i i .v xui--iY LA'iuy I -rY. .3 1 in-wli.y. July 2i. ty-'3 Drew, St. Laurent Speak j " i . v . ; , T 1 t Water Running Up Hill In Alberta Power Plan ifi- . i , 4 j In Same Town 5ame Day J1 fire. It "may justly claim to ruve Improved the whole pattern of Bv The Canadian Prom The election-campaigning head men of the Liberal and Progres If . 'Si CALGARY V Calgary Power Ltd. engineers have dreamed up a scheme to pump water tip a mountain so it will run djwn again and produce power. Located above the Spray power plant at ".inniore, Alta., 30 miles west of Calgary, the project will divert water from Goat Creek, which now flows directly Into the Bow river, into the Spray Canal. It will be lifted a total of 307 Canadian life." His party and the men and women who had preceded it had played leading parts In th struggle fr family allowances, unemployment insurance, the rights Of labor, federal aid for ieid cms education and abolition of legal i iniuQic ti the Tmnerinl Prlvv sive Conservative parties hit the asbestos town of Thetford Mines, Que., Monday at different times of day-while Lie CCF chieftain got on television. . Prime Minister St. Laurent and PC leader George Drew spoke from the sams platform in the town school yard. Mr. St. Laurent drew an afternoon audience of 1,500. Mr. Drew, who arrived at Thetford Mines a few minuter after the prime minister had left, attracted 2,000 In the evening. Mr. St. Laurent spoke '4 Alalia '40 Furd Coach 'r6 Prcfeitas Ls $47: $135! - l f l' " . . . I w Council. ' But there "still are many mor; battles to be won" greater aid for education, national health insurance and housing programs. feet at two different places, and ihen allowed to drop 900 feet to the Spray and another 325 to the Rundle plant. 10 DudKe ?i-ton rieUup with lx. $9$ guaranteed farm prices nnd re-,! 3I covery of farm markets In Brit- l ord with '42 Mercury Knidne. As is in French and Mr. Drew mainly ; ain. in French. 1 New Commandei $125 i i r (? ' ' $10!; "SO Austin 41 l'a.kard l:!U firdan Pearl Diving Poor This Year AMBASSADOR SLATED Mr. fit. Laurent said the day will come when Canada will have an ambassador to the Vatican. ! n appointment couldn't be ) u Takes Over Post . AMSTERDAM. Reuters Hi? new commander of The Netherlands unit with tie United Nations forces in Korea, 3)-ycur-oltl Lt. Col. C. Knuist, left heic by air for his new post, lie is ine fifth commander of the uni'. 1 j l .! a:t . . v. j . ...... I , made now "because there aiej DARWIN, Australia iReuters) ! still honest Canadians who :Mre than 100 professional 1 would Interpret this gesture as Japanese pearl divers operating SUPERIOR AUTO SERViCE LTD. .V fan 1 WDKKING Ox THE "SAME TEAM" now in Germany are Maj. E 'Vift Cummings of Toronto inghti and his batman-driver, Ge'.rurdl. During the Second World War Gerhardt wns a Pf"".in sapper sergeant-major who fought against Maj. Owiings. then a sergeant, at Dunkirk in 1940 and later at M'T.te Casiina in Itaiy. Maj. Cummings now is in rharg of iuvou'.modation for the G.033 mcHibffrs of the 27th Infantry Er.ijadf. ,1 .V"- f if ii , iim hi Aa-TfaaisHBS ! an insult againsi tneir religion. in heavy seas off the north Aus- i ! - They are wrong and I might tralian coast have t.vn disap-' add that if the matter rested pointed not to find a sea bed" only with my colleagues the ap- tilick trie world's kwst pointment could be made." the aotier-of -pearl, prime minister said. "But what Though the beds have cot wou'd be the good of arousing a ben fuVied since 1940 and siioold j religious ouarrel?" rich in ovster shells Japaa's He said his government Is big post-war pearUr.a flee? ' striving to make Canada fully has in thf firs5 moa'-h bruu-ihs autonomous and that so far up onjy about 200 ton rilTj?d at . many steps have been taken $334 ooo. without causing quarrels. In j T,e 357 Ert.n, 0f xz& tunsrut i constitutional matters affecting : Te5Sj Ta;yo vtaru and 15 hut-! both the federal and provincial "sers tossed about Eri .japiat- governments, assent of the Brit- on the rouh Ttmoe fJ mortis- ish Parliament was still requir- west rf EiCimrs tsUni arw ART MURRAY will speak to you on CFPR Wednesday, July 22 al 12:05 p. Allies Sound Warning Against New Aggression A itt'WO SET THAT IS "WIRELESS" on tne inside as well as well as outside is shown here with the student who designed and coy-trurtcd it. John Fintey. The set has "printed" circuits, elrTi rl on a copper plate, instead of the usual maze of wires connecting the various tubes and other elements. Constructed a in la.vs project in engineering science at Wittenberg College, r,f: r .Springfield, Ohio, the diminutive radio is as powerful as the l""..i-4 of conventional home radio sets. It helped Finley get his F.A: rtcpice. M.-asurlng only five by seven inches at the base, the set was made without a single inch of wire. in support of eo: oui 11 was nopea some sys- battling serere turaivp en. i tern could be worked out so that 0( .. cr;rs arf ftijuKi Canadians could settle th-ese nct. Druxtrg water ts nzuxafi. matters themselves. I They are seirchir-? t:r ciirt He said he wanted to make jae oyster plena i.-.n."" '-i, ; clear that he was "as much of fcn0wn as "the blic's. t?' iwiatma a provincial autonomist as any o the &T.0scT-t?i.:rfi iazd JIM McKELVIE Social Credit Candidate for Skeeno Ship Floating Art Gallery Since Skipper Took to Oils Associated 'Pres News Analyst tho whole war effort be weaken fix several y?ars one of theied by their weakness. But the linos, frequent, questions Allied i political situation finally reached ciitir.iti have had to parry j the point where tho collapse of been "when will the free ; all co-operation seemed so sure v.r.ii reaily be able to tell the ' that their? was no course left 3..'is where to get off?" ; except to accede to Indo-Chin- Xj concrete reply has ever I cse demands, letr :Ten. The kingdoms are to be T? Big Three foreign minis- brought into greater partnership tun. hcever. came pretty close i If they agree to French propo--3 point in at least one area jsals. And this will make it earler : z:t i their recent meeting in , for the United States to Increase a L-hir.gton. her aid to the French war effort ThT went all the way so far i without coming under progres-ii Korea was concerned. If a lively greater criticism, all over irie ti ---e fcs violated, the Al-; Asia, for supporting European t; r..e v.tr.arcJ to renew the colonialism. citizen of Quebec province, not th. 0 its for Quebec only, but for all 10 This ovtter vrmzvrx in to. Nic-months ago and now splashes ship them out so fast he is running VANCOUVER (CP) Capt. cqta, Aste of the Italian Aecquitu.'i II has found a use out of bulkhead space to hang Canadian provinces." NO BOGEY Mr. Drew also brought up the subject of provincial autonomy. fo.1 Ms old canvas hitch covers them on. that is f.i:;t making his vessel a His own quarters are decorat ed with showy village scenes ' floating art Rallery. eiht inches in di;n'ifr. iri niiw evtn larger bet rirer siTW-iy and gold-hp p'.ertj eicia... which we:gh up to II jrctindj. produce the wesrii s be5 SMtli.T-of-pearL Strar.gely. ar.y artuil pearU found in rhf molluscs are less important incc ihey are whiter than Arab pearis ar.d less attrac- mariner from Genoa discovered ! first mate wakes every uwn- Quebec is afraid of any- the joys of oil painting flve jing to stare at a four-foot- 'nlnS. " is certainly not a bcge.v .inmi .n. r.contrf because nothing is more real Then the ministers said Lhey were "of the opinion" that a truce must not jejpardi.'.c the restoration of the s ift ;u irthnc man tciuiaiuauun ui inc 0 by the Skipper N.nre naintinirs hane in the Liberal Party, which will surely Silence Key lead you to a unitary state if you tive. riinincr snlnon. pneinpers nuar. Japan has for generations car ot Peace tn any olhr part of ried out a flourishing trade li Asia. VISPLAV ters and above the crew s bunks. " 1 slu') auvaiice nesi nu8. : in "Painting is great fun," ex-ults Capt. Aste. "It's a wonder- I " Quebec has anything to be ' afraid of, it is the centralizer. fni wnv tn nnss the timp nn n Id patrol Work Ctf War Front the lustrous lining of these big That was direct warning to oysters, mother-of-pearl. Its Communists not to start any- eooKtm CATALOOI the Liberal party, and not the mam consumer, mainly in the thing new, and not to intensity SIMWNCKf Ung voyage." I Capt. Aste admits he is no Conservative party, the only United States and Britain, is tne situations which already exi.it, hntt.m-1 Inrllictrv Tt. is nlsn Used 'mo tii Tiirl.i-riim 1 . IJU1 l.JT 11UW OUfJlJUl lUVlIlVllti wvvw.. J .i - ii jnuu-viuim. . I autonomy in the House of at home and overseas for knlf ' ! , The point was made t-aiiist !Or hnnlo, f,no In) IOC 1 C V 11 ... . . budding Rembrandt but could probably take honors ! Uy BILL UOSS IN KOR3 A ". C a n a d I a n pu trol . leaders are taught here that vjjn in a static war they must vkecn ehar.Eiii? their meth ominous. jiiouui, lano, ,.,, tne pacKgrounu 01 an agicemcnt Mr. Drew said fediral-provin- j for othor rrnnmental purposes. for'itrenBthening the Ailir.i relations are "the issue at' Australia also harvests the tion in Indo-China in w political speed. He has completed 29 pictures since he got the painting bug one day as the ship lay at od' oi preventing the enemy anchor in Venice stake in the election campaign, shells and has forbidden Japan- way in the hop-o ihat a united from !eiieioaeliing on their sec- I The first thins he (lid when Ural party speakers were try- j ese nearling fleets to com? with- ; effort would al ;o prodtice a ticn it the front. I his vessel docked in Vancouver -nS to characterize the issus of in 35 miles of her coast, which : murh more sail: f -ictory miUt iry WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US' Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY , junior officer and NCOiwas to make a beoline for the centralization oi power at, ui- j explains tne scarcity oi iresn position. -very, wi'C-f i.-viiy to lead a patrol into j art gallery. tawa as a "bogey" being used by water aboard the Japanese ships. ' the Progressive Conservatives to Defying hardships aboard and The French have been afraid of greater autonomy fur the three Indo-Chinese states l"..t nc-nin's land ha attended the j The ships bo sun makes up Csnaiilau brigade's patrol school his canvases from old hatch B.C. APRICOTS Just now Marlins arriie in free Hiipplj. Tin-re in a lur;-- rop. uml tin ciialily i except ionul. THE B.C. APRICOT PRESERVING SEASON STAIM TODAY, and will last about three weeks! and next.. .B.C. PEACHES: Watch for them. . .They'll he here in frighten voters in Quebec. 1 hazards below, the divers, look- ru.i bv J i.'.i. W. H. Pope, 33, oi covers and the whole crew takes I r. urew saia nis party is u;- ; ins UK - martians in men-Ottawa nd Montreal. a keen intci'est in the skipper's termined to block the trend to-! helmets and diving suits, dive Th ' en e-w )ck course for class- hobby. ;ward centralization and to re- between 90 and 120 feet with es of So- reviews techniques used I "I'd like to try portraits," sayspect the letter and the spirit oi their wicker baskets in search of by both UN nnd Communist ! Capt. Aste. "But I'm afraid the the Confederation agreement." 1 the oysters. lt emphasizes i crew would want to sit around pau'oiln", groups SINGLE GOVERNMENT , Hfls your engine lost its new car pep? Re-power with . . . posing rather than working. about three weeks I The Pruch rrup in It.C. is rxcrlli-n t. Tlirrf iH ' ample Miili- . . . die iinlil y U "toirt" , . . uml tl frriit itself Mill lie lurpcr thin yeiir. With H.:. PEACH KS you'll (lit llie fnirm .inajitt thil n "peried technique ls pc.'fect only once. Pope won th M lit:u y fro;-.s for the direction of hi--.Vcinn.iny with the 1st Bat-ta ii.iu Uoval ;:i'nd Regiment. He hr,s staved for a second tour with the i lament's 3rd Battalion. Apt'i:,ttti'f as instructors are two The Greatest The choice tor voters was not between himself and Mr. St. Laurent "but between the main- ! tenance of the federal coiustltu- j tion or the gradual establish-j ment of a single government in Canada." ,' i CCF leader M., J.'Coldwell, in, a 1 jWiiting qyt Hamili),Siild fcrttHi i Actress Heads Drama School anil lliivor, villi the grvittr! vronntnv w !' "n i-kuf.a ti,L. MjlJJat'v Midal to Hitil for tlictn. Gasoline ine'iantnai ana mogiesKive conservative parties are controlled and financed by big business. THE B.C. PEACH PRESERVING SEASON M Wr -.i-t -- Wmm : y ----- -. ' DINING PLEASURE VANCOUVER (CP) The Univer i Part of thi meeting was filmed sity of British Columbia summer; -m. television. START ABOUT AUGUST lGth with Rothesteri, quhkly followed by the freestone varieties. in PLAN YOIK PKACH Pli:si.ll 1C, I OH UTFR SH.fcVC r ESSENTIAL fefiiitT. a Canadan Indian accomplished in fieklcralt, teaches hio .student:;: "Vcji mini be keen, cunning and flu Ik th1 enemy without a sound! That ls the premium you 'are vivinij lor your life SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS scnooi ot tne tneatre nas a new; Perspll.tug in tne TV lights director for the first time in 14 Ml. coldwell said some vested yealS' . , ,. . , I interests contribute to the funds In charge of the six week:of botn pal.Ues.. Nelther parly course that attracts students , controlled by lta own mpm. from accross Canada is vivacious Derg ' na sr nuh. Commodore Cafe ItrliUI. ( '..I, .. ;;i i...... :r..i ....i.lirH of ioy Lujmu, a u.d.w. grauuatc. t He contended that though the all iirehervinu fruit' t lain Meuwoii. no there in no ni""' back on the west coast after a CCF has yet to hold federal of- Tl'i) he takes them out by to worrv ulxiiil vour lioiiie-eiiiiniiii: wlien ton rt nliiht 'and demonstrates. Out earlier i'ruit from farther itoiilh, on the innrkel You'll be more satisfied if vou time vour bom moonless night, he led Pope and me through growing grain, along pati(fV rii s and through man canninq to B.C. supolies as tlicv come on the mai-'- ned utpost.s so noiselessly that fii'. (jfvUniJ lhe ail fur rorrect prrnprving period') we wefen't spotted. year spent instructing and Ui-, rectlng at Goodman Theatre,1 Chicago. Miss Coghill succeeds Dorothy Somerset, head of the U.B.C.'s drama department who is On holiday. An actress herself, well-known to CBC listeners, Miss Coghill is nrlmarlly interested in children's theatre. "jniidren are the severest critics," she says. "Children never make excuses for shortcomings PojS'iiJays his course teaches one ijntial lesson: "War is an 1 ONLY ly Inn inn your jireneninK fruit during ' peHk-of-l he-HeiiMon ir-H-r inn erioils. when ff"1' In ill full Hlllllllv. l-.nl tun ml ill.- linest IIUIllt.V I t' . y-A ' " - h ; PRINCE RUPERT TO exercise in which the directing stnfli in the Ancii:y. You can't Development in 31 Years TCP, a Shell-discovered additive now blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, actually re-powers your engine by stopping short-circuiting of spark plugs and controlling pre-ignition. Gives up to 15 more power , . . increases spark plug life up to 150. Today's driving often at low speeds In traffic and around town increases the amount of combustion deposits, which actually short-circuit spark plugs and cause pre-ignition of the fuel-air mixture. , -.v. Because these deposits accumulate in all engines both old and newShell Premium Gasoline with TCP Is essential to keep your engine delivering full powerbecause the TCP additive actually stops the power-crippling effect of these deposits. Today, Shell Premium with TCP Is available In this area, but only from you Shell Dealer. 'Patent applied for - , at the iiiohI eeoiioiuieiil prire. fir.d'oiie perfect solution to any Thiit'x triv vou" u'(iv. o hottor bv H'"'1'" prolijam." The solutions must chaitw as the enemy's current pat-J-liinp; methods, and what he Jor .:. frn i I , and the creative training is wonderful for them in this age of hard facts." advoewtes for Canadians, must remain secret. But his own Van Doos company's patrolling record never a mnn lo:-.t testifies to their llfriari t he v. I ..... 1 ...I r... ... i.,u ,iillll"' The Fly river in Papua on the island of New Guinea is navig-xble by launch for over 5l)0 miles. of B.C. frullH. Ke-p lhi li- U al-h for lop-iili'y l," Prmervinc fruit aa lhey t-oine on llie inurki l. . . I telty pacify Aprliots. .. Now IVar (Bi,r.-ll) A'"' 5 l'l"" July 2 I rul.iii.I. M (Tran-eml'iil") , Pruehr. .. Auk. HI Freeh I'rum-n N il-' ( -tliiii(l for li uni I innrkplim n.ritul from When When rd-rlnf rdrlnf by by mall mall t h.nt nam , . dale nioirri) I i.j, .-"- - if v rnr-i rP- Thil I the lliir.l of. --!- nln.l. 1, will he run l H.I" KETCHIKAN WRAN6ELL - PETERSBURG JUNEAU And Other Alaska Points ELLIS AIR LINES in lur mill on I"11 II.C. r nut l.rowera la keep jou prcat-rviiiK iron pn-inrc. For up-to-thr-niinulri itifoniialhin ami fiM"" wuli-li for lurlhi-r mil in Ihia paper. MIWatlMIISW AW SHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE lOlt IINI.ST PKKSrKVIOS Al WITH TCP MOST ICOXOMICAL IK1CI' v Km PHONC far ffraa btar dallvary mwimii LIMITED wnit for Sll VANCOUVER PRESERVING FRUITS The most powerful gasoline your car can use . 1,liiad vertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of tjritiah Columbia. Phone 266 Office Opposite Post Office mis lt-.