i 1 . T , i I This Week Ispassing Prince Rupert Doily News Wednesday, January 7. 1953 DISTRICT NEWS .1 - JVt'; ? WJ : r 2 ' . j Pastor Hagen Continues" 1 Prayer Week i ! The Ladies Auxiliary, Tana. d! Leiion, meeting, installa a nil ii Sj-W?! lo Tire KI1 'I sepjk.jr. thanked Mr. and Mi J! ! t-. Wiii'.ht fur the goociwlli supper' i.nty iW-Ai Fa, tor Arnold Ilufem of First tended a g'Mrdi!! sti per givor. -i:ii exp. e.eu the view that the; tion of office";, g p.m. in Le-Cloo Auditorium, Thursday, Jan. S. Junior Chamber of torn-meree monthly meeting, :3l p.m., at the Commudore Cafe. oy Mm. Louise A. Wright, daughter of the lat John Weia y yt Kit. :uk.a. in honor c ucr tnir.' r m. Garry Wright. The evening began with a pr.iver by Captain Ora-e Burfcet: After the turkey dinner, Mrs Wmhl expressed her eratitudc affair a -so n.-h appreciated, by tlif peopic. i Oilier ho ex.iresied the same ; tlew re Mr. Ben Seymour and Mr. and Mrj. Aluerl Yojng. C:.i'dren cJ the group, mho; cere .M-autJ at titelr own tao:e, rendered ti.tir ap;rec!a.lon of folks cry. som folk . . . , v get a parking ticket, jnhiiwin doesn't know to iiiimi "' '"' V 1,0 ml iin; ice from 'he police ,cn . ,vci his auto nerons the Vll ,. rldcd te orivr tl trci surer 's office and M Bui hit car was the mu--k."K "l I1 ''" ' uiliir -M to have a line u-t II-' a- '"it , ,,f week-end bullilhig Lu'heruii t'hunh, Vancouver, i'adl!!n the Universal Week of i Travel' ut First Baptist Church tkt( evening, den li with the "pur- jo of prayer." Hp told his eonprc:a;lon that, lit was imporiaiit that all nun li mer.iber that pr;;y--rs "to Al-io;t?hiv did ,'sre roi a nican 'if :e'nunuriieation brtwn chrii-','ins of thtir Father, uv.ly. but a Try Doily News Wont Ads I ' ' '- ' 1 . -.- . - ' '-.. ' ' ' "-' ' I - s - -- "S, ) f x -r 1 i - I SJit VjK i. .. m ... it i ,-""". 1 w - by .unjinj Chri.itnw tiic poiple, e .pecially these , thanks v.ho had come a great distance carol. Mie raid '.here were zrcai exa;c- Dorern 81aa.o.' tit. 'n--skr i ! moans o ffiiiiunkation between tations in store "for our chl'.drea ' a."d the T-simosean Ianaa?e ts! she fir';at H aveiily wlili itidi rs. I -iii men ana Father. ! "It U !he il! of God that all 4 t rie Jaiir got hi ticke' ,. p.iiu department he in in.'- flay to come and whheJ . express her word.s of thanks ana cvtrvone "cheer and good wishes .k enecr f'jr Christma.i anj for the choicest ChrUliflas bless- the New Year. !ng an'! a New Year cf hifeh hope Before cloiins. plaan wefc and .spiritual achievement." .completed tor Melvin and Susan Gecrye W.'ight then poks Bcvaa to hold a surprise partv briefly thanking all his rolat;?? . to celebrate their gi andmilnr'i : wn.T e.;'iis to the Upp;r and in 68th birtiiCy. mcr? Income His -.o"is In v-ry fact, and how el- uiess they t:k ILii. Vaiiiy, piavr i communion of tinner with saviour as weii as saint with .-;apci- fit-i " The purpo.se of prayer wan not to discipline s-'if but. to glorify God. If the glorifying of God calls for self-discipline, God will provide Krace for same. The early Christian prayed not for f mi & . Iiiiiihiiii Mill Ilium nil II mi. -ii.il iii in.. ii..nM,imM... A.. t , f I III. r nil & sreetinsf to a!! '-aid "may youi': nays be merry and fihed with happiness bryond ali b--'!niL;, and nay you reach new height r;i : ' happiness during the days of the .corning year." Ma, L4h.er Kennedy sues. , famation.. Newcomers Win Prize in tlic i lly ileiaciiinen. Harry Norman, who si tn be behind Eric a,s nulling a HI'lc too .H i; mi his !'' -travel -r Aiinrllc Mmi-li.ii ki tit Iit bag and ,,-t lor another Winter tilii- and Mr. ManM-ll in,, tomorrow night by Vancouver where they jin until III'- I'h when rain for a six-weeks In Fiurida iru to find out which t.s mr nuift topical ,:T or the assessor. Kdiiioiiloliliili John Mae-it it . probably 30 bc-thc Alberta capital o i lloJ UAI.T 'llMPIOSS from the more than 500 permm attending the First Annual U-.xii.r Day Hail of the International Brothei h'xtl of Pulp. Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers iCIOi. Local "08. were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nuttall. PieentlnK a trophy to the winners in W. C. K. jotie. mill manauer. who wu among the many who enjoyed the evening' fun. Mr. Hut tail, a millwnklit at Columbia Cellulose company Watson Ifciand plant, came here four months ao from Ocean Falls. Prior to that he lived In Vancouver and Quebec. 11 turn themselves but that "the Word might go forth." John Tlie Baptist- gave them, leadership in th; when he a&- terted that he was merely a voice reflecting the word of God. j "Hallowed be Thy Name . . there is nothing man can add; to God, or His name, but his chief end is to glorify that name by Ills life and his devotion." . . , . I T-t '.. i .1 ! r ill haiHieil rtwe if Curves Again in Newest Dress Fashions A quiet New Year's Day wed-. ding was solemnized at th heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. Feasby ; when MiAi E ilVi Mary Taorna-! , ... . oe cuiigiraiiun i.s ooi ur- -.......it..-. t i, ,,,' K'i lauon that neat wat-us ano i , . . t, , , , . ... Carnation Uw8" fresh and sweet ,f, always coUireJ, al. ,lway creamy fuU bodicJ- When you open .hatred white canyon ,l-ays be sure that youwaUgct milk at Us very best. linttfln from nuMer pattern ; llv Ml KIIL YMMltWAY Cana'liaii Pri'u Staff Writer suppiied by Dior and perwrnaily ' w)ii,;!ii knt will be the raise. I iiil It couldn't be cold ' I 'ilfA . &) gripped the city in the afternoon ' eon became the bride of Mr. j nl evening, and again packed , Wtlas-M- Har-a.l E.;ex. I The straight look may not die I'l'ily In Kotth America, he.c LONLXiN, 'CP- Are you won-! "ipervUd by him. wi!l oe on (irrms how the flapper lo of al" l" H'itih stores starting 1:- the First Baptist Church to ca !' . !! r G. Eiett: o'i;:: a rnii.thu o.ernjin.. ; w.i-.utl iDuk on jou? I. so. :bruary. Mn.-t ol them a.e it oec-nr pacity. Pa.stor Fred Antrobus lead the song service. Hymns Intlud-ed "The Church's O te Founds. del wiutcii hete will scarcely tioli.-c t. pj v..n,4. A a Lst '.c; j ' relax C!i!:Un Dior lms done .t mosiified version of the Ne Matii. 'Look, which may mean thai 1 walked hmskiv along mi with the 30-riulc-fu-l wind biowi lit 111 and ll-degrce above mi.'"" htin lee UK'' r a hike. : .Amu nt going for a ui; worn in Lo.i.ion is fUU o.l-' ion t Jesus Christ her Lcrd" he nappe; iXk w deail. Iluy i'i e.l from 30 Kulneajs Ij i - d 1(10 Theres never a worry about or body hen flavor or color Every can Carnation, vou use . t:,;..n ,liv euarantceJ- , z, a V , i " -jr. : h ' - - ft '..Vv'-Y" .; r v Xtt ' V ' 7 - ' '.nfu.'Y vi)5v- '. 1 I. 1 " " j . . . K . A . ,' !,!- . -v 5 j r ' . c J , V:4 1 u i v J I 1 . ' . ' " ' ' . ..' .- t ' ?"- I V .i , Sr. I', M '' nti'uuy ni ui oraw a.ienuou. -Bipsged Assurance Jesus is The Savoy j-how was regarded Mine." fa.shlj.1 event of the firs.' a.s a R(.V(.r,.Ild Lawr.n-e Sieber of magnitude. Strict precaution.-- Vniu.d churcn sald the were taken asainst gate-crasit- pray.r era. The f j--i:iu:iab'e audnncf , . khn rlennet plan a real a ted. Miss Thompson is the tlde.it i daughtc of the late Mr. and! Mr-i. John Tliomp on. pioneeisj of C 'dtirvaie. Mr. Essex is 3 1 well-known CNIt conductor. -i Attendants of the cridal p3rtt 1 were Mr. J. Fea-by, wha gave: tne bride away; Mrs. Eani Haap;ia of Victoria, sister v' J the bride, who wt.s matrnn of , honor, and Mr. Donald Thomn-; son of Cedarvale, brother of the i The dapper r niichtoatt, who shook the fasiiion wrld In 1B1T ftlth the New Look. .nre more einpiKinKrs sanr. Tins u mane rl ur in a IVremoer ,".how- tn at I ii-'lin Kavoy hutei ai exi.ib!i.li winch llicijentalh iu tt.e !i t i!bp!ay of Dior di-h'W. pupaied px.'liileiy km he BritlMi market, n.r in 1. sii'Wi;, iiia.U' i:i linLUIlU!'" " c . IT'S ir. vmir presenwu a vo Get Carnatioo included film star Vivien Leigh1 .....t OMi: M HS Die return cf fa.ihu.-iv. ol tlu-New Look type will be welcome tor women wh-jM' heitslit or HKure doe not with caii-hugglng skirts or barrel Jacket. 7 hey call probably plan aliioxt for the Conmatton In the ex- cal solo, "Have Thine Own jml Mri Anthony Eden. i, iti to try out skis Mi Kir't Ni Yi-ar r - has barkflrcd already ,i.--d no' to forget his ys in l'J '3 but w hen he prepared tn leave fur i:c!ay he discovered lie ALWAYS GOOD! i Wav " Mrs Frank Anfild nre- For the .lining Coronation : sid,,d at ,h rj f()r al tho were dreMs for: seaon nitre very o-rajtion. trulplurc'. grace- singing accompaniment. The world wide Universal Week of Prayer, jijxinsored by : the World Council of Churches' bride, as groomsman. Many friends of the newly-j weds called at the Feasb htme MAKE THIS 7 DAY TEST iof ju,t one ut-ek. e Cufm,n Milk r fU .( nu, treunt brtnd jr-ncW Everyone ds hud XMAS AT MILLER BAY lie anil Dune was forced u i' II viii"'iHie he km w I .as,A. -;-1 ! .. . '. 1 ) otrse in to lite and its various national af filial- where oeiicious reiresnmenu ; ed coumiis, continues tonight i wre served after the ceremony.; with the tonic. "The Province of ; HighUjht of the evenir.-r was "13' . . .....I ibate me" lul and fiowln? Designs weie rltgant and eay ta wer. Travel roals had width and no cohars, i veruitg gowns were lon.j aiid :. 't on. l h had Miap.i-.! tops. la.ijrei suit. nad easy fuU-nesa. with neatly-waWeci jacket ilippniii at tne back. Ja kei had Once you fl.ilr he (I .- leu home for jh , to Im s, up for the Jroyer." based on the words .the cutting of the three-tie wedding cake by the brit'e an.'- They Kingdom come. Thy wi'l thMao die croom. be done Oldest Resident .mail r-'.uiii collars, r juno-a i ahnahlera and a geiu-ral sleeve ; en"th of wven-eiijhtlii. - Fiuy.j. TLMSDALE. PEL O -- Alex Fred E, Dowdie OPTCMETPslST Room 10, Prone BuiidUig Hhoiie Blue 5'J3 piece of material made u; Ih. s.sirt of a Uu.v mat reiaiiicd tlv straight look despite ii.s XuHnc-a i. lipp'a.ccl to be arcorilio. .i.alcd ander Cam ron celebrated hi.s I lOi.-sf birthday or. Christmas Day. He enjoys good health, goes tor a ahort walk every clay and cut, kiiuhiiis wood for the! family. i it- i.jft.-fc, ,a,.,i - rlAV M ''urn ,.i.i,r ft L I ' .ji- - ' s 1 aMa. rea m.k. any d;ff-t i nr Itrrkrr lii-!;i r H ratns. r b!o. he's out curly -.riiings at the drill Re- ie noise (ruin the fite a id the pneini aWc orl!l or the city ball Mawl- Mr ) '.!! IM.' - hear replies of i-iui:ii I' lu p. li'f ro ut ' !.' in i, t . the new til-" be I li (lived .l0 rty iiwucrs. (irurge Itihb 'o'I'i h (n't i,( ijeoolc e p-nlom of mneiie i . hut no i.m tuoeM b' In Harry Hatfrtt'ii ri-tlit now. e.i- tlv (I i vf'i.b a to 'h jiriwiti he bet story urue or tirimr tlie e. l,aiir n( 'he Christmas partv So i I ELECTRBC COOCCG takes care of the job even when you're out of the kitchen! I ! 1 jLoohfos the I I I famous E3 red bottle 9 Conrad Lulled Kindiriwrtsn epens Monday. Jan. 12. "p tS Card party. Jan 12. St. ettir's Hall. Cribb ge. whist bp-1 bridge 50 cents. 8 p.m. Ui St. Aii'.irtw 's ta.iHH , M it's Club meeting 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. Jan 7, V O Carpenters tnum Meeting Wednesday. 8 p.m. Fr:u.er Stre -t. Business imjKirUinl '5 9 Canadian Legion card party tonight, 8 o'clock. Legion auditorium. lt' Attention all Yacht Club tueiiib"!!., hidii s included Lectures on navigation every Thursday, commencing Thursday. : Jan. R at 3 p.m. Navy Annex. 161 hare Kaiiriirit a id Fred 1 i' received the belt at t hr Iiii.i Iiisiii H ;,s a tip '! f . .rci eiiiltthfiiffl mMr,-" he sioiv of the fhav. ' (I il.v and Kred t,)i(j -'on I 111" litonkev. Rim-in the cuntc-i via.. Rip :h li s siorv of the pitl " "rlers In h- r hair ''mr ir.ns; 'ecc it fjv.ii ' U" .liihiimiii, Jli.t Kn ll'Hiertsiin and John ere liilttutcd aiid date ''"'ullatloii of offjceri lotinreri as Kcb 11 7 rratiy fr another I ld Kvan iiiut Inn h ITS FAST! Completely insulated oven speeds the cooking. Heat is applied directly to bottom of surface utensils. IT'S AUTOMATIC! Slip a meal in the oven, set tinier and temperature controls. Your electric cooker will cook to a nicety, turn itself off whin the job's done. !CSt .km iiawniiiiKwi J ... Gifts For Veterans LET H BRIDGE, Alta. r-Honicccming Korean veterans hi re are prese ited with identi-fii atio.i bracelets by Mayor A. W. "Shack! lord ott behalf of Le'h-tvrlde eillyens. SNT. ALSO tame to 15-year-old Ivy Hall of Kitlmal as Prince R ipi-t Kinm n .swun. ed over Miller Bay Indian Ilospdal hortlv before C.iri. tmas for their annual good cheer campaign. Ai' wii.ct: In the hospital, five miles from Prince Rupert, wer? decorated by the patients 170 of th"in-ranging In at;es rom one to 00. fr1 till ttllll Vr.,,1 A,l ATTENTION ELKS! OtNERM. MEETING Thursday, 8 p.m. at the ELKS' HOME ' v Su.'iiiiv ()(r Vancoti-iiimwi nnnunl iiic-l-lie Truck LonKer A-s.so-f'red was weretarv of '-latum for 10 year b-:i K Coluinl)!;, Cellnliv :ys ami iji't. T:il bti.sti e IJsk(t( llt n,-r: ,.r,c,, 'he Prince Rupert wh'eh mo"ih,.t. htin''liic r; ' vx 'i DM:, y' ; !v;i the New Year li'jht with a quality A-l Used Car or Truck "ouir Klrvpnnn hack i Test Drive of anv of the f fl he soeel-tl hospiUtl as- owing talxilon will convince 'ti mc-tlng in V vou that we do sell better usvd incoti. ;i. - a IT'S ACCURATE! Every switch setting gives same amount of heat every time. No fluctuation. tlllC Of the 411. n.n, IT'S CLEAN! No combustion. No soot. No grime. And no waste heat. Kitchen walls and curtains stay cleaner. r'He Com ! u i i... . "H wnt througli the iceT booking Now. For Hawaii - Bermuda Mexico Far February and March Accommodation , " I'O Hi S I) .. 1.1 In from li,.... ..r.. P''s ter of the fiunous na- ats a id trucks. ;114 I'lymnutli Sella n Jus; tlu car f-r the family $!l'!5 ! lfl."0 Kurd Kenlors Everything to be desired in motoring pi; asm o. Your choice ut S18'!5 TKlt ii MARKET 1!I4 3-Tonner, complete Willi flat deck S6M i!H9 J-Tmi. 17fi" W B. A very useful truck SI'Ma Call in at "Thv Home of f'rle'iri'v Service ' for n rottr- "' i wtnci, Participated ill ?"': here lun s..t..u... in,,., " : .. '""' ITS ECONOMICAL, too, and REALLY MODERN! Average cost of electricity for medium sized family, using electric range, water heater, lights, etc. runs to about $2.00 a week. Llcctric cooking is modern cooking at its cleanest, easiest best. See the new models today ill , o"i -uenerar ft Ma.-.sev. "r Piincp n . . vsl- ii...... ., - ""i" .... nrnt...... . , iiuw man 11 II" !... 11 rccupcrii,i ,Am va H Oliver v h,.,-,, hr '" "II for y.i.i; If! . I-.- .!.... .... I 11. left I " 'II CII10. Ill leuus demon tratiou of a'iy of the above nnd many more to choose from. Bob Parker Ltd. Phone S3 "Tlie H'Uiio of Prl.-iiillv S.rvUf" i r v.,,,.... .. CtUOMW.Ml U .... ..iivi- . no ii v rscw Year's while Mrs, V and their two sons, "d John motored to the PIC EYES of Dol.aUl Price, nine-year-old patient of Fort St. Juiiilm, behold 8anta as the "most liked man" makes his tour through all Hie wards with gifts and words of good cheer, while mcml'trs rt the Ktifwen Clttl: a-vl-Med. The Complete Travel Service ' . s.