Dances. Food of Manv Natinnc Prinre Rupert Daii;. News J Wednesday, February 10, 1954 jd by 300 at "Brotherhood Night" Lev VtXK IPu skit including song and" from Russia, pretty handmiint- AUCTIONEER t'liuiir KUck n ana KrA Diminutive Canadian Singer. Sought by U.K. Theatre Agents LONDON (CP) Fifteen theatre to Canada and Wendy Is scr-agents telephoned Vancouver's iously attacking the problem of Wendy Martin after the honey-, finding theatre work here. For blonde soprano made her debut some time she has been study-on Britain's home television pro-; ing under old-time opera star 6ram- Maggie Teyte, and thinks she d "I was the most unpopular i like to "try" opera, person in my hotel that day," Put Wendy is still of two she said with a laugh. "They 1 minds whether she wants to be-were trying to cope with frozen come a straight actress or sing- I .Wld food h-om n , ,r,n . KUSSW comprised , ed wooden bowls from Estonia. tuon Llormedju,ecfnt. Dutch shoes, quaint gilt i.ilion, i . .. was followed by a buffet leant, i i.!n,,,c tr,,, ... ' .I.b. -"V ! , . . . .. - - ; 1"-" -iuiiv;u, tusuueia irom Mexico, an attractive carved horn from Trinidad and a myriad other artieles tmm many lands. 1 f yW 'I 'm 1 ' " - if ,- iW A x- pv th " 'rom eVery s from nd i,eTynf 100 In I cvent al featured dis- ,js,Mool bht n nui pV(, kus tlie Cum ad .r FLAGS tfiood Nmlit which One display of articles from pipes wnen mosi or the calls : er. "I guess I d like to be both." came through." she said. i an iinuiuinF"" r.uiuye aim ftiia was cleverly ago wth a 'set up with a huge, hand-drawn ijukiuB part In ai map, and threads stretching Ermine is the name given ta the stoat when its fur t urns white for protection in winter. The diminutive Canadian singer with a strong soprano voice, made her first TV appearance as Prltain suffered the coldest spell in a decade. The TV critics liked her voice and the telephone calls started after igram 10 lual I irom various countries to mlnin-nnid program ture national flags set on the crowd of f-TA j table and surrounded with that 1 others from j nation's arts and drafts. ity. The event was cited by Rev. L. O. Sieber as typifying the work of the Citizenship Council, of which he is chairman, in attempting 'to bring together the people of all nations in Canada. j'lOKE IMMIGRANTS In a brief address opening the program, Mr. Sieber noted that the one-millionth Immigrant to this country would arrive by June 1. Those million people, he said, were bringing a richness of culture, language, arts, nolenep and skills to contribute to the culture of Canada. "At meetings such as this," he said, "we meet, see and understand one another's cultures." He said that the citizen.ship council was planning further Italy, Wales. Es- rance, Oct many, 1, England, Irc- Another tabic held articles from the -jiiany countries of North and South America. There were bright, handwoven materials from Sweden and Finland, beautiful decorated eggs ( a Demonstration JJf .inada, and Can- Lfnf forever. Miss Martin admitted to a re- ! porter that she had no agent. TAKING HOLIDAY Till then Wendy, blue eyed and 20, lad been too busy holidaying on the continent to worry about agents. After a summer season singing the lead in "Desert Song" at Vancouver's "Theatre Under the Stars," Wendy came to Britain last fTl: Se ALL the MRS. HFMODOKF, CYR, 42-year-old Ledges, N.B., farmer's wife, cuddles her new eight-pound daughter, her 25th baby in 26 years. With 18 children still living, the oldest of which is 24, the new arrival evened the score of nine sons and nine daughters. She and her 47-year-old husband live in an 11-room house on a 400-acre farm where all but the latest child were born. The newest baby was born in hospital at Fort Kent, Me. Mrs. Cyr, married at the age of 17, says she wants more babies. vFRIGIDAIRE Clechia such programs as had been held 1 a 1Hlft.J' MODEL DO- October with her mother for a 'late holiday. Almost Immediately the slim, good-looking youngster was j ed to appear in a film made here for the opening of Vancouver's I new TV station and featuring several Canadian actors and act RANGES Royal Tour Program Changed 299 75 1 mt recently with New Canadians participating, and appealed to persons of various countries, who had mastered Canadian customs and language, but retained their mother tongues, to assist in the work of the council. Ilarley Lewis was master of LISMORE. Australia w A on. the Queen to ask her to re-change in the royal tour program j turn to Sydney by road. The for Thursday, announced today, iourney is a lone slnw riHvo the Droeram ; indicates that Queen Elizabeth! The premier's annnunroment ceremonies for which saw the audience Join in mav e feeling the strain of was made before the Queen and OUR BUDGET PLAN WILL HELP YOU BUY GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 resses, prominent in London's theatre circles. She also made a TV film in aid of Canada's polio fund, singing a duet with Edmund Hoekridge, also of Vancouver. Now Mrs. Martin has returned sinemc "Maple Leaf Forever." iraveiung. 1 the Duke of Edinburgh appear- "Waltzlng Matilda." "I'll Take! Premier Joseph J. Cahill of cd In Llsmore, where they spent You Home Again Kathleen" and 'Nrw South Wales announced that the night, for another big wcl-"Alouctte." , . the Queen will return the 52 ! come on their tour ! m'1('s rom Wollongong to Sydney ' Particpatlng in the proeram T ,N RA S -ere Maria Bussanirh Helda (Thursday by train instead of by . Pnf,tllf (-., u,.. u.i.i .Cr. - "wiu vk,jV,i; j,.,k,u 111 . .... w...t .iM.Ttiu. muiiiri Fred E. Dowdie OPTCMETFiST Vj,.it 1 rain and steamy heal for several Frickson. Maria and Mareello Cahi" said the ryal Busanich, WIU Hankinson. Mary U1.. Ul!!L he Zwd .TJluT Z Bird, Tom Wardrope. Aus Llnd- r.'ew add: 301 J Ave. W itiMiit, jmiuuiim a ......... j ... drive to Wollongoiig,, it would c!vic welcome outside the coun-bc Imposing too great a strain j c" chambers. ..J .it.-.1p..;:..-- ,. Ph,ne Grtn SCO Later today the Queen ana oni seth and Jimmy Robertson. Wlndlne up the program was the Russian skit . . . Stranger in Paradise . . , in which a Russian woman 1 Helen Murdock) arrived looking for Canada, the land of freedom, or paradise, and staged an amusing Russian song and dance. Mrs. Linda Patzold and A. me duke visited the town of j Casino, then made a two-hour I flight to Dubbo, in western New ! South Wales, and will end the i day with a 75-minute flight back j to Sydney. JJ Officers Installation of their new When the Queen returns to Drcsident. Pete Petersnn hioh- I Svdnev tnnieht. shp u.ill h.ive fills. Diane Sasseville of Timmins, Ont., already Kteiirlcder were in charge of the lighted this week s meeting of j travelled 1,000 miles by air. rail a raroer as a trapeze performer, she swings lndnor clothes-line. Her father, Ernest Basse-nmdcr and weight-lifter. I "..-.Miiijii, umi uy mrs. ueurgv ine sons of Norway lodge. and road in two days. niui'rsnn. iwrs !vi Miinet nnn a 1 ! r" ," , V"., " utner ouicers, Installed at a yXUGHT AND TENDERly J ILL 1 plays was a nluded j in the clis- formpr meeUn arf. vice-prcsi-i ruic wFFk gronn of native iIHI WttK d,.nt Qunnar S(.,vlg. m K ined Dr. 1. A. by ... wi.. rppent Mrs E Somes; ; Canadian C i handiwork Ion lull meets lo- I i ....r-t...... i.l ing Regulations ! rff . I"",K"3, secretary Mrs. C. Strand; assist- i granoiatner. ant socretary Ml.s F Rtevenson; ' Jimmy Robertson and Mrs. W. ; financial secretary Miss A. Ped-! Murdock were in charge of theiprsen: secretary-treasurer Mrs j musical program while Mrs. A. j j, Freidhelm; marshal Mrs J. .DesauteH and Mrs. J. Kurdzlel ; Pedersen; assistant marshal Be Strictly Enforced UTTU DIPPER CAKE MIX . "" in ano inai. wie rny nrin. only one fiw parking on that prices of Vancouver firmn l bitter keep a for the woik had been obtained ir watrlv nicht in the Legiun auditorium. Business session and guest speaker, F. E. Anficld, "Thirty Years with the Coast Indians." I'nitrd Church W.A. tea Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Greene, 95 Itnrdcn Slrret. I "(hrrin Volrnlinr Tr. Sa-urday at the Lutheran church. "T" f'ni'icr's l:iv tea Saturday afternoon in the ladies' lounge at the Canadian Legion hall. convenen me Dniei amner. wnn ' Mrs. A. Jensen; trustees. A. Mar-the many varieties of food pre- tinusen, three years, H. Helland, pared bv P-TA member. two years. B. Bakken. one vear' Whit- "lift's enlnved the un-1 inner puard -J. pedersen: outer Mini delicacies, background puiud A. Jensen, music from many countries fill- New members itiitiatcd were 7v i '' it . r"V "i --J here who can do the job, had tendered prices that .were e,ulte in line. Annette s :iff miim rum-' n by Alderman i'tc(l that the ol the RCMP ed the hall. 1 ted to A sliver collection netted $123 for the P-TA's bursary fund. ! ' bylaw Hill, the S. Stefanson. Mrs. Ruth In.storg and Mrs. Elvira Biorndal. The meeting also disussd tentative plans for a masquerade dance to be held in the near future. and parkin.c at ions on I lion i ll of works committee reported to council that the city cannot take responsibility for repniiing the ramp at the Idea Cleaners and the owners are being informed that the city does not condone the encroachment 011 cilv property 1 sidewalk allowanci'i by their basement. resulat 'ftli:'t all Third readers Valhalla mectlns;. Feb. Wedding Anniversary 'jFilltun t(et is lini! area with f' the blink in u. (3r ' m.Tumt THfrl t- of I ICC, Hey Fellns ... take your The licencing committee LONDOV (CP)" - Cnulr. and ! Mrs. John Osborne, fornur y of. Vancouver celebrated tlvir silver weddhi'i anniversary wim a reception at their Londo-i Credit Women's Mreakfasl Club meets Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at the Kroadway Cafe. Girl Guide International Dinner Satiirrlav nighl at SI. Andrew's Cathedral. Sittings at 5:30 and 7 p.m. Reservations close today. i Street. Sweetie to see Valentine Varie- a one- prnuU'd a trades licence to J. tni tion Is in Kcmpster to carry on the busi- ' ties at the Capitol, Sunday the sides of the now on sale all 14th. Tickets of chimney sweep. home, canariian naval pcrson- l-huiir parkin-j over town. '3'' j nel were among i"iic.sts. fiilton applies WINTER COATS Vz OFF SUITS 25To OFF Mdinde .Street Neighborhood Dance in aid of Conrad Scouts and Cubs. Fri- i day. Feb. 12, 9 p.m., Conrad I'" signs or not. FIT is forbidden 136) .School. Admission 50e. Council passed a motion by Aid. Casey, seconded by Aid. M''I,c:m that whereas Northern 1 C was without representation on the UHC'M executive due to ex-Mayor Harold Whalen failing to retain his seat at the recent cltv elections, that Mayor W.A. of the U.F.A.W.U. inert-' ing Wednesday. 8 p.m., Metro-. milter reeom-!' city sim, on McLean and pole Hall. Election of Convrn- f,)r George Hills be recommended to tion Delegates. Everyone please Hies 1,1,1 iiewrilei-s. 100 DRESSES 11,(1 fill the vacant position. attend. uii fie. e'liiipmrnt. J at a efmt f Alderman 'he nrocediire Crepes, Failles, Wool Jerseys, Flannels, Taffetas, Corduroys, Cordcs. Sizes 1 1 to 2611. T0 CLEAR SHOE SALE Aid. Kruegcr Vz PRICE Q nun Vksl IKistcr cition I5art first imported and Mended the ' PUHR tubicb is today a household word j was the Im tv ES' SHOES LAD! f t Moose whist f R first prize In f'1""! and then Gabardine Slacks. Reg. values jes we pool prize. SLACKS $3.95 to Sy.yj. Sizes 12 to 18. , Clearance Sale '"''is plav was ''n. while Mr have a Good Rum 1 prize In the O. Glske r Prize went to were served to for your money BLOUSES SYLON... Regular values to $7.95. Sizes 12 to 20 TO CLEAR fiVHble evening. $3 95 1.95 . at FASHION FOOTWEAR This advrrUsrnirnt K not published or dismayed hv l.r I 99c Nylon Hose 54 and 51 gauge 15 denier Nylons. Dark seams and every pair perfect. Sizes 81 to 1 1. Special, pair Control Roanl in hv thr ...ivemmeni f ri,ish r.i NG MOVING NO REFUNDS OR. EXCHANGES ALL SALES FINAL SUPii SALE STARTS THURSDAY, FEB. 11 at 9 a.m. to I A JG Nl A LADIES' WEAR ANNETTE MANSELL 323 3rd Ave. W. JUDINGS Ire Cafe i WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Q TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY a 'Jmmmmam v.