W5 SATURDAY SERMON As i See it Prince Rupert Daily u Saturday, October 17. 19.i3 By MAJOR W. C. POllLTON. MBE, Salvation Army ready for dra 1 rannot ;tke fri.h THE DRAMA OF SALVATION "Text: 1 Jhessalonians 4:11. "... Study to be quiet and i to do your own business personal Knm. An Independent dslly newspaper devoted to the upbulldlns of Prince Rupert .. , , and. iiortherB and Central BrITlali Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation !- -'m"- Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. J"" Published bv Thf. Prince Htipm Daily News Limited. J. P. MAGOR, President H Ci PERRY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: ?m . ,Jij, carrier Per week, 25c; per month 1 00; per year. HC 00. jjfcsi i."5tl?D '. !iy mall- Per month. 75c: per year. 8 00 ' Autnorlzed as second class mail by the Post Office Department. Ottawa ri ... .nnra nr mnrp WRva to lnterDret inai scrmT.urp. in npn nf thD . "M'Si : - ' ft . J) t ' H V! . , , L;' ; ' f .j - 11CIC c o.utv - - f7 ''t fcJcw- in ro.. .. i i. .nn.vi Sn fur the nennle rf Rulnnlka men real That . aim uui " """ - ' tms ma; h, ,mrerned its orobable meaninR was that they should avoid ,0i "is but it has t L contention in their midst, or as Dr. Weymouth translates It: "Vie , ,UUI -""suan lit, in oftirprnpiaa fnr npflpf " 'icinc Ifiat it k.. But all Bible student know. -- - h'T "1e" W fc that there U much more besides i that I am God." ; " Destroy the Rats! . . i. nut r.-! I . , t Mu I UlHi Urai I. nt its nontext with other passag- .ith r,.( h ! "A er it loses it chill and takes on: .... ... ,.. ;,. aWK """"" ul ",B ' B,,,a- n ..nnth and a fuller purport. i 1'.."" ?u , . tic. Having said that I come to 1 ,laa wen hm ' Guiana Dilemma Till-: British I-ibor party laid the foundation for ! self govcrnnu'iit in Brit-'isli Guiana. I-'or that rea-i son, and others, we may be sure that it will dc-Imand a convincing explanation of the measures :;,, ';' " r if yuieuiess, says r,, . u the undeniable fact th'it Bulva-, t'u"'a ao. Therft along comes the ancient Isaiah to um ls verv ttramatic. Thus we . . . and do. orirf "And Confiaencfi. ' the sum . , ,., ... n...,i ! .. ,. j a r iheve two is strength i.,... ' . . !" s' Wi. r i. -r strength for the work God iUjqultc quiet bul &lM be quite mine needs more L FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REVIVAL SERVICES Sunday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 7.30; ,. . tJ ' :i! ZVY IS DISMAYING to think that every time we : I put the garbage out we are dispatching another T meal to the rats at the city clump. Much as we loathe and fer the vermin, we are doinc our hest to keeji '". them alive. 'I . It is a condition which must not he allowed to !; '.ontinue, The rat is not just a repulsive creature. It " is a difease carrier which, as health director Dr. J. ; S. Carr has pointed out, threatens the health of the entire city. -When cold weather comes, it usually deserts its feeding-ground at the dump and imposes n us further by seeking not only our loot but the varmth of our homes. J The clanger is then very chw. This filthy nie?t I nay contaminate everything it touelu1?. Jloreover. ' t has on countless occasions attacked its human j jenefactoi-s, particularly babies w ho arc helpless J igainst its vicious assault. ! While it is optimistic to expect that we can rid ourselves completely of rats by killing them at the jj;'ity dump, this would be a major step in their ulti-J mate destruction. By eliminating the thousands of Ji-ats which are alive there today, we will dispose of ' them:vny moi-er thoiwmds yet to-i'bpiaj. ? Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdoy, 7.45 f PLAN'llMi hlF .it ot the 5D 000 g.it binos from the Associated BulP Grouers of Holland sre Kathleen Wuisher. chosen 19S3 cmeen of the civil service, and Maj.-Gen. Howard Kennedy, chairman of the federal district commission. The bulbs will Re aulet," sny Paul, and David adds this fine word "Fret not." Do not worry overmuch because of the people who seem to be making wickedness pay: wait patiently for God. "Patience," says Paul in effect, and the Psalmist adds "For j He shall strengthen thine heart." j ' And right back through the Bible the message of the Apostle wakens the echoes: "Wait upon the Lord. Wait I say. Wait." . Then out of the darkness and the vastness of time peals the ancient ! command, "Be still and know: United Church : i Delegates Meet taken by the Churchill government to nip off what the British Colonial Office calls a "Communist plot" to set up a 'M o!ic-tntnirltip. Diili.h Labor itlf Iiuj giiiiJ reason to remember luw Untili Tories once wn an elecliuii by rroSUi'Ing a f;.ke letter wliieti purported tovshow that the La-bur party wu.s on tlie payroll of Moscow. Here in Canada at the time of the Winnipeg strike, even fine men like J. S. Woodsworth - V Guest Preocher: DR. JUDS0N BURRELl, of Columbus, Georgia. form a bed on Major Hill park, with Ottawa's Parliament Buildings as a backdrop. The bulbs are a contribution to Ottawa's famous tulip festival held annually in May. : POLITICAL ROUNDUP . , by J. K. Nesbitt FIRST UNITED CHURCH 11:00 a.m. Mornln Worship. Sermon and Children's Story by the Minister. 7:30 p.m. K veiling' Worship. Gl'KST PREACIIEH: RKV. B. F. EN'S'AU, LI The President of British Columbia tale- in newspaper cartoons as being VICTORIA. Despite all the election speeches. Mr. Tomlin- involved in a Bolshevik plot to ; talk and the writing that this son didn't think he liked this overthrow law nd order. j has been a dull legislative ses- fact and. of course, it Is a fact. In 1931. the day before Hum- sion. when we analyze some of He said personal prejudices phrey Mitchell was elected as I the sayings of MLAs it becomes, among politicians should be left At Port Simpson The district presbytery of the United Church of Canada is Labor MP for West Hamilton, indeed, an extremely interesting at ai home, nome, on on the uie hustings, u m.k. COME AND WORSHIP SUNflAY PUUOOLS ttt First United: Beginnt n and ft. at 11 a n..' Older pupils at 12:15: at Conrad Unittc all at 11:00 a.m. nui , h ,d, ,u , fa confer. dragged into the legislative : ..k.nH , Pur, As Dr. Carr has observed, poison will not work t .a the Toronto Mail and Empire session. There has been, as a and v; i'ta Innrr thpvkb-ivp fresh to feed For carried an eight-column banner , matter of fact, some very good chamber, that marble-pillared,, minlsters Jontr as i tnejnae Iiesn gaiDaj?e o-arbao-e 10 ieea On on- r or the!?"' rS(44' .headline on page one reading: I legislative debate, and some mo- blue-carpeted repository of BX Cool Coola Sk v,thlH reason he has recommended that a sanitary -shadow of Kremlin Falls ments of intense drama. It s just province's highest law-makers. ! " Stewart ' Jp, Bnrt and as' far far lnlan inland THE VOUNO ADULT CLUB meets after the evening - to as Ouest: Pev. Allen Crewe, Missionary on the Ti ! Hazelton attending. that it hasn't been as rough- However, despite such hlgh-and-tumble as heretofore. sounding sentiments, Mr. Tom- Crosby Eoat. ! Over Hamilton." i Yet the man who later be TVWates from Prince Rupert came the Minister of Labor in Take a(VC the lilt: oyrci speech " u ui of Social ouliui . . " . i i . ,-, .. t r. ,. n Bleber ol ! . . omf nr Ihp 1-iiitttlna.v' til Ir He lire zvev. Lawirmc uie n-ing government was one ureaiter tne Kev. Mr. earKer ol " V' ; tmi..rt rhnrrh nri Dr Q First United Lnurcn ana Lr. u. f v, ot.nnnc nfLcnmm. . , said ODOositionists are alwavs u i.iir owuuBcai anu-uii. react niver. lor liisiuiice. nau -,;w pirfrtoa in rharoe nf field inists in the entire trade union lots of drama in it. The Rev. ' fk.ng wha . Socia. . 'JtaJe hL n itaL REGULAR BAPTIST 'movement. Mr. Parker's a blg. boyish typ Crediters . don't even know Grace United CJ-.urch at Port ' i of man, always smiling and gen- ! themselves. i Simpson, of which Rev. A. M. "And do you?" barked Burn- ; Oreenaway is minister, is host aby's CCF Mr. Winch. to the conference ut which Mr. Tomlinson. figuratively if highlights will be talks by Rev. IBUT British Labor, remember- generous-hearted. ! ing Czechoslovakia, will know j He told us about the Peace i very well that it is also possible River district, that wonderful i that the extraordinary measures district of grainfields, oil wells. Sunday School 10:45 o.m. Morning Worship 12 Noon Krginning a study of Paul's letter to the Cunt not literally turning his politi- : b. F. Ennals of New Westmin- ' : ,.V"'; k" r" . r ": 7"ZZZ "I no at Burnabr's Mr. ,ster. president, of the BC. Con fill be commenced to which refuse could be temporarily diverted. Since there are plans to reclaim Afoma Park, the' suggestion is that both undertakings could be accomplished together by doing the job there. wTlie idea seems to be a reasonable one. Tests have phown that layers of eartb over garbage are an effective sterilizing protection against pollution and odor. Meanwhile this same compacted soil would provide a good surface for the park grounds. , It is thought there may be public disapproval of the plan. We doubt it. Anyone who has flashed a light on the dump at night will know the hovvor of that -trawling spectacle. It is of first ' importance that wt destroy it, and if in the bargain we can get grind park grounds that pass expert health inspection", who will object? invited to use tfe Mothers with young children are comfort and convenience of our new nurserr . you see und hear but cannot be heard. i ' "J " ,"'c c"' ""..:., Wincn sald he W0UiQ explain ; jerence of the church, and Mi..s inc but do know. Mr . emergency. : you Speaker, fean IpUler. SwM Crelji .tmple. associate secretary i The important th.ng Is: Was en t -ads in the mW Mr. Tomlinson. social.?? christian Education in B.C. i lJT.r 8.rtL! hXdL'nU.tErh M Mr. Tomlinson. is . looked astonished at this. No Rev. HaroW wingfleld of EVENING SERVICE will be held at PH hoiij vi - - - - - - - , wun g camtal i. and "so . .. ,.r ,i - .. . ' r- ; 4. ' iA roads? No, Mr. Speaker. tfS lifirp o.'P nrt a trnvprnmnt ' . . ... .,. i ; .. . .... . 'roads, roads, only onlv mu mule e trails. trails. That Thafs s " " . " : local presbytery. oresoyiery. wnicn win FHtwnrrf Cart will leave the Church ot 7:1 'lrker ""d-and n, ,tween democracy and 'citlvp' n''LK , Mr Tom)lnson and he wind up its sessions Sunday afternoon. ! communism or fascism is that ' completely amazed that, all of democracy is based on the peo- Tncn' suddenly. Mr. Parker a sudden, he should be part of to throw ' c c "' " r 1 c u- pies right a govern- a government, i inrnt out wlioncver they get Speaker, there's a bit of pave-: Oppositionists were struck ; tired of it. Both communism 'wnt ln the Prace River dis- dumb at the Tomlinson explan- the ,rlt't- after all; 8.5 miles of pave- a no lascism oiH-ratc on (See NESBITT Pae 5) All Aboard 4 'Genu 1 I) I K E C T 0 R Y J S)-rvl- : all i liiirrlm at 1 1 a.m. I iinil ;lu p.m. Mi ml. n kiIiimiI ul ment and it runs from Dawson Creek to now. where do you suppose, Mr. Speaker? Why, to the liquor store In Pouce Coupe, j Mr. Parker said he'd sure like I some pavement to his churcn, . ) but oh, no, only pavement to the liquor store! Mr. Parker I painted a picture of such grim J basis of the One Party State-that is, of course, the police .state, which permits no frre Fpecclj or opiHi.sltion. I.OHI) RUSSKI.L poses the dilemma in Hiitish Guiana but himself answers half his own riddle: "Wo have a right to say i::i. rxiit hh Khnwn. AM.I.M N rTIII'.lKM. 4th Ave W at Dunnmulr St. Holy Communlem 8:30 a.m. Sundny Srhool 3 :00 p m. Canon Biuil 8. Prockter. B A., B r. - Bectfjr (Blue 700) St. Peter's Anglican Church SEAL COVE SUNDAY SCHOOL-10 a.m. EVENING PRAYER-7:30pm "Blessed are they that dwell in Thy House They will he always praising Thee." 1 Psalm 114, Vcr I EXTEND A SPECIAL WELCOME TO ALL Wl 10 LIVE IN THE - i -, . PARISH Or" SEAL COVE. - " W. H. LEMON Blue 827. we will not have a Communist Hlver count tnat MLAs for that is f-overnincnt one ,ln. srn ni,nt,lo im ,w w. Thousands of people who ! live ln trailers can hold their heads a little higher now, at j the risk of bumping them on j the ceiling. Royalty has put i . tftfmark of social acceptance ; , m towthe trailer as a dwelling- j place. , Queen Mother Elizabeth re- j cently bought a $2,500 luxury ; ... trailer (or caravan, as they e say in Britain). Supplied with , hot water, gas and electric . ... . U1III.OO t'.v. Utr v..v.i,, spun philosophy, but we were too busy with our textbooks. All tho trailer folk were students and their wives and children. The camp was run on a co-operative system. All the residents took turns shirking the work of cleaning up the central hut and feeding the fires. Occasionally we . had parties in our trailer, squeezing a dozen or more people into a space the size of a which cannot, be changed by iney iriK nacK ana iortn be- ) subsequent changes of Ullll- lw.Trn Mm linimr dnro uu'o 1 l..,t, 1 fit. .... B . v.... a. i .. -tt i 't ? I - .i , fl " V 1.9 " " V -I , ' ' Ir C, . , .--',- . ' V I. -i. -r In." But in so doing he uncon-,lng ,u.st in summer, up to their ' I Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobun Ei-lmisly reveals the ruling class . (Oreen ua, neckg i Bumbo in winter. TTtZi. "ri I'-'l-ing rid himself " ....... . . ., . . of the tronhes nf fnlk n tho 1 ,tn " Eat ouh r nc i-.is a uivinc manuatc . " . " " r ( Rev. B. A. IVrlsht. D D. , i light, the trailer will be park i to rule over "lesser breeds wlth- ' , .. i-. - ..,1.. -..r sniH . elMKer -( Inn (il rulr vu:l which he loved to use at 4 ' Scotland for use as an extra 7" icuic niver, Mr. rarner went lOreen 8821 for a bit of a swim in the pool f - , of politics. He thrashed about. ,.Mrl?? Imtiji , O-'O 6th Avrmie ' . . West and ,4 t insisted .1 1 on kicking up a Bev. L. G Bu.0Pr great splash all over the Lib- ) (Oreen 613) erals. He aitln't bother with the I r - CCF.He said, said Mr. P.rk j . you know, Mr. Speaker, the Lib- i 8r Cnpt. and Mm. c. Frnyne crals have only four members i Sunday school a:30 pm. left in the I;ouse? And do you ) (Black aeoi 111 Urilam a. i;ovrnnncnt with 1 nou;;h soldiers and warships to enforce the veto on U10 peoples' i choice of the ruling party in : British Guiana. Tnai, veto may be light or wrong. Lut what happens, say, in a j . mi ; r -.4 Breat n.tion HJte Italy, when it ; Parker aliwered hTs"0wn' Qu.' street elects. uy d. iree vote Ol tne:ion Rpean Mr Krvoi... I- Pastor: Rev. H. O. Olnen a.m. ..JE3ecau.sc of shortage of chairs and floor space, we fell into the habit of lying down on' the bed while receiving people. A habit like this, once it takes hold, is difficult to shed. If a man removes his shoes during a cocktail party and reclines on a chesterfield, you can bet liar olive in your martini that he's an ex-trailerite. When people' ot the smart set take to trailer life, they will have to solve a problem of etiquette: Is a trailer a (Ulaok 610) majority, a Coinmuni:,t regime? 1 he obvious truth then is that 1)0 uuluiue power can step in to they've finally reaped what they've sown and. Mr. Parker aaid hplipvp him ii'a a guest house. This stamp of royal favor marks the last stage ln the evolution of the trailer, or caravan. At one time, happy gypsies jogged along in caravans drawn by sleepy old nags. Then came the automobile and the motor-drawn trailer. Every year bigger Cars roared across the country pulling bigger trailers. Trailers acquired trailers of their own. The older families, stubbornly clinging to traditional ways, continued to live in houses. But now we may expect a rush on the caravan market as social leaders both sides of the Atlantic go shop kt. i':ti:h'm m.i k an 8al Cove , : s Sunday School 11 00 a m. OVei rillP lllo vritC uf Ihu ruinnln I ... ' " . : ' " " K"f"-i iaiiure fcvenlng Prayer 7:3Q p m. ,1 .1 -J SPECIAL NEW WRINGER WAS Hllil l.K HA I-1 1ST North Varcouver's SC Mr. of the country concerned without substituting actual foreign I dictatorship for a. potential do- ! mestic dictatorship. I The one thing certain is that If is; Tomlinson said that to him !t Sunday Hchool 1 1 00 a.m. Morning Worship Brrvlca 13:16 628 6th Ave. E. Blue :i'i:l appears that legislative speeches are nothing but remnants of house or a vehicle? If a trail Pastor: Rev Leonard A Thorpe f er is a house, a' gentleman 'wnever half of the people in will open the door and let a any country vote Communist, democracy is finished in that GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS HEKC'1'I.ES MECHANISM Built " J' ' kind of punishmei years of the worst ., u"' cothes. tv loves aiw t. Hungry"-ust FAST "Wash ana . faster washes tests prove Inglis country, indefinitely. 1358-Ton Herring The Prince Rupert Housing Authority 1 ' a,. lady out ahead of him. If a trailer Is a vehicle, a gentleman will get out first and give a lady his hand! My wife arid I tackled this question in a fairly simple manner. Whoever could push harder got out first. Both of us developed good shoulder muscles that way, but we are getting flabby since we moved to a house. Cotch Noted Here About 1,358 tons of herring have been landed here by three any other make. t . . , n (or ie- ping for trailers equipped with ballrooms, servants' quarters, tradesmen's entrances and door chimes. Before the trailer went respectable, my wife and I lived ln a trailer for about three years. If the Queen Mother's mobile palace is a Rolls among trailers, ours was a Model A Ford. Our trailer was one of about 20 in a trailer camp. Outside people regarded the camp as announces that the office of the Secretary-Manager hqs been moved to Room 25, Besner Block. Applications for rental of houses are still being received. Phone Blue 320. Biea in NEVKR HAS TO BE OILED Sea lack' tai s; I ADJUSTMENT-. WEAR AND TEAR purse seiners since September 20, it was reported today. Majority of catches have been made at Poison Cove, Matheson Channel and Mussel Inlet. Three draggers or mid-trawlers are preparing to set out for herring shortly. , years of wean Known as -v- - 0, tw " feature-this is something the will want to see. The City of London, England wag already a busy trading centre when Christ was born. onds- .Empties tub iu90 i ........ . twtifi nvirnvD linuin.iiit rn'" viV-"' .1 ' r 2295 10-ailNUTE TIMER WITH SIGNAL. Price old washer Ml HI I l Ml Pi .r. i mi HI a sort of picturesque, slum on wheels. Each Sunday, squadrons of tourists drove to the camp and looked the trailer folk over, nudging one another in the ribs when they spotted a particularly colorful looking vagabond painting the. roof or hanging out the clothes. W residents of the trailer carpp would have been glad to sjt on stumps and offer the I U U fill jw - - LINDSAY'S . CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling ecal, (Ja'Un-wlle and . World-wide Shipment. "MOVE WITH EASET. . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 ; . . Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. YOU PAY ONLY STEAMSHIP COMPANY HEAD LEAVES 57 MILLION ESTATE SEATTLE (AP) An estate estimated .at in excess of $1,000,000 was left by Gilbert W. Skinner, 54, president of. the . Alaska Steamship Co., when he died Sunday, it was revealed in probate court here. The estate was left in. trust for Ms widow and children. ELEC 4 . ' RUPERT RADIO 313 Third Avenue West tors .some quaint, home- 4 4 4 i v