QUIET MAN COMES TO RUPERT FOR SIX DAYS IT'S A WARM, HAPPY WONDERFUL PICTURE! CO $hi rough nd tumblt tourting of I strong ms tmd 4 rtibohti Usi d lb msrrisgt broker it slso lb rilUgt boohitl Can YOU Find the Quiet Man? i REPUBLIC'S powerful romantic dramatization of 'the Mour, Walsh story, "The Quiet Man," filmed in Technicolor and stQrr'rC John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, is steeped in Irish trad,tr, through its native Irish cast, but none so rooted .in the "c sod" as that twinkty-eyed dean of the'octing profession, Bar-Fitzgerold. Barry, oppeorinr; in the whimsical role of the marriage brot, in "The Quiet Man,'' which opens an enqagement at the Tote Theatre on Monday, never repeats a performance and jn rer pictures has played a ship's cook, a tram conductor, an imperious race track enthusiast, a grape grower, a wealthy playboy country doctor, a tombstone sculptor and a male nurse to a nit If was in 1944 that he won an Academy Award os the be supporting player of the year for his portrayal of a priest m "G' My Way." An easy-going, Mocky man with twinkling blue cvr;, I-brown hair ond a lantern iow, Fitzgerald was tnrn in Dubi, Irplnnd, on March 10 1888. His real name is Shields orvH father was a columnist on fhe Dublin Eveninq Telegraph -attended the Merchant Tailors' ond Skerrys College, ond ui graduation from Skerrys, Barry entered the Irish Civil Srrv.: But through a casual acquaintance, he saw his first ploy from wingc That was the turnmo point in Barry's life. He joined the Abbey Theatre, famed as a builder of star, the stage and screen Beginning as an offer hours volunteer later became " a full time performer and adopted the nor Fitzgerald for his stage appearances. As a matter of fact, brother, Arthur Shields, also appears 'm "The Quiet Man," f i .' i ucddcbt i vine - muu inm ufdiam r roOPFB' Vmib, f i .v '"" V"""" jw...- - FORD Vi UUJLi KJJUU ixUXtJ 1. The Quiet Man will appear on Third Avenue in the stores advertising on this page between 3 and 5 p m. Monday or every day during the week until he is discovered. 2. Winner must ask "Are you the Quiet Man?" ard must have a copy of the Daily News in his or her hand. 3. Prizes: Totem Theatre will give $5.00 to the the person who finds the Quiet Man on Monde; $10.00 If he is still at large on Tuesday; $15.00 on Wednesday; $20.00 on Thursday; $25 00 if he is caught on Friday or-Saturday. Stores advertising on this page are giving additional prizes. 4. Employees of the Theatres, the Merchants advertising end the Daily News are not eligible for the contest. LA if c.ik, TECHNICOLOR Li fRAN S HJGtST S? O JOHN WAYNE MAUREEN O'HARA BARRY FITZGERALD :, f rem th Story MAUKICC WALSH WARD BONO 'VICTOR MclAGLEN MH.DR10 NATWICK fRANIIS FORD ARTHUR SHIE10S H ABBEY THtM fUTtRS CcpofQtio A REPUBLIC PICTURE TOTEM PIAYIHG MONDAY TO SATURDAY 7:00 ond. 9 15 A FAMOl S H.AYHiS THEATRE FOR QUIET CONTENTED MEN What Does The Quiet Man Look Ik k Is he o short stocky man? We've hod a word from Ireland that the QUIET MAN'S comin' around so make sure you drop in to ART MURRAY'S os he'll head there when he hits town. ir Is he tall ond fair? it Is he dark ond distinguished looking? ic You might find out if you coll at GORDON 8. ANDERSON'S on Monday. For the person who finds the QUIET MAN in the GROTTO . . . 1 BOX OF CIGARS ' PIPES CIGARS O CIGARETTES CDF F$20.00 TR L,TE LAMP h ,uky pe" I ULL who finds the Quiet Man in this store. of- GORDON & ANDERSON LT ART MURRAY W, THE GROTTO CIGAR STORE Wholesale ond Retail Tobacconists ond Confectioners enSwcar Phone 46 FIND Fhe 'Quiet Man' Calling All Those Luck at 1 or Someone Just Saw The "Quiet Man" Leaving Hupert Hacii and Electric with an armful of and YOU will find a Lamp for yourself People Looking For The Quiet Man ! $20.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO THE PERSON FINDING THE QUIET MAN IN OR IN FRONT OF Fashion Footwear A Table Lamp will be presented fo any lucky person finding the QUIET MAN in Simpsons-Sears Store. 312 Third Avenue Phone 460 i a HI 1 The Quiet Man at McRae Bros. -"--Jl ' A $10.00 Gift Certificate goes to the lucky it The "QUIET MAN person finding the "QUIET MAN' in ANNETTE MANSELL'S. gjg A Record Album to the prefers "ARROW SHIRTS' Lucky Person Who Finds the "Quiet Man" Inside McRae Bros. Store A Woman Must Be Well Dressed "-"jjp Be Seen with the Quiet Man, Months offer the show is over you will listen to these favorites: "Donaher's House" SI. Patrick's Day" Find the Quiet Man and Stylish Ladies' Wear The lucky person finding to Quiet Man in this store will receive -One Arrow "Par" Shirt it My Mother" at Til Take You Home Again Kathleen" "The Biq Fight" "Mary Kale's Lament" McRAE BROS LTD. fin, whit Broadcloth ihrf Smart, sfoffed spread collar Par hat a loft, Vrtdprod collar with kp-neo1 itoyt. And It look to hand torn with your Windsor not tlt Arrow lo'ilotod of fm Sun tor lied broadcloth (ihrlnkagit leH than 1), Ml tog a cut for body-totxrd fit. Durabl, anchored on buttons. Wo tho "Par" hora today) Watts & Nickerson LADIES' WEAR ANNETTE MANSELL'S MEN'S WEAR , ; , We l-ad others follow TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY 4