. 1 : 1 iiisronic mim.s , ..Coal was mined on . . ,, ; . Him,,.,.. Prince Rupert Daiiy-News As I See It scale In Nova Reotio L "i F'rsl OTTAWA DIARY Bv NORM IN M. Mtl.r.On Tuesday, Hay 4, 1054 1672.- "Iter, omiui iQi Halifa, ln ' y. by - viiiiiuciion ta Independent dMl? newspaper dvoted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupen ad Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dailj Npwl Limited. AOOB. President H Q. PERKY-. Vice-President uoampUon Rate; ' r?"iF" a5: P month. il 00; per year, no on. aHtitc- mau per month. 7oc: per year, 8 00. SJJi& itnorued as second Mass mall by the Post Offlce O-partment, Ottawa, l mote nd Repair Despite the sad minority In which they found themselves, the PC's are a little bit Jubilant about the vote on their budget amendment. The feature Hint pleases tlieiu Is the fact that the CCK lined up Willi the govern-iiiint to vole Miliilly upaln.'.t them. In theory the CCF, us 1111 opposition group, could have been expected to join the Conserva-'llves to vole ugalnst the government .Wut when Hll the chips Profits and Pri GREER & BRIDDf ices Free Asia Peace Key LIMITED A' WARNING that I5.C. salmon prices will have THIS AMERICAN leaders who we re Hressbiir for I DLa... AAA to to be ho cut cut still still more more if if thov they :nv are tn to moot meet world world were down It was evident that ! Uie Six-lalists were considerably j more anti-Conservative than direct military intervention in the war in Indochina have beeli rebuffed thev were anti-government. That discovery really pleases the Tories. For ever since they adopted tlelr new and ine.senl competition is contained in the monthly publication, Western Fisheries. "Future salmon sales outside the country, especially to Hritain, will not primarily lie governed hy the amount of dollars available, but will depend on two fronts. Vice-President Nixon's "off the ! record" DIuDoMil thai. American ; policy of aspiring to he the on B. C.'s ability to compete price-wise with Russia i'"""iw might imve to bo win HAN HAN CIII-T!NGi, CIII-T!Na. a ul.iuurM ix-yurM Korean Koreim Inrf hid, nl...,fU. slawls hr.f,.r before and Japan," the article points out. "Kven with a iiu.i urru iiu.siuy wunnniwn lis the result of tlie emphatic ehorn ; business jiiirly of the milion, their chief political aim has been to show thai they renllv ni-p different from the otlwr political parties. That hasn't been loo difficult in the case of the X'F. since the gap between Progres netter quality in-fxluct -and an advantage in tradi- ;"' piHimi from both i:.ru.s mlerophone in Seoul and tearfully rends to the crowd a letter written to his uuele; who i being held by the Communists in North Korea: Some 600 famiJies of South Korean nationals, mostly women and -hildnii, staged a demonstration In Seoul recently, demanding that the ftepubllc of Korea and the United Nations take ste)s to have, kidnapped relatives returned hy the Reds. um, r.v.. win nave u snave us prices down to a reasonable competitive level." ! John Faster Dulles' diplomatic ' blitz, to line up a ten-power 'nBn; j Mccum j V SEALED fiflClFI i CANS ! Iiiiprouail UUUUUI ! EVAPORATED vvr j ri'L' 11 wr.-.n-in u-itin 10 intervene, nils .. .. J nus , pi olileni raises the ae-old question ,. of 1 also failed. Sir wiasion t;hureh- how much prices can be cut without eliminatintr : !1,''s a"'"'-'"ient m the ivitisu .,.nf.i -i , I H11U.se of Coiiiidoiik H.t.i lllf- piojii, ana .11. w here can savings bo inaile. mm I here are, miuikus on that d.iiherateiy m- of coui'se, other methods of reducing the wholesale ! ""IN m"vo: liricfl Af fief, luwi.lm.. m!n.e fiul,n,,.. ' 1..., C... i I... . N,,W f(mlPS Uli' SUggesl- sive conservatism and Socialism lis still fairly wide .Hut in the case of the l,ileral Party it lias been harder to establish a clear-cut distinction. The margin of difference between the tmlicics nf the two old-line parlies has narrowed notably in recent year: Conseoucnlly, when (he CC'F swinus solidly U) the support of REFLECTS and REMINISCES E5oy - .s-""fc 11 n..-. j. 11 lih- J ion, from tlie Auwiciui General raw product, there are many ways to trim costs. Wedemeyer, who says that "A.si- 11 lie troops on Formosa or in the i- Liberals? v the mi' 11. PC's s are are elated eiaieo, . The greatest water-power sb far known to man is a woman' tears. South Korea .should be .sent to assist the French and Vietnam forces in Indo-China." This last suggestion would be j downright funny If It were not When we thing of this $600-000 000 alumaium enterprise right next door, there is ample reason to feel that Kltlmat is a promising community. But how many In Prince Huuert really :.n I A ...,.. bank in New ,,, Westminster . . . even although the government ,was relieved of $10,000 shortly majority in the House benefit, S lJ n k y for It oasts at least the shadow ed yeggs who h escaped at 80 miles! of Socialism over the govern-,an hour. Millions and 1 mirlions ment narty. And it advertises TS handled, back and ,he PC's as the one party in the !fh Pr'nfe Rupert but we chamber really opposed to the 1 never heard k of a robbery--- government-nnd therefore as 1 though there was once a ban the logical alternative to the ; where a young man was employ- 'government Rliy lim, th(, votll,s 1 hi as a handy man in the bank-, cte i(lo that the reign of l.lberal-! era home. He picked up and , km has astlM lonR ,.(,,, stowTd away whatever caushtj The Liberals are smart enou-h his fancy- until neatly trapped. ; ; t0 S(.ns(, th( nPW am tht dealing wun such a tragic subject, and U it could not lead to a disaster of lninieii.se niagiil-tuile. aliiinlnuin plant was recently put Greater efficiency and a wider use of time and labor-saving machines, resulting ultimately in less waste and less cost, is probably the most obvious answer to this. But eventually, after all these have been put into effect, there is only one way left for the processor to lower his wholesale price. He must reduce his greatest cost, the cost of his raw product. As past difficulties have shown, there is no ready formula for this final step. ."The fisherman is entitled to a fair return," Western Fisheries emphasizes. "He should not he asked to accept a price which is insufficient to pay his way. Likewise it is foolish to expect the' companies to continue operat WHO IS General Wedemeyer, or. I in operation in Norway. This will have an eventual output of 50,-000 tons annually. jor inai mailer, who in the whole United States government has the moral or legal right tn assign Chiang's troops or Syng-man Rhee's troops to try lo bolster up the weakening cause of the Imperial power in that harassed Asian country? It always pays lo try to take il'Us are trying to piny. As a Ontario now has one motor , result,- they are not too happy car for every 3.2 people. Unhap- about any Rupport from the CCF plly some of the cars take this benches. They have a sufficient A bird In the hand can be. said to be anything except good mannered, yet It does not lack entertainment. Especially the jolly old drumstick. 1 fractional business too seriously. majority without it, and they an Asian viewpoint on all these INVESTORS MUTUAL i.iianiuiii news. , nave no desire whatever to lie tarred with the Socialist brush The fellow vno looks cverv-i In brirf' ,nft ''"""als don't' body straight in the eye gives iwant to '""n"'""0 th" champion-folks small chance to talk be- shlpof tnc nation's business in-hind hl. hark terests to the Oeoree Drew ing at such a close margin that even Diamond Jim j uuwtioas. Both Chiang Kai-wouldn't see his way clear to gamble on it." ! 2 Z If there is any formula, it lies in the wish of j f lf-sustaimng' leaders with There Ls nothing particularly slow about a government which can take money from tax payers, and then make It resemble a gift when the time comes to hand it, barn remarr the Stratford Bea-' eon-Iieraia. . The last hydrogen bomb explosion in the Pacific has bwn felt in eh a ncel lories around the world. But do not run awav -wim c-rable number of their fellow countrymen, but as creatures of ' , ' j forces. They contnnd that I.ib- , .. ierallsm's middle-of-the-road ; T..riuu o,;n n 1. 4u !l,n,o, nwTd rf.U? hli Crests of the large section of lZZ e , rtehSTJ hlW . loteI"!"oneral Canadian business. And 'i" CisposiUon of the PC's Learn about this easier, simpler way to share in Canada' expanding industries Ask your liivrsmrs Kyniliiiitr representative for full nVlaiN. eacn party. 10 avom trying to prove that one is bigger than, the other. Too many labor-management discussions have collapsed over small points because the spirit of the meeting is one of competition instead of negotiation. There is every reason to hope that the obvious folly of this wiil prevent it happening to the fishing industry. the western powers. Stripped of western support, neither Chiang nor Rhee could last more than a lew weeks. To put American' pressure jon them to order Chinese troops or South Korean troops to offer lip their lives in a foreign war 1 U' 't the notion that the situation 4s :iH needed elsewhere. Every where throughout the world, in humble and mixious fear of the future cannot be dismissed, if.t r.ii ii . Z H ... M revive the taritr lssos of rs and has had a lengthy and j ' . , , . ' , . , busy history But J,IKt hefause the Liberals ! .'. i hope to hold the confidence of 1 ' . . ,,. 'Canadian business interests, they T.M. (Tom) there. . , would be not only self-defeating, but it would swing the whole Zin7...M v..'" iUont wn"1 10 R''t tuKKd with ut. Mini, u til It'I WI1IJ lit 'a -.1,1. n . w : isoeiausi inoei. uiey would Indeed '7 1 """e m a.oc just as well pleased CHRISTIE Office 315 3rd Ave. W. - Phone 384 unny Sepiember afternoon in better pleased If the CCF would behave as a real honest-to goodness o)).sl(iort party. Heal 'em to the punch hy storing your furs in ur cold-storaire vaults NOW! A COMPLETE M R SERVICE: . tJffi Motto vtaf- A cold, a snowy and a late spring is hot exactly a novelty i 1 Skeena. .Umpteen years a?o that railway tunnel up river tried to be too darned independent, or rather the weather did. -Tin: Grand Trunk Pacific stopped running and passengers used the river where it coursed through the tunnel. There was a Jack of comforts and convenlenee.s, but not many. SSB n - H? 1910 It was his first and only' visit to Prince Rup rt. . "I look out to the Pacific" said the Prime Minister to the multitude gathered l fore himself and parly "and can realize tin-approach of passengers and produce coming lo the new seaport of the north. balance of free Asian opinion, especially in India, Burma and Indonesia, emphatically against the West. THERE IS only one way to save Indo-China from Communist conquest. That is the same way which must he used In all the other countries of. Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, which have not yet won their full self-government. That Is, to build up e mitive, democratic movement; based on a program or guaranteed home rule, and complete freedom from imperialist overlordslilp. It may - r . - i If I,- k Cleaning ir Glaring ir Re-styling fr Repairing Clthie.ie t)iltt. CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN' Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe- For Outside Orders Phone 133 Latest photos of thp Chinese Communist leader Mao T.n-Tung who h.as been lil j-cveai Ids lace "round and JoUy." "Cho'iby but not chummy."- Ex. - Priient-day cars can travel twice as fast "s the older ones. And we dare say hmlor casualties have increused iiiiK.illi.naleiy Chatham News. Phone Q1 for free pick-up BILL SCUBY FURS MATTRESSES the book iAGASSIZ PLANS TO PASS . FLOOD EMERGENCY LAW . . . AOASSIZ, B.C. 1 .A flood emergency bylaw i&to be rushed through municipal council here to deal with the threat of the Fraser River going on the rampage. - Other Fraser Valley communities are taking similar action. . Ratepayers at Matsqul meet Thursday to set up an emergency committee and appoint dike patrols. , , The action will coincide with plans by the provincial diking commission centres. and civil defence . groups ... ln nine Fraser Valley ( At Agassiz, authorities say' the likes arc "really, solid" except for a 3'i-mile stretch on both sides of the Rosedale ferry landing. ' ', v "1 n" Good quality mattresses with resilient steel coil springs. Padded with wilt layers of colored cotton felt. Urni bnrder with rolled edes. not be possible ln all cases to grant immediate, Instantaneous Independence. Many , of the, eouMtrle!4piiptasluclc&s went India, Pakistan,. Ceylon, Burma and Indonesia. Many of the countries literally have no democratic base from which to ojx-r-fcte. But moves can be taken which will convince even the most Impoverished and Illiterate peasants of the Asian lands that the western powers are ln earnest in promising the transfer of political control, and actual sovereignty, to the natives thorn- selves. , 1 That has not been done as! yet, even in Indo-China. It is only a few months since the King of Cambodia, which is one of the constituent stales of that land, was telling, the whole wide world that his country might not resist a Communist invasion because of French reluctance to "come clean" on the granting of self-government. The plan to "Let Asians fight Asians" is a suicida' wnd absurd plan. The only plan for real peace is to let hie West free Asia and lo build fi! ids among these freed Asian Jcmocracles to be." vered with panel damask ticking in assorted patterns. Well-ventilated. Standard length. - .. .l,i rn,K " . . ,...1! Von VI n lhrii a-" GENERAlELECTRIC FROM 539-50 , GORDON & ANDERSON re nil l . .UVlK'r" planning n Your Phone 46 1 f ENJOY 'fyicUl "MILD" lrav. ,nlcr ,1,1c. Strt .ran'' J ca. : nr w''"V; . to s(.rve it Door Shelves ic BuHerkeeper Full width Freezer 9.16 cu.fr. . Regular $364.50 SPECIAL $299 00 5-Year Warranty or.o RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Canada's Mildest. WMMm Ggarette ,n,r Avenue West Phone P. F; f. IKI. Manatfr Prince Kupert ftranch ....