Boys' Wear . . . t. . ,.t lm hi m a .r A II.,... 01 . . lOrCIl LO a I1IUWI--1 Ili:rv Ul. niv num.. ui iiut:i i OlHI K Muilrta. l - V,,. .'riDtu By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Tlic flames quickly spread Into a two-alarm fir r firemen were overcome by heat and smoke and five w', fled the thrcc-storcy building. Stark said he had sent the man to the house "tu gpt,rt the bees." Looking at the charred top floor, stark add "" Muzzy Finds Himself in Hijrht Spot, Oddly It, stems like the weaker a player is, the mo'rej ,e i-s inclined to mistreat his partner even a guinV WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Clearance Sale The agouti, a South American A temporary air mull . artner. After the one on trump response to his spade; t .-. t r lut rt tn rriiinfa nil usi I incr i nrl !.. . 111 l Win 1 1 v IVHiu'.u iu .- j r,, ...... '".LWlTn Hr . . v ir i ! t niiit'iu non .irlaiviil unvnii I lflw l 'imMiiif ! i .1 i ,,ri . .,1 un...i n. I'Vil'lii iHUi.J tUUOlUVllli onvmi v.iv. mjuviIq ; fltSeS IllUCIl UUIIIityC 111 OUfjUI itIIU VVU1USUI, CIiglUnd Girls' Wear? plantations. us rjii. three diamonds." hem "three clubs" and Ladies' Wear; TUESDAY ond WEDNESDAY Evenings 7: -9 fi&r 55 dail'ey-diana lykn i:av. He discarded both of these. iMwcver, with the thought th.t Mr. Champion' might pass. If u knew Mr. Champion you now Hint lie wt.uld r.ithrr die inn ppss an absolute force. 'll n'tftly admits tlvit he nev r inker, a wrenp; hid. And it must " nfimil.lcfl th it nil of his bH.i re "ri".lll" riTht by the briol; nvwiiy. if not always by llv ore sheet. Ko. t r u s t i n r nobody, Mr. luzry simply bid game lilm-"!f. Four spades wisn't a bid pot. as it happened. "Up to a finesse for five-odd. jyn-tner," nnnoimred Mr Miczy 'rnnrily as the dummy blfe -the Si'ii'h dealer Both sides vulnerable Nurth B 10 1 II -J 3 4 l J 8 4 3 V A J 0 3 rsl (lrs. Krwu) '(Mr. Inlr) S- 6 6 - 8 4a II K Q 10 5 II A 1701 U tl 0 (I 5 D--10 7 C 8 7 2 C -K 0 Muillll (Air. Mm.zi) H A K y j 7 H 8 l A K n V-M 10 U 4 Tlif l)l(l(llu: Re -Roof wiih DUROID Asphalt Shingles Tor Free Estimate . . . Sec or Call Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phono 909 2 5 First Ave. W. TOTt;! LXTRA "CliNTRAL AMntICA" "CAItTOON" : O-''" Sir ----- I'M HOIIS f.myrn -fJ I LK.WOK THE GUOI NDHOG has her own way of beating tha hot weather. She .icks ice cream from a stick in the home of her owner. Dert Mclnnes of Burk Falls, Out. Mr. Mclnncs adopted Eleanor last spring .and since then has taught her to sit up at thi table and use a spoon or a fork. ..... Htoth West Nurth I 8 P a I NT 4 8 Allpj-s Mr. Clrimplon did id Pimm . . HCI) , rill .ITI0H fi II I -1 MomihwAbu-Gm tVukj. c not relate. Id thit." ie f, -'!!. lime yon sl replied, "you executed a very FLY... FISHING... Polling Chief Completes LAKE lection nts Arrangeme nice end-play for down three. Mr. MifTV '"oitrd iirv-llv nt Mils brutal lack of confidence nrl set abr ut winninc 11 tricks The kin? of henrts held Jrlrk nne and Mr'. Mwwy ruffrjd the heart rnnllnuation. ) He led the oiiern of elnbs arid finessed. Mr. Dale won with the kinr; and led a third heart. Mr Mti7.7y ruffed and started on trumps. Eut now Mr. Dale hail CHTAE tecnnTcoloi r 'aw efendcrs from shortrnin'j his trump suit beyond the danger 'joint. All he had to do was to lscanl hi trey of riiaiiionrls on the third heart lead. This was a loser anyway ex- ept for the unlikely chin'-e that somebody had the queen of diamonds doubleton. And now If Mr. Dale led an other hrart. it. could be ruff.-d In dummy, thus preserving the four high spades In the closed hand which were needed to pick up all of the outstanding I5y JOJIX LKKLANC cance, and that's why hl.s office OTTAWA (ft It may sound M open from 8 a.m. until around SUNDAYS OR BY PRE-ARRANGEMENT IUDAY AND WEDNESDAY puiarlxr ial. but the man in midnight daily. ' But, with feet irliarae of tne co.uolr x machin- hoisted comfortably on his desk. ei; ol Hie ;u';. 10 general clec- the 39-year-old former navy rne more sp-ule thn he dirt anr4 iii. n i.; takuia life fairly easy skipper will tell you he's just he had to lose a trump and p I ih'so days. .coasting In now comparatively, i diamond for down one. trumps. He could have prevented AlUEE.Siei HARLDTTF A? V IBHIIFI' tljo i Ef,. Vlr X3 GPvOUPj 0? SEVEN, PES PEHSON Gaffer O'Shcd Turn he weeds STAGE SHOW AND DANCE Civic Centre Auditorium TONIGHT StogcShow9-10p.m. ! K-'lson Castonguay, the chief nt lcast" ; fto toral offkei. can afford some ' His behind-the-scenes work 'relative relaxation now because started right after the election ! for the last four years he's been of Jun. 1919. Some 9.000 mall-igtUing tilings set for the one bags of documents poured into i bis day. j his office then reports on the S Now, they are pretty well out elRction Preliminaries, on the of his hands and into those of balloting and tons of unused : his officials in 263 constituencies. suPPlies- Like an army chief 'who has VOI,lIINOl'S RKI'ORT jrommiUcd his forces, about all Thp first big job was Mr. Cas-he can do is tie up loose ends tn1IUV' iwirt. tn pariimo,,t ONLY British and Canadian TV Facing Same Problems LONDON The Canadian was devoted to reports on coun- and British broadcasting corpor- try-by-country progress in niu-ations share a major problem, sicnl e d u c a t i o n, Waddlngton savs music director Ocotfrey : said. Waddlngton of the CBC. Tele- Returning here, Waddlngton vision takes up a lot of . space. . was "on call" at CBC headquart-The Impression is one of se- Prs to British musicians who are eral that British-born Wadding-1 interested in going to Canada or here and there and keep his fin- oll the'election. a 771-Dace bii j gers cros:.-3d. giving the whole story in exterr- DANCE 10:15 p.m. - 2 a.m. Tickets $1.(X ; sive. detail. ; MINOR I'UOliLKMS ton has picked up in a crowded have already decided to go. That doesn't mean the work is In between staging occasional "'i? "I "y-e lecttons: W.Vas ZX i CANADIAN WORKS host of minor ZZ ! CBC music director lor Advance ArraiiBcnunls Contact CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES. Phone 620 or 475 Citable problems ned" I Panted i cropping up in one riding or an- election procedure, v from the late last ycar' He also fitted In two BBC in- ; vltation concerts. At Glasgow, Waddlngton Included works by two Canadian composers, conducting the orchestra through Coronation Overture by Murray . 'm i as eiceuon aay nears. ; publlc, from nis offlclate and 1 He has not had all tne lime .Constituency ornccrs kedp run-, from candidates. Many of these he'd . have liked for browsing nnig into problems such as print- he brouht hpforf, Wffllnn, of th through the BBC TV realm, but what he's seen has convinced it g difficulties or getting polling Commons elections committee, nd maybe 100 a day still along with his own' ideas. The him that the two state-operated place Adaskin, professor at the Unl- LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 A0VING ... PACKING ... CRATING shiitim; . . . I okwakihm; . , , mohai.k . Eierienced hanrlliiig Local, Nation-wide ftiti World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA MMlSAYV Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. riione (.0 or fix , r. Znd and Park Am. r.nquirc fur Charter (notes tu ri:.liin; Haunts changes in system, face the some dirncultles j vpfs 'of Sa,katcncwanj during the n Ubing the latest broadcasting , Newfoundland Sketches by by How- result was various election machinery wind up on Mr. Castonguay's doorstep.- last four years. medium. He has to make the final de- SDVERTISIKO IN THE OAiLY 'LvVS BRINGS RESULTS c'r'oa oa anything of signifi- ard Cable of Toronto. A later Manchester concert included Our Canada, a suite for orchestra by Toronto's John Jacob Welnzwclg. M ' LINES IP WORKERS "STACKED IT WELL'! While the flood of paper work The Canadian conductor spent was going on, Mr, Castonguay a day with the BBC and watched was lining up his election offi- a TV production of an, upcra, an corn across the country. There is extensive operation that remind- a heavy turnover In returning cd him of similar efforts In Can- offirors between elections, and fda. Despite its infancy. Wad- the old as well as the new ones dington said, the CBC effort 0rim Him WtlM have to be brought up to date on "stacked up well" with what hr brings youihis mwSWmg Magic!" election procedure. saw produced here Stwi on tuttont without attocKiMnlt JL It has been a busy summer for the musician, who left Leicester for Lethbridgc. Alia., in 1!)08 at the age of three. Waddlngton was one of three official Canadian delegates to a conference sponsored by the United Nations 'oducatlomil. so cial apd cultural organization, dealing wilh the tolo of music in j . in f- Since the start of this ycar, Mr. Castonguay has travelled from to coast giving stiort lectin? courses to the oifidals. He held these in 15 key cities, bringing each of the 203 returning officers to convenient points. T hey were completed by mid-May. All this Ityft'W Hie time Prime Minister Si. 'Laurent announced the election date in June. Mr. Castonguay was ready o trip the switch and start off the ponderous machine he had been putting together for years. There is one irony to the whole j thing. Mr. Castonguay probably knows more about voting than any person in Canada. Yet he doesn't get a chance to exercise i the franchise. The chief clec-I toral officer is barred from the ! polls. Mod fcmonhofw wtrtiout atochmnl NECCHI doi vry tewing job WITHOUT educating the young and adults. The Brussels conference, from June 2!) to July 9, established an International society for musical education and named Dr. Arnold Walter of Toronto as president. Hulk of the 40-nation meelin'j Theatre Moving VANCOUVER tit The Totem Theatre, which features arenn- attachments: t.yiu J uituuviuii.t, 1.1 imivuiK Ml i Motfal B U Nv the"MasiC"is here! li)J I- Victoria because a campaign to obtain new premises here has been unsuccessful. Official! said the theatre would return "Just as. soon as there Is a building to house us." . The Admiralty Islands, the largest about 50 miles long, form an archipelago in the South Pacific. Doa$ Ervibrwdery without aHochmontt - t At morr flick of thp 'SIanicM Lver, jour NKCCHI wwi on buttons, makrs button holes, ?mbnilrris blinil Btitrhr farms, darns, monograms, and W thou Muds of fanry stitrhes, limiird only by jour imagination. TRULY WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS. You can't afford to buy any Sewing Marliinc until you have tried the amazing MX(,1II "Magic. ask about our free sewing courses. Wide wife lien of modrht from $19.00. Every NEOCHI is ravrrrd by a life-time Guarantee Bood. Nalioo-widc trrvice and paru avilnblc. A grows la 1501, Hit Nw W.itmlnittr locrolM ttotn Inlet lha tornm "Solmtn'llii" txcoiM tht drit team to win the Coodto Locmse Championship. In 1904, William Braid fou ndcj U.C.'a first distillery, and established the standard of quality that distinguishes B.C. Double Distilled Rye. Discover for yourself why B.C. Double DMiUcJ . is preferred by British Columbians for its superb flavour ... its light body and mellow Bmootlincss. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Embroid.n InittaU without oHachmwti m UMDtAK wnmr mm i JiUfc,. tea SEWING MACHINES (Canodo) 1TB. ' " ' I . W. Win M PI km 1mm. S-1 en Fait.n.n without attochronH A "NICCHI ' tlWINO CIICll IN YOUI NII0HI0UIH00D Jr HEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Writs to Nacchl, 464 McGill Straet, Montreal ( ) 1aa hv nrtt NECCHI mmr arrant htxna 4manmatiefi, It hour any ebIL potion to ma. ( ) rtaaa sanal booklat on "How Choota m Sawing Mochina" Nttm9t .... ......B AtUrtu City t 'revlncai Frn erib eollrgc ibe Ealate Builder plan grow Mt your child. Without M increase in ibe "baby" premium carta 11,000 of ibe policy automatically become $ 5,000 at aft 21. High easb value and dividend make il a real taving. plan thai will look after Tour ckild' educational need. A about thi plan today. JAMES S. BURNS ( 721 Alfred SL, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Green 505 The Distinguished Prodm ls of British Columbia's First Dkiillery C DOUILI OISTIIUD . I.C. tXrOUT . I.C. KWVI . ,.C. SftC.AL . B.C. STIRLING LONDON DRY GIN I0RD0N & ANDERS0M LTD PHONE 46 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board 'VOUI FVTIJKI U Ol'H V8INESS . . . TOBAT "X "lc vjuvernmenr or Dritish C o umh a