Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It REFLECTS Wednesday. February 10, 1954 bv i, V . -wJ V 1 fcirongnnld B .i, , in Independent dally newspaper dvoted to the upbuilding nf Print Rupert and Northern and rvntral British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dullv New., Limited. J. F. MAGOR. President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Aii educationist says tlie 'iv-erat;e man has no head for figures. That's what he always (.Hoovers when he undertakes to figure out his Income tax papers. J: & was flshting thf 5.; "ad there b(HnnoC: over Gibraltar h, Ks miiiht naw Atlantic prts eri. 1 f i l - jf , BubacrlpMon Rates: , , j y carrier Per week. 25r; per month, $1.00: per year, $10 Of. i&TLAr-iy mail Per month, 7fic; per year, $8.00. & tutiiorized as second class mat! by the Post Office Department, Ottawa When something is being offered for sale next door to where five hundred millions are belli1; THE Prime Minister is I off on bis trin. to India I OK Tin, (i 1 -re and several other countries. Who knows? Maybe in Uio long run his trip out to Asia EXTRA i will have a more important ef-l'i 'i't on world peace than will ! t h c much-publicized meeting SPEC1I spent, the chancer are you'd fe l interested. Perhap; you would make a few inquiries. A proposed new Canadian flu.? Is faid to be acceptable to Quebec. That leaves only nine oilier provinces to be .satisfied. Ciiinments Ihe Kingslnn Wliia;-Ktandard: Willi reference to nepotism in public offices, il tin- government can ;;"t any work out of Kinfolk, we're for it. Nobody else can. Queen KlizalM'th will be In Gibraltar in a lew months, on her way home. Spaniards have lately I now going on in Berlin between tlie .spokesmen for those PRINT Jc! powers which cmII themselves I the "Big Four". . TIIF.SK THRTK RCAF OFriCt'KS are in chargi' of the KCAF (.'-5 aircraft carrying Prime. Minister St. Laurent on his world-wide tour. Lmtt to ric.lit: Wing Cmdr. II. A. Mnrison, Winnipeg, pilot; Group Capt. J. G. Stephenson, Walk erville. Out., coiidui ting officer, and Flt.-I.t. I). R. Adamson, I.loydmlnsler, Sask., co-pilot. VICTORIA REPORT H-K.iu CAL10 DIBB PI COMPANl In the long run, the rale or future generations is more likely to be deelded by what happens in India than what, happens in Germany. India not Germany holds the key to the future. Our own eounlry, Canada, is been clamoring aooul the coining pn'sen.e of the Queen and importance , of t he Brills :i VICTORIA Next Tuesday the guns will roar and Lieutenant-Governor Clarence Wallace will body will say that, isn't all the Some back-bench Social talking awful, and that it should ' Crediters are said to bo some-be .stopped, but, of course, every- what annoyed with the govern-body will keep right on talking, ment. They think the guvein-hopinu in this wuv to make an ment does too much without ! impression on the folks back c'onsliHing the baek-beni hers arrive at the Legislative Buildings to open another session of the Legislature. There'll be the usual fuss and feathers, all the pomp and circumstancesthe big show that wurD home. Then will come the budget, and then the speechifying will start all over again in the Here's a case: Some SC. backbenchers think they should have been consulted before the Pre- Hand of Friendship N NAM INC! Asia as the part of the world to which ! he attaches most importance on his tflohe-girdlin.c; .our, Mr. St." Laurent is being governed by obvious facts. As an Atlantic nation and a member of MATO, Canada must take a vital interest in affairs n the European theatre; but as one of the major Pacific countries we are commuted to Far Eastern levelopments in a way not shared by many of our lilies. ' It is in Asia that much of the potential danger : war arises. Yet from sections of that great land mass, too, comes the promise of great peacetime trade possibilities for us. The latter consideration will be prominent in the Prime Minister's contacts with Japan, with which we are now formulating a trade pact. The vast potentials of India and Pakistan will attract particular attention during Mr. St. Laurent's tour. Both politically and economically the subcontinent is destine1 to play a powerful role in world- affairs. In talks with Prime Minister Nehru, the Canadian leader - will renew the acquaintanceship formed at Commonwealth gatherings and during the Indian's visit to Canada, and no doubt discuss in the friendly atmosphere of informality the position of India on many pressing problems. In this connection Mr. St. Laurent could perform a valuable service to the democratic cause by reason of his ability to serve as an intermediary between the anti-communist West and the heretofore uncompromisingly neutral India. Such a prospect is indicated in the Prime Minister's comment that "I hope to be able to bring back with me, and also to leave behind, not only useful this capital loves so dearly. budget debate, in which the bud WEV That night, at Government ' gel will hardly be mentioned at j '"i'r announced that the 10 per three years older than Germany, as a united nation. WE ALL know that much of the world is now divided into two hostile groups: The United States, richest and most libertarian great nation that there has ever been in all history, heads one group. Russia, operating under' a new, more subtle form of imperialism, applied through native agents controlled ' in the last analysis from Moscow, "heads the other bloc. , '. Neither bloc, is solidly united. Much of the Soviet bloc is held together by ruthless force. Another part of it notably gigantic China is allied to Russia on terms which are by no means clear. Mosi of the old school raj all. This is just an excuse to; cent lax on armies ny me glass make speeches And it won't be 'would be thrown out. It's known1 a debate. Therein he few Inter- i Mr. Chant, a former Alberta ruptions to members' set ! cabinet minister, who thinks he speeches. should now be in the B.C. cab- The government's legislative'"' is particularly annoyed, may attempt to lead a bit program is a bit hazy yet. Pre-n'ld ,nf a rcv"il fll,inst lh0 Vernier mier Bennett seems determined to make this what he calls "a! However, back-benchers al- House, the lights will gleam, and B.C.'s top officialdom will sit. down to dine in the slate dining room with the Lieut-governor The State Ball will follow. The annuai state 'ball causes many an ache In the breasts of socially ambitious people. Just about everybody wants to go to the State Ball, Victoria's mast elitterliiK social function. But IGE session." He's set on start-; ways feel tnat way about the ing the Snuamish-North Van-! government they support. They Tity llif Iilil'.lil- of Pr Mrs. DcCovt n. KlK' cIiiksp u iiirVt that wasn't Loom Wuvrn Each day :.he has it, her carpet fifts ieuwr It's pile 'disappears in hf-r vacuum cleaner That's why women who know what smart buyint's Buy l.ouin Wovrn Wunila Were pile can't pill Q x 12 Corpet only ( See hem Todoy there's room for only 500 to ; couver extension; it'll get under j 'eei iney suouia De consunea 011 dance comfortably in the ball- way by June and take 18 every move. This, nowever, is j nonsense; how can it be done? room, and so people must be ! months. ! diplomats, especially In Britain I and other European countries. ' are completely convinced that i there will sooner or later be a disappointed. 1 At this period of year some 1 people absent themselves from There shouldn't be too much1 " that were done, the MLAs in the way of politics discussed would have to be in session day at the session. A general elec- i ' and day out. A government tion's a long way off! The Lib- Is elected to make decisions and era Is, naturally enough, will I recommendations to the Legis-crow about their victory over mature. It shouldn't have to get Finance Minister Gunderson In in touch with every MLA before drifting apart of Red Russia and !Red China. The most funda McRAE BROS. 11 the capital. They go to California, so that if someone should ask them: "Were you at the State Ball?" they may reply: -Till: STOKE THAT SERVICE BUIX Phone 6 or 36 Oh no, my dear we couldn't i the Victoria bw-e!ection last H ran move. mental item in the code of beliefs is that sy.s:ems come and go, leaders rise and fall but national interests go on. They argue that Russian interests and Chinese interests are not identical and hence reason that a rift is only a question of time. go our annual vacation in the , November. They'll rub it in, and j But, in caucus, there are al-sotith. you know." When all social Crediters will have to sit 1 ways back-benchers who like to along they weren't invited. That . there and take it. They'll reply I gel up and howl about dictator-is called saving society face. 1 : tllat Liberals and CCFers gang- 1 ship in the government they In time-honored fashion thfijeci up to beat Mr. Gunderson, i support. These howls leak out, Qpssirm will riraa alone for al- tha.A piiiiuinn nt'n.H n a u u.. Sun Life Ups Policyh Dividends to S24V2 .nurt1 ilu hrR K-Shtl0ipHS ' most a monlh' as mpmher afr A new kind of coalition, i that there's revolt in govern- n A r i. ilfj f .momber rises to take part in the wiu Kay tne Premier-a coali-, ment ranks. However. It's never "r.,"' " j o. r. rr rITnrone KPeecri oeoaie. tveiy- :tion bPtweeri Liberals and the j very much to worry about. ui tile uiulcu oG.w:a .iicii.t , " 1 CCF. Mr. Bennett always says information but perhaps a clearer picture of the problems which all of us have to face together." He has listed "complete equality and a spirit of genuine understanding and co-operation1' as essential requirements in maintaining good relations be-" tween Asia and the western world. ,''' OTTAWA DIARY V Ey Norman M. MacLeod ('ontimics to soil more life insurance than if Canadian company SVTG million ne-Inisiness w ritten in '51 LETTERBOX BABV'S COLDS that, with evident political sat-i isfaction, when he sees Liberals i and CCFers Joining against Social Credit. And there'll b ihe usual i 1 questions from the oppositions' i some degree, at the tendency of the U.S.A. to make all the ef-' feetive decisions on which the ; welfare and indeed fate; of the whole western camp depends. , i THERE is one full third of the ! human family which is not j yet committed either to the western bloc led by U.S.A. or to MISQl'OTF.IV The Editor, The Daily News: ' ' I take exception to a statement scale In the varinu f A higher (lividrntl i... . i.. r.f.e. ..n,.riiv. uhlch tne nun u - about what on earth is Social. ve .e .in iT-iln rvriiice the rnit now: Canada, $3& appearing in the Feb. 9th issue j credit anyway? Health and 45 of the total: Is of vour paper, purportedly mad Shop-talk amongst the MP's f everyone in the Chamber with of life insurance for the holders or two million Sun Life of Canada policies, is iiino!ince" $2 628 581.000 Britain and o'hK Welfare Minister Martin will attempt to explain, but Mr. Ren- , nett and his attorney-general, young Mr. Bonner, who don't J 'hese days centres mainly on All the vast millions, in the wealth Countries W. HoTirke, Pretsl bv If f dlliri Georee EC rt Hint". B.oai Maclnnls was prepared to sup-: ...... ' . Moslim lands , , and down , in Af .. dent, in his Review of 000 UB'-i); ehewt-.-the (onioany's business ''r , out the oric by myself at a special council meeting last week. I did not at any time stale that action on the Drydock was strictly City Council bustne?s. I did however, suggest that the City Council should take action on its own and not merely en Help Nature To Fight Them Off Mcliral Sri'nrn (ffnin there If tny BUi'h thin t cur for rnlrlit only Nalure hfrrst-lt csn rid it. So when bghy'a HnifKm. or nturTy brtHtlmc mim yuu of ft eold'a prewm r4Kt'ntl at onre with Nature. S that haiiy w kept warm, geta plenty of UM-p attrl take extra (are that the bowela are Ih'iruuiflily rlearert nf harmful waetea. To tlo till without urMettiii bahy'a whole Nvvtrm atid further weakening it, try Hahy'a Own Tahleta. Mthl, yet ftrt promptly in getting ml of irritating material that make hahy reatlna and levertah. I tne Nova S-tua Mother aaya: ".Wtf Imtnj o f!tl minitit ru'iy'.l a mft'j ruid f Irieif l'io Own 7'oOI'tf and thf thrtrui retil i,f tfinrker tttnn tvrr Ortirr. i rrlimii'l net or rl th'. O.m '.'ViWrl run new en." Kifiially g'MMj for rewtleenneen ami iee iahrt. reKillltitR from irr,golurily at t,-e! lung 1 1 me, lor eolisl ipal ion, ,hgt , 1 1 ve ipvela anil nlln-r minor inlalit trouMee. t,eta pa'kuge totlay al drugalotea. it", i 1!)53. Iliviclenrts to policyhold know what Social Credit is, and don't care, either, will shush Mr. Martin. They don't want Mr. Martin making any theore ers durinr IHM will amount to k?ii.. million. II', more than pany reached SIR1 i . - r Hi vrar enn, r- t he expertness or otherwise of the footwork shown by the different political parties in the House on the bill to increase the legislators' take-home pay. It's an anxious subject. The MP'a have the uneasy feeling that the general public, has been left Cold and even hostile by the ease which they put up for a 100 per cent Increase In their tical s p e c c h e s about Social I port it. The CCF reservation that the increase was too high was regarded tolerantly by the other MPs as merely a matter of Socialist political tactics. The problem envisaged for the PC's was simply how they could both support the measure and talk against it at the same time. Then the public reaction com rica, are astir: Thev all want some things chief of which is a better share oi the good thing': of life. They are all inclined to blame all tlU'ir troubles on the real rulers of their countries, which for the past century or so have been westerners while men Europeans or whatever more lh:,n M', over t h e crease of w" dorse t he action of the Chamber i credit Mr. Martin has a way of ihe twelve-mn of Commerce. R. A p.etllng the government into hot: McLEAM. i wilt, r when he makes a pop-off , speech. ' i last five yearn. Most policyholders carryin participatiiilt plans with the Company wi'l benefit by this" increase, with the largest payment being distributed in respect of policies longest in force. New life insurance issued during the year menced to register. MP's learn-; you want, to call them. These assets, card" ed and well f , made up of: ! ment. Provincial pal, 2R.7'; I- i I tilitv, Intlustriil c referred and f'" 6.0; Mortsajei H ' 1 and MisrelUnw iMH....- interest rate --- f . - o - an vet 1 aiiiounu'ii amounted to 10 V,!HK.u0, (u.jtiri.wiru, .1 increase of $31 million nvt ! 1!ir2, and the largest amoyi Ifaj tllf )t;ir uA..e lf ..f .mv f taUIatatU a ii '.ill j Hill Shipments Set Record VANCOUVER (Pi Grain ship- ; rtu:n&'1rott... -British . . Columbia i $jrU. in . )0M set . ln all-time j itoortl tiM2i,000,00'0 bushels, the Searle Grain Company reported 1 ' Tuesday. The shipments of wheat, oats and barley produced on the I rt LUlHuatij- i:r Kl.i.i, c.rnn in. i a.:rw w ANNUAL MEETING CANADIAN JP.CROSS SOCIETY Civic Centre Common Lounge WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 ot 8 p.m. Reports and Election of New Olfieers EVERYBODY WELCOME surance included, in the above J.K4 in the etl it when they visited their ridings over the week-end and COMMUNISM carries a vital, through the correspondence that dynamic appeal to the vast passed across thtfir desks.; In , the millions of unHberated. Asia and end only, lii liberal MP's Whl (Africa.;- .41 ready-nade fnto the House to voe Jor. Ahe iAkb !?i.'ki o(,!4' reian bill. The PC's voted solidly j overlord and the. local IuniJlord against it. Angus Maclnnls won j to shoot him out. One of its half of the CCF group to his way i strongest features is its preach-of . thinking. Only the Social j ing and practicing1 of real rac-Credilers remained unchanged ia' equality, in their opinion of their own ! India this philosophy, higher worth. j but in her own way. Of the various crouns in Ihe India Bays, in effect, that the This suspicion is mainly the product of the Parliamentary mail-bag. MP's who defended, the pay raise,;in .the coursa of the debate have . received no fan mail w h'a te t e.r . coniaieiidirig. their stand. Instead, several of them have had their desks Uttered with correspondence ranging from coldly critical to violently abusive in its tone. On the other hand, CCF-er Angus Maclnnls, who fought the increase without any reservation fiRiire amounts to $170 million. , increase u an increase of more than $a uutive year. ' INSl lit1 leiillin iiunr Ihp trvlnuti virir l r. AIDS IIOM 1,1 This rlsinic volume of husinci.n mil House, the PC's are the most ! backward and oppressed at every stage fo the bill, has was spread over world-wide Dllrini; 19M. ' territory in the neariy 30 conn- ()()nd lnv,..stmi nt tries covered by Sun, Life .ser-; b n10rP thun i3 vice" mainly in the ? In his survey of the figures p u b 1 1 c "u", ' for the yeur, Mr. Courke com- amount of n1"', menu on the manner in which rm h J' life insurance meets th'n res-1 v. mpn(, of S'" prairies were sent to Europe and 1 Asia from terminals in Van-i couver, New Westminster, Prince Runert and Victoria. The grain company, tracing the history of West Coast ports, said they had now grown to the point where they were handling about a quarter of the yearly shipments made through the E l LI. I 15 lions can achieve aU they want by democratic means dream about und plan for, but by democratic and merciful methods which are poles apart from Till been literally snowed under with letters approving his stand. Veteran Parliamentary observers can remember few comparable Illustrations of the ability o n-.iic onlnlon to alter the satisfied with the way things turned out. They believe that for once they landed on the right side of an issue which will burn itself increasingly into the public mind. The other parties are Incllnded to concede a definite score to the PC strategy. ponsibilitics nf Its purpose. ihc!.ilis amntint. " Sun Life of Canada, he hmtl, .h In 41.1' has paid $2,729,000,000 In here- ; ' ' Tjuring ttv ruthless Communist procedures. Our western fate Is bound up with the success and failure of fits since the first policy wa : " the Sun uit Issued in 1871, and durine 1053 ; ,.' million on t!. Great Lakes. Vancouver has seven terminal elevators and New Westminster, Victoria and Prince Rupert have one each with a total capacity of 28,000,000 bushels. . IN S I AM LY Loi oiiu s 2 Siz' sijiii:ic OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING ym retime, your ii!hftte geti imiatlrr snd mailer. j Indian democracy, which is tho no less than half u million tlol- Discussing " lars was nald out hv the Com- nr. i...'ntt as " Climbers' Hoiord real reason ior our r.ivi. a visit. pany each workinr; day. Total (h rontiniil amount na d durine the twelve t . ir. Bo""' . I V I At atitude of the House of Commons towards a measure. True, the weight of public opinion wasn't quite sufficient to block the passage of the Increase. But it very definitely changed the climate of the Commons Chamber towards it. When the measure first was introduced, Parliamentary confidence in the favorable reception that it would secure from the public ran high. Virtually monfh period was $125,057.000. ! ,j tnat 'life i""" And the wonder-working, Uit panel gitei y txdet, mfjmi. abit. cmsivm-Jtt every tayl K! Y CROl-P Itl SINFSS I P 17 shin today is , LONDON CP Sarseon Charles Evans, 32 and Dr. Michael Ward. 28, members of the 195'i Everest expedition, told the Royal College of Surgeons that sore throats, caused by difficult breathing and lack of sleep, were the main medical problem on the epic climb. anrl on 3 If" , New annuity contracts dur-:a"a brfre. W Ing the year included Individ- " mor, than i ual annuities and group pen- ..... .....mnre. " -Tlt's No FRENCH FIGURE REDUCER TAKf Vr.AHi OH YOl'R PI(;iRP Niiw HI liu-t you mil IiihI :inll y lotik 2 t-.-n inull'-r ulul yfiifi yiiiif iM'T t-aliul'ni- lil-wai l rtvt'H yu tin- Iftiiiuitnlili itnu witi-'i mul Ionic UrG'n Id vitriiP tmliif You'll toitk iiili'T uti'l ni ir inner hi linjlun dtHeV(i(rar Iruiu your sions guaranteeing paymenls (lolll(e the am""1!' ut imiic muii 9t iiiiiniiii iii . yvorid vvur f: capW amount P" fficient to P" j Secret... That all drivers on our trucks carry nula nncl nr'r, , wum, 1(1, -w, hi i Rill taiiu uriiirrc. r. I OR lOt '5 COMFORT WITH MIRrXCI V. Fl ASTIC! Tor llir ttr-t tin. you mn livi Mfvy-iiroittiiiK fumlort ami ((u-iouif ujii)fwt. ItnTi-dllde i-owcr tlti-tli k-i-v-c-m and i-t-r---t-i--f,-c UK ou Kit, tuMitl, tttrr-tcti ou II i iijoy uiiuintflif.l fnv aim i. nf i fort mn you work ainl rfln duly trcncli I ncurc Hint ( Iivi-M you tdp, bnUllijr way ( Wet-It trui-age Muuru-'ui ur you pay yothiiig! SI'PKRBI.Y TAII ORF.O. Mad o( fliiMt. coKlllfnt, rwr-iiilratlon-uli-nrljciit fahrui. t.iiMrant,n to Vici tin Mrvtrli ixm -liaiM' throufftt fwafK)!i of w-nr. Wlil tint roll or curl on lui. V uaIh-.i J --- . ""arlBk ,m. w,c ;ni ,uril l a larger has! ance. "Time milium.- ill a miiiuiij menta to be made by the Company either Immediately or in the future, through group pension plans and individual contracts, increased to $126 million per annum. Total Sun Lite insurance in force at the end of 1A53 amounted to $5,678.00,-000. Group insurance included in this figure is $1,751,000,000, an increase of 17. The growth of Group insurance and pension plans reflects the business and iB nlv throuitn, ' . .it i. -' 1114 a urea 10 n i a urbuiy ui ucnoiri! -i EXTRA I ARGF SIRS i Small (2.V26), Mfolum (27-a), Ure Kulra t.ira.- i;ii-:H) aio. -I' avA ion i iu: i t i.r.l'.u i ici uY. that the mi uals can . XX i.l3-:i.,. XXX :tfi-:ih), XX. U-0. X.WXX U 1-4.1). . . a J..h al A. - - J -v (ivili, I. m, RUSH COUPON NOW- r 1 I I RECORDS . . . POPULAR MUSIC BY POPULAR ARTISTS New Long-Ploy Selections , Albums ond Accessories Ail ot RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC S13 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert - - Phone 644 I STRATTON M ANl'FAf.TI'RINO COMPANY 44 -w1rlid Sirert Writ, Dept. G .;f no sunsi"' Industrial vnansinn nf recent! n I PIimw m-h FRKNCH rini'RE FrftlTrR, II nnt OHIshtfd i 1 may return li wttitln (10) dayt lor rHuud ot iiurcliaao price. I - w ante . enn t years during which time thei copy ot , B" , Company, a pioneer in this nitP 1953 "nww Vhipping Cream - Table Cream Cereal Cream ' Just ask the driver for any of these when he delivers your milk. Northland Dairy Phone 18 Limited NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTIIERN rOXSl'MERS I tN TWO I! I JIVliS 1 ONIY 1 VoJ 1kIom you pay pOKtw. J plumw Rfiilar f Panty nirrtli with rfmovihln ot-h lorm of insurance, has retain-j policyholders, . ed ed a a leading leading position, position, protect- protect- president pendent's rPV . . nt ' IliD. milnv linnflrrrls. nf thou- . i. Uninir SCl .. ... !.- m t.'rJ " ,v COttEKCT fcEND MIS EXTRA Bl.rnr.tntf 7i.Sl"Ylth?nip. Sl.K pleu CROTCH K8 & !r fach. button -r,tt.t jrt Ctof Choloe ind Oolwf Lhokm Z Hdrt-rtc. ;NAMfc)Prlnt , J IN 3 C.OI OR1 I ADL.RKH3 (Flint). . , Nud. VtUitm t atlua a Gtft t l,,.w,.,..Ftw..r,,,v-,..., I ! sands or employees or business t holder, or and industrial organizations ; from L. throughout North America. , George) U"1 w The total amount of life in-1 A. McKeown, surance and annuities in force jtive.