Prince Rupert Daily News As ! See It I ! $. I - B- ., '.-r'- .3 11. til I! o Vare for Wew THIS IS A LETTER u (what WW- ha I OTTAWA DIARY By Normon M. .MacLeod T tr.a:n-.air. r?uta-Jon as a fri-a!iy forr3-hir.f as a a a iery augtut b;y, tn Cia.rt in Tftal aj ha bn-c.'ilE.rt up l mat ur th B hii or, hsnd autffrKot J-k ' cf that fr;.J"''.t f "arre bu; alvays invi:aa,b coir.mortry It :wirt-jtht "-' Tiiij to r? it ui a b:? ;J lt lm-ir.!.a'.Ky had Trs Ctiarchii!-. f.Hr.hwfr XM'.ki r the reaon SIl l f WML TT.e Brii-M, piirre MinUir ar.d the Prendcr.t-f k-v fcjff nrt ; i.readi, but tr.e y the . l.-c U.r , txa f.are-i no one ton have r.y auvhon'.a'-iee tr to (he trrj: 1 they fave tra- vertex! t-x a rood tfcree lta or , 1 more lY Ike" h r formaUy . ad off:: !:'.y becoos the Prej- ', rt of Vn;:nj Sum urstii .. K'h of the mo'.'.h I Arid ur.t.! that tune it l- ' h:thy Unproper for him to AM ONE who M.ev that chHd neglect in Dav,d DubIn,ki who I C" ' . Prince Rupert u confined to the cue tut I ' N-V' !ivat 413 NV.rth Sever.:. I i ar.i-r m court s.nould mull over this one for while. a ;Str Milwaukee. Wi.. . V A ' ' I f , In trie cr:.; of Csrtrr-as Eve a little ,w;;ri ' Kf , ' rt I j ry was di-covered bv raer5-bv war.derir.e about a- , tt I J I rt ty the iLM-Ju Jour-. Z J-KJ i- '"' ' 1 t - ra. tr-it y -ju .-er.t a d&llar of ' J 'TV . 'r ' -4r - . J c vmU C.-uueir Cir.p i I 1 i i I i I ICr-iii pi y f.r the 5- L. j l s t ! ren-re Seaway. bst that our! i I I ' the s-treet, cLd in r.othin.c but hi undershirt. He va. wr-tcheiiv v.'d crjir' hi heart cut. : When they asked him where he lived, he took them to a house which at first appeared to be empty. There were no lights on and there was no I'MTID NVTIONS-PyWi-hinf hta iSeved it and inrip-!sre rr.eth.xt of bni4btiu!lr, u.te4 f n'.nr.. oiuir.e. The n-.h'id hWh h attrarvd th, !'-!. t .. lit,rarp in Tanou pan of the field require or.:y an w4. paint brah ec.ld pafldir.f rul n traprovtwd rvk NFi ng the To!'.rrr."l Shonn demnr.ra'.tr,f a atep in the iff, he hel:v--d d-rrlr Is W staff member William L. H , t- in rharre f the jerrk-e. sizn of life. Entering . Eat I read the Tic k:tr of. leann?, tlii-nti joa fat. Up hr in Cu-iii x lot c c'j5 o g!d , to tf.t tiat pi::tun. s.frx4 bj cur pn.T.e U.r..-'.tr. It sboir? h.rr r$.e-i up Lit a reai .nul--m i or.r;ri-. i.-.t.r:s t th eur.trois cf a loeocrotiT. Tne crUy picture n.r than that tr. woi;,i s ost jr:-.r.j cur Pt.t. Sl..rr on th tr.-;e of trie f ri p to " iiT thnyssh .h" j Victoria Report J. K. Nesbltt VICTORIA It appears now very" definite!:, we're going to have cocktail lounges in B.C. Ti-.t ?TM-rti npport u so Ur HERE And NOW U LARHV STANW(K)0 fc4i;rp the p,M"l7ii in f!fwt by enter.rti into otfirtxl dsviwMOei Ch the CTiieftiin cl an-ttriT a e Hence casnar.;qi that ui rsean ar.y.hlnjt ;;Sar.tSA! xp-t!Hj frcst th first talk If that hur-buu on the street corner, awrt: r.x-r. the t-o ata'-e-Ten t!l flicked on the light and ir.ade their way to the kiu-Tien where they were shocked to find two more j-rrail children in scanty clothing huddled over half ;i U)-t. Iful of sur.-.r and desperately cold. The youngster?' new friends at on went to work to heat up the stove and explored the kitchen for more fy'l. There was nothing but the bowl of sugs.r. It was during this that they made their next awful discovery. Behind the stove they saw a small form which, in the shadow, they first took to be a dog. A closer look showed it to be a fourth child, hardly more than a baby and sound asleep from fatigue and misery. . Uleanwhile. a neighbor who had joined the scene undertook to find the parents. They were down A.s cm ire od'.t e:r!tt years n cr.iciai leeret, mil tr-.e rarktaj lotinees. not iwr- b the shadow at cup., and here downtown h-..j fc.-f.vre the t c-f i:h irrxTU hai is a li. n dl retail.. i. eld DiT.i. y,-i lare a rert try to ril he importict : tr.e St. Lawrence wax it ;U b a future event casts U fore it, it isn't hard to U- what appearances will t taken on by the Ft Besides. th peopie of BC. ftiCUt. " Vet nnne of the Cabinet Urn- . to the city yoa Lve la a.nd to lift J-me, in a ptbjscite, aaii ether c.t:r. een ones om here 'hy waat cocktail ksrse- Retumirts here fns SestUe. ta.kt ' Ike"" and -SIpisj" COUrt of reVISKiH. the west Slupa from every that is. hqaor ierred Wax, It appear, u bi u farce the reve Tri of the earth will soon be irr.e are chir.z:r.s. bow the the watner The cocva-tioo i m the pan few day -.11.' tb entire program rai ee'ved the '.:-.t!e s!;p -.l completed et the trd ! - J -VVUi T-r? i On a recett rtsit to Washing- ir-n wila acr-ey u oe.r5 farced ;r)t these two ritzl (: i:r ear,- The th-ces which yon produce, ton State I listed srreral cock- to go down tit aociit jcaie. not get together wi-nou? the showing a.Ar.ier.t ' vi cuuii.ry win taii JtKinge and carre away with the man With ii'trf mctiry li reaaitmg diacu&iorj berg at k pnxrty h been ' the til he aen :i . be shipped cat to any part of the fcsipresaoa that there Is enabled to b up. In ther v: ; ar.d r dyitaauc nature m. In nurre.-:u fie., thl buuil . j (,ul; 1T hi-j nhomj up tt y ili(t4r:'ai:? - ( lftn, mf rjch irtta i tn'r lrf I!d-i co-thing wrong with them. They word there' a generally lre- eeUtoit oadiub'edly Si be ed and wanted. And th thing: are titan, attractive, though in icg off. ar.d I paruearly now4 o-porei ur.ti! a-? ihe Inaug- tts u more una luC per cer.t , aary. wica yoa c.cs want Irora other : most there coo b a htUe more it m the din.r.g roca of the arst Otsnony on Jan. 2S. 'he ... , Ki affrtited Axi argument a:-. r tries ..U fee CTs-.:r.s back' light, and generally they don t teaaser. Tirr.e ii when the Cabinet here figure that the ti0M u J-:e ill4 iivt." h ' encourage heaey drinking. It"i aas with Bwr.ey eotiid hie a ftrrt rneeurjt beiweert (he io By the way. D&T.i, I bet yea ' too per dm to en- mriptaewa mtU. cotr.p titerr.ef: will set the pattern nerer thoaefct of this. The a- ccurase rr.-h tLr-nkmneai. Ctr. finger wowii and fnty aemce f ,r Ur. aerie cf talk w-27 a t be cil.e1 .r. S;. La-. unly they're a b:g feprore- The man without much money ar.d J! mar ti-e real are.trm rence seaway arid lite saa whose; rriect on oar beer pariors. had a aandwich or deck. 'when the two mir.d will meet. gsverr.rr.e:.; gast vanada tne- t, ,irj v,.: t v.j . .v.. Th. hi m' kin ru- h..i r.DLff .n.i uc.jew ir.e- ui aw '-"-s there U a C-rMier in yt-(K ufcled or fr'atiy Inereaaew. !,,.v , ,u fiTieiS.- r. They D'i:ee too. trvat because : hip wi'.h the ntraJ d.jr ' ,cciy certain ec'.on of the cii igartt u trlxe-J twi hae been rea'aeet fir the ; At weseit the city a u . - - - - " ' .... - " "fl " - . - . ll'l .t . I. f-.rst time ir many yeifs. they s7.7ta.7vi 1x ulswi'.. i -go ahead " signal to buUd It is ! aio nax.l fit. LawTerice be- . wii serred m a parklir.g aoolshed. There are no courses Cir.t;nced in lh new. th Will bear the bigaett burd-n of purpra, wlule the rari i.a.vs. iw-.ej t-jfrr.. ana tn cy more, inert are no jrm Miniater are taxes lor tne iwnt lew year. . inrt u taiued it la.fii: ! rrench-Canadia- way it aarig : ' ,na 'nsewuMw e frai.t'y or.itappy b.t the three thu utMdi--n other owner. motU gt.j pe je. Law - e 1 cDf'-?l 5erely drink- on your piate. not tn Jeparate aU fl ienf tha, pro- where the aaaeuor hu no', yet pjp-n tn Uor U again. Dare, and I ria tint- a. A - A w a ffnMl it w A r.t w-a .... . " it dori rf Ih eil' taruax: i lope a toi ntity Caaaciaia .L...,: ,".,7 .rril.IT 7 " " ,wl " I nu-a-rreT "-., Tbia could happen, b -ki nrtnvt:.i i !av c-' :Z-7:t..7 6 .T. ' ' KJ 71 ' . 5a 4a U.e mailer !"Urr ie man tnan a 'Hot not have have to. to. rwrc netcManly i send senc j you . i picture p. tire rxkt:ar postcardi but ccnsarr.e two g-iiei I coidnt oowis ana etrter eiejance. ; scrr.etriji? Lie that, just to ahow j you we real.? do apt-re-iate yoii. cfr to h-.p. Voj are a good, i r.e:fhbor, boy. arid that s the ; f;r. -st i.'-ri anrsody can eer , be. w-eek PariuMiier.t wiU be s.'tirg, p,, off thwf ir, raod rea-:a;(j g0 U.-.rtirg ;t T.-.e atnutry la bound to iru mhy the city U being r-. 1 -. 'ien0!e ph.:. be under to luppJy tn- prtimire jj-rt fmptoymtnt of rxanr.g an 4-:o er ct.i for-atwn U U'ie Hi cm the tJse Kr,t full-time imawi Bi' But 'here a M.'ft-: progre of tiacuxa in which : and !-- ' property tmproemen vnHi M lrs, ti'.f a Canada u bound to have a wstaJ r,atf r;.vers srarpiy in aiut in hher than the rurii t ir.Wreit, whether irrey tcur h th, jvs and ha'th ,t year, so ci! can appty upon profc.err. cf trade, '.he coid Urf r , -jting a city : pf e )a':?s:,. ' whh t help bst eom.-wst thii to our5 good la know inert t tivt betr-parior dnskin; habit, i JrweUnf off we ail ay we want when. ;n an hour, the aierag t? ai; 19 ; We all nuke ntliUfce. Social b h Co, am may wel- rv.u-j maj a 0.g one when " they :d in the eiection cam 'town having a heavy celebration which they were jersuaded to leave to rejoin their children. ! There this particular story comes to its sombre end. All the making? of disaster were there but the axe did not fall, so the incident parsed into its dismal obscurity. But it is not the end of the hip ?er story of child negk-ct on a wider scale. No doubt the parents in this case were following a well-established pattern of living- which is followed by many others they know. It starts v.ith the casual that 'the kid- can look after themselves" and goes through ali ths easv excuses until it becomes a matter cf indifference whether the kids can look after themselves or not. In this respect Prince Rupert is little different from any other city. To the shame of humanity, the same thing is happening all the time everywhere, so no attempt should be made to single out this populace as callous towards its children. On the contrary, its general attitude is quite the reverse. By the work of its Civic Centre, sendee clubs and other private .groups, Prince Rupert has set a standard of entertainment, instruction and occupation for children which few other cities can match. ". The weak point is in dealing with cases of neglt-ct where the family life is so decayed that removal of the children is the only remedy." Many such cases exist in the city at this moment, known to;officials and crying for action, but the remedy must be delayed until a new home for the children can 1e found. war., or tf?tjc . . . . . .. . paign, that they d make hotp-.tai The hjh UXition rite here n the cnn:pa.rt.".e Ti. pulley In 'he Pjci'ic It (x r Insurance cluntary 0 mi.isu due to low - rural city pt'er Now relish the of haY.r.t to " , . prwpeet they knew tdunury' . tha;tt hi, no f'nt- 'r" wrjnT work. ra"y Ytt. home anJ Tne board r-: wh. -h have been et- ; equality hospital iru iruuranrt lira net U g:t Yir3 trs-y. ! - EIrnore Phiipott THE BRIO JIT MCwnukee boy or..y or.e cf a li't number o! ' VS. citizens who hare becorre' :wre of tre giant goinzs-on , in Canaxla. The ll:.waiii:ee Journal, for ( irstar.e. his a.ricy run over ? tnt7 feature articles in a j aenes called "Canada' New Ctn- ray... Reflects and Reminisces ' &o the is dr.g :t j , level best to encourage pe?pie " t piy their prerni-jrrj. j Ye. It a good idea, to pay thove prexiurna. for our own Bjt tra: i the outl-r thai It fi.-e. So fa' there ha.t been no move to cui the t. .Terr.irer t h?re in a: any ata of the Ch'jrt hill-E'-tr-hower taiks labUhej recently suffer par-; Cmc official cian -a ttcuiarly for they come undrf . 'y cao today tr,r Mi the same rate yet are aasewsed ! ht h rot.Uin 5tl at today's waiues rthene Ua canwrj 1 The c:ty h.u pucned iU r- ErfwfJ. stwal cU'.ef a' atstwrnettt prnfr as a "re- s alor.g the Skrer.a. ar.d 'it ' orgr:W?tn"" progjam It wiil .mtlluw dollar putp afu-r corr.pleu-d. nut only ec,uai-! r IJand-i s-v-itd ' ,2.e the present dtwrepanrtrs but : tight rr.iiiion U treea-if 'V ii-' uh the main purrxv cf aaeeiamer.t I ao to ' protectiorj. Always rerrierr.ber Wvjck hard aae your aonev: ..-. ..- iry. ir.ey are by Aiftn C. I ho KT.OWS tome diy yU Krer.r! h rT. Natural Food Aids Children In Teeth Care Canada ar.d Caaaiana really ?r f tr jo-r taxe.. H u one of of J -n -?'e Jnu:neiil- ith be.t social reform that ha helow tfc iine. Other pubi-ca- (come to Briuah Columbia in txrj are doir.s the same ort EXCLtSIvr.Lr A bF.CRI E! t many year Let a all get to-cf thing. j Stepcea Leacock wa one ; gether to keep it. to make ure I saw only one tiny error in a.ed by a McCtU ttuder.t con-anat it work And. white we re reducing the mill rate There-' There has t. b M-a I lore, taxation ,on the whole i taaation. or It 1 should not be much greater. If . w ill be many b'.r.c of or'1 I ant. on:--i the city find op-r-i diarntiter.t. f i f.'.n r.wti hae again sptraiird. : therefore Ineffawl A-id then, taxation wotild be in- temmer.t I creae.i ar,wy Jof Ita own unpopuiantf j wenrwems ar.:c.e wmca it twain twma "rteeiiMon.-: about it let not forget Byron titled -Btu7 British CoJambia a . repraSon' anl -panic." He' iohn-on who brought it in. wan SYDNEY. Australia The the Texas of Canada." H-? aaid to have declared it's aJ a fought for it right down the Un- youh weiiir aeoeiatan of AaJ- ar.te BC. claims to be one of matttr of dt-gret. A neeaakm Ui and' who went to defeat becauw tralia report after a flw-nta.- the rr.ot beautiful parts of Jhs when jw tighten your bH.i be wouldn t compromise. Now, truj that ch-.Kren who tat uat- vsiern hemisphere" That.The.-e is no belt to tighten In a Boia Johnson has ben proredl ural food have muA tea to .ti. s.iOU.a read ' B C. U the rr.w. depceuin. and wnen trie re areSrieht nMi w.t (arfUiihjn trouble fher rhilrtren nut. as tr.e rra '.sinent prs-'ii i !.; to take iiymt two w-ifw b-f.-.e jt U'compleSed. there i danzer of much di.-on-ter.t a mr" ratepj vr unlet civic authorities lane artlon. If rea-e.ments are allowed The predicament has reached a point where a : beautiful part of the western rx pan- jett to hoid . . . , , .hemisphere, and is ururpaised par.: case causing sufficient trouble to get .-. into court jeven 7 tht jei-Uke uket of up it atbim now and thea. in a report on chUdri-n at the ! a'-ociations h'wnes. tne iri'.'.-iu Aran th UI At he eatfver. o; Cents' re-seirr' jtivi tHf -jt to rtand ea-h yt-ar a they are it. u assemeu or an aatrono- inw . th. tui.,ti n,, !i,r.. ner -.f ih, ' Kashmir or the nta;estic 6. , zeriand rr.ountairiS. mer that a day U forty-tght J mu than half of them ih . caries compared wttn K per ten; 11 hours long. Tne day he spent ia to legislaUee halu. TherTI be af other Sydney children Th J 4 a,b J0!11.. 10 West-East Gas ! innvn hotel must harrfr,oul many a 'average number of damaged kX ' ; been rainy, or at Itt k shade ; j!turT Kllden gptet.h. but It's ' ring or fllied teeth U, t ZTul, -V, Z program two years from now. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 yfc Always PLACE ORDERS HC Pipeline Seen terj ma 01 nim:.!. ana feoon vootri Dtr rni.ti eftmna.eH i.. One tiling that make yoo tor: tauU his way arcur.d. I nan in other Svrfne ehi!i,r." ihi is easy to foresee, as well as the remit For Instance: t-rjni AiiiLK iri-An exec- " k nie oiu we wont reai.y reauw now, Te u.wiam mt th- -a- John Brown's property anrl " . . v: 1 raii-vanaaa f.ptiineA "- - - - Ltd, says he is confident per ; the pubUc changed the Legis-j amo.jnt of 2'u UxJlh Uoublf u ho:T.e in st,tJnn ,lmiIar Utures face last June 12 tintu h4;f the chiioren food u;alue as his frifnd's home In presents more problems afterwards than it did before. Primarily there is need of a receiving station where the children can be lodged and looked after until permanent arrangements can be made for their care. "Citizens of Prince Rupert should be alert to thiineed and endeavor to correct it. It would be veil also to keep our welfare officials advised of any cases which may not have reached their attention.' Only through the heartfelt concern of all in this matter can we hope for action. '"Meanwhile a Christmas Eve for four children in a deserted house has passed as a pretty poor one, and w e cannot help at this moment wondering how that little tyke behind the stove is getting along. :. . . j . . ... till f 4 V KFVCr IT . .11 . . , . , . . ..... """f w com-, r;."..;-," f tir . 8 lnifn in it natural state In the lotion 1 ThU year, section 2 ny BUi.u i.a.urai gaa pipe-. -- I form of milt aalad. ee..,hi. ' may be reaavued but sertmn line from Alberta to CaJif. U e - H4ia.t-,,tu vimitii i : fruit. ifit dates and honey. l has not. Mr. Brown finds his C8da. , mairhe said to hare of the pronnct s most import- j cooked tZi rnoTt ' imtnt U y conHned has gone up. good Douglas U-rrr of Toronto ,ieetr nt UwJB4k'r B 1 !o Prndge. rnoias' prefeal. but find, that' his esgs. unpolished rice nd such, trnd place Is still assessed s.t i j y utu nc ci J u i .i V . . . , . i of the project will be obtained ! unchanged. when the Alberta Petroleum and . I x ir-rrc A e-Irl Natural Gaa Board meets In w. change of aurae sort JCJYV.CCb AUU PRE-NATAL tfTl.CTS ; ,fl '" value. The director of the asocia-i Therefore. Mr Brown is going April. ay welcome, ror a JT . . i UiDDrnmmy j tion s home say there would bv 1 to shar Prt of his friend s no dental decay hi the orphans ,a3W h'n lw to el'j hall land abandoned children In their'10 m"ke hls Pyni"t- ii arjnrovai is ooLamea. wort ,rJr.l. tI-T!"' i wo memDers lTom the Pacific- ain't. would start in the wet in tare : spring. Iii4. It would be ex- Monday we're been barkening to- ; care U their mother had had i 1 on,y ns'r this prob- nemoersnip di uie junior 'rational and balanced nutrl- ! tended from Winnipeg to Mon-i "'' Chamber of Commerce Is now tion" before tr.e babies' birth. -MILESTONES- . treai tne loi.awmg year. . 4S. It was report at an execu- and if the children could be eom-! ALAJI, rUK oUv i Live meeting la it nicht at theLi .- ... 1'rirm the life of The Daily w Sometimea it a not ma item. : I Tr " I t"""J prvievexi irom "con- . . . nome 01 r resident nen jei-, taminatinn th. detrimental ' finding out how to spell. History. renea I Parking Metres Prinn Dasramia 40 Yeors Ago Today Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton ar rived from Victc.-ia thi morn 20 Ye org Ago Today At the masquerade dance General Electric Appliances dietary hatrtt of their school mate and the community generally." The hit at the community U too. haa us ring. ror example; two new member. Dick BW1 there wa the boy who wrove irkl Hr Phnipt wrn approTed. that Socrates died from an orer-f Hugh MaeKenzi was named dose of wedVxw. , chairman of the house commit- in. on the Prin-e Rupert to take,stad "?ht bT the ,l6"'"Ul' tip permanent residence In the,Lode- m,i'c "PP"1 7 T" Charlie Bsuagno's orchestra and Q VdnCOUVei city, where Mr Fulton will prac- justified by the fact that Aua- f . John Macflrinald chair i . . . i We fly. yet rteta .till come n, th. (n-ml n.a' "prsl Robert Peacock wax master VAXCOCT-ER Oi Vancouver high. Twenty-atren kUttd neaxj The Alec Hunter Memorial f' n!. " the mr "tort irnmL. Immediate , Cause , U the motorists niunked about 4 000.- Dublin Morwix Ww. wrmld t.. v. ceremonies. 1 0 Years Ago Today OCO nichlcs and ccnr.les a total bck to vtiterdav? Once, what u., --. . h., ,r ca...,ura- in Au- of $139 ..0 Into downtown park- today the New York Central; tnr . man,- wnd the method e.1 tra!U1' diet too. much sugar. Vothing Machines, Floor Polishes. Radios, Kettles, Ronges, Vocuum Cleoners and many others. Tne Junior Chamber of Com-! Ing metres in 1952. Railway, consisted of six separ-1 deciding the method of presen- white bread, biscuits and sweets and not enough fruit or vegetables. Added to this, they say, tice 'aw. Mayor Newton was asked todav t') speak at a public meeting cald by T. D. Pattuiio. 30 Years Ago Today In as announced yesterday the Drum Lummon Mine will im-niediately commence shipping 3D0O tons of ore a month to Any-ox smelter. Biggest haul made by the 1.6M ate little lines between New York i tatkms 1 ... Y. nickie metre and 71 and Albany. TSie trace lieri decided -. - -... - - i J - 'J - - - J 1 it was .00 Un.lUTU to W RUPERT RADIO AND ELECUt J V V L IT , . mr'. r., . m I. was the more than S1.700 collect-i changed trains six times, pre- j Parent-Teacher Council t ull j f whortage of dentbti merce has been advised by the Postmaster General's Department at Ottawa that it is not in a position to Institute street delivery service In Prince Rupert at this time. Bo Phone 644 ea in Heptemoer. jsentea seven ncxri ana paid rupport and co-operation on This year's collectiona topped j fare of from three to six cent! their "scotch lite" campaign lor 1951 by more than $39,000. ja mile. the safety of school children on IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE