Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, August 3, 1953 District News I Civil Service Superannuation telaxes Regulations on Ages Real Old-Timer . MAGOG, Que. (CPV-Owen Don-I igaa celebrated his 92nd birth-j day at his summer home less than a mile distant from the farm home where he was born I In the latter place the first Roman Catholic mass in Stan-stead county was celebrated in 1841. OTTAWA 19, This fall the STEWART Mr. Gordon Murray has fcecn here for the past week looking over the district on behalf of eastern interests. Mr. Murray was at one time associated with Dr. Macintosh Bell, geologist. ( j V Ujf 4 government is expected to proclaim a new deal for about 60,000 civil servants. They will be brought under the Civil Service Superannuation Act. The act, approved at the last Mr. A. Forrester is here relieving the liquor vendor, Fred Spracklin. who is on holiday. Parliament, probably will be proclaimed Oct. 1. It will almost double the number of contribu SERVEL I i i Roy Sharp, telegraph operator, left with his family for a holiday in the south. W. Smith from Alice Arm is relief operator in his absence. tors to the civil service pension fund by including about 131,000 where only 60,000 now are covered. Dut the big question mark of the act Is retirement age. Under present legislation, civil servants retire at 65. However, some ex ' r ' " i " , , . - - , ''. X... - 1,11 : 5V : . Y ' f ' ' 'r , 1 (....-. ' 'f i ' 1 . i ' cnw.', it- ceptions are made in particular cases on the recommendations of Owen McFadden and associates have obtained a lease on the Big Four properties and pack horses and supplies were taken over to the Marmot River In preparation for the commencement of operations. This property was optioned to the department heads to the treaS' uiy board. RETIREMENT AGE Some civil servants favor re CAROLE J. MOOREIIOL'SE, daughter of Corporal and Mrs. T. Moorehouse, 618 Taylor Street, has left Edmonton for the RCAF manning depot at St. Jeans, Quebec. From there she will go to a station in southern Ontario to complete her trade training. tentlon of the 65 retirement age ' CM & 8 Co. which did some diamond drilling there last year. with provisions for exceptions. Others have urged that the government fix no definite retire . f ' W. D. Smith is here relieving I George Mandreil, Northern Brit- ment age When the new act is Droclalm- lth Columbia Power Co. local ed the statutory requirement that I manager, who left here on holi- clvil servants retire at 85 will aav- OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue S93 Construction of a new boat float has been undertaken by the Public Works Department of Canada. This float will be 60 feet long by 10 feet wide. Owen McFadden is in charge of the work. than any Xm VISITING Jasper National Park In the Canadian ij' their sightseeing In comfort as they ride the "snow-kiss the vast Columbia Icefield. The gigantic stretch snow, largest body of ice outside the Arctic Circle, ica of 110 square miles. . V : - disappear. However, the act leaves it o the cabinet to make regulations stating the retirement aae and this power can be exercised at any time by order-in-council. The .effect will be, said one senior civil service official, that civil servants will find lt easier to remain on the Job after reaching 65, provided their health is good. The Canadian Press reported erroneously June 24 that the arbitrary retirement age provision had already been lifted. KEROSENE OPERATED REFRIGERATOR Provides longest wear . . . greatest economy because it operates without a single moving part. 1 GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS Twice as long as an other refrigerator McRae Bros. Ltd. The Store That Service Built' , Phone 6 of 36 FOR YOUR HOME The attention of the Thayer Lindsay Interests to the possibilities of Stewart as a terminal for the Atlin power project and as- a smelter site has been brought to their notice by the BURNETT'S WH"e SATIN GIN ' WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES OPEN S p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily Porcelain Doorknobs Burnett's gin 'Stewart Board of Trade. This e on Decorative Appea I , BO-BC iken a Rood look at ' Now in place of that tarnished The government also has re- ! wuu'u 'T "--anauian route The board is also strcss-which laxed regulations on the ages at j civil servants may be hired. ! "e vantages of a road airec Stewart from the : Cas-between Until June 1, age limits ranging 16 and 40 were set on la,f Asbestos and other prop-certain classes of civil service,""" ln the McDames Creek' office and and Uke areas- obs. including boys This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. iiii.s lately? ' knob Imagine a white porcelain hot. Doorknobs are c lanu-uraim wini otv- rnlcnt but nothing tcrea rose duos, or a lunp-snapea . ,.,l,,i ,.i-rhiii.l rea wroucr unoo aecoraica wun girls, stenographers, typists or- re tarnished and burnished gold str ping or bell- n apDll(lnftce operators and also shaped Regent blue knob with l.rir Only amazing jjf burnished gold bands. .... . ' the cabinet order-lain However, by ! A new line of colorfuL porce- , d.K,rknobs has opened up !,-,;!unc" ,r?mved .thC I auqnan I ervice commission to decide on , billties. hlrlngs. 'isit Here !. The knobi have been designed as acccents for modern, provln- . hnnrtc irnr i r,Ic J. Judge, neenm- rial and early American as well n . . . i 1 1 1 l vyvj 1 1 1 17 1 1 vv nww ii t tjiv e mir son-in-law and as 18th century English and rHTrlCia OUYdll and Mrs. Clarence French room schemes. Among ' Sws on Buttons without ottochmcnH nl grandson, John, the 12 designs soon to appear in -i f,rrmr zsk WHrJRK CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . COUNT ON US! in Prince Rupert gift and home furnishings stores I iwiivivw ui are patterns and colors that may p. i C L stKrf with Vorant hruor Mrs. JudKC visited " -""7,: m IIWTTi j Dibb Printing Co. ---o-. National Park. Mr. ; .uiKlvin Hnd John Hand-decorated, porcelain floor A delightful miscellaneous iiiflno in hardware is not so new as you shower was held at the home COMPANY I i fore returning to may think. Baronial mansions of of Mrs, P. B. Guysm in honor Lanuloy Prairie EnRla"d 811(1 France and the an- 0f Patricia Guyan, whose mar-cestral iat plantations of Virginia rlacc will take place shortly, han was born and ve original ci-ramic door Those present were Mrs. B. rmrp Kiipen, navins hardware created by Engusn ana Gnynn. Mrs. O. Hague, Mrs. H. until her marrlaftfi French craftsmen of the 18th Mork. Mrs. M. Hogan Sr., Mrs. Moke Buttonholes without ottachmnts fECCHI does every sewing job ' century. CKWOOD on E. Clapp, Mrs. W. Griffiths, Mrs. A. Croxford, Mrs. G. Geddes Sr., Mrs. W. Geddes, Mrs. F. Warne, Mrs. H. Lavigne, Mrs J. McLean, Mrs. G. Wilson and Mrs. D. Smith. Those sending gifts but unnble to attend ,were Mrs. V. Pick. Mrs. W. Robertson. Mrs. B. Sylvester, Mrs. G. Geddes Jr. and Miss J. Geddes. SUPPORT SOCIAL CREDIT Social Credit Representation in Ottawa Means WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS (I3rlclac Try Daiiy News want Ads FASLEY BLACKWOOD r Mdl ( U N.y the"MagiC"ishere! Ll Muzzy Vt Fuzzy Counting Hoosts Opponents' Score );ile derided not to accept Mr. Muzzy's 'id of four spades. He felt sure he. could contract but he thought there was a good make 11 tricks at hearts. Does Embroidery with cut attachments ', he couldn't make as the defenders Biiee tricks with lh! I'-s, a spade ruff by Son and the ace of South dealer Both sides vulnerable N Drill (Mrs. Krli) B-0 HI II - K 3 -D K 10 4 C A S Writ i;t (Mr. 1 lialllllluH) (lr. .MOW') that B.C.'s position ln Dominion-Provincial relations will be better than ever. Social Credit in B.C. has begun to improve conditions. With Social Credit representation in Ottawa, B.C.'s government will be able to do even more towards faster, more comprehensive development of this province's resources! FOR YOl'r SOCIAL CREDIT CANDIDATE END OLD PARTY RILE AND HALT SOCIALISM'S THREAT This advertisement 1rs1 by the B.C. Social Credit Campaign Committee At a mere flick of the '"Magic" Lever, onr SSECOH sews on buttons, makes button holes, embroiders, blind stitches hems, darn, monograms, and dors thousands of fancy stitches limited only by your imagination. TRULY WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS. You cau't afford to buy any Sewing Machine until you have tried the amazing NKCCHl "iMagic". ASK ABOUT OUR FREE SEWING COURSES. Wide selection of models from 8139.00. Err NECXHI it cux-rcd b) life-lime Guarantee Bunt!, aliun iJe rrke and paru availublr. Embroiders Initials without attachments rfense didn't go that lampion led his lon li'. Muzzy won with 49 Anglla J475 49 Ford Coach $1350 '50 Prefect as Is $550 48 Dodge ?i-ton Pickup with box.. $950 U Ford with '42 Mercury Engine is $125 50 Austin $1050 41 Packard 120 Sedan $350 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. )th no hesitation at b A W 10 7 S u- a C 10 4 3 H-A 7 2 r - a s c k u j i a dropped the king: trick had been Mr. Muzzy faced iin. Laboriously, he the card missing e. If Mr. Champion with the four and aiv 1 P"4 urtlfMfinf J Sutll (Mr. Uulr) b K 2 Ji y J 10 9 5 4 1 n U J V i . C None The bitUOn'-i . H It r.t U l h a c a ii 4 H Pfum t'aas 1 II Ali pHJO Sews on Fastens without attachments ould have led the LOW DOWN PAYMENT VERY EASY TERMS r Hast 2 a 4 8 1 -JLLiU I he did. And, as far s play was concern- ol)ody in hla right 9 play a king un- There was mo the cards ln that suit so Mr. Dale ! & 5-Ssrs w I :?jaa hnd one club ut the most. And Miry played the ipades at trick two '; " ,le had onc- 11 '83 covered by IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ruffed, the Jack tiummys ace. hi dummy would be ! Ana assuming Mr. Dale had (discard from the,on'y ' one spui.e and on club, lt was extremely unlikely he ha.i H'-ray rclmned a club less than ,our tliamoncls- So 11 Hf calmly aot rirt of i was veiy lf"note 8 dixroo1 d'3-?f spades on clnim-v's r8rd fro,n the. closH;d hanrt v ould hulJ,ul ; I only onc more trick , , 1H I lhis 'l should the ace of tn,m. n 1 From Thursday, August 6, Mr. P. G. MocKEKZIE, District Sales Reprcsen-totive for Necchi, will be at our store to demonstrate to you the many outslanding features the amazing Necchi offers home sewers. Don't miss this opportunity to see an obligation-free demonstration! IV FOR DEPBI0flBlt5& J) hunting and think- ?avc Pfrcd l 4Mr-, Muzzy I Muzzy's part would nls on,y hopo WH!i 1 f 11 partner with a sU icliin spade fill 111 ill 1 I XVI! f 13 t-'i iius gruesome re-hatural not to wan'. wa curd In dummy ti'tlcular deal, how-is almost Impossible 'd on dunimv' 1 . v Ferry dully ex- ould have done 7, Mr, x h tood cepting Monday, PHONE 46 weather per mitting. 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m. Phone Green snt or Red 968. ' '-" ' ' ttt) hnlun's club ovrcall f1 with at least five ' hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim