. ) v Prlr.ce Rupert Tally News 8 Tuesday, July 21, 195J Rangers Duy Top-Seeded Cleveland Goalie , LATEST REPORT ' . tor Nw Utoil l.p.rt and Protavctus ' '-''- ' - 'jl f J-- I f V 7 Players Win Easily By JACK SULLIVAN III; NEW YORY (CP)-Johnriy Bower, Cleveland Barons goalie and backbone of their championship American Hockey League teams, -oday was acquired by New Yoric Rangers of the National Hocke'y League in exchange for goalie Emile Francis, forward Neil Strain and an undisclosed amount of cash. Bower, 27-year-old native of Prince Albert, Sask., led the 'llllCS& illll J QQQDQDQDQO III II TORONTO. The Can l adian tennis champion I i 1 Barons to three regular-seasons AHL titles and two playoffs titles St. Andrew's Hall . . . artist's conception. esbyterians Launch Drive .ships were expected to .vai'in up today after an opening- day round that in the last four year.i. He has .on ail-siar rating In the player ells the !u. inree years. Manila, canital of the Philip-Dines, was founded by tha Span-lards In 1571. CALVIN BULLOCK ltd. r St. Andrew s Half at UBC wasn't tough enough for the name players to work up a sweat despite the 80- It , bvlTia n Church In tlcoi gla. , The project wis initialed by :v..i;l ol liritih CJoiuin- Ji.nurdlate project is the crcc- the Synod of British Columbia degrec heat. I. mm lira a. raillp:tigu 10 ' rvMiwuce iu arnniuiui- b a una mcp inwarnK a 1'resoy- inni) to UiUiu aim iur- uaie iu siunruu, a tniipi-i miu a u-rian mcoiogicai college in uic The lesser lights of the men's nd women's single competition !v f'rst units of St. An-H;i!l on the University of mipu.. Th3 site Is across i,l 1 ! 0111 the new Law Fac-liidiiw: mid 'o the south- CANADA HAS TURNED OVER to the United Nations, the sum of $1100,000 as its contribution to the U.N. Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for 1053. Canada's contribution represents full payment of the amount It pledged for the current fiscal year. Here, Ambassador David M. Johnson, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations (right), hands checks to U.N. Secretary-General Dag JIammarskjold. The program now operating in nearly 100 different countries and territories i3 already achieving effective results. ' Spokane Increases Lead ixans living quarters. While west. Lxisting colleges of the the primary purpose Is to house church are in Toronto and Mon- Arts students for the Presbyter- treat. I;m - inliil'diy, It Is anticipated The rapid development of that sonic arcoinmodaiion for a western Canada, particularly of time at least will be available to British Columbia and Alberta, went to the sidelines Monday as the big names in the week-long tournament appeared to be in a hurry to get 'their initial mutches over with.' THE MOST POPULAR CANADIAN WHISKY AT A POPULAR PRICE llie Anglican College, Willi :lius meant the movement of I Included in the first-round ,tjful view of the Gulf of other students. : population Into countless areas victory list were Davis Cup nct- where there was none before. In Iters from Canada, Mexico. Ja-ithe west alone the Presbyterian j pan and Australia and all the seeded netters In both mens Church currently needs half a Me Zaharias Exempt from Qualifying Round and women's divisions who saw action. The small crowd of With 6-5 Win Over Tyees Ey The CmmHtin Prowi ' night's only scheduled contests. Home runs by pitcher Art . Tonight Salem moves to Lew-Worth and catcher Bill Sheets ist0n for a three-game series About 200 at the Toronto Tennis Club courts had little to r heer about, but they were hundred or more new ministers to man new fields and take the place of aging clergymen. It is hoped to get construction of the hall under way in 1954. Mr. Justice A. M. Munson heads the provincial committee and Mr. H. Lyle Jcstley, an outstanding young barrister of Vancouver, heads the campaign committee. Ths campaign will be directed bv James B. Ray who given an indication of better things to come when the big boys arc drawn against each gave the Spokane Indians a 6-5 wjth the Broncs and Wenatchee Western International League i tackles Edmonton's Eskimos at baseball win over Victoria Mni- I Edmonton. k " :'..ili.u i:t hope to re- Zaharlas h asaln likely to be H' tivr ccmji'-tition hi the "the one to beat" in the climactic Yh.ini'Hoii.-Viip cf Cli'lf at contest If recovery from her re-0. Sim. iter Country Club, cent operation Is as complete as ,,. in which the first p. event .slns susest. tic -nff is scheduled for Frank Stranahan heads the list of amateurs who don't t i, was rivealcd today men lent villi announcement have to prove they are good other. day night and increased the:r j first place margin to a full game. ' The town of Alcoy, Spain is The Indians spotted the Tyees r,0ted for Its manufacture of cig-four runs in the first two in- aret paper. . ii I 1 -"V 1 lift i & y r -4 ii n pn .'crs ami men mu- vi:uwn ni tuoinijiuiu.nii u"" has lust comnlcted a successful nings, evened tne coum wnn a pair of runs in each of the next f;c,m puiuon. n:s sun unnuerrupiea - qualitjini; . . . campaign for St. n nil) Thomas More string of five consecutive victor- College federated with the University of Saskatchewan. ONE TOUCH MATCH Forty-four matches were played Monday, and . only one Jic-ween Bob: Bedfd,Sherbrooke,; Que., and George Czuczka. To-ronton could be described as tough for a seeded played. The 21-yenr-old Bedard, rated No.' 2 in the domestic section, was extended to 1hiee sets before v won 7-5, 6-4, 8-2. The others followed the trrnc' "f the opening match when Red Hartwtg of Australia, seeded No. 2 in the foreign section, de- i! -' f J Among those associated on the committee with Mr. Justice Manson is Jack McRac of Prince wo frames, ana went, aneaa in the sixth on Sheets' round-tripper. Worth's homer at tlw art of the ninth proved to be the payoff blow as the Tyees idded their final tally in their half of the innlnp. Tri-Clty hurler Ken Michclson limited Vancouver to four hits but the Capilanns converted hree of them Into runs and Rupert The campaign closes towards . (,r all tlic A!!-Ainerlcan Ii'uriiairtent s. Exemptions World champtonships are .tnl In the announcement Oe-irjf S. May Company, rs el th?sc annual evei.ts. . B.ibe will compete If ,blc ' s.ikl Mr. May, "and iv.' -he ( xp"cU to be able." c tiiii '.s winner cf the A!!- iii and with a record of nait-lit first place flnl-'hes Irani- h lil.il I i.l the W.irlii iion.h'p for Women Tro-il. Mildred Uidriksen -. es in the AU-Amcrican and three m the Word Championships leaves no passible doubt that he belongs with the rest of them. Bill Campbell, whose domination of the amateur men's group in 1948. and 1949 In the World Coamploni-hlps was successfully challenged when Stranahan started his monopoly of top honors the fol.ov.ins year, is also exempt from qualifying for either of the twin events this time. he end of August. 1 mJA v r i a rt VCK'VKH 'ia W a vim 1 1 Ian i fonted Syd Hcrmant of To-i rcnto 6-3. 6-1. Love sets and 282 Entered In PNGA Tourney scores of 6-1. 6-2 were the order ! 'i''t the finish. n t.. t J PORTLAND (APt ' The an- "'' fu' "' t hrtt.n- fvorie to w n the sin-sociatlon nual Pacific Northwest Golf A.s- lc Il"ost champlonship.s were chrduled to get under way at ' of '''0Lo, f the.co"1 . i,. ..hi. hi vdth a 6-0. 6-2 triumph. The Imilies Eat WcII-Easily-In Summer imergcd with a 4-3 victory In the opener of a three-game seriis at Vancouver. A pair of singles, a hit batsman and a triple accounted for three tallies- in the first Inning. Errors by Ray and en Tran let in the winning run in the fifth. Tri-City scored slnsrlc runs In the fourth, sixth and eighth Innings. Yakima and Calgary produced 40 hits between them in a wild affair at Calgary, won by Yaki- Its genial, rich flavour j,,,,! , makes G&W Bonded Stock'. ' as delightful to the taste as , it is easy on the entertain-y,. ment budgetl GOODERHAM t WORTS LT0. ' i Establishid 1832 Cinidi'i Oldest Distlllsrj , SUNDAY BS Cania-.un, 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Cuqui'tlam, 8 p.m. 41 It F. ARM anl STKWKl Friday, Camosun. Midnight FOR NORTH QI'KEN CIIARLOTTK ISLANDS July 15th and 29lh ES CoQuiUam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE IS! ANUS S3 Coquitlam, Mk night July 8th and 22nd FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 23-ycar-old member of Aus- golfers entered men and women iraiius iuvis vup uraiii n over with In a hurry less than n oii-'t r-ing rounds of the six dav affair. 0 "lrritcR. I.ornc Muln of Vancouver and H' f r 'h" field of 282 entered In the men's tourney was to play in l-h.:lc round at the Colum-in-E l-'ewatcr cour.se. The other Yilf will comocte tomorrow. Sur- Toronto r.nfl No, e- ,mrii:.n sr-rtiim 1 w"d In th? ma, l'-12. The visit ii,g Ecarsout-whipped Huh fugged the Stampeders .23-17. The barrage included s.cven home ; This advertisement is not published or displayed by the I.hiiinr' ' Control Board or hv the Ciovernment of British CnhimMft.' ' runs. The three games were Monday i .ill Murray of Hamilton 6-1, 6-1 In another fast-moving match. mi;;ts Japanese To'lay Rose meets Mnsanobil I'Miira, 30-yea-r-nld nirmber of 'I'tvip's Oivis Cup tPHin. who whipped M. Jones of Toronto 0-4. 1-1 in the fir.sv round. Miln is 'rsmn ng.iln.st Fred Reminn of It'imiltnn who guUoprd over Jo-' OiX'C, London, Out., '6-1, 6-1, ivos will met In match play 'VrtneHav. Bruce Cudd. Pnrt'anrt. mrnrr t - Mil'n Bill Mnwhinnev. 'iie"iivr was ranked high lviu-T 'he favorites in the men's - Miwhlnnrv has turned irofcsvlnnal and is Ineligible to omiM'te, O u.cr? rega'ded as top eon-i7lr' .-i"-ip Bob FlemlnT, .lWa,(jUUllUIMW..WWIB'.Wltl.'..'.'l.'JL.M'Wai Hl..UUM..lHl'i.uUlUlMI i . '. . - :..-- . :. .-. .i-"". i;: . ..-;.-:. v..v.. - '- ; ' - ' : ' - -v -- n- . --:. .' --s. .;:-v '";::,:'. ' " . , .'-:i. ..vy - - '.'..:' -" '' ' ' . ' -'...' . .,:'.:, :.::' "'V ; , 1 v ' j r J ;X;; : v , M-ndny. , ;. . . "'!-.h' r-"v':'- titlist .-...from j Harl'vlgs pci-oiul-i'ouiid op) I XX: J M iv V-'rH- TV.-r-loi: Wlwdrtfistonv-iUfin nmmlsrs to be nni'-li Mlt" I-., leur ' h mn on from Long- toucher. lie Is scheduled to met ; : R iv W-.-ton of Spokane .tjro Yamarishl. the 41-vii -ol(l . A'ltinson and Bob crtnidn-inunneer of tit" 1 Pc- ii-! Is. bo'h of Portland. invis fun team, who swish-1 i f v. r - ; r t a linxed Cabin On Ship Gone ; IhrcUT-i P"b Wll i'.n r.f Fort ' Willi m. fl-0. A-. Mnivti". !- Fddle Moylan of Trenton. N.J., four ranklni In t i" i ciTn section nnd eillert bv som" , experts to take the title Satur- j oiiy. brcew,' t'lioivh Hv riisi round. 6-1. -2, over Fred Fen-' nell of Halifax. .S mimiiu-r nnd living tholil'i (f" - f -i... ntr.a h-- the slii- any. So ru the tlioiiKlitu of liiiiiicniaki'i s who wisely nerve "sy nieiiln. ilii H e.it piptiy irnicli tlie iiii mnnT mill winter, mirveys hut during warm weather, 'iHiluni. likp NjindwichR, kiiuph ilnds Hiipear Ht more iiiphIr i'Vit. TIump's pood reason for Tomato Chmtilrr Atparw and itieei Utt Saint Colli Melon Icrd Tern Temite Chovyder! Crlon-fry t llrei bacon: remove bacon from lin ; cook '.i cun chopped onion until ft In chippltiK. A 1 c,n condenned tonmlo soup and t soup ran milk plus 1 cup cream style corn. Sunnier 5 minutes. Garnish with bacon pieces. 4 servings. if A -T ' r-' lb" I.--. -r... IniiTlrl n lr(ir wii;t- fr,r t wis found hunted Agrirullurc is the most Imim' t ant Industry in Indin.1. wllh rl'-e the largest crop. full tlie dcliiililfiil eHtlng varl- "i" e- bin. on the next, voy--r 1 wnn" woman occupnnt .'Is-inpinrcd. When the ship re-'ir-ind hre today there was no -R7. tod. thj cabins on each side were larger. nt k iinssihlp whh tittle effiirt. iiii-als ai im i-l Hiit in the r iM-caiise the woman who -" Hie kilt-hen doesn't find her SOUP SCOOPS 1. .-,..,i....1w.,-.lfinl-i. J Beef Goes Far In Plnwheels: Ths laxt hit of roast beef turns Into ..... ...i.u l.l Hi.. THE HON. JAMES SINCLAIR Minitltt ol Fiihstiti 'IliiiR up. As you know, there THE HON. R. O. CAMPNEY, Q.C. Solicitor General ol Canarls Associate Minister of National Define" RT. HON. LOUIS S. ST. LAURENT "RIME MINISTER OF CANADA ccni-iniia mam an." niit Pinwlicel recipe. You'll need s 'I'll more niHin niealn to serve "e (it UiiH teason when dill-'ii'ii't tn Ri-ln.nl. And you're In liiivp mine Kiiesis at limi-h I'lu i' att frii'iiiU i nnie visit Inn can of beer Ki'avy roi II. nisi menu cup clmiiped rooked beef with seasuiilncs (l small ni''n nnd smsll . clove iiaillc. both minced nd cooked in butter; plus "lt anJ peppeil. Stir In U cup of the beet .run. Now iirepnie biscuit douan 1 atinin. t vaiictv In uiiiiimpr nicalH. tile airay nf conilenKeii noupii. ' niiiiilwli-lies and i-i'Ihp fi cmIi Canada has never known such Ten Injured " ''CJ Hp. A section " V'-"illllnn-''oll'ir went) ' -"tit nne" cnnstruetlon co!, 'npsed. senCing 10 workmen v hnsHnls. Th" rn-n f"ll "" to the "-ound when a frame work of concrete, steel en-' nlmking caved in under their feet. tip .H I tree! with 1 cup or packaged mix nd ,i cup milk Roll soft dough on llahtly nui-r nun li to select from mi do U open nnd heat n le flavor nt anno Then quickly a milad or nut Bandwichea floured board go aoiimi ra -rectanisle and la about Vi-lnch thick. Spread meat mixture on dough; roll tier. Progress and Prosperity aa tor Jelly loll; cm um. i i . Bake on cooky sheet ai iou r. .... U minutes or till lightly browned. Serve with remaining hot gravy. 4 aervliiKS. "SWEET 'N LOVEL SUMMER MEALS' Tiimafo Connonime ( hvme-Olirr .SanifinVh Slratrberrr Sfinrtrafce "liTHTEST -s N v v VOTE 70 KEEP IT SO ! Snick On Julee And Tidbits: Scf let bilRlit vegetable juices taste like a "Rxrden In glass ". Keep cans of the Julee well chilled for snacks on warm days. A have cheess and cucumber kabobs to nibble s . .... u...i.,d liiifilra "iito Coniemme: Conililn 1 icn cundensed toniatu aou-p uiimniiiiie with 1 soup inn f and 2 tulilesiiiunis nnelv you sip. ror aaoona. slice of cucumber I'P1 liuriiley.. Heat. Or chill 6 of cheese and oil toothpicks. k and serve Icy cold. 4 serviui;. t ' I - f f r H l.ON Federally Ifsliberal! : . .... . v T Tt - ftf f M;, "'int. .ftt. ftr.- On--t.'ti rAor"sg v i.fi m;l . -(4 ,u ' Tit lA -Ton Pttnol IHUMiH K IT - UaMIo, hrntcr A naturalist working in the jungles of Africa uses a portable aluminum elevator to get to the top of 150-foot trees to secure samples of plant and animal life. He simply shoots a line from S rifle over a sturdy limb, attaches it to the elevator cage and hauls himself up by working a hand winch fixed to the cage's floor. , His one-man elevator is almost certainly made of Canadian aluminum. For by putting untamed "white water" to work creating electrical power, Canada has nude itself the largest exporter of aluminum in the world. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. lAlcan) if. VOTEilBERt Bob Parker ltd. sTV CV. STATION "The Home of Friendly Service" i ?!: t SECOND AVE. X uroT prl,Sen""tl1 'S "ol u"blisil,1 r displayed by l ie Liquor 'ard or by the Government ol Uritish Coiunibitt. 'Hum tttivtulueuteiil la puUhaUtd by lh B.C. Fedbiai--LiUtsr.il Caiui'tiiku CuuiiuUlu". J