mi mutirn n 11 i 1 i i i n m iimiiiii i wmn i 'ii "irw Norwegian Actor j ff ii'iCe rUipfci'f UCuy iC'3 . Tuesday, May 4, 1964 OKOKGE DAWl'S AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84fi and Red 127 OSLO P) Ingolf Schancbe, one of Norway's leading actors for more than a generation, tiled liere at age 70. RADIO DIAL CFPRi24o kc. ; t Subject tf) Change) BUSINESS And TUKHDAY PROFESSIONAL l?:.r, liilcrlnil ; I :4M It MfrtH (i VU 1 Ml l'ortl Allium l ull !.!. Ki:hi4 urr.artoast P M em (1 :M Popular Steamer Prince Rupert RAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN - WEDNESDAY Midnight 2::t0 I'ranr.-ruiiaila MalHtct 3:15 Uravf1 Voyae.n 3:30 Hitdown 3:45 HO. Uourulup 4:15 Vocaliw arul Stork Quotations 4 30 Jubike lioart IaDLINE FOR FOR CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS V' NEW I I EL TANKS r,r0 Oat. Tm.lt llo0 375 Cal. Tank WMMI m (lal. Tank 75.0C 12 OauKe Btcl S' Extra. INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Gram 8U4 - 221 1st Ave. E. (i:S 7:l 7:00 7 :: :m B 16 B:30 B 0(1 no 10:00 10:15 10:30 1 1 :mi ; r: m ! - - ! A.M. ! 7:00 14 BISINKSS PERSONALS HOMES fOR SALE 40 I 28 FL'RMTl'RE FOR SALE Comfort and Service Isified Rales j FOUR-ROOM wartime, one block FVjT wslTYfllSi'lls wrlti5 oi I .mi city or iiepot olrii'c lrln-e l!ilir-rl.. H C WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER KLKCTROLTJX. Phone Blue 070 for Parts Stiles Service. PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone FURNITURE like new. 3-piecc green chesterfield, 2 bedroom suites, console extension table, 8 chairs, end table, taupe rue:, 9xl0'2 felt cushion, trtlight lamp, china cabinet, table model combination radio. Other small articles. 14 yardstiall conenleum. Hmlley liiirliciu Show MuKtcut 1'rfram ChC Ni-ws CHC N-ws Roundup ' LHresUT Square to Broiulwuy 'the Njuwtu'B JiuMni'sa Canitdi'-.ria f'lxhling Words Let's Make Music Chilcotln Trulls CBC News Way Buck When Ragtime Kliyl.hm Wfiilln-r KHrl Hfll-itlf WKUNKSDAY TIC. FIsllTinu's :i.nn:li-fist .MlKli.ll Clmk cue mus: w.-uUkt MiiMial ( k k Munilug likoilitim c;n; News: wtiicT , Ilorc'K (iiil (hmi Bn-ukfnxt Hub . , . 1 LffUivrrs News and jTenily. Aunt l.ttcy Laura Ltd. Oane Wtuit May Tinn1 SiRnnl " Moinln!? Visit ' Tin- Happy (lau! Mll:.lcil Kil.'lu'll Mrs Rowc . DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avcriue Kast, over KuiMTl Buttery hiiii. Fii-juu, Blue 128. 543, Call 630 0th Wt-t. Lct-mr-neau. (ci I to buj and school, lill in excellent shape. Price only $3000, terms. Exclusive lysOnir. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance 218 8th St. plione Utt or K Wilson, Black 197 eves. (105) 6 -ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, automatic oil furnace, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Black CHIMNEY and chesterfield! 1 yard wide. Phone Red 964. . tu . Card, of inurn it HnlC-mot lama. J, juti pn- I ,,), lob-rtfd IncorrecUr X, ., eaiikatlon unIM It audi ron i r-clnxl Lirt of nMrtl0- DINING' PLEASURE (109) leaning. Odd lobs. Phone 29A KEWINT. MACHINES in 286, 418 0th West. (105p) i Oreen 773, Mr. J. Kempstcr. 0201 THE ELECTniciAN0oTlvat.t, House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 Dili Ave. West. Phone lied 105. . (114) SALES Repairs Rental. Pinter Sewing Centre. Phone M4. OPTOMETRIST t KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS T:11 7 :30 ? :3r, 7: IS 8:00 8:10 8:15 8:45 0:00 0:15 9:30 0:46 9 Ml 10:1(0 10:15 10:45 1 1 :()0 1 1 15 1 1 ::w 1 1 :4r, P.M. 12:15 12:25 12:30 3S FOR SALE MISC. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tex Riw' lull.1. S. fl. Kink, Slone 3u!ldin. Red 863. 20ml Commodore Cafe) ONE blower-type white enamel .oil range, used only about one JkNT AD IEPL1ES I holding replies following News' WARTIME 4. .enlarged kitchen, i full cement basement and i furnace. 1408 8th Ave. E. , (104p) j NEWLY built house. 3 rooms and i bath. Phone Grci h 628. . i . ... . (104) j LAROE revenue house. Centrally I located. Terms. Phone Red 297 ; after 6. (110)1 Ynur ii,tHl N, igltlatr . KindfrM-lrti -.I na Air Mr'-wlS ivrliMl MHM kill Urn rno Ni-ws CHC Showcase B.C. Ku in Broadcast ' CAPLiNG TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithcrs Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632. ni-j'.nn.e, jvmuuK, - I'mnunB i Complete with wnter coil, fit tines RJl!!..881 rv ni"B3- : (U(" Call at 51 Musgrave Place after WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- 5 P m- (tf-nc) tors bought sold, rewound I HOLLYWOOD Red snrinir mat. 41 BUSINESS LOCATIONS and repaired. (120) i tress, like new. Duo-therm oil 1925. 933 heater. Good condition. Reasonable. Red 346. (104) SAW Filing All Precision Saw Ave. West., tvnes of saws, filing, 215 1st (116) FOR RENT Offices in the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Bldg. or phone Red 593. s (106) hie, must en- . 1950 MATCHLESS motor cycle. A-l condition. Phone Rd 579 fcr in rrv'i IF YOU WANT A CINDEB DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rt-nt of Ti u k a id Equlnmejit Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAIWDER: or call at 1128 Hays Cove Ave. WILFORD Electrical Works dealer tor Kkollto Sr. undent. (114) 43 LISTINGS WANTFi) - flOfip iMlMi EVENTS ViMl THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY I ' "I i j , ; fc m.l 1-Ut ll-,T1l.l..r 654 1fifiii Card party I MAGAZINES. Novelties. Eddie's j LLOYD baby cnrrlafe excellent t I News Ktanrl. (c) l oimitHin, iD. -iicjnc nmcK (106p) WE have a large list of buyers for houses. For quick sale phone H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance ' 216 6th St. Phone 08 or F. Wilson. Black 197 eves. (1081 Leirlnn' VTiv lh MnTttPR'a nv 'ai,ic - inviianon omj. at the Variety Store. (1071 BABY carriage, almost new condition. Phone Red 788. (109p) i J. rry's IJartjcr Biwp. NEARLY evejo-'iv ust OP scott McLaren CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block. 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 SSc pel Uii pi v tmptitl. Plu liavl (hen fcady whn dit drivtr call. This dvertisement u not published quicker "Action FOR better buys and sales, consult . the CARS? Dob Parker's of USED shiolan. 2x4 and brick. U. W.A., Rummafre. 8. 6lh St., next to "P- course. (120) i Apply 900 1st Ave. W. or displayed by tht Liquor Control Bo4rd Cf by the Government ol tllil 4vrtitflcnt i) nt pwblilh or diipUed ftr id Liquot Centre! 6arJ ar by the OevernrMM (104p) J 16 LOST British totumUi. I British Columbia. :o 34WANTKD MIS( KLLANEOl'S Firm." ARMSTRONG AGENCIES TLD. 342 307 W. 3rd Ave. (109) 45 PUOPERTV FOR SALlT LOT. corner of 2nd Ave. and Uth Street. Phone Black 296. (108) LADY'S Oruen wrlstwatch with Initials L.S. Keepsake. Phone Blue 978. (107pi Hospital Day Tea, May .R'SMJcnre. sf tnc Eastern Star a horga.sbord Thursday, asion Auditorium. WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID tor scrap iron, " " bLoNDIE " . .:: . By CHICK. YOUNG , l ; cccmZ '! i'm fitaooFEC'3G--lrrn TiSss ARE VERV l( THEVPE VERvI I 7 IF EGGS ARE SO HEALTH . ffioS eggs y- " 'r- " vr-S. i . : , fts:") L- , CL LADY'S gold Oruen WrUtWatch. oVli nrnmni ut HonPst grading, promot pay-inscripuon InTintion on on bick d.ick. Phone rnone W w ment made AUas Jron & UeM , I1UJ' Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 18 HELP W A NTEI) M ALE "il".!"''''13!!: r. Iz-Rion Rummane Inquire Shop, May 15. and Dramn Festival. CAFE for sale., Good location. Modern equipment. For par ticulars apply Commodore Cafe. APPLICATIONS will be received ? Zt, J R h,,,.,,.. . ,... m mej u Scrap, copper, brnss. batteries, J ."JA'iS'- radiators Phone 043-Call 630 position of caretaker at the Fair-, 6U Ave West (c, view Cemeterv. The successful - . 13 14 Tickets and now available 'it Store and Civic Phone 17, 628 3rd Ave. West. (106 crib In good candidate must be of sober j BABY condition. 108pt MESSENGER business for sale Phone Red 985. This is a good buy. Apply 741 1 r hj rW! tfFi trrs vri a i vrry . andfRJi d Bazaar, ?imle RnrinR t- 2nd Ave. West. (108 c MaV 15 35 I.OATS AND ENGINES nablts, a good worker, ana oe able to meet the public at ail times. Residence is provided at the cemetery. Permanent position to the ritrht man. Send applications to Superintendent of 47 AIIOMOIilLES ifr'i Sprlns Baaar, ONE Simplex Marine V8 motor and clutch, full exhaunt assem- 106) I bly, moncl shaft and boxings. Work.?. City Hall.' 1951 '2-TON Ford Pick-up. Heavy duty transmission, radio and heater, etc. Phone Black " 412. (104) Missionary Ten, (122) two props, motor full overhauled and ready for use. $400. Apply Box 667 Smilhers, B.C. 1106! t Bamr May 27. - -1953 AUSTIN A-40. 'r-t-TO M M'ESC1J m-m ' AL CAPP E ;LI'L ABNER . , , 5 i;-.V"7;' l"i 1 I TH' PORE CRITTER MUSTA )l 5HE'5 COLO AS A CORPSE.'.' fViT'fJW 1'y:f. bHiS FELL. 1MTO CRIMINAL J ??-AH'LL FETCH TH' NEW t uAtfV.X L SiW;' CRICK.r-SHe5VEREP) VOOMG DOCTOR FUM -y rH&P" 1. a alfSV WITH THET-uOhJ- "1 T'OTHER SlPEO' MAH C I 'Z rQ??& WW- &LOOl?-REt j SICK MULEy-S-- tJ -' h M'- XV-ji, Low mileage. U04p) r.rarly-new Sale, May Phone Red 978. ROOMS FOR RENT 30 APPLICATIONS will be received t by the undersigned up to 12 noon, May 11th, 1954, for the position of Superintendent of the Pioneer's Home. Please stale ace, experience. For information contact City Clerk, City Hall. R. W. LONO, City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE if 'i ea. May 29 SEMI-FURNISHED liRht housekeeping room. Central location. Phone Green 241 Eves. ( 107) Chiirrh W A Bprini? li no 3. - I.WII niXUSTHY ACT lie: OrlHN-ale off l it la- 'no. ;mt lii l.i.t Thlrirrn (CI). Illmk' lilpveil (11). Vlllasr of sli-niirl. Map HIS. WHKRKA3 satisfactory proof of t (104) ROOM for respectable middler aged lady. Use . of kitchen. Phone Black 2148. tl7i BIO OF THANKS at 123 driver wanted CAR and Taxi. (108p) I - LARGE liRht houseKeepinp room. I'ic Centre Association f thank all thase who ism the recent Spring 19 Help Wtd. Male female Close in. Phone Green 448 5 p.m. (109p) ''iit-Pourrl" and con- los ol tilt ubiive Ccrf'tcate of Tit'.e Issued In the name of Minnie Hail-sen hns been fiietl in this office, notice In hereby glveo that I Bhall. at tlif pxplratUtn of onp'mnntri frnm the clave uf Hie fir.tt publication hereof. Iskiip ft rov;lllIltl Ortlti-oate of Tlllf In IH-u of unid 105-.1 Ortlfirnte. unless In tile mealitlme valid objection be . matte to me in writine;. , DATKD at the land Iteglatry Office, Priuco Rupert. B.C.. inu a4lh ITahrnnrv lR4 All. rvcryune wlw attrl- YOUNO degressive person re-: quired for sales position with Drourc.ssive cllv firm. M S A. and ns success. (It) ROOM for four woikints Rirls alia rinft. 1005 Jtusper Block. (107p) I Grouo Insurance plan.. Good THE HEART OF JULIET JONES , BV STAN DRAK V'NKRAL NOTICKS i starting salary plus incentive 4 . ., 1 commission. Some -sales exper- 1021 2nd rooms. FURNISHED Ave. West. (104p) lUND-Tri the city Mon- neces- IriV S 1054,. nMiixloa ttai. iirvms-.'frrf-Rent-PlMhc' Cfertl i " i')1''IlV,t,rar lenf lence desirable, uesiruuie. but out not nut n-v CelVe ,VQimH:l- !)-fUililii.:rUi BhW'tM -pnmftfiyfutrntio:' if Titles. (lJOlli) rtfifiitt'ntio:Mrt-TH'-..x - ' -- nfiovid,.whusbafi45. I R' V. Archdeacon E; tf.rvlf.w." rry Daily News CiassifieC "I 1 rOlUillPt L.DVutn..U ll ..... ... 11..- I 11... ' ' 'AN H4L3SffVK' t tl K i V- , AND ' ATTRACTIVE, AMSiTOUS... CCviEO AtAV KAU.V ) f WA5MT "EKACTLY" PROPOSE? J v H , ' J ; fc" - f TWNK & mj J Mve BeEN mobe ccwANTiC, 6uT HE , ' zmsMm rirjl ptmkm. 39. M'lir,!)rii iir,ai THREE-ROOMED unfurnished apartment, centrally located down town. R. E. Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88. (105) It. e.. V. "- "imaw or woman in tins hk.iih j f court . cIwdcI at 2 p.m. and surroundinB district to do 11 y 5-,nt,cnt to confidential work for us. No Pa rview cemetery. B.C. sejiin,,.. Good pay for spare or 'fs in charge of 9r-lflU UmP For complete details lm ' U ; write Kent Publishers Ltd., Dept l-tn '!M-2B, P.O. Box 14, Hamilton, a ir,A e ,c'y' 8unday' ' Ontario. (I0'i 1054. John, age 82!" -t-": iklT" litHbiind of Mrs. j 29 mip wANTLl) FEMALE TWO - ROOM apartment f o r j working man. Jersey Farms. ; 11th Ave. Phone Red 272. , (T06pi : TWO-ROOM furnished apart-1 ment with private entrance. 1 Phone Green 890. (104), j--,i, Pinion, -Texas. I 0. Olson will conduct rl Gr,nville Court Chap-m. Wednesday. May 5. " to follow 4n Fairview y B.C. Undertakers in SALESLADY for permanent position with' reliable company, immediately. Sickness, Insurance privileges. Shop training provided. If possible plve phone num 13-ROOM selfcontained apartment. No drinkers. 533 8th ii - io . arranRements.- (It) 14) ! West. Phone Green 932. ' (107p) ber. Box 940 Daily News SMALL furnisheid suite. Private PltSONAL SALESWOMAN PART TIME Experience not necessary. Apply OFFICE. WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE. (105) bath and, entrance, pnone Black 255. -(105) 23 Situations Wanted Female FURNISHED .apartment with sink and rant;e. Call at 522 Fuiion St. Apt. 3. UOflp) 0 OFF w 45 and 78 rpm Records WILL look after children for working mothers. Phone Black 247. ' (106) 3-ROOM furnished suite, 270 7th (103p) Vest. ' SHERLOCK HOLMES ' ' By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA ' ' fs .'1 ' 4 HAND 'TIL THE CURSE NOI? WHEN He TOEP TO - ARCHIE : :SDnOG. , By BOB MONTANA , ? ; V7 1 17 ; 1 I iSM 1 fcfe !m i ; , rHoHor ocj ' 2(1 Bt'II-DING MATEEIAtS SUITES. Phone Red 984. (107) PHILPOTT. EVITT b CO. LTD. HOMES FOR SALE f9 Play 13 OFF fee BrrK I A 40 Phone 651 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan tnr vonr home imorovement. No down payment. $100.00 to $1000 Down, Itnme,d. Possession Here is a good buy for somebody. Eleven-year-old bunpalow, fnllv furnished. Laree living A-30, M-1,3,4,6 $2,000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. NOTICE IlEL 27 1 Al-L MEMBERS room," cabinet kitchen, two Rood bedrooms and bath. Full price 320O balance as rent. 4 Bedrooms $5500 Neat as a pin family home, near to school and bus. Spacious floor plan consists of large Uv-inff room, britvht cabinet kitchen We wonoer how much finer you can get than the aluminum wire used in delicate apparatus which records the earth's tremors. Drawn out almost to the vanishing point, it is about one-twelfth the diameter of a human hair. One pound of aluminum would make enough of this unbelievably fine wire to stretch 20,000 mites! We know no more striking example of the way people make use of the lightness and strength of aluminum foraall sorts of jobs. Our research and technical men are constantly tackling new questions brought to them by Canadian nuaufactuier who look 10 aluminum in developing new products, or better products, or pro-duels that cost less. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcao). y Try Clean, Hard, Hot BRIQUETTES In your Fireplace, Cookstove or Furnace $24.40 Ton Delivered ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD Phone 116. 117 or 58 two good bedrooms and bath down, two roomy bedrooms up. Basement excavated. Terms may Your ntrents for McLeod River I PRINCE RUPERT AUT0CLUB 1 Wives and girlfriends, ZnHni('"lbei's' nd' V (J05O , Hard Coal uua be arranged. - ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD. 342 Eves. Red 58 (1051 FOK your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Ga.s "Pacific" Pto- PhIlPOTT. EVITT it CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 &r,namesewnonahat SIX-ROOM house with Pembroke bath, 110 volt light plant. Qualified under VLA. Apply D. iiecord, Dodge Cove. U08p) fce.M, f nELNA Sewing i -mos. (105)