r-unce Rit.en' Dciiiv Ne.vs Tnursclay, 'eoruary ifb, 19S4 CCL Calls For Substantial Reduction In Interest Rate For Home Builders enough to buy a $9,000 house, more for the , the cheapest available under the ' destroyed each numbtr .1' ct with a 25-vear mortgage at Th The 500.m.,.r.' . '"r 3LACKW00D on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD . v-'xa ' ..' ti."i; ' - - o"4 or "2 -"" . r . , CCL gain ","'" l ... ... 1 n m The (JUL, esumaieu anaaa s about about ?n 20 vo 7 c r-, ian 500.000 ,tlon Industry oi,, figure city of i0. ... . i i at at DUCKlUg ui nuunta a i rriV.A mnlnnomo Jnt uihui. i for sub-stan aara ana sium annimiiv ' dwellings was awjui iiu.uuu CONSTANT BACKLOG Canada's record 105,000 housing starts in 1953 was "just about Should Have Forced Lead From Opponent "The trouble with you, Abel, is that you try to do everything yourself," said Mr. Champion after his partner had gone down one at iour hearts. Tint to between 60,000 The CCL urged Z mont to considw iZ air, with the current need, and mak- Mortgage and n. ing little or no impression on the tlon, and ,,.m 7 t-f .'.-":. '( I backlog." ment subsidies t 1 Thp current need of lflOnM tiilrM .j. .. " . b unuer rh. homes was made up of 90,000 federal - provtniJ.i units for new families and 10,000 slum clearance plan r "But every card was wrong," defended Mr. Abel. "Not so," Mr. Champion replied. "All you needed was to find Dale with as many as four diamonds and he had four diamonds." This somewhat cryptic remark was lest on Mr. Abel tor th; moment, but let's start at the beginning and find out what was meant. OPENS TRUftli" Mr. Dale opened a trump and the nine in the closed hand wan Now Mr. Abel saw that he had two possible losers In both snades and riuhs. It. nccurrpri tn him that if Mr. Dale had the r.uefn of spades he would have to play it on the lead of a low spade toward dummy's Jack. Jf that jack of South dealer Both sides vulnerable. N'ftrth (Mr. champion) 8 J 6 H K Q 8 7 D A K 8 3 C 8 7 8 Wnt F.at (Mr. !! (Mr. MHitrm) 6 A S 7 8 8 Q 10 4 3 I H 4 8 H 5 3 10 8 4 D Q 3 C K s a c j 10 4 a South (Mr. Ahrl) 6 K 8 1 H A J 10 0 8 D 8 7 C A 4 8 The bidding: south West North 1 " Psna 3 H 4 H All Psss 'Action Sought Qn Uncmo ovment VANCOUVER Vt Vancouver VICTORIOl'S SIH.O curlers are pictured with tis trophy after they captured the Alberta high school curling championship in a round-robin s :r:es against rinks from Devon and the Peace River b'ouk. Mllo swept through the southern Albr-rta final and the championship playoff with an unbeaten record. Trie curlers are ileft to right i : skip, Bobhv Thcinton ; third, Murray Fhillips; coach, Tommy Clarke; second. Bob M'Cord: lead, Darwin Phillips Now Miliions of Men Using GILLETTE S& Injoy Extra Shaving Convenient Willi Modern Gillette Dispense,,! OTTAWA (Pi The Canadian t Congress of Labor said today n v,iv, mto nn I leilUtTIS will gcu a. 111511 : mortgage loans and suner no .i.tr .mHArth. crnvprnmpnt'R new Uiliv D housing legislation 1 The ninnn-m . m her labor : group said in a brief prepared for submission to the Commons banking committee that if the government is to Insure mort- I gage-lenders H should cut the interest rate auusiunuuuy. "To give them a rate of 5' per cent or more and almost j nnmnletp immunity nizalnst loss ' rf is foolproof and completely- protected enterprise. A high interest rate is supposed to compensate the lender for risk. The lending institutions, under the bill, would get the high rate, without the risk." The bill would allow the government to Insure 90 per cent of housing loans by banks. The brief said that If Parlla- ' ment wants to bring home ershlp within reach of 1 paid workers it must provide for a much lower Interest rate It urged a lower Interest to allow more persons in the low-income groups to meet Income requirements of the National Housing Act. Under the act, a By dropplng (he interest rate l0 (WQ per cent fr()m 1er cent on a 25-year mortgage for a $10000 home. It added In- !Come requirements would b; cut Dy SSD3. j Half urban wage and salary I earners received Incomes of less j than $3,000 a year, the brief j added. It quoted figures pur- j porting to show that was not ! Fred E. Dowdse OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 ?rd Ave. W Phone Ore-n 960 f For tht regular pfictof tli.. lonr, you can buy ray Gillette Blue Bladfiin.coK, ditprmcr that ZIPS out bew, wrapped, ready for tut. tkipr also has a built -in compamat knock out the ace and on the ' , 'prospective home owner would king of spades, a club could be eral Bovnmen' for immediate ; bp linMe 23 per cent of his discarded from the boasd. But af tlon " tn.e. P'rig unpm"; annual income to pay back a when a low spade was led at,Plovment problem here. mortgage and the carrying Aldermen approved action to;(.narges j permanent disposal of mtd bb Ask far Gillatta il In Thi Hand 1 GILLETTE DISPENSE J V I h r,. EXTRA CONVENIENCE AT NO EXTRA C0S1 20 bladet 1.00 10 bladti SOc f srr. i . i : j Russian Hockey !ani Reported Biggest Threat By ARCH MacKKVZIi: OnrmrlHm Pit-s sr " Writer LONDON The world hoc- ; key championships at Stock-; holm which get under wav to-! morrow include Russia for the j first time, and European hoc-: key circles are speculating that, the debut may be momentou.i. j I'Ynm tales of visiting teams j i nd serond hand information aj picture has been built up of I hircl-skating, hi 'meted Russlf.nl players who do a lot t f passing end ignore bnnv-checkin". Visits to Kin.-.ia by Norwegian ; Swedish and other national I teams Inplwlinf? Czechoslovakia ; invariably have ended iii aj sound trouncing for the invaders, consoled by lavish hospital- i ity. ; Canada, which passed up the H52 world comp.-tilirn, is r:-P'.t enled by Toronto Lynd-h'.trsls of Ontario Hockey Asso- ' ci '.tiun Senior B grouping. Th" I Canadians will square off with 1 Sweden, Czechoslovakia unci It -issia. ?T!FK COM r FT!'! ION The warning is still that the Ounsd aus had better be rood. I Expatriate Canadians here and 1 some European hockey folk have ' lr.nir felt, t hat Canada deals too lightly with the matter of representation at. the world championship. This year, t hey're arguing that European hockey has improved a lot and that nobody knows how good the Russians can be. "The Russians showed th"m-seivis; capable of playing really great hockey," the captain of a Swedish team reported on reluming from a 13-1 lacing in Russia. ;w .ft' Tiiesday is PancafeDa! request am from reaerai autnon-1 ties after hearing delegations ; from labor groups. "We have to face it," said Aid. 1 Anna Sprott. "There are 60.000 workers Idle in British Columbia and half of them are in Van- j couver." I The councl sent a telegram to " Ottawa after representations tVohI ...b. of B.C. (CCD and the Marine ; Workers and Boilermakers Union 1 CCL). Notivc Proportion Native Maoris number about .115,000 among New Zealand's total population of 2.000,000. . ... ' '' ... k . ti fti mil MtV- 'HU 'II U,- unable to fight in its weakened condition caused by swallowing oil. There are still at least two iivmt, in Tuck Inlet, and caution should b.? used before shuotin'? at what seems to be a strangely friendly hairscal, look for the j very noticeable ears w hich stick out, an inch or more before drooping downwards; this is the unmistakable mark of the fur. seal, they are plain' to see even! within; telescope .sights An unusual capture made at the Yacht Club en Sunday at. full tl.'f. FRED DuROSE was j fi: h'irg an unv.cirhted fislist.rip k.okir" for an er.riy salmon whsu he got a strike, a short scrap followed before a three-foot ' wr :f-eel was decked. ' These unpleasant-looking well- toothed customers reach a length of eight feet ami are not com- monly taken on hook-and-llne, 1 perhaps it would be a good idea to bottle a specimen in formaldehyde for the Museum here. Welcome to yet nnothr evidence of growth and advancement in the Interior. Houston, now has it; own Rod and Gun Club, with FRANK EDMUNDS as president ami KEITH CARSON ian overseas forestry buddy i;f Marty's In the Second Wan as secretary-treasurer. Minors are "r,;ntfd associate membr-r-' .ship under the guardianship of a regular member, but oil interested folk may attend meetings in order to become acquainted with the aims of the club. One !:' the Immediate projects will be the establishment of a rifle : ranfje. Splendid work. Houston, j j We look foiward to your clial-lenges and co-operation! ; i Charles fiarcia Xi Co. of 53 pa'-k place, New York City 7, i wiil send a pocket size magazine, quarterly, to any spinning tackle coitbUiiast who cares to request1 it. This gives lot.i of interesting; items on who caught what, ; where, and on which lure, together with some clever articles on .'.ninning in general. " .Red Cross Membership At New High : ! VANCOUVER ff Membership, in the Il.C. Division. Canadian; Red Cross Society, now stands at , Sll.Ct for the highest total In! the division's history ! Deleoates attending the annual meeting were iold the one-year 1 increase in membership was i 41.938, making the total higher: than a:.y of the war years. Of the increase. 17.1100 is from Van- , couver. i xn rff p OUTDOORS By ERIC MARTIN What weight mono-filament is best suited to fast water fishing for steelheads on spinning tackle? The water in mind is the Cloyah of course, and one of our local anglers has learned Ihc-hard way, I When we consider the terrific ! fight the steelhead will put up,: me readily sees that the ultra- . ight line is not the thing to use, Miit true the four- and f.H-ound stuff will toss lures a : ount.ry mile, but it .snap:; just I is easily the first time it, balls j ipagainst the lower guide; ';oo'l- ' ye another iure. Marty considers ten pound ibout the lowest test for Cloyah. 5ach individual fish wheh h;mk-d, stays well away from the ingler until he Is near-spent, at j '.his stage he is well dowiistref.m j irom the rod and then it is up ' i.o the rodman to overstrain tackle bringing a stubborn, open-mouthed fish to the gaff against the rush of the water. Should this fish go to bottom and sulk, or make a pass around one or more rocks, then snme-'.hing Is pretty certain to let, no; laturally the light lines let ro :lrst. Mono-filaments give only one hanee before, breaking, for this eason yoin' columnist likes ine-pound braided tournament Ine, at least It gives some wnrn--ig, for it will show fraying ;igns before quitting. This Is not oo easily obtained locally, but t is expected that demand will create supply; tournament braid is selected because of Its hleh 'egree of limpness combined with fairly good lasting qualities. Remember that spinning tackle s successful only against fish vhlch will' fight, the four-pound nono is suitable for lake fishing .vhere trout around two or three' pounds will be met, but. woe betide the angler who tries horsing such fish out of the lily nads! Balance your rod against-the line, consider the weight of fish you are going after, and a thought for the general water conditions (still or fasti, keep lure weight down to one-quarter" nuncfand your native common-sense will answer for you. ; With everything considered, the good spinner' rodman can j never beat the good spool reel caster at distance v.-ork, and it is still not possible I.o overcome the difficulty whicfh prevented spinning tackle becoming the voKue fortv years fgo. nauvly, the inability of soft action spinning rods to fight back at, a sulky fish hugging the bottom. Word is baek from Vancouver ihat the young fur seal which '"ent to Stanley Park Zoo, died from pneumonia which it was B 1 1 trick two Mr. Dale played low. I Th? jack was put up and Mr. Masters won with the queen and returned the Jack of clubs, After this, there was no way to i avoid the loss of two clubs and two spades. RI FF DIAMOND Mr. Champion's suggested line of play was based on the ob- vious fact that it would be hlgh- I.. nol-KI- . o .n.rf. club lead from Mr. Dale. He would have played as follows. After winning the opening lead, cash the ace and kln;r of diamonds and ruff a diamond Enter dummy with a trump and lead a fourth diamond. When Mr. Masters failed to follow suit, discard the six of clubs from the closed hand. Mr. Dale would have to win pnd would have only spades and clubs left. Any return would lose a trick for the defenders i nd le t Mr. Abel make his con-trad . Spain Wants Church Land j MADRID 1 The Spanish government Tuesday sent to Parliament for approval a bill to acquire all property in Spain belonging to the Roman .Catholic bishops of Ireland at a cost of 2,000,000 pesetas 1 about $50,000). Some of the property has belonged to the Irish church since the 16th Century, when Irish priests began training In Spain because of religious persecutions in their homeland. Try Doily News Classified STRAINED BEEP STRAINED BEEF HEAR; STRAINED VEAl STRAINED BEEP LIVEll 1 1 !,r" 'V V "t ' .it proud y x i iimmml li 1$ m3i u u a with la I I 1 C la la Is I (2) of our new arrival ! Happy new mothers will be in a mood to rejoice with us over four new additions to the famous Heinz 15aby Food Family, Dortora nowadays are recommending finely sieved, easily-digcsted protein meats to supplement normal infant diet. What a treat for you to have exactly the right thing for your baby, ready to heat and serve. . Watch for more new arrivals. 1 IB i if to KETCHIKAf Trat your iamily often to qood old fashioned pancakM topped with delicious Roqers GoUUn Syrup. Made from pure cane sugar. RogciH Golden Syrup has a rich, satisfying flavor that's a real taste sensation. And it's m .wholesome and nourishing, it provides quick energy for younq and old. For the best -get Rogers Golden Syrup! V., 'W ' P'.ev ..- - J with connections to SEATTLE, VHITlHORSE ond all ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office